Lost: Apricot Poodle: Toy Male In South East (EN1)

  • Dog ID 65036
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 22 Feb 2014
  • Gender & Breed Male Poodle: Toy
  • Age
  • Colour Apricot
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 22 Feb 2014
  • Where Lost In The Brackens,Enfield - he ran out of door
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area EN1
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Elaine
  • Views 3954
  • LUCKY  DEAF  BLINDPoster Image
  • LUCKY  DEAF  BLINDExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Any updates?
Phoned the vets I posted him on originally yesterday. They say not have or seen lucky. He is still on their missing lists.Also wardens Enfield/walthamforest are aware he still missing
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for your Lucky x
Any news or updates regarding Lucky please?
Do you have any news of lucky yet?
Just to say have search party on Saturday for Rufus missing in Enfield, we will be looking for lucky also and info will let you know
Any news of lucky.?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done! Glad to know he's known to them & they remember him.
Spoke to animal warden enfielf/w.forest yesterday about another dog and mentioned lucky. They have not picked lucky up, but are aware he is missing and have his details on file still. Will be at Enfield lock tomorrow, so will look for lucky
No news I'm afraid. Thanks for thinking of him.
Any news on little lucky
Please God that Lucky will be found soon. All xd.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay, you are doing great! Keep going with the posters. If this was Lucky at the Lock, he will pass this way again. This is part of his triangle, so make sure you keep posters up there. I am going to bump him up on here today, due to his disabilities.
If you need any help leafleting let me know I have bit spare time at weekend and am coming to Enfield to search for Rufus.
Did you contact the stray dog team Enfield. Council. Make sure you speak to someone. In person. We found out yesterday from D/w that she had received none of our dozens of emails about missing Rufus. Sorry if you already done it.
Thx all. The N21 sighting was actually at the weekend and sadly no sign of him yesterday and dog walkers etc asked hadn't seen him...so still looking. Thanks again!
What a worry. Hope dear little Lucky is soon home, safe and well xxx
Hope its him . Got to speak to warden today gave her the info on lucky .
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I am too far away to help, but am sending positive thoughts for a reunion soon.
Mardyscot, we spoke tot he lovely lady who reported 65258 lost dog sighted in N21 thanks
Hi Lucky is completely deaf and part blind. Mum postered and leafleted Enfield Lock yesterday and spoke to a boy who had seen a little white dog that looked lost. We've also spoken to the lady who put the lost dog sighted notice for N21 and mum is there now looking. Fingers crossed and thanks all. x
Someone told me this dog is deaf or blind or both, is that true? Thanks
Possible sighted/found dog 65258?
Have a look on found section there is a post for poodle type dog he is not caught. Dated 22nd,will be out later looking for Rufus of course we are all looking for lucky at same time. If you need any help let. Me know. Have you done all vets?
Just to add I contact network rail yesterday and informed them sighting of missing dog near level crossing (we are searching for Rufus there) they have logged the call!!don't think do track.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Elaine, how far is this from where Lucky was lost? Read the email I sent you - it could be part of a triangle? You need to scent (as per email instructions) - leave a trail away from crossing (don't scent that area at all! Just scent where this poodle sighting was) and away towards a safe place, or home if not across any roads etc. Lead scent to safe place with a poster up, an old blanket or jumper from home and food & water. Preferably in a sheltered area e.g. bushes, a safe garden, away from hub bub. A place to hide for a dog but a place where you can watch. Poster like mad! I mean hundreds! Poster all around the station and crossing and local area. This is how you get calls as people will know where the posters are and get your number. Come on Lucky, let's get you home sweetheart. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh gosh! Am bumping! Pls can people look for this dog - it may be Lucky! But can someone also check with the station! We need to act fast to make sure there is no dog on tracks. Get someone from station to walk the line if you can to check. Also log this with Network Rail. Hopefully, this little dog is safe and away from there, but please do check. Be careful of chasing the dog - we don't want him/her gong the wrong way! If this is a sighting of Lucky, owners need to get there asap. Thanks for info. Texting owner. x
Thank you we'll head up there x
Hi Cherrelle and Chris(Rufus owner) were told by a guy that a white poodle was seen in alleyway back of tesco bulls more plan yesterday late afternoon/evening. It was definitely a white poodle. He told them this when they approached him about their missing dog-bullsmore lane
No just small dog.sorry
Is there any info on what breed small dog? Is it def a poodle? Just want to check before we drive up there. Thank you
"Just got e-mail Cherrelle (Rufus) owner to say someone saw small dog in malvern road Enfield last night at 7. Cherrelle on way but also another missing dog lucky poodle missing same area,can you give info yo her owner as this place is about 20 yards from level crossing Enfield lock!"
I have text the owner on the number above to expedite their awareness. Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. Owner has replied 'thanks'. Last edited: 2014-02-25 10:02:28 by Bo
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Emailed advice.
Email alerts sent to postcodes EN1,EN2,EN3,EN4,EN7,EN8,EN9
Photo added ready for email alerts to go out please.
Text sent requesting photo.
Sorry to see that LUCKY DEAF BLIND is missing.
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