Lost: Black And Tan German Shepherd Dog Female In South West (SN15)

  • Dog ID 64109
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 03 Feb 2014
  • Name OTTIE
  • Gender & Breed Female German Shepherd Dog
  • Age Adult
  • Colour black and tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 02 Feb 2014
  • Where Lost ran away from paddock in Startley, Chippenham, Wiltshire with pointer Purdey who is also registered
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN15
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By nadiotis
  • Views 7820
  • OTTIEPoster Image
  • OTTIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Wow, confusion.com !!! Just in case owner or Admin are checking this post, a female GSD has been found near birmingham, by Ben Brittain. Unsure if authorities know anything. Worth checking nadiotis or Admin
I am confused...as others are. Are these 2 reunited ( back with their owner) or still missing ? Please respond nadiots or DL admin
Sorry I am still confused ,can you confirm if they are they both still missing please x
I've tried phoning and have text the phone number a link to two dogs seen Chippenham last night, one a GSD. No reply so hope they got it
Sighting of two dogs one defo Gsd last night bear M4 Chippenham on Doglost South West facebook page ! (Photo taken by passer by)Last edited: 2015-01-29 10:17:30 by Reynard
Any updates on these two big dogs that have disappeared?
...Soory confusion all sorted...They went missing a couple of weeks before...

I did think ot odd as we have shared and rtweeted them all this time and nobody had said but least they are now back in the first bit here too.

Will cross check better next time xxLast edited: 2014-10-13 13:22:59 by Seeks
Maybe they are both safe but not with owner.....bit confusing.though to be honest doesnt take much for me to be confused lol .........hope we have positive news on these 2 x
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Strange that Seeks was told this but at least they are both now back in the lime light. Hope to hear more later.
Contacted owner for confirmation and they have just text me back to say both dogs are STILL MISSING.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
The bump date is the date that we found both dogs wereback at home, not the date they were actually reunited. So hope they are still safely where they belong.
Apparently both these dogs were home within a short period of time of being missing
no Seeks nothing very odd :(
Is there any news on these two beautiful girls? x
lynn cawood
there is a dog found on fb that looks like this one.
Hope there will be news of them soon, and you get the call you have been waiting for.
Email update from owner to say ** not one ** sighting of either Ottie or Purdey since the day they went missing...
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
This link should show a pic of the 2 Aston dogs, are these the ones Elfiemoon?
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
There were 2 dogs on the loose in Aston, Birmingham last week, they didn't match ottie and purdey and we're also reunited, sadly one was clipped by a car and went to rainbow Bridge :-(

Nadiotis, if you look on purdey's doglost page I posted on there with Dylan's doglost number, please contact Dylan's owner for more info. I believe sighting was London Rd, Chippenham but he could find no sign of the sighted dog when he got there.
Thankyou Elfimoon but without knowing where you saw this sighting posted owner wont be able to follow up?

Nadiotis to follow up 'Springer' sighting look on Dylans page 63518Last edited: 2014-02-10 09:24:28 by Reynard
Two dogs matching the pictures as far as I can see have been sighted in Aston. I'm not sure where they mean, perhaps Bristol area maybe? Hope it makes sense to you. Good luck. I so hope you find them both...xLast edited: 2014-02-09 22:58:17 by Elfimoon
no i haven't checked out the sighting because i don't know where to look. who actually saw this liver and white dog in chippenham. where do i find the info? thank you can you tell me more
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Did you check out the liver and white 'springer' sighting Chippenham that was reported to dylans owner? Very possible it was a pointer rather than a springer x
there is no news at all, not a single sighting since they disappeared, beginning to think they have been taken, as unlikely as it is that two large dogs would be taken.!!please get the word out as we have to get them back. we cannot believe that we have lost both of our dogs. thank you to everyone who is helping
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Any news on these two? xxx
sarah deBrion
Hi, am away at the mo, will call you tomorrow night to see how things are, happy to search for couple hours Saturday with my own dog. Perhaps if we started at the farm and checked the immediate farmland for any signs?
Posters being circulated to local towns, villages, pubs, petrol stns etc. Owner has informed local hunt who have sent out email alert to 500 recipients. Has again spoken with DW & relevant agencies. It would not be out of character for Purdey to try to get out of paddock, Ottie ‘a sheep’ would follow.. but no sightings. No calls to say they are worrying any livestock in area. Owner wonders if ‘picked up’ whilst out. Owner & helpers continue searching, getting word out, will speak with local media. Will be sharing more photos of Purdey. They are most grateful for the calls of support they have received.
Thankyou hudsondog for putting up the poster at wads wick, very much appreciated, it is nearly four days now, beginning to think they have been taken by someone
I've put posters of both dogs on notice board at Wadswick Country Store. Have you spread the word amongst farming & horse community? Good luck.
Dear Sarah
thank you very much for your offer of help. the dogs went from heath farm startley early on sunday morning if you could give me your phone number or ring me on 01249 720205 we could chat as i don't know where to even start looking?
sarah deBrion
I am in Little Somerford, could assist with searching on Saturday if that was helpful and if the dogs are not home before then (fingers crossed)? Where in Startley have the dogs gone missing from, and where are they usually walked so we can assist? Do they have any fave haunts?
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Shared on FB Wiltshire Spa area
Ottie is missing with Purdey:
Ottie & Purdey last seen together in their paddock at 8am Sunday 2nd Feb. At 9am they had gone. Purdey was wearing a dog fence collar but it may have come off. Her coat found in paddock where she’d been digging. Purdey is a busy girl, Ottie always stays close. Owners concerned as out of character, they both went missing on New Years Day (reported to DL) but returned home late evening. DW, Vets, Police etc informed, word has spread locally. Have encouraged owner to get posters up asap.
There has been no news or sightings of either of the dogs.
Refresh page to see both dogs.
Email alerts sent to postcodes SN11,SN12,SN13,SN14,SN15,SN16
Sorry to see that OTTIE is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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