Lost: Black/brindle & White Jack Russell Terrier Female In South West (SN26)
- Dog ID 8909
- Status Lost
- Registered 06 Feb 2008
- Name DOLLY
- Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier
- Age Adult
- Colour black/brindle & white
- Marks & Scars Black flecking
- Tagged Unknown
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 06 Feb 2005
- Where Lost Blunsdon Hill
- Lost In Region South West
- Lost In Post Area SN26
- Date Reunited
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- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 2300
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- 2011-03-25 13:14 natalie
- hi there, i have only just seen Dolly on this site and your story breaks my heart, i have a 2 year old JR and they are just so precious. I don't know if you look out for jack russell puppies etc in your area because chances are she's going to have been bred if she is unspayed. I've just been looking on pets4homes and unfortunately it looks as though there are a few puppy farm type breeders around the area Dolly went missing. One of them is advertising about 7 different breeds of dog, in the photos they are not with their mothers they are just in what look like cells with sawdust on the floor. Here is just one of them, http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/pets4homes/home.nsf/LookupUNID/57A8AF9E103D32178025785C003EB446, but if you search dogs for sale in Swindon on the pets4homes site there are lots more. Does anybody else think it may be worth calling some of these places and asking if they ever breed jack russells. Dolly could be anywhere now but i so hope she hasn't fallen into the hands of a puppy farm. I hope one day soon she is home where she belongs
- 2010-09-16 02:20 Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
- I do so hope that the ad in The countryman brings you some positive news. Best wishes...judy
- 2010-09-15 09:12 B30
- Dolly is in The Countryman's Weekly magazine today. Good Luck
- 2009-01-12 11:26 Deb
- Come on Dolly go home xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2008-07-07 21:14 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- This page has been continued from ID 2,686 Dolly's pages have now been updated. Good luck Candy you are an inspiration to us all and have never given up. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-12-02 16:48 Unknown
- Dog back after 2 years today because the vet scans!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-12-01 07:45 Candy
- Thankyou Judy, I hope you are well. It is so kind of you to still think of Dolly. Thank you Millies mum, all help appreciatedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-12-01 03:19 Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
- Just peeking at your page. So pleased Dolly was in the Telegraph and I sincerely hope that something positive comes from it and it brings her home to you...judyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-11-28 19:48 Millie's Mum
- Dolly's Poster now printed off, and will be looking out for her in Somerset. TA8.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-11-16 15:25 Candy
- Jayne and all at Doglost, thank you so much for including Dolly in the article in The Telegraph today. I realise I was very lucky to get in as not all the dogs put forward were chosen. I am so grateful that Dolly was one of them. I look at her face and pray someone sees her and knows where she is. Just one phone call and I will be there even after 2 years 9 months. Come home Dolly please. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-31 20:50 Candy
- Thanks Patsone, not an angel , my halo is definately askew, just passionate about Dolly's Directive and Dolly.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-30 10:36 patsone
- thanks candy..i have txtd you..ur an angel..good luck xx thinkin of you little dolly xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-25 19:18 Candy
- Thanks emmabellalandy, your support is really appreciated.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-20 23:14 UNKNOWN
- hope dolly comes back to you one day !!! fingers crossed for you and your dolly x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-10-17 20:30 Candy
- Even after all this time I still find it so hard to look at your picture Dolly, I get so upset, you are so beautiful. I still want you back so desperately little girl. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-07-27 10:26 Reynard
- Good write up in Thursdays Advert, so glad that you are still committed to all the lost dogs, as Dollys Directive is imperiative.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-22 15:32 Candy
- Thankyou Jayne for your continuing help in the search for Dolly.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-19 10:22 Unknown
- Dolly is featured in July horsemart magazine.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-06-15 11:33 Candy
- Thanks Jammer, I did this to all infant and junior schools in my yellow pages when Dolly first went missing.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-05-20 15:10 Fluffbug
- Im wondering if targetting schools might be useful, if a poster is put up where hundreds of schoolchildren could see it, it might generate a lot of interest, especially knowing that kids like being involved in looking out for lost animals and they are very good at e-mailing and texting all their friends. I think it's a good idea for dog lost helpers to do as well.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-30 07:34 Candy
- Thank you amy and mistyansashasmum, all help appreciated. I am positive most dog wardens would scan for chips but do they check for tattoos as well ? I have heard from one person that their local dog warden actually doesn't check for tattoos - completely ignores the possibility that there might be one present in fact !!Thank you again, Dolly is out there somewhere, she just needs to be in a situation whereby she will be scanned and then I will get her home.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-27 22:48 Unknown
- Just to say I found a SBT wandering on the main road tonight and called our DW who when he arrived at our house the first thing he did was SCAN the dog all over a huge WELL DONE I thought. He is so good he went round knocking on doors found the owners and then rang me to say he had made arrangements with them to get the dog chipped. He gave them a talking too good for him I say. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-26 19:06 Unknown
- I am making a list to put on here when complete of all the people in this earea I can think of to target DWs ect I will visit the Midhurst Police Station on my way to work tomorrow. There are so many vets around here the ones I cannot visit I will E/Mail. Back soon. Stay safe Dolly until you are found xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-26 12:52 x_Amy_x
- Ok, have just registered on Vet On The Web, not sure how long it will take to register me. In the meanwhile, i will try and look for some other email addresses xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-26 12:37 x_Amy_x
- Ok, have just been reading through previous posts (long and boring day at work!!) and i am willing to help email as many pet places as poss. There are two slight problems i can see from my end (well they may not be problems) 1. I am in kent but Dolly could be anywhere. 2. i dont have a car and live in a village (without a vet) so im afraid all my work would have to be done on a computer!! Apart from this, i can help!! Let me know what areas have been covered and ill try to do the rest!! Come home soon Dolly xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-26 10:30 Candy
- Thankyou for speaking to your vets, could you make sure you mention checking for tattoos as well as microchips. The tattoo has been proven in the English Courts to be legal proof of ownership and should not be ignored even though vets do not provide tattooing. The more vets made aware of Dolly's Directive the more chance we have of getting more dogs home. But it is not just vets we are targeting it is all organisations that come in to contact with a dog, rehoming centres, charities, police etc. etc. Thanks again for your support. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-22 22:17 Unknown
- I spoke to my vets on Friday evening about Dolly and Dollies Directive they have asked me for all details I can get on this. I am taking a poster and information down to them Monday evening 23rd Hope this may help as they had not heard of Dollies Directive or Jesters Law so will be filling them in on both issues as they were extremely interested I know they scan most dogs they think are suspicious as they said this to me Friday. Will get on to other vets in the area and update you later. Stay safe Dolly wherever you are you will be found xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-19 11:23 Candy
- That would be lovely mistyansashasmum, everything is appreciated and perhaps you could explain to your vets the aims of Dolly's Directive too.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-14 21:27 Unknown
- Forgot to say if this helps I am about 82 miles from where Dolly went missing. Stay safe Dolly wherever you are poppet xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-04-14 21:24 Unknown
- I am quite happy to make our local vets aware in this of area West Sussex if you think it might help. I can take a poster in so they know roughly what markings to look for. I see Dolly is chipped and this would be of a great help to them if they scan one they think could be her! Just let me know and I will let you know what vets I can contact.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-30 21:24 Candy
- Dolly could be anywhere so anyone that feels like letting their area know about her would be appreciated. Perhaps Dolly wouldn't recognise me now but she is so distinctive that I would recognise her. Thankyou for any help you can give. I have never had any indication of where she could be now so I myself don't know where to start which is why I am so grateful when someone offers to look out for her in their area and inform their vets as Yasa and yourself are doing. Thankyou.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-30 09:36 Glynafon
- Can you suggest the best way forward as far as emailing goes? I am far too far away to do any more than that and trawling the internet looking for dogs, which I do a lot. Pembrokeshire is a long way away from everywhere! I have had one idea, if someone has Dolly by whatever means, they may well have had her for some long time now and would probably be loathe to give her up.Would it be worth changing postering to indicate that you are just anxious to know that she is being cared for? Would this perhaps be more likely to bring someone forward and enable you to then negotiate to get her back? You perhaps, understandably, think this is a mad idea in which case forget I said it. I once had a Siamese cat disappear and after all the years that have passed since the worst part has been that I never found out what had happened to him. I am so eager to help you as is Yasa, I know. Perhaps you have some idea as to the best areas to start on?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-28 10:50 Candy
- Thankyou Yasa and Glynafon, I have managed to register now. I would appreciate all the help you feel willing to give. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-28 09:50 Glynafon
- Candy - did you manage to register on vetontheweb? I had no trouble at all. However if I can help with more emailing of vets let me know the area. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-19 16:35 Yasa
- I had trouble too Candy, and Emailed them also but I didn't get a reply. iHowever my registration went through second time but it didn't come through till the next day. I didn't chance any details the second time by the way. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-19 10:37 Candy
- I am having terrible trouble registering with vet on the web, I have sent them an email to their contact us section. Hope they will get back to me soon..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-15 16:45 Yasa
- You are trying to cover a vast area Glynafon, but how are you contacting he vets we don't have Email adresses for ?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-15 10:21 Yasa
- Have got two more vets lists here besides the vet on the web one I gave the other day. These are different vets if it helps. One is about cat stuff but doesn't matter if we get adresses. www.any-uk-vet.co.uk ...... and www.fabcats.org/practice_members1.htmlLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-15 09:53 Yasa
- I registered again and it's confirmed my registration now but I'm not going to be stupid and put any personal details on it. Will try to Email vets again shortly. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-14 11:59 Yasa
- PM me your Email address Glynafon and I'll get back to you. How long did it take for your registration on that site to become active because mine still isn't. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-14 11:01 Glynafon
- Totally agree with you Yasa - we could maybe work through county by county - even if vets have already been notified it will serve as a reminder to them . I am having trouble saving the covering note so that I can use it again, any advice? I am sure I should be able to make a template or something but not too good at it?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-14 10:49 Yasa
- I can't beleive how lucky I was to find the site. That's gonna be so so helpful. Just shows its worth surfing around. lets hope EVERYONE DOES JOIN IN. Will get mine done shortly and will have another look at the site. There may be other places on there we can Email too. Thanks for responding in the first place Glynafon, its nice to work with others and sort it out between you. I was really pleased when I saw that my own vet was one of the members of the site also. Keep in touch.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-14 09:26 Glynafon
- Started sending emails yesterday and so far none have been returned. Hooray - this will make life MUCH EASIER AND IF OTHERS GET INVOLVED we should be able to cover the country quickly and maybe do the same for other long time missing dogs! I should be able to finish sending mine todayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-14 00:17 Yasa
- Thanks Glynafon. Have also regisyered as a pet owner now. Will try the Emailing again tomorrow. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-13 09:31 Glynafon
- Yasa, poor you - You do have to register in the site, I registered as a pet owner (there are various ways to register) but have not yet tried sending emails will try today and see if it works thenLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-13 00:02 Unknown
- Come on Dolly it really is time you were back home where you belong poppet. Happy Birthday to your mum. Stay Safe Dolly darling until you are foundxxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 22:56 Yasa
- Oh dear, Now I feel thoroughly fed up. The E -mails don't work! Every one of the vets I've Emailed tonight, the email has been returned to me. You must have to register !!!! Oh Hell. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 22:40 Yasa
- Anyone trying to use the vet list website, here is the complete address with page no also, only I couldn't get on to it so easy the second time. This should open up www.vetontheweb.co.uk/vet-directory-cat.aspLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 21:57 Yasa
- Hi Glynafon, I have decided to save the poster as an attachement and send it with an accompaning note to each vet. I think it has more impact that way. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 17:08 Yasa
- Oh Many many happy returns of the day Candy, and lets hope this blitze will mean the return of Dolly also. Perhaps it's a bit of an omen that you have read the last messages on your birthday. Good Luck now Dolly and Candy. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 16:02 Glynafon
- Happy Birthday Candy - I am so sorry you do not have Dolly with you to celebrate. I do feel she will turn up some day soon, she is so easy to identify with her unusual markings. JRTs are tough little dogs and I believe someone is caring for her until they realise she is yours and does the right thing. I am sure everyone of us would like to be the one who brings about that reunion. In the meantime lets all get on with a mass postering of vets and blitz the British Isles!!! All the best. HazelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 10:22 Candy
- Thankyou so much Yasa and Glynafon, I am truly touched by your kindness, I will obviously be doing all my vets yet again . As we all know dogs have been found hundreds of miles from home and I really appreciate your efforts on Dolly's behalf. it is my birthday today and I couldn't have asked for a nicer present than your help and kindness. Thankyou.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 09:57 Glynafon
- Tried this out - wonderful!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 00:48 Yasa
- Sorry, meant to say that you have to open each individual vet up by clicking on it in order to get the Email address. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-12 00:46 Yasa
- Sherlock Bones - this might help. I've just found a web site www.vetontheweb.co.uk where all the vets that are on line are listed. You can go into England, or Ireland, whatever, and then put in the county you want and it gives a whole list of vets on line in that county. They've all got Email addresses listed, which is brilliant as they don't put them in the yellow pages adverts. This would save time no end and money on postage stamps. Surely they must all be on line ????Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-11 17:53 Yasa
- Fabulous Sherlock If we get any success here we could try it with some others. xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-11 16:21 Sherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
- Yasa I think that's a brilliant idea.... let me talk to HQ about mailing the entire database of helpers asking them to do the same... bear with me!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-11 15:08 Yasa
- Hi Glynafon. I have been unable to find vets that advertise an Email address so have just printed off the posters and driven around hand delivering them. Those that I couldn't be bothered I posted. You could put a covering note but I think the poster explains quite well and Dolly is quite destinctive. Most vets get to know their animals and would hopefully recognise her. I hope so anyway. It's just a long shot of course, but if we all did a little it will amount to a lot, and we've just got to get lucky. I think it might cost you a lot to post to all of that area that you suggest though, but thanks for joining in. We might just get lucky - its happened before. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-11 08:18 Glynafon
- Sorry pressed submit too soon -is there any need to type a covering letter or just send the poster as an attachment? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-11 08:10 Glynafon
- I am quite willing to poster vets in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen etc. Just some advice please Yasa - do you just post the actual poster Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-09 16:38 Yasa
- Right, lets get this party started !!! How about we start a relay and see how many vets throughout the country we can postered? Any body up for it?? So far I have done twelve vets today in the SS postcode area. I will work through the others so that SS is done. WILL ANYONE NOW PICK UP THE BATON FROM ME, AND POSTER THE VETS IN THEIR AREA? You don't have to go through the yellow pages. All vets in the country are listed on www.vetlist.co.uk. ANY TAKERS? Good Luck for Dolly xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-08 17:05 Candy
- Thank you so much Yasa, Dolly must be somewhere and as I keep saying she is so distinctive you would have thought she would stand out a mile. By the way can someone from admin please put her age as 2 years NOW if possible. Thanks.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-08 16:50 Yasa
- That was supposed to read POST of DROP IN. Sorry. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-08 16:49 Yasa
- Jan S. You are right and I just wish all vets would publish their Email addresses. I will Email Dolly's poster to as many vets I can in my area of Essex and will post or in to as many of the others as I can. Hopefully lots more DOGLOSTERS everywhere will do this. Lets have a blitze on the country. Good Luck for Dolly. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-06 00:36 garthy
- always thinking of you dolly and wishing you home soon p.g.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 22:36 Cassie
- I really hope that one day you will have your Dolly back home again, thinking of you.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:05 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- DonnaB @ 17:32 - 5/3/2007 Beautiful little Dolly, always keeping an eye out for her. She is very distinctive and I cant wait to read that she is safely back at home. xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:04 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 16:27 - 5/3/2007 Thanks Jan S. that's a lovely thing to do, I really appreciate it. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:03 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Jan S. @ 13:37 - 5/3/2007 Have sent this on to my vet and will send on to friends anywhere and everywhere and ask them to pass to their vets. Will also print some posters to take out with me and put thru' the letter boxes of ANY vets I see ! If as many Doglosters as possible did this you would think some vet somewhere would recognize her surely ! Give it a go anyway. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:02 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- DOGLOST majorjet - (Northern Region) @ 13:19 - 5/3/2007 Candy we are all waiting for the day when she is scanned and returned home to you. Jan xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:00 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- DOGLOST Jayne - Head Office @ 18:15 - 1/3/2007 Tori please pm Candy -Dollies owner and she will send you some Stickers you can give out-also ask her to send some to me! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:00 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Tracyb @ 19:49 - 1/3/2007 So sorry that Dolly isn't home- your campaign has helped so many. Think the 'Check for a Chip' sticker would be great for vets etc. She deserves to be home after all you've done.x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 20:00 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Marian @ 21:04 - 1/3/2007 Hi Candy. It seems impossible that it is 2 years since our little ones went missing. I am so blest that we have Sue home, but we often think of you and Dolly. I am still amazed at how naive people - and even vets - still are about dog theft. Love Marian and Suzy xxxxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:59 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- DOGLOST Gayle - Head Office Admin @ 13:57 - 1/3/2007 Dolly is featured in this week's Countryman's Weekly! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:59 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- tori @ 14:04 - 1/3/2007 Fingers crossed that 2007 brings Dolly safely home to her family again. You never know when the right person will see her or or scan her. I'm going to Crufts on Sunday, Terrier day, happy to take a some posters with mexxxxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:59 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Jan S. @ 14:25 - 1/3/2007 So sad that you have had no news of little Dolly. Thought I'd just send this to everyone I know (including vets) wherever they are, but looking at the poster would it be possible if it could include the info. that she is microchipped, then if as many of us as possible send it to our vets they may get the 'check the chip' message.......we can only hope. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:59 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- tori @ 16:00 - 1/3/2007 Apparently Terriers are on Saturday, so I'll have to shop on Sunday! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:58 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 8:36 - 27/11/2006 Thankyou Cbod, all I can say to anyone is thankyou for your support. I always have hope that she will come home. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:58 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 22:41 - 24/12/2006 My beautiful Dolly, I hope and pray that wherever you are you are warm and safe and loved. Come home to me soon baby girl, I still miss you so much. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:58 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 23:38 - 31/12/2006 May the new year bring many of our missing babes back to us. Happy New Year to everyone. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:57 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 8:32 - 13/11/2006 Still look out for you everywhere I go Dolly, love and miss you so much. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:57 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- cbod @ 20:17 - 25/11/2006 never can give up hope and pray that dolly will be safe and aound and get home oneday best wishes Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:56 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 9:02 - 19/10/2006 Thank you all so much for your continued support, I really don't know what else to say, I still have hope that Dolly will find her way home to me and constantly ask myself where could she be. They are repeating the Trisha show that we took part in tomorrow (Fri. 20th), maybe someone watching will know where Dolly is. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:56 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- justlou @ 23:13 - 27/10/2006 I watched the Trisha show today, it was lovely to see you.....i just hope someone will see you on there and recognize Dolly x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:56 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Candy @ 21:22 - 29/10/2006 Thankyou Justlou, you have always been very supportive. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:55 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- tori @ 17:42 - 16/10/2006 Still thinking about Dolly and hope she is home sooner rather than later. Also have fingers crossed that Dolly's Directive will become law, it's such a common sense ideaxxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:55 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Lurcherlass @ 17:31 - 18/10/2006 Always looking for Dolly, any strays that come into my local rescue, I check on doglost. If Dolly turns up in my area, I will be straight on the phone that very minute. God BlessX Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 19:52 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- For contunuity of Dolly's previous page posts have been copied over. See: Dog ID=2686Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 17:32 DonnaB
- Beautiful little Dolly, always keeping an eye out for her. She is very distinctive and I cant wait to read that she is safely back at home. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 12:17 Candy
- Thanks Jazzi, just haven't been able to get on to her old page at all , my computer doesn't like the time it takes to load her page. Thanks everyone for keeping up the search for Dolly, she is so very distinctive, someone somewhere must see her soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
- 2007-03-05 11:24 Not known
- Because of the amount of posts on the original details of Dolly, we have opened a new page so that it will load quicker. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18