Rainbow Bridge: Black Poodle Cross Male
- Dog ID 88142
- Status Rainbow Bridge
- Registered 13 Jun 2015
- Gender & Breed Male Poodle cross
- Age
- Colour Black
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 13 Jun 2015
- Where Lost West Malling Maidstone
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area ME19
- Date Reunited 13 Jun 2015
- Other Info
- Listed By Gino
- Views 3032
- See more dogs in Rainbow Bridge
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- 2015-06-15 09:43 Meru
- Oh how heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Mutley - RIP darling. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
- 2015-06-14 20:30 ClaireC
- I am so very sorry to read your sad update. RIP dear Mutley forever young xx
- 2015-06-14 20:11 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- So very sorry. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Mutley.x
- 2015-06-14 17:58 digbysmum
- Tragic - another road victim. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the owners. Run free at the bridge lovely Mutley, and many thanks to all the people who did their best to capture him xxx
- 2015-06-14 17:10 Archsuzanne
- So sorry to hear this , run free sweet Mutley
- 2015-06-14 15:52 Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
- Sorry - Caz - my mistake - I always was bad with names - Milo is a beagle that is missing and owner rang me while I was posting. I have amended my post.
Run free MutleyLast edited: 2015-06-14 15:53:11 by Jenny & Tiga k9tracker - 2015-06-14 15:21 CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
- Sadly Mutley did not make it home moved to rainbow bridge.
- 2015-06-14 15:06 Caz
- Confused by Jenny & Tiga comment, who is Milo ? or should it be Mutley @ Rainbow Bridge ?
- 2015-06-14 13:49 Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
- I have just got back from work and was going to go and help when I saw on our local village facebook page these two posts
Is he chipped and wearing a collar with a tag on? A friend said she saw someone trying to catch a black dog around junction 4 of the M20 at around 4.30pm yesterday. Not sure what time he got out and if he would have got that far away. If he has details on his collar, his owners might have got the call.
Then I saw this post by the lady who was looking after the dog while owners were away on holiday
Hi. Unfortunately he ran in to the road and was hit and killed. They tried to catch him for nearly two miles. Someone stopped and called the owner so they do know now
How sad for everyone involved - run free Mutley.
Last edited: 2015-06-14 15:50:26 by Jenny & Tiga k9tracker - 2015-06-14 07:59 CJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
- Contact made with advice plus kennels to ring-
I am not sure on that link PAW either . Its just a photo and the site is a radio station in cornwall ? - 2015-06-14 07:42 PAW
- Choowie74 the link you have put up - is this Mutley....?
- 2015-06-14 07:40 PAW
- Sorry to hear Mutley is missing - I hope you hear some positive news today.
I have shared his details on my fb page - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=982202501800691&set=a.101662736521343.3750.100000328510890&type=1&theater - 2015-06-13 22:07 Archsuzanne
- Shared on twitter , is this a Cockapoo ?
- 2015-06-13 18:48 choowie74
- http://www.piratefm.co.uk/resources/contribute/00348768.jpg
- 2015-06-13 18:04 Gino
- Alerts sent to helpers in ME6,16,19,20.