Reunited: Black And Tan Manchester Terrier Male

  • Dog ID 89317
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 11 Jul 2015
  • Gender & Breed Male Manchester Terrier
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Black and tan
  • Marks & Scars Small white mark on chest
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 04 Jul 2015
  • Where Lost West Didsbury, along the banks of the Mersey
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area M20
  • Date Reunited 01 Dec 2015
  • Other Info Atticus was seen and fed approx 9pm on Sat 18th July on the corner of Manor Drive/Darley Ave (near Derwent Ave). He is 6 months old and MICROCHIPPED. Please look out for him if FOUND he should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (which is the LAW)
  • Listed By Gabrielle
  • Views 19621


Sightings and Information

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Many of you will know that Atticus our 5 month old Manchester Terrier puppy ran off in Didsbury Manchester on 4th July this year. We had sightings over a couple of weeks and then no concrete leads since.
Today, 1st December we received a phone call from the PDSA in Manchester to say a man had brought him in to be microchipped and when they scanned him they discovered he was already chipped and been reported as lost. They made contact with his true owner Gabrielle and she picked him up this evening. I am pleased to say he recognised her despite it being 4 months since they had last seen each other. He is looking well, a little bit bigger, still lean with a shiny coat. We were one of the LUCKY ones. The ONLY reason we got Atticus home was because this gentleman wanted him chipped.
This highlights the importance of compulsory scanning for microchips to be law so it isn't just down to pure luck. PLEASE sign the compulsory scanning petition if you haven't already done so to help bring the 1,000's of other lost souls out there home.
Both Gabrielle and I want to thank everyone who has tirelessly helped us search for our boy, highlighted any leads and kept us hopeful through dark times.
I hope this will give everyone in the same hell as we have been through some hope even when there seems as though there is little to hold onto.
Welcome home Atticus, the pup I brought into this world, welcome home x
ANOTHER happy ending thanks to microchips but now whilst searching for lost dog 95122 thrown from vehicle m6 at knutsford services met a man who found an alsation years ago and just kept it til it died of old age. never occurred to him to tell dog warden, check if it was chipped ....microchipping is 100 per cent vital and brings so many happy endings BUT NOT IF THE FINDER OR BUYER DOES NOT GET DOG SCANNED/CHIPPED. I fear even today there are some people who do find or buy a dog without making sure it is not lost or stolen
Fantastic news! Welcome home gorgeous Atticus - stay safe and close now little sweetheart xxxx
Had said gentleman bought him in good faith? Anyway, so glad you have got him back and what a super christmas present. x
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Over the moon to see this little boy back where he belongs. Welcome Home Atticus x
Wow - brilliant. Welcome home lovely Atticus (love the name) - stay very safe now. xxxx
Fantastic news.x
So lovely to see Atticus back home. Stay safe little one xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Atticus is home safe:))

Welcome home Gorgeous boy.xx

DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
CROSS POSTED UPDATE from 'Please Help Find Atticus' fb group:

Rhona Henderson


Many of you will know that Atticus our 5 month old Manchester Terrier puppy ran off in Didsbury Manchester on 4th July this year. We had sightings over a couple of weeks and then no concrete leads since.

Today, 1st December we received a phone call from the PDSA in Manchester to say a man had brought him in to be microchipped and when they scanned him they discovered he was already chipped and been reported as lost. They made contact with his true owner Gabrielle and she picked him up this evening. I am pleased to say he recognised her despite it being 4 months since they had last seen each other. He is looking well, a little bit bigger, still lean with a shiny coat. We were one of the LUCKY ones. The ONLY reason we got Atticus home was because this gentleman wanted him chipped.

This highlights the importance of compulsory scanning for microchips to be law so it isn't just down to pure luck. PLEASE sign the compulsory scanning petition if you haven't already done so to help bring the 1,000's of other lost souls out there home.

Both Gabrielle and I want to thank everyone who has tirelessly helped us search for our boy, highlighted any leads and kept us hopeful through dark times.

I hope this will give everyone in the same hell as we have been through some hope even when there seems as though there is little to hold onto.

Welcome home Atticus, the pup I brought into this world, welcome home x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I am so happy to hear this news. Glad he is safe & well. Welcome home Atticus. X
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
What a fabulous Christmas Present for Gabrielle and family, bet he has grown. POWER of the CHIP working its wonders once again. Look forward to an update.

WELL DONE to Gabrielle and everyone who has worked so hard over the past months, your hard work has paid off and you have got a result. THANK YOU to the PDSA for making that most important call.

WELCOME HOME ATTICUS sending you lots of hugs and cuddles. xxx
This is absolutely wonderful news. Please stay close now Atticus.

Elaine. Hope, and pray that Tinker, and Hemp are home soon(HUG)
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Fantastic news SO pleased x
Yes, it's true. I'm one of the searchers. Giving Gabrielle and Atticus some cuddle time then will update. Handed in at PDSA Trafford I believe, not far from home in West Didsbury. Yay, the power of the microchip!! X
Great news xx
Fantastic news xx
Made my day ! fantastic news! :)
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
What wonderful news. I am so pleased.
Still searching for my two, Tinker and Hemp 71080 and 71081 xxxx
WonderfuI news.
Found after 5 months according to Facebook...
Brilliant news if he has been found after so long. If so, stay safe now Atticus. Xxxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Just seen on fb that he has been found! :) No doubt will be updated soon.
Probably not but might be worth checking. Found MT in London ID 93609. Found dog is docked and neutered. Don't know if Atticus is.
We have had a sighting of a potential Manchester Terrier in Up Holland near Wigan. If anyone has any further information or sightings please contact Gabrielle.
The dog on yorkshireanimals is not Atticus. This was confirmed by his owner. It's good people are still remembering Atticus.
Jay Does he prick his ears up?
To Riverlady, any chance we could have atticus popped to the top of the list? where he went missing and last definitive sighting is in a high student population area ... the universities are starting back from this week ... THANK YOU
Well done in using the school method of letting people know that this dog is missing hope it brings him home.
I've posted Lost posters to the 6 schools within a mile radius of where he went missing. Asked if theycould be put on school gates, staff room wall and parent's notice board.
Young MT spotted in Bowdon Vale.
Going over there tonight to take a look and put posters up.
Message from Lesley Olbinson - after visiting a Cholrton resident with a MT bitch:-

Just left and she's confirmed the sightings would've been her, chuffed she thought she was younger, as she was at water park Wednesday and out in area last Friday as she was off. Such a shame it's not Atticus but at least it clears it up xx
Lesley Brown
Didn't see this girl Gabrielle, but I will certainly be watching out for her when we take our dogs there. Take heart, if it's him it means he's being looked after. His chip will bring him home x
Sadly this is not Atticus
Thank you though.
Interestingly had a call from a man at Chorlton Water Park this morning where he spoke to a young blonde lady. She had a MT with her who was six months old and she had had him for about two months....
Did anyone else see this at about 11 am this morning?

Have msgd above mobile nos with this info xx
Potentail sighting on Mauldeth Rd, investigating this with a lady who works on BMR. Also trying to track down the fair that was in Chorlton Park over 18th July. Were the travellers camped at Hough End part of this group does anyone know please?
Thank you
retweeted thunderclap.
Still circulating on twitter will look for thunderclap.
Riverlady, would you tweet out Atticus's thunderclap please. It may have already happened, but just in case. Thank you. Last edited: 2015-08-03 15:27:37 by Americanne
Riverlady, would you tweet out Atticus's thunderclap please. It may have already happened, but just in case. Thank you.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Also had a call from a gentleman in Mobberley who saw the poster saying he is certain the sighting was of one of his friends dogs.
a friend of owner on twitter so circulating........ATTICUS Manchester Terrier Puppy MISSING #WestDidsbury banks of the #Mersey #ME7 Plz RT
Can I please ask you all to support and share Atticus's thunderclap. Thanks x
It's worth alering the PDSA Animal Hospital in Old Trafford too.They won't put a poster up in public but might in their staff room.The RSPCA shops in W Didsbury & Chorlton will both put posters in the window- don't know about the PDSA shop in Chorlton-worth trying if you haven't already.
i've emailed the lostdog poster to the following vets in that area:- Boundary, Animal Medical Centre, Ashleigh, Acorn, Yew Tree, Mount Road, and Southfields x
I suggested Reward for Information leading to Safe Return' specifically because info might lead to police involvement.Informants of this ilk won't give info away for nothing but they might know who sold him on/where he is but they won't want to be directly involved. Try to get the local free paper & the Manchester Evening News to run a story, try the Daily Mail too-maybe pitch it too along the lines of 'how can a small dog disappear off the face of the earth after lots of local sightings, lots of posters out there. Getting the press involved is often much more effective than Facebook- especially with good big photos.I'm not knocking a Facebook campaign- it is valuable in raising awareness but the men in the pub read the paper- a two-pronged attack might just hit the right spot...
hello, please can people look on Facebook for the page 'Please Help Find Atticus' and share/repost as this can keep his profile high. Thank you all sod much for what you have done so far, we appreciate all help and support so far. Josh, Oliver, Gabrielle.
His poster is in Elizabeth Slinger already but thank you for the suggestion.
Boys are doing a dedicated FB page for Atticus...
The last lot of posters and leaflets had a "reward for safe return" on them. We adapted the doglost ones and put additional info on them. We dropped through doors as we aimed at the "non walkers" who just leave the house and get straight in the car and vice versa. We also put on car windscreens and lamp posts on the same night. Waiting to hear what the next step is from the owner so I can help out if I am needed x
Have you thought of adding 'reward for information leading to return' on the posters? Run it by Jayne at Head office first for the pros & cons. The likelihood is Atticus was picked up very locally-if he was found by someone unscrupulous he will have been sold on in hours. Have you tried the rougher pubs in Chorlton & Didsbury? These people are unlikely to talk(if they know anything at all) without something in it for them).Do put large posters in the shops & Community Centre in Merseybank- no point in leafletting the houses -everyone there goes to those shops at some point. Merseybank is the most likely place Atticus has been picked up,geographically speaking, & likely to have been last seen in.You lose nothing by leafletting there & also the Nell Lane Estate.Put his poster up at Elizabeth Slinger Rd police station too.
Day 26 and no sightings for ten days. Not sure where to go next. Have made several enquiries for trackers but not getting anywhere with this.
We are setting up a specific Facebook page and my initial thoughts are that we need to keep Atticus's profile very high and visible.
Thank you to every for all your help and support.
Lesley Brown
So sorry it wasn't your boy :(
Sharing his poster like mad. Everything crossed he turns up soon x
Sharing hard for you
What's the next step? EE isn't working in North Manchester so I can't text Gabrielle x
Gabrielle has checked with the lady who found the black and tan dog. It is not Atticus. Hopefully the little fellow found will be reunited with his owner soon. Please keep looking for Atticus
This is Atticus' breeder. He was chipped and registered in Gabrielle's name from the start so their should be no issue but as you say, worth double checking
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Just spoken to owner and passed the details on. :)

Even though ATTICUS is CHIPPED have advised they do follow it up which they are going to do tomorrow. Also advised they leave a poster with the vet as well.

It should also be checked that his details have definitely been registered with the Chipping Co, lots of dogs are being found and the chipper has never registered them. :(
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Lesley for the update will pass info onto owner. Would be fab if it was him. x
Lesley Brown
Gabrielle, did you see the text message I sent to you, about a found dog matching Atticus' description being advertised in the vets opposite Christie hospital in Didsbury.? You have my number, if I can help in any way just get in touch. Everything crossed it's him x
This is the message I got from one of the posters I shared on fb x

'Hi my little boy saw a found dog notice in the boundary vets waiting room .it's opp the cristie hosp on wilmslow rd didsbury description like atticus. May be worth a check good luck.
Last edited: 2015-07-27 18:19:36 by Lesley Brown
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Updated the details to show up on his DogLost poster. Rooting for Atticus to be found soon and back home where he belongs.
I am still glad we went today to check Mobberley out. If we hadn't we would still be wondering "what if". Process of elimination!! x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Thank you to the lady for realizing & letting you know, Gabrielle.
Will keep sharing to all my friends & doggie groups. All paws crossed for some news very soon. X
Just had a call from a lovely lady in Mobberley - seems it was her dog that escaped from home yesterday morning and ran across the road. Very similar to Atticus. Timing etc all points to it not being Atticus though. Thank you for all help - back tot eh drawing board.
I have shared on lots of facebook pages in the area of Mobberley, Knutsford, Alderley Edge, Goosetry, Ollerton & Peover. Everyone keep sharing, he must be getting tired now.
Does anyone know of any trackers who would cover the Manchester area? Admins, can you advise. Thanks.
Mark and I are going to set off in 30 mins or so and head for Mobberley. We are going to go further though and put posters up further away from where he was sighted. We will concentrate on Mill Lane, Damson Lane, Marthall Lane, Pedley Lane, Pedley House Lane, Knolls Village Green etc. We are hoping that if there is a circle of posters around the area he was seen that people will see the posters before he reaches their area. We are doing this by car as such a large area. I have a copy of the new updated poster on my phone, if anyone want a copy to put on facebook etc, email me Thanks
Gsbrielle, can K9 trackers help you? They have a lot of success tracking lost dogs. I will post your latest sighting location on the sites I posted yesterday. Lots of shares yesterday so here's hoping help comes.
Atticus was seen crossing the road in Mobberley. He went into a field, full of trees, shrubs etc along the side of Field Side Close just further down away from the Co Op.
I have put up posters and left a leaflet with the vet there.
Huge rural space and who knows where he will go from there.
Posted on to various sites and will go back and say you are out searching now. Good luck.
Owner searching in Mobberley now. Really bad phone signal so one of us will update later. If anyone in that area can you spread the word/post to Facebook that would be great x Last edited: 2015-07-25 17:17:55 by elspethjones
Atticus has been spotted in Mobberley crossing the road toward the field near Ilford. Alone and frightened.
If anyone has links with dog walkers in the area please post/ pass on/ put on Facebook etc
Thank you
@elspethjones if you can give us an idea where people will meet and when I will post on the Manchester terrier groups and other groups to try to drum up some helpers.
Josh spent all night on Derwent/ Darley cooking sausages in an attempt to lure Atticus out. No joy I'm sad to say. Given the number of leaflets and posters we have put up and the trips to the area I really do not think he is there any more and has moved on or been taken in.
Mersey bank is next area for targeting
Think Merseybank will be the next stage. We know there are 600 houses on Merseybank, its a big area. Any help would be great. I will speak to the owner later as they were searching last night and need to see how they got on. Updates later hopefully x
Last edited: 2015-07-25 06:47:02 by elspethjones
You really do nned to poster the Merseybank Esatate too-easily a place Atticus could have wandered into & just been kept/taken in/sold on from etc.Poster around there too so people there can keep a look out too.Make Atticus too far too hot to handle everywhere...
Update of our searching so far:- Atticus was seen and fed approx. 9pm on Saturday 18th July on the corner of Manor Drive/Darley Ave (near Derwent Ave). The owner was advised this on the evening of Sunday 19th July when she was in the area putting posters up and knocking on doors.
This is in the area West of Princess Road/Barlow Moor Road junction.
He hasn’t been seen since. Posters were hand delivered in this area last night (23rd July). Every house in the area which is within Barlow Moor Road, Darley Avenue, Derwent Avenue and Maintland Ave rectangular area, again on the West side of Princess Road.

Please keep a look out, all help will be appreciated. Thanks
Last edited: 2015-07-24 12:43:28 by elspethjones
Between tonight and tomorrow and with help (considerable) we will have dropped over 600 leaflets in the local area of the last sighting.
No positive news as yet.
Thank you
Been to Darley/ Derwent and Manor again this evening - bin night, so was very hopeful. Nothing.
Ask the shops on Merseybank Ave if you can put big posters in the windows-they will get a lot more attention than small ones on the lamposts there- & flyers/posters on roads around Derwent-Callingdon,Maitland et al.Attcus has got to be somewhere quite he very wary since nobody seems to be able to hold onto him? Any hints for what would entice him if seen- will he come to someone with other dogs, or shy away? So hope he is found soon-all the local dog people are looking out for him.
Let me know how you get on, I only work till 11am on a Wednesday so could come down again to help, Liz x
no they weren't
We will start on these tonight
Gabrielle, were poster put around the estate behind the Derwent Avenue, Macefin Ave and Manor Drive area? Its the estate nearest the river and the waterpark, I think where you cut through last night - Merseybank Ave, Winterburn Ave, Winterholme Ave, Rylston Ave etc? Liz x
It's not Atticus, didn't think it was.
well would have hoped a dog walker would of......praying for good news today x
I think many people think that dog wardens automatically pts after 7 days and are reluctant to report, or they just don't know the law......
Wonder why she hasnt informed the Dog Warden that she found him
There were some chips that had "failed" depending on what the batch no were used and this may just be one of them.
Tonight Atticus' owner met someone who said they had met a lady who knew a dog walker who had found Atticus. Apparently his chip isn't working. Sounds very odd. She will try to find the lady in the morning.
Have you asked the people at Christie Fields to put a poster up/keep an eye out,esp late at night when Atticus might be foraging around the bins...and the night watchmen in that big office building on corner of Derwent & Barlow Moor Road. He might be around Manor Drive too-big gardens & quiet there at night
Is it worth a search party tonight in the Derwent Avenue area? As many people as possible but all spread out? Have flyers been put up/posted through doors in this area yet? Liz x
Atticus seen twice now in Derwent/ Darley area. Not sure where he is sleeping but was fed by a resident on Saturday night.
Atticus was seen on Saturday evening about 9pm 200yds from where he was seen on Derwent Avenue on Wednesday.
Atticus could easily have got into Chorlton Golf course from Fitton Ave via entrance at end of Thorneycroft Ave- lots of places fence between golf course and river down too. Worth asking the golf course if you can put a poster up in the clubhouse.(It's a long way from Derwent to Fitton for a small dog unless he went via the water park, through the golf club & along the back path to Thorneycroft)...
We walked around the first part of the lake path and then went off the paths onto Barlow Tip. In parts the fence between the Tip and the Golf Course was down/non existant. We walked where we could on there and ended up back where we left the lake path so continued to walk around the lake. At the South East corner we went over the bridge to the other side and walk along there for a bit before returning to the lake paths and back to the car park. I will keep checking for updates on here, Liz x
hi, this may be irrelevant, but came across this post on petslocated Black and tan short-haired dobberman or doberweiler something like that dog found in Hall Green (B28) on 16th July 2015
Location: 46 Studland Road, Hall Green, B28
Sex: Unknown
Approx Age: Medium Age
Main Colour: Black and Tan
Not yet scanned for a microchip
Gabrielle, I have posted your last 2 sightings and request for help on the Doglost Facebook page, Manchester Terrier Lovers worldwide FB and Harvey's army North. Hope this is ok. Just letting you know in case anyone contacts you to help.
And now a report of a sighting in Fitton Avenue on Thursday evening.
Please help.
Atticus has been spotted on Derwent Ave behind Christie Fields on Wednesday. He was alone. I have put up more posters and delivered handouts in the immediate area.
Please keep a look out.
Thank you
Atticus has been spotted on Derwent Ave behind Christie Fields on Wednesday. He was alone. I have put up more posters and delivered handouts in the immediate area.
Please keep a look out.
Thank you
We lost him on the West Didsbury side. We then had a second hand message about a siting in Chorlton water park and another about a siting at Chorlton Park. Isolated messages it must be said.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer

I have had this message :i live in sale . Was it the chorlton side by the water park .
Have you put up posters on the Nell Lane Estate bordering Chorlton Park & Weller Avenue(older council estate bordering Chorlton Park),plus Hough End- a lot of dogs get walked there too. Plaster Nell Lane with posters on every street- it's a likely destination for a dog seen around Chorlton Park-(unless Atticus turned down Hardy Lane away from the park & towards Hardy Farm & Jackson's Boat maybe?) Fingers still crossed for Atticus being safely home very soon.Last edited: 2015-07-16 12:22:59 by doggo
Atticus has now been reported as STOLEN with both eh police and Pet Log.
An e mail has been sent to all vets and animal sanctuaries advising them of this.
Please keep on the look out for him.
Thank you
ATTICUS STILL MISSING but we have new leads...
Our 6 month old pup went missing 4th July in Didsbury, Manchester was picked up by a kind man Dominic on Craignure Avenue area the same day but he ran off the same day.
Another sighting Thursday, 9th July about 7.30am on Barlow Moor Road near the Co-op heading towards Chorlton Park on his own with his purple collar still on.
Please SHARE
Reward for safe return
Please contact Gabrielle on 07798 871 927
Thank you
Found the kind man who picked up Atticus on 4th july, thank you Dominic, seems Atticus ran off again. Craigmore Avenue area so please keep your eyes peeled.
Thank you
Atticus was seen on Thursday morning on Barlow Moor Road near the Co op as you go into Chorlton. Near Chorlton Park.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have updated all my posts with this latest information. I believe there are posters & leaflets going around the area tomorrow. Paws crossed for good news very soon. X
Atticus has been seen with a man and a small boy. Seems they were looking for his owner. He was on a lead. I understand that he is possibly on the Chorlton side of Princess Road.
Thank you
Shared with Chorlton,Didsbury and pet groups.. need to plaster the place with posters esp Chorlton water park and Merseybank Estate which is between W Didsbury & Chorlton if he's been seen around that bit of the river.Fingers crossed for Atticus being home safe soon.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I will share with all relevant Groups on FB, I have also posted on Twitter.
Need to make Atticus 'Too hot to handle'. X
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I am in contact with the Breeder of Atticus.
He went missing a week ago & on the same day there was a sighting. Someone had found him & approached a man to ask if he knew whose dog it was. Nothing reported since so Atticus may of been kept by finder or passed on but his chip has not been scanned.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in M20,21,23.

Drone SAR

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