Reunited: Mink And White Cross Breed Female

  • Dog ID 69962
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 05 Jun 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Mink and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 05 Jun 2014
  • Where Lost Harlow Essex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM18
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info 9 months old Chow pom
  • Listed By AlisonH
  • Views 7403


Sightings and Information

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Fantastic news xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Perri, I am so very, very glad Millie is home. She might be a little traumatised at times or with situations, but hopefully not. I wish I had been given the full information as it is possibel we coul dhave got her home sooner. This is one of the places I told you about at the start. Liz Green you were obviously the key to getting Millie home - thank you! If you ever find yourself in a similar situation again, please, please let us on DogLost know, as well as the owner. You are a gem! Welcome home little Millie!
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Welcome home beautiful girl xxxx

Again we have renewed hope of finding our girls.............

Thank you doglost xxxx
Liz Green the police were informed and went to the property and they denied having her. They have kept her hidden and out of site. The last sighting the police were again unable to locate her but did add to the owner a flag if stopped to search for the dog. They are unpleasant people and it was best left in the police hands.
Amazing. I am so pleased for you and Millie. What a terrible ordeal it has been for you. But you must be over the moon now. xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Such Happy News that Millie has been found and reunited!
Another Great Happy ending :D
Welcome Home Millie!
I am slightly confused on this one??? I informed the police and the owner approx 6 months ago, as to where Millie was and even gave them the exact address, so an unsure why it has taken this long for anyone to find her??Last edited: 2016-09-29 14:10:18 by Lizgreen
This is wonderful news. Am so happy for the owners Well done to Essex police. Doglost amd the very imprtant microchip.. The ow ners, and dog must be ecstatic to be reunited with their pet. Now back where she belongs. Was she with the theif when found or was she sold on? Hope she is okay?

She recognised us instantly and has settled back in wonderfully. Just need to get her checked over at the vets as I don't think she has had any care from a vet for the time she has been missing
Great update. Welcome back to your rightful home. X
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
What good news, thanks once again to Essex Police. Did Millie recognise you?
She was with the people she was sighted with and thanks to the vigilance of the police officer who dealt with us last time they were arrested and she was scanned and returned to us last night x
how amazing and wonderful and thanks to microchip and also the wonderful tream - but i would love to know far more about how/where/who she was reunited....
What wonderful news - xx
wow, thats amazing news, well chuffed for millie and your family, where was she found? Is she well? x
Wonderful news. Essex police have just brought her home to us
Kimmybear is the Area coordinator and has offered help.
Admin, owner may need some support here
Sighting again, at the place as before police made aware and are following up. She may be just around the corner from us.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Perri, I didn't see this info - please can you let me know what's going on. We can talk to police for you as they now work with us. I will contact you. x
Millie has now been reported as stolen and the police are looking into the matter
Perhaps someone from doglost needs to have a word with the police, but I think there will need to be some evidence
Possibly in a house around the corner but my son has been round there and told the police and they don't seem interested
Still thinking about my gorgeous girl
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We are still seraching for Millie at DogLost.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Perri, I have had to hide your comment for safety reasons. It is still visible to Admin.
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I've changed the photo. Reload or refresh to view.
Any news on Millie??????????????????????????????????????
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Perri, take a look at Jack's page CM18 - now in the blue reunited tab. This is what you are up against. You really need to get some posters up, hundreds even, to ensure your chances of getting Millie home do NOT diminish. 35,000 dogs have got home when owners do as we suggest. Dogs really CAN get home. Look at what Jack's owner faced. You can do this too! For Millie.I am offering to meet with you and show you what you need to do to get Millie home. Please let me know if you'd like that. Thanks. x Last edited: 2014-08-24 10:10:50 by Maggie
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
In fact, owner, if you email me privately I can come and meet you and we can discuss some things to do. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner can you re-read my email and tick everything off, one by one. There are suggestions if she has been taken by undesirables. You should have my private email addy so you can use that too if you need. If you have checked with Essex Highways and Harlow cleansing depts and postered all around Staple Tye, you now need to work on making her too hot to handle. Plaster the shopping centre and if you have reward on the poster you may, just may get a call. Re-read my email on how to deal with calls. If you have trouble logging on site call Admin on 0844 800 3220. You really need to make Millie way too hot to handle and very quickly. Come on Millie, where are you? x
Glad one dog has been reunited, Millie is still missing and is all across facebook and other Harlow focused sites. I will try and get more posters printed. I am having extreme trouble logging in to your site and have to reset my password every time I try and log in.

Millie escaped through an open gate while my eldest son was washing his car. She has escaped prior to this but neighbours and lovely people of Staple Tye have always called to reunite her with us. We have only recently moved here and Millie is not familiar with the surroundings.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have spoken to Dog Warden - thank you. Owner, I'm sure not what pestering means in your post? If you mean postering, this is how you make the public aware and Harlow Council has not, as yet, made any objections to missing pet or people posters. Business flyposting is not allowed. We do really need some posters up and I feel you really need to make your little girl famous to get the best chance of locating her. We are all here to assist. Did you receive the email and attachments I sent? Can you tell us exactly where and how Millie disappeared? Thanks.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Sorry it wasn't your beautiful girl ....Rosie is home safe so we refocus to find your Millie xx
sorry heard wrongly, the running dog has a lead attached to collar, not harness. I did put that in the first place, but was sure owner said it was a harness so put that information in ,only to find out later i must have misheard. sorry for misleading people..
Just to let everyone know this is not the same dog that has been sighted running with a lead attached to his harness. The owner rang me today and at first we thought could be same dog,although Chris had seen the dog running and said she did not think it looked the same when she spoke to me on the phone. About half hour later i had another call from a lady called Shirley who had lost her jack russell cross, called Rosie, from pittmans field who was wearing a harness and red extending lead attached. This was about 5pm . So sorry Wayne for the mix up, did try to phone you to explain, but no answer. But i do hope this make it clear to people we are now looking for two dogs.Thanks, and please any helpers out there please poster your areas as these two dogs could be anywhere now.
Just to let you know that pestering carries a fine if not prosecution unless a license is held. Hence why targeted vets police station and local shops as well as members of the public in the vicinity of where she was lost. Please keep your eyes peeled.
Thank you all, apologies had trouble logging in. I have notified everyone mentioned below and also contacted the sighting.
Tx Hazel!
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I have sent an email to Millie's owner to have a look at this Found sighting :)
New post on found dogs - small brown dog sighted Long Ley, Harlow with flexilead attached: 70177
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Did Millie have a harness?.....see under found: sighted 70177
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for Millie....hope this little pup is home soon xx
circulating on twitter..MILLIE Mink Chow/Pom Puppy MISSING #Harlow #Essex #CM18 Plz RT
Dog W Harlow
Kimmybear, still no luck with sending you an email. I will try again later.
just to let you know that a 'certain group' have moved, some are back by the Pinnicles and some are by Toddbrooks Vets.
I had a look around today as well and didnt see a single poster!!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DW - Sorry! My fault.
Silent Paws - Area Volunteer, Essex
As there are a couple of Missing dogs in Harlow, if the owners liaised with each other, they could poster a greater area, if they each put up posters for both dogs. They would also be support for each other at this time x Other missing dogs is Jack SBT CM20
Dog W Harlow
Kimmybear im unable to contact you on that email. do you have another??
Suggest contacting Stewards School - potentially lots more eyes to look out for her. Lister House Surgery might be worth a visit too. I've shared on Twitter (@Elliebee62) and will tweet everyone I can think of who might RT.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owners are sorting posters - the feel someone has her. But we can't be sure. Any helpers pls contact owner for support. Thank you. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Dog W Harlow - I lost your contact details! Thank you for checking in here. If you are able, pls email me at I sent an email to Contact Harlow a while ago bit I'm guessing they didn't pass it on to you. I am also concerned whether a certain group of people is still at the Katherine's location? I am hoping not as this is adjacent to the CM18 post code.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Yes, that's correct. Thanks Mimsmum. Got in a panic there :-) x
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
Just to confirm that the Dog Warden now covers all areas, including pest control, and the number given is environmental health, who then inform him.
Dog W Harlow
Harlow still has a dog warden. Leodog has the correct number.
As far as I know there is still a dog warden. The phone number is 01279 446111
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
When did Harlow lose the Dog Warden, Mimsmum?
Emailed owner.
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
Don't forget to ring the Council and inform them tomorrow. We don't have a Dog Warden in Harlow, but Pest Control who deal with everything. You have to ask for them when you ring the Council offices. The police don't deal with lost dogs anymore, but sometimes a friendly police officer on duty at the station will tell you if someone has rung in with a find. Holding kennels are at Old Harlow.
Email alerts sent to postcodes CM16,CM17,CM18,CM19,CM20,CM21

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