Reunited: Brindle Dachshund Cross Male
- Dog ID 82303
- Status Reunited
- Registered 02 Feb 2015
- Name SOX
- Gender & Breed Male Dachshund Cross (Neutered)
- Age Adult
- Colour Brindle
- Marks & Scars White paws and patch on chest
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 01 Feb 2015
- Where Lost Top of St Leonard's Road, Wolborough Hill, in the bushes to the left of the footpath. Newton Abbot, Devon
- Lost In Region South West
- Lost In Post Area TQ12
- Date Reunited
- Other Info
- Listed By Bubble
- Views 2276
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2015-02-03 21:09 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Welcome home clever Sox.xx
- 2015-02-03 18:37 wibble58
- Great news. Long happy & safe life Sox gorgeous boy x
- 2015-02-03 16:00 Happiness yorkie lover xxx
- Great news xxxxx
- 2015-02-03 12:55 Unknown
- Clever boy Sox, stay safe now little one xx
- 2015-02-03 12:41 Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
- Delighted to report that Sox found his own way home - clever boy Sox :)
- 2015-02-03 09:11 Riverlady
- Circulating on twitter...SOX Brindle Dachshund Cross MISSING #WolboroughHill #NewtonAbbot #Devon #TQ12 Plz RT
- 2015-02-03 08:25 Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
- Sorry to see that Sox is missing, I will contact owner and forward advice.
- 2015-02-03 07:45 Snowball
- Recommend that owner contact K9 Search Dogs if they haven't done so already
no link permitted.Last edited: 2015-02-03 08:25:34 by Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex - 2015-02-02 21:08 AlisonH
- Email alerts sent to postcodes TQ1,TQ2,TQ3,TQ11,TQ12,TQ13,TQ14
- 2015-02-02 20:40 Happiness yorkie lover xxx
- Is there a picture please x