Reunited: Grey Cat Male
- Dog ID 74080
- Status Reunited
- Registered 25 Aug 2014
- Gender & Breed Male Cat (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour grey
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 24 Aug 2014
- Where Lost Missing from new home in Sandford.
- Lost In Region South West
- Lost In Post Area BS25
- Date Reunited
- Other Info
- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 1213
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2014-08-28 12:40 Sarah
- We are very relieved, thank you so much for posting his details, I really wish that all the others on your site get home safely, very best wishes x
- 2014-08-27 21:48 AlisonH
- So very pleased Jasper is safely home. thank you for the update Sarah.
- 2014-08-27 21:43 Sarah
- Pleased to say Jasper was caught this evening, thank you so much to Cat Protection for lending us a cage, he's currently asleep on my lap after a large helping of sardines! Thank you to Dog Lost for putting Jasper on the website.
- 2014-08-26 22:56 Sarah
- Jasper came into our garden at 8pm this evening, amazed and relieved he is still in area, tried to coax him no joy. Putting lots of food out and calling, will try to borrow a cage from Cat Protection tomorrow. Hope he stays nearby so that we have a chance of getting him. Currently in grounds of St Monica Trust Care Village behind us, will inform them in the morning. Been advised to do everything on his terms!
- 2014-08-26 08:28 Sarah
- Just going out again with flyers/posters, realised my mobile isn't on here, it's 07740 909499, if anyone has any advice I could really do with it, thanks.
- 2014-08-25 18:22 Sarah
- We've just put missing slips in surrounding houses, will target more properties tomorrow, very depressed to think he is going to spend another night out alone.
- 2014-08-25 11:42 Sarah
- Hello, Jasper is very new to the area and was last seen heading into St. Monica Trust Care Village from Roman Road in Sandford. He is very friendly, I have put my own flyers up and done some leafleting, if you can help me that would be so very much appreciated.
- 2014-08-25 11:34 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in BS24,25,29,40,49.