Lost: Black Collie Cross Female In South East (AL6)

  • Dog ID 81734
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 22 Jan 2015
  • Gender & Breed Female Collie Cross (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Pink Collar
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 17 Jan 2015
  • Where Lost Digswell area Near Welwyn North Station
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area AL6
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info POPPY HAS BEEN SEEN AROUND THIS AREA. PLEASE LOOK FOR HER! Dog walkers spotted a dog similar to Poppy in Burnham Green area, Near Welwyn and seen near A1000 between Digswell and Welwyn as well. PLEASE KEEP LOOKING FOR POPPY AS SHE IS STILL AROUND HERE.
  • Listed By Mark
  • Views 10237
  • POPPY  STILL LOSTPoster Image
  • POPPY  STILL LOSTExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostMichelle Area Volunteer-Hertfordshire
Check out 98660, handed in to hatfield police station, has a white chest but also a white paw which I don't think poppy has :(
shared again to my missing dog page on fbook
Just want Mark to know that we're all still on the lookout and always will be till she's home. We 'aint giving up!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Mark, can you try again with the posters? Put them again roudn where lost and where sighted. If "they" have her, she could escape and then be spotted. Give it another whirl. x
Thanks again, all for keeping things going. I have check the Facebook entries, and unfortunately they are not Poppy
The Facebook page this found one is posted on is https://www.facebook.com/groups/DOGSFOUNDMISSINGWILTSHIRE/?fref=ts
(the one found Tidworth - Collie x and with the wardens)
Please check this girl found today in Tidworth, Wiltshire, can't see if she has white on chest or not - https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t34.0-12/12308910_1159752134038321_626431275_n.jpg?oh=f0a1d2c1c738a30edcf29b4637bde83c&oe=565F8EE7

Was on facebook page - found dogs missing Wiltshire
Nana woofwoof
Just a thought for u I own border collies and we rescue them to.. I had one jump over our 6 foot fence and run. Couldn't find it for months until someone stated to catch a crazy collie, you need a crazy collie as they often let their guards down when spotting their own breed playing especially if they are scared!
It worked for me 8 months later she was home (fence has been raised to 8 ft now) but might give u something to think about X
I'm sure Poppy has been sold on by now, but I haven't checked any preloved Pet sites or Gumtree. I will have a look today. Thanks for the advise and thanks for keeping the search going xxx
Youre welcome, have been sharing here here on my page Missing Dogs London/Kent & UK
Just wondered is she on gumtree or preloved any of those sites
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Poppy will stay on here until she gets home. Many times dogs do crop up months later and they get matched up and home! x
Thanks x
Just to say that we're all still on the lookout and think of Poppy everyday. We're never giving up!! x
Hi Liz000, thanks very much for the heads up! Unfortunately, this is not Poppy. Thanks very much for helping to keep the fire burning. Please keep searching!! Thanks very much for your support Mark x
Hi i have been sharing poppy on my missing dog page via fbook, someone has suggested a dog on this website, 6th one down atm on there http://www.westendfarmkennels.co.uk/rehoming/listings Sorry not sure if markings and age may be right though, but pls check out incase
Mark, as I said before, there's not a day goes past when we don't think of Poppy and we will never stop looking for her. Until her return ..... Allison xxx
I had a lady call me saying she had seen a similar dog in Datchworth, when nI got to the lady she confirmed that the dog had been taken to its owner by the dog warden - The dog looked just like Poppy, but it was male!! Its sad that it was not Poppy, but I am so very Grateful that People are still looking for her. I am grateful for any sightings, even if they turn out to be false alarms. Thank you all so very much! x
On way back from holiday in Devon. Will update posters. Poppy still in forefront of our minds and we will continue the search until she's home! Allison xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You are doing so well, even though it may seem like nothing's happening much, it is. It always is. If feeding station has not been touched for many weeks, then you need to try another spot where Poppy had been seen. These collie types are so clever. Keep renewing posters. I have altered them a little so it shows public she is still out there. x
I run a lot around that area so constantly looking out for Poppy...I wish with all my heart that I will spot her.
Will be walking there tomorrow Mark so will scan the area, Allison x
I have spread Kebab meat and dog meat around Harmer Green Woods near the top of Turpins Ryde in case Popy smells it and comes out in the open!
I guessed as much xx
Thanks, ALfred2004. I meant to say in my last post "The Feeding station hasn't had any results yet."
Just to say that the search goes on daily - please rest assured that we will never, ever stop looking! xxx
Thanks Kimmybear! The Feeding station has had any results yet. I will email as many of the Vets in Hertforshire as I can tomorrow so they are aware of Poppy being missing and I willl request that they Scan the Chips of all dogs they see who may be Poppy!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You are doing great! Agree, you must persevere and you are. Boy is it hard?! But so worth it when your fur baby is back in your arms. Some dogs, like collies, are very clever and manage to survive in the wild for months. But, they really want to be back home with you. So, keep going Mark, you are doing well! She may be on another part of her triangle now so whether this takes days or weeks to go round, we don't know, so keep this up at a place you have a definite sightings. Poster heavily so you will get more calls. Great stuff! Come on Pops, Daddy is trying his hardest. xxx
Perseverance may be required! We'll be walking that way tomorrow so will (as always) be on the lookout x
Food I put down the other day has not been touched by any one! Scented again last night and left some of Poppy's old toys and bones, sprinkled some more dog biscuits in the viscinity.
Eyes are always peeled Mark - fingers crossed xx
I have just been to the Woods at Harmer Green/Whores Wood area and created a Feeding Station which may get her out if she's there. I have left a Red Polo shirt soaked in urine and a big lump of dog food to intise her out. If you see the station please do not touch it! I also left a trail of "Scent" and small dog buiscuits (bakers complete) back down in to Digswell close to where she went missing. So please keep your eyes peeled as from now! Thanks Mark
.Last edited: 2015-03-09 15:10:06
Hi Alfred2004 good to catch up and thanks to you and everyone with your amazing help. It would be really good that if this is Poppy rather than run the risk of chasing her out of where she is potentially hiding, sightings are updated at a safe distance. The owner can then get down there and try coax her out. having items of clothing or toys with scent on as Mark has done will def help. It is also right that her name is not called out. If you were in the situation at the time that she was near to you, crouching down very low with soft voice throwing treats to see if she will come near, but no eye contact. If she not prepared to dont push it just let her feel safe. Mark I have tried to call if you see missed number that is me , will try later need to speak to you. x
I will be walking in the area later today and tomorrow morning - can the Dog Warden/Dog Lost team give tips on how to proceed should anyone see Poppy? I've heard it's best not to call out?? Advice please. Many thanks.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx to all...go team Poppy! please share if you know anyone in this area!
FYI... the sighting was at 12.30-1pm Sunday Afternoon!
This is near to my stomping ground ...... will immediately make all other dog walkers/owners aware.
Dog WardenDog Control East Herts
Do we know what time the sighting was, owner needs to go out before light and after dark. Dogs in flight tend only really surface when no one is about looking for food.
The Helper had a sighting of Poppy in the Lockley's Wood/Harmer Green Woods/Whores Wood area, around the area of the Railway tunnels near to Turpins Ride, Oaklands, Welwyn. I Spent a couple of hours searching on Sunday 8th March, but had no further sightings. I will continue to search the area. I have left some old clothes in the vacinity, so she may smell them and hopefully re-appear!
circulating on twitter.........POPPY Black Collie Cross SIGHTED http://bit.ly/1x7l2es #Burnham Green area, Near #Welwyn #AL6 Plz RT
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Possible sighting today by a helper ...Turpins ride side of Harmer Green Woods near the Welling track.
Twitter alerts requested.
I was pleased to see the article too - quite reassuring.
New 'Reward' posters will be going up tomorrow and over the weekend. People seem to have their awareness raised when they see the word 'reward' !!
Thanks Barney and Ozzie's Mum for this article. If Poppy is there, the police will be in touch! But I like this article as it shows, hopefully, that the Police are concerned with stolen dogs! Thanks
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
just seen this on facebook - might be worth a look x
have shared on facebook and twitter
I have added Poppy's microchipo number to DogLost Site. but she'll have to be found for it to be of any use.
Kim, I will add posters as per your text. No one has called be recently. Does Hazel want to try again?Last edited: 2015-02-17 12:33:57 by Mark
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Mark I've got the triangle! Its brilliant! Okay, I think Hazel may have rung you? I will email you also. If that is a posibility, you need to make hre too hot to handle. And we need helpers on board. You have my email addy, please us eit whenever you need to. Helpers please share Poppy on facebook far andwide and twitter. Mark, if you think it spossible call police. But remember collies are vey clever at living and hiding in the wild. So we keep looking as well. x
Rest assured Mark - we won't stop looking!
Kimmybear, what do we do if Poppy has been stolen and kept out of sigh? Please give me an email address so I can send you my triangle. Thanks
I have added a map of Poppy sightings I have marked the sighting 1,2,3 and 4. 1 A1000 reported to police 1am 18th Jan. 2 Possible sighting by dog walkers 18 th jan afternoon. 3 Birchall roundabout sighting, A414 end of Cole Green Lane. 4 Moor's Walk Shops in Panshanger. Have Scented Panshanger and Digswell. Put posters up in Haldens offering Reward,residential(Margery Wood where known dog thief lives!) no response to reward posters. Poppy is still missing, Lets keep looking for her!!!! Many thanks for all your help and support
Does this mean poppy has been found?? Oh i hope so??
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DW that is fab. Thank you! Looking good then. Keep safe Pops, Daddy is coming for you. x
Lewis Tyler & Son's Fencing, located on the Hatfield Park Estate, have today put up posters both in their premises and along the Estate footpaths. This is near to Cole Green/Birchell/Holwell roundabout area.
Ginnys Mum
Drive along A414 daily to work and am keeping a look out. Will call in garden centre at Cole Green with poster (if there isn't one there already)
I have been in Suffolk for few days so have been out of loop but will be putting more posters up in Digswell/Burnham Green/Tewin area (Tewin may be good call as only 5 mins drive from Panshanger). Also people still keeping eyes peeled for Cole Green, Birchell/ Holwell roundabout area which isn't far. We 'aint giving up!!!
I found this one but am doubting it but feel I need to post across anyway - it's on a Pets Located listing, found CB2 which is about 25 miles from where lost (I think) so likely too far. Anyway, this is the link - unfortunately no photo Female black medium-haired dog found in Sawston (CB2) on 9th February 2015 http://www.petslocated.com/found-pets-list.php#.VNouP_msU9I
Last edited: 2015-02-10 16:15:08 by Sarah
Dog WardenDog Control East Herts
A definite triangle kimmybear. When were these sightings and where was the last one - burnham green?
circulating on twitter.........POPPY Black Collie Cross MISSING http://bit.ly/1CKCU5O #Digswell #ColeGreen #Panshager #BurnhamGreen #AL6 Plz RT
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Requested twitter. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Can someone plot the sightings? We had the place where lost, Digswell, we have Cole Green and Panshager and also that possible one in Burnham Green. Are we getting any kind of triangle? x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This could well be her, we have to pursue all avenues and whaever stay dog it is needs to be found. Poppy's owner said we had a sighting in Panshanger and he is out there now postering. PLEASE can we have helpers to get word out withposters atthe sighted locations asap. There seems to be very few helpers in this area??? Thank you. x
update from Facebook- apparently dog seen was more like a Shetland Collie/sheepdog????? but you never know- Poppy may well look smaller or a bit different now after being missing for all this time.
possible new sighting of Poppy between Elizabeth House towards Lidl in Panshanger, WGC, last night 6pm ish. Info forwarded to owner, details taken from 'The Dog Directory' page on Facebook.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have texted owners (if there is a sighting by all means call owners direct). This is very possible, so thank you Louise. We need to try and plot her route to form a triangle from where lost. Collies are very clever at living wild, so I am very hopeful. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Brilliant! x
A collie was reported to local authorities today at 2.30pm seen eating something in the road on A414 Cole Green, Birchell/ Holwell roundabout, but the dog apparently ran off into field....
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Texted owner for update.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done Alfred2004 & thank you Ceri. Share this baby far and wide. Well done. Come on Poppy. x
Posters now been put up in Welwyn Garden City, Tewin, Burnham Green and Datchworth. Agree with Ceri- wish there was more we could do xxx
Have posted on Facebook and alerted friends living in Digswell. I wish there was more I could do...fingers crossed for Poppy's safe return. X
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Emailed owner.
Will be putting up posters in Burnham Green/Datchworth and have alerted other dog owners/walkers. Fingers crossed darling Poppy will soon be home x
Ginnys Mum
Shared on local F/B sites. Hope Poppy is found soon
Alerts sent to helpers in AL6,7,8. SG3,14.
Sorry to see that POPPY STILL LOST is missing.
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