Reunited: Black And White With Tan Cheek Patches A Tan Bits Above Her Eyes Jack Russell Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 66781
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 30 Mar 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour black and white with Tan cheek patches a tan bits above her eyes
  • Marks & Scars You may think Jess is a chihuahua, as she has pointy ears, but she is a Jack Russell
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 29 Mar 2014
  • Where Lost The Meadow, Chartway Street, sutton Valance, Maidstone< Kent ME17 3JB
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area ME17
  • Date Found 15 May 2015
  • Where Found Watford. I am still not 100% aware of the circumstances, of how Jess was found but had a call from a vets in Watford to say that they had found Jess. I will pop more details on once I know, am just w
  • Found In Region South East
  • Date Reunited 15 May 2015
  • Other Info Jess is a very small Jack Russell, with very pointy ears, We just want Jess back home with us, where she belongs,
  • Listed By kate
  • Views 7369
  • JESS NEW INFOPoster Image
  • JESS NEW INFOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Just the best news! Welcome home Jess ....stay safe and forever close gorgeous girl xx
Brilliant news. Welcome home Jess xx
Wonderful news. Welcome home Jess.
Thank you so much for all your comments, had lots of help in the early days with Jenny and Tiga, Jess is thinner than when she went missing, I will pop some pictures up tomorrow, as we have spent much of the evening not quite believing she is home.Emmalou never give up hoping, I am just glad I had her chipped and the vets scanned her. Thank you everyone again xx
Amazing news, so happy to hear this xx
This is fabulous news so very pleased she has been found. Definitely gives me hope of finding my wilbur after just over a year of him being missing. Wonderful news. Lots of cuddles awaiting you Jess ! X Last edited: 2015-05-15 18:56:33 by Emmaloux
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
So, so happy for you. I'm sure that she will love being home again and hopefully she will recover from her ordeal with lots of tlc from you.
I hope she is ok, do let us know.
Would be lovely to have a reunited photo from you when you get the chance.
Well done having her microchipped and for never giving up your search for her.
Another dog home thanks to a microchip :)
Welcome home Jess! Last edited: 2015-05-16 04:01:25 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Wow, how amazing!!! Is she ok??? Another microchip and doglost success story
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
I cannot believe the call I have just had from Kate. I am so pleased for Kate and the rest of the family who walked many miles with me and Tiga tracking Jess until on one occasion when the scent stopped near home by the golf course and we then learnt by some passers by that they had seen Jees picked up in a white van. I am over the moon that more than a year on Jess is almost home. Can't wait for the reunited photos!
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED TO HEAR FROM KATE. This is fantastic news for everyone who has a long term missing dog. Welcome back young Jess, and no doubt there will be lots and lots of cuddles for you. Stay safe now xxxx
Hi could you do a bumper up please as it has been a year since jess went missing, cannot believe she is not home yet. Still miss her terribly and waiting for her return
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi Kate, one year on and we are still looking for Jess. Hope she is safe somewhere and will be home soon xx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just read a lovely story of reunited Pippi who went missing last November after apparently being picked up. So 11 months on she is now home. Never give up xxx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
still looking, every day on here and other sites. We are all still keeping an eye out. Horrid for you though x
6 months have gone by Jess, miss you every day, hurry home xx

DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Still keeping a daily lookout for your girl. So many JR's seem to find themselves lost, but nobody is giving up! xx
Thank you to everybody that is visit Jess's she has been gone for 5 months and is still missed every day hurry home Jess xx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Still keeping an eye on adverts and lost and found sites for the lovely Jess x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Here too. Good thing is she is microchipped so hopefully she will find herself at a vet before long and they will discover she is registered to you x
still looking for you jess xx
Hi everyone, the little JR everyone was hoping was Jess wasn't, a very close likeness, but 100 % not our Jess, so for us the hunt for her to be home where she belongs continues, please keep Jess in your thoughts, as she never leaves ours thank you Kate x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
All crossed here, please let it be Jess x
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Any news? xxx
Everything crossed that the one found and currently in vets is you Jess
owner checking at the vets now, as the finder is taking her there to check if chipped, hope they meet up & jess gets home safely xx
almost positive its her fingers crossed xxx
just seen a fb find, quiet possible its her x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Will tweet this new info and pray she is found safe x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
email from owner...

Some new information has come to light, that a couple actually saw Jess being picked up outside of our neighbours house, on April 12th , by a man in a white transit style van, the man was in his 30s, and had a female passenger in the front seat, this has been reported to Kent police, crime no is available if required. Is it possible that we can rebump jess with this new information

Hi Springermad, unfortunately no more sightings, but we never will give up, just hope she is warm and ok, the weekends give me the time to go on bigger walks and more so we live for the weeks, re-telephoned al the vets during this week to keep it fresh in minds, thank you for asking, hoping soon I will move from this section to found and reunited xx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have there been any more sightings in your local woods.
1 month has passed since you, went on your adventure, still looking for you xx
Hi all, still concentrating on the woods in kingswood, with the help of all the locals, we hope and will have Jess home soon, please keep us in your thoughts thank you xx
Bumped due to sighting.
Hi all, busy couple of days out in the woods at kingswood, after a report of hearing a JR barking in a cul de sac, and then a sighting only to be spoked by 2 larger dogs, please everyone keep yours eyes opened, and we shall soon have Jess home. X
Hi Kate. My Jack Russell has almost been missing now for a week from Bluebell Hill Woods area by Harps Farm. The area is vast and covers a huge area. I am not sure if it stretches to where Jess was lost. Ring Jasmil Kennels to, twice daily. Morning and after 2pm. They recently had a Jack Russell taken in but unfortunately it wasn't mine or yours. Their telephone number is 01795 393014
Hello Again, thank you to everyone that is looking out for Jess, WE do appceciate all the help, i do hope she will be found soon, and home in the nice warm of her house, with a very happy little girl

this is Jess's like, help us bring her home!!!!!Last edited: 2015-05-16 03:59:55 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Kate can you put facebook link on here so can check for updates as still unable to find it.
Best time to walk is dawn and dusk. Doe she have a favourite toy that squeaks ..if so use that as well as softly calling her name.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for your baby xx
Please keep Jess in your minds, i know the weather has turned rainy, can you please check anywhere that has shelter( under cars, in car ports,) anywhere to get her out of this rain, both myself and my daughter are going to be walking kingswood this evening, thanks
Thank you Springermad, it is just so hard so know she is still out there trying o get home x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I'm sorry you have not found Jess in time for your little girls birthday. I hope you manage to have a nice day anyway, and the search will continue xx
Hi everyone, today is 1 week since Jess has been missing, please can you still keep her in your minds and keep your eyes peeled for her, tomorrow is a birthday in our home but all my daughter wants is Jes home. So please keep a look out for her thanks,
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
email to owner with a few more suggestions - I have spoken to staff at the golf course just local to home they will advise ground staff plus alert golfers.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Great that you have a facebook page for Jess. I am not a facebook person, too confusing! But I know it is a great way to spread the word.
Woofer, that is really helpful to know about the barking and other plaes to put posters.
I have just checked the lost and found on site and cannot see Jess listed on there? Would be a good idea to get her on that site too.
F/B contact heard small dog barking and running about last night approx 10.00pm in the Ivy Close area of Kingswood - but too dark to identify it. We drove round and walked in the woods at Charlesford Ave, through to the playing field - but no sign (and again this morning). I have spoken to some peeps in one of the houses directly next to the woods at Charles Ave entrance, but they haven't had any sightings at all. We could hear a small dog barking at long distance, but couldn't get bearings as in woods/dark). I would definitely get Lost posters to Chegworth, Fairborn Heath, Ulcombe and maybe Plattsheath. It might be worth you going out late (in the dark) just to listen, as it's so quiet and the sound carries for miles at night... you might be able to recognise her bark.
Last edited: 2014-04-04 09:25:23 by woofer
Hi Springermad, My daughter has made Jess a facebook page if you locate it we can had you as friends it is Jess the lost dog. Thank you I have shared her pictures with people I know, thanks
Done, and tagged my friend who lives very close to there. It is possible that she has wandered through the woods/down the path towards Ulcombe, Chegworth or Platsheath by now... it would probably be worth sticking up a few Lost posters in those villages. I've been asking all around Kingswood, and haven't found anyone who's seen her... but I'll have another look around that part again tomorrow.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Great news about the sighting. Is anyone out there in the Maidstone and surrounding area who could share this on their facebook please?
Bumped due to recent sighting.
I had a phone call from a gentleman saying that he say a dog matching Jess's description on sun/mon at the entrance to the woods at the end of charlesford ave kingswood.
Still not found our Jess, please keep your eyes open, she has been out there for 5 nights, please please help us bring Jess home
It's Dustbin Day today (Thursday) in Kingswood... might be an idea to ask the Dustmen to keep an eye out for her. Hope you find her soon.
Try contacting the Broomfield & Kingswood Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, to spread the word.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I've sent you a text.
Hi Springer mad, yes put up posters, popped poster through the doors of houses in our road and surrounding roads, call Viking Oak daily, shedisappeared out of our garden,not had any luck with speaking to anybody from leybourne, just not answering, called vets, boarding kennels, every thing i can think of doing we are
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Also RSPCA at Leybourne. (just trying to think of all the places worth calling)
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have you put posters up around the area and called all the vets and boarding kennels? Maybe try viking oak. Did she disappear from home or out on a walk somewhere?
Hi I am Jesse's owner, please can you look in all your shed, garages, Saturday and Sunday where really lovely days, My 9 year old daughter is heartbroken, it is her 10th Birthday on Sunday all she wants is Jess home PLEASE help us.
circulating on twitter...JESS Young Tri Col JR MISSING #SuttonValance #Maidstone #Kent #ME17 #lostmydog Plz RT
Twitter requested.
Email alerts sent to postcodes ME14,ME15,ME16,ME17,TN27
Text sent requesting photo.

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