Reunited: Sable & White Shetland Sheepdog Female

  • Dog ID 98110
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 02 Feb 2016
  • Name
  • Gender & Breed Female Shetland Sheepdog
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Sable & White
  • Marks & Scars Full white collar and bib, light sable colour
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 22 Jan 2016
  • Where Lost Got out from her home in Aylton, Ledbury.
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area HR8
  • Date Found 20 Feb 2016
  • Where Found Rainbow bridge
  • Date Reunited 20 Feb 2016
  • Other Info Listed on behalf of the owner Dog is 8 years old
  • Listed By BClarke
  • Views 6467
  • Poster Image
  • Extra Image


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So sad x
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Oh sweetheart you were such a lovely girl. My condolences to the owner.
Run free to the bridge Bridget - at least you can go with a name - I hope you like the one I have given you. No more pain and suffering - wish you had not been alone when you left this world.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
So sorry for your loss. Run Free sweetheart. X
So So Sorry to see this litte girl did not make it home, God bless you girl, xxxxx
So so sad ... I thought she'd been reunited successfully ... but sadly now at Rainbow Bridge ...
Unfortunately I've just heard from her distraught owner that the poor girls body was found by her neighbour, such sad news, run free little girl 🌈
BClarke - can we have an update on how far the search for this girl has got - how many posters are up - has the local press been informed - does the owner check daily with the dog warden, vets, shelters, etc. I hope she has not been out in all weathers for a month. Have all farmers in the area been alerted in case she is mistaken for a fox, has the sorting office been handed posters so that all the post men can keep an eye out for her.
has there been any news on this little lady
Just checked the link, the 2 found appear to be in New York and sable looks quite young, but thanks anyway :)
theres been a Sheltie found
she looks very very similar
sharing her on Facebook again - Herefordshire.
Unfortunately not close enough to be of much assistance :( are you local?
Just to clarify this account was set up with all the owners details as I didn't have my own DL account and thought it would be better if the owner was the first point of contact.
the sheltie lady
Yes, of course , there will be many other people looking for her too Im sure . BClarke, are you local to the owner ?
the sheltie lady - I'm glad she has other people looking for her, thank you :)
The phone number is the owner's, please update here too if sighted
I hope we find this little girl soon - need to know she is safe.
the sheltie lady
Yes, the weather has been awful .....probably hiding until it gets a bit better and may then show herself . If she is sighted , what is the owners phone number please ( it says on this page that the details have been posted by B Clarke on behalf of the owner ) and who do they ask for ? praying for good news really soon xx
I heard from the owner this afternoon, unfortunately she is still missing :(
I imagine she is hiding away in this awful weather, poor girlLast edited: 2016-02-06 19:48:07 by BClarke
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
One good thing about a sheltie is if stolen they stand out and easily spotted. Fingers crossed for an update and early reunion.
Well done Rose lets hope for an update soon x
Ive just rung above no. but they were on another call.Left message asking them to update this page if she has been found or still missing x
Has anyone contacted the owner directly by phone for a response ?
animal lover
I was hoping for some updates on this little girl too sheltielover..... hope to hear something soon. Very worrying....
I was hoping for some feedback on this little girl, but nothing so far.
is there any news on her please, we have people sharing on Facebook but I was hoping for good news
Might be an idea to ask owner to do a door to door flyer drop in the area she went missing, asking people to check their sheds. If she has got disoriented or scared she may not know her way home. Shelties keep a low profile in this situation and aren't easily spotted. They scurry along ditches and round the back of hedges. They are also good foragers, not needing a great deal of food, and good at catching small rodents. Thank you for helping owner, BClarke.

Thank you everyone for your help with sharing :)
I spent Sunday afternoon searching but no sign of her, spoke to a few local people/dog walkers & asked if they could keep an eye out for her.
Unfortunately I am are not close enough to do much more at the moment.
I contacted the owner who is putting up posters, she is pretty sure someone has her or thinks she would have come home.
I listed her on behalf of the owner to try and raise her profile.
Is she home yet?
Posted all around Hereford and Worcester sites
People know she's missing
animal lover
Have there been any sightings of this little girl?
Sorry Sheltielover what am I like lol! Come on girly show yourself so you can get home x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with doglost FB & Twitter. Hope your fur baby is safely back at home soon. X
I make it 11 days Rose - does anyone know any volunteers in this area who can assist.
She has been missing 6 days and no sightings? Make sure you have lots of posters out in the area she went missing making her TOO HOT TO HANDLE. x
No answer from telephone number - message left. If I can help in any way - from afar I will. Posters need to be put up - lots of them.
Shared to all Shetland Sheepdog club sites on Facebook.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
AleRts sent to helpers in HR1,8.

Drone SAR

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