Reunited: Brown Brindle With White Paws And Chest Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 86631
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 08 May 2015
  • Name DAISY
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound
  • Age
  • Colour Brown brindle with white paws and chest
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 08 May 2015
  • Where Lost Wharncliffe Sheffield
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area S35
  • Date Reunited 10 May 2015
  • Other Info Wearing a blue thick collar. She only went to her new home tonight. This calm quiet soft gentle girl - went out for her pee tonight in a 5' totally enclosed garden. She took a running leap at the fence - and disappeared over the top. Poor mum has been frantically scanning everywhere trying to find her. She is so scared and lost. Probably won't stop for anyone or anything
  • Listed By AlisonH
  • Views 4010
  • DAISYPoster Image
  • DAISYExtra Image


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DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Good to see Daisy is found safe :))
Daisy was seen jumping a high fence at the RGT this morning, and then ran up the middle of the bypass! She was then caught, not sure by whom but I am sure Rain Rescue will update later.
I have been out searching for Daisy and putting up posters in the area and will do the same tonight/tomorrow. So far we've heard/seen nothing :( - Lauren, Rain Rescue
Stephanie D.
I am sending messages Sheffield Sighthound FB group admins, with a link to this page. S.
Edit: Message sent to Kay, Lucy and Rachael.Last edited: 2015-05-09 16:16:01 by Stephanie D.
Wendy Godber
I have Made contact with Claire, unfortunately she hasn't found Daisy, she just shared the post. Wx
Stephanie D.
Worth giving a call to the dog wardens in your areas Wendy? She could have called them in the morning if she found (hopefully) Daisy yesterday night?
Wendy Godber
i run #FindShadow and live in the area, just trying to find someone that knows Claire ATM.... Wx
Stephanie D.
Claire Staniforth Wragg is member of #find Shadow group on Facebook, which I am too. There is a post for Daisy on the group page, so I tagged her in a comment. xxLast edited: 2015-05-09 11:28:37 by Stephanie D.
Someone has posted on Sheffield Sighthound FB page about a greyhound being caught in S35 last night. Message stated "I had a call late last night from a lady who's friend had found a greyhound in S35 area (she rang as our greyhound is missing from S8 area). She said her friend put posting on facebook - friend is called Claire Staniforth Wragg. We've sent her a private message as her profile is private so we can't see the post" Hope this turns out to be her.
Shared Facebook with friends in s35. I really hope Daisy is safe & found soon. Can't imagine how awful this must be
Email alerts sent to postcodes S1,S3,S4,S5,S6,S9,S10,S35,S36,S61,S70

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