Reunited: Salt And Pepper Yorkshire Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 98264
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 Feb 2016
  • Gender & Breed Female Yorkshire Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age
  • Colour salt and pepper
  • Marks & Scars She's got bowed legs at the back
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 05 Feb 2016
  • Where Lost snatched by a woman from outside Cafe Nero, Haymarket, Leicester City Centre
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area LE1
  • Date Reunited 24 Feb 2016
  • Other Info she was in a navy doggy buggy as she was STOLEN. has been SPAYED (no good for breeding). The dog is due to have a major operation so it's very serious.
  • Listed By Gino
  • Views 21841


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So pleased to have caught up with this, hope all is well with both Gog and her family.
Fantastic, wonderful, brilliant happy news... So pleased for Monty. ..I bet Gog is so happy to be in her Mommys arms again...Stay safe now beautiful Gog x♥x
So happy she's home where she belongs 💜 Please don't leave outside a cafe or anywhere again it's not safe!
So pleased for gorgeous Gog and her family. Welcome home little one x
charlie and sooty. I would imagine the gent bought Gog in good faith. Have to wait for any updates.
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Oh wow, I am so pleased for Gog and her mummy.

After watching The one show last night, I sent them an email straight away with my girls details, who knows they might make it a regular thing and help all of us with missing pets. We can only hope xxxx
Brilliant! Welcome home dear little Gog - stay very safe now. Well done to all involved - your mum must be over the moon!! xxx
Brilliant news :) xx
Brilliant news. Well done to the gent who telephoned to say he had her. Hope Gog is well enough to have her operation very soon x
Ruddy fabulous xxxx Would love to know how found xxx
What a brilliant outcome. So very pleased for agog and his mum.
Excellent news! Hope Gog is ok?
charlie and sooty
Welcome home Gog. (Did the man who phoned have Gog, and was it his wife/partner that stole her) or did he buy Gog?
Shanti Lass
This has made my day! Welcome home Gog!!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Fantastic news:)) Welcome home Little Gog.xx

Well done to all involved :))
Leicestershire Police
Missing dog reunited with owner
Issued on 24/2/16 at 4:26 p.m.

A dog which was taken from outside the Haymarket Shopping Centre, Leicester, earlier this month has been found.

Officers attended an address in the city today (24 February) and confirmed the five-year-old dog was the missing Yorkshire Terrier.

Gog has since been reunited with her owner.

Thank you to everyone who gave information and shared the appeal for her safe return.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Just the best news to come home to. Welcome home Gog xx
Fantastic, wonderful. excellent news. This has made my day. Am thrilled for her owner, who must be ecstatic to have Gog home:-) ;:-) :-)xxx Sending Gog lots of ((((((HUGS)))))), and kisses. Gog must be overjoyed too. Brilliants! Welcone home Gog. And thanks to the gent for phoning. Please stay close now Gog:-)xxx Look forward to a reunited pic when the owner, and Gog have timexxxLast edited: 2016-02-24 16:57:42
Absolutely fantastic news. This has made my day. Well done to the man who picked up the phone. Hope to get more details, but Facebook post says information cannot be shared at present. Let us hope the lady who took GOG gets caught and punished for her crime. Stay safe now lovely GOG and owner. The tears must be flowing in that house as it is with me. Xxxxxxxxxx

Chris H
This is the most amazing news. I didn't think poor Gog would ever be found. So happy for Gog and her family.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Update from owners daughter...

Mum got a call from someone who had seen one of the posters - and he
> said he had the dog - we sent the police round and it was Gog !
> I'm not local so that's all I know at the moment - can't pop in to see
> mum - she's too overwrought to speak properly on the phone - so that's
> all I have at the moment - The dog is fine and in mums arms.
> Thank you so much for your help,
brilliant news,the poor owner has been through hell since she went missing,im sure-to anyone that was behind the reunite-thank you.x
Absolutely delighted to hear this news! Hope little Gog is ok. Would love to hear more details and I hope the thief is caught and severely punished. Well done everyone involved.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Yes just had email from owners ever as her mum is ill would like to be low removing contact details...sooooo pleased!
So pleased for owner and star of The One Show the lovely Gog. Welcome back to your rightful home. Now for the woman, keep looking folk and turn her in. I am sure there is a reward for info leading to a successful prosecution!
Amazing what a difference tv makes, welcome home Gog x
Facebook page has changed to 'Gog is Home' well done everybody concerned.
Brilliant ! Wonder if the TV appeal did the trick? So pleased for her Mum x
Thanks for the update for us non-FB people VetsGetScanning. That's absolutely wonderful!

Details, ASAP, if you'd be so kind :)Last edited: 2016-02-24 15:47:34 by Baydogs
Just seen on FB post that Gog has been reunited!
As the date draws nearer to compulsory microchipping there will be a fair few more dogs that will almost certainly be dumped. Some of these dogs will already be chipped if they were originally stolen or lost and then sold on!
Have found the post and put it on GOG,s Facebook page. It is awaiting permission from Admin.
Just seen a post on Facebook I think on GOG,s page of a yorkie loose in Beckton East London. I was unable to share but left a comment asking the person to share on Doglost East London. You never know stolen dogs could be anywhere in the Country.
Also watched. The One Show's viewing figures are normally well over four million (and it wouldn't surprise me if they were well up on that last night)so that's the same amount of people who will now be aware of Gog AND had a look at the CCTV of the woman who stole her in her pushchair. Add that to all the other shares on here, other sites, Facebook, Twitter, plus those who read the newspaper articles.........

If I was that woman I would be feeling most uncomfortable right now.

And if someone has recently bought a Yorkie of similar description then hopefully they will take their new pet to be scanned even if it's just to make sure they are not in receipt of stolen goods.
If you are that person,and you are hesitating - consider the fact that Gog needs expensive surgery. Are you prepared to finance that?

And if someone knows this woman, or knows someone who has recently acquired a new dog that looks like GOG, hopefully they'll RING ONE OF THOSE NUMBERS and do the right thing. Please help this little girl to be reunited with her devastated owner Monti.

To everyone else, please look at every Yorkie that you see and if there is a possibility that it could be GOG please make that phone call. A pup on here was reunited with it's owner recently because someone saw it in the street, took a photo, and alerted the authorities.
You could be the person who makes the call that reunites Gog with her owner. How cool would that be!
Hi Helen, I checked into Gog,s facebook page and saw the post re this woman boarding a bus. I also put comments on Gog,s page to this effect, also asking if there were any bus drivers out there that would remember this woman, nevertheless now that her FACE has been seen NATIONALLY on BBC television, there must be someone out there that recognises her and will report to Police. Fingers crossed. xxx
I watched the programme too Hope someone recognizes this thief. Thanks Helen. Hope something comes of the CCTV You may be right LindaT; who knows? The programme also advises owners not to leave their pets outside shops, or unattended in your gardens. What a world! And of cojurse very important to have your pets microchipped, and spayed/neuteredLast edited: 2016-02-24 08:05:56
No having seen the One Show nor the CCTV my first thought was did the "woman" walk straight up behind the buggy and just get hold of it and keep walking ... I am thinking maybe she thought there was a baby inside if she didn`t see Gog, and that was the reason she took the buggy? So it could be that she has been seen before around other buggies if she has mental health issues? Or simply because she thought there were valuables in the belongings? In that case Gog could have been dumped anywhere when she realised? Just a thought. I do hope Gog is found quickly, whatever the thoughts in the thief`s head. Theft is theft (or kidnapping, whatever the initial motive) and a dog is someone` baby, I know mine have always been my babies and thus part of the family. Last edited: 2016-02-24 07:03:51 by LindaT
HelperHelen - Dog SOS Derbyshire
Hi Doglover, I'm part of the Dog TAG team and admin on Gogs FB group, sorry we haven't seen your email if it was sent to us. Regarding the possible sighting of the lady boarding a bus we are looking into CCTV.Xxx
Watched the prog. Good luck I hope the media will get Gog home for you. Everything crossed.
Hi Doglover. Sorry you had no reply, but hopefully "The One Show" will help find this vile theif. Will be watching this programme tongight. Paws xd
Shared. Good luck.
Will share all this info to Facebook.......All info shared ie.The One Show...CCTV... photo of woman..etc. Last edited: 2016-02-23 09:16:24 by Doglover
For those who haven't seen this tweet by Pet Theft Awareness-
BBC One 'The One Show' will be covering dog theft in the UK & stolen Yorkie Gog on Tuesday 23rd February at 7pm.
Spread the word!
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
details received . getting CRN from owners daughter then will follow up with police.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I forwarded to our police co-ordinator...but will send link again.
janiejewel1649 Admin did not reply to my email. They usually do, but have not as yet. x
Thanks Doglover. Pawsxd.
Janiejewel1649 I have sent an email to admin to see if their police. O ordinTor could follow this up ie CCTV.
Good idea Doglover. A lady? That`s not what I would call her. Paws xd,
Facebook post says lady was seen boarding a bus. Cannot find post. But buses have CCTV surely they can see where this woman got off and alerts sent to that area. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
chip number added.
Someone somewhere must recognize this so called human. Please get found soon Gog. Away from that vile person
Someone must know the cruel monster in the picture, who is seen taking the pushchair with Gog..along with owners coat and bag!..She is probably in hiding now..or not wishing to label, could she be on a travellers site?..I'm so worried about little Gog and hoping she's found soon xx
circulating on twitter.
I saw somewhere there was a leafleting being done in Leicester city centre today, leaflets have photo of the woman, let's hope it brings some news
Seems quite a good image of this vile thief. Paews xd she will be home soon. Come on Gog get reunited soon.
Thanks Jayne, will go add our girl now :-) best of luck Gog, get home soon xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx on site now.
here is the link for the photo of the woman
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Skywalker can you send the photo to admin along with dog ID number and we can add to site tx.
MFHJane will change to chipped tx.
Have retweeted BBC news article with Still Missing added.
Admin - I've just spoken to Monti because my rescue has a little stray Yorkie in at the moment and we've been asked a few times if ours is Gog - she's definitely not. Our one isn't on DL yet but has been notified to local lost dog group. I will add her a bit later I've just got to go out right now. We are 100% not expecting ours to be reclaimed, you'll understand why when you see her. Monti did also say that Gog is chipped, and asked if you could please update this page to say that? Chip co notified already. Thank you xx
There is a very good cctv image of the woman stealing Gog on Leicester police Facebook page
The owner has been found for the dog in Blackley good news for that family. Sharing Gog on fb and twitter
Paws xd.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
A yorkie has turned up in Blackley, Manchester. Unsure at this point whether it is a male or female or chipped. Might be worth the owner checking it out though.
Link to the BBC article-

Do hope that Gog and her owner are reunited very soon.
HelperHelen - Dog SOS Derbyshire
Gog now has her own Facebook page, Help Find Stolen Gog.
Still hoping, and praying
Gog is already being tweeted x
Tweeted BBC tweet.....circulating on twitter.
Me too Rose. How can people be so callous. Someone must know something
Whoever took Gog hope they will hand her in to a safe place so that she can have her operation. x
Gog's owner has been bravely interviewed on BBC East Midlands Today news this lunchtime.
Riverlady, wonder if I could ask for a Twitter request?
So sorry to see this. Such a terrible thing to do. Evil woman. Make Gog "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" Presume police aware. All xd for her safe returnLast edited: 2016-02-08 12:57:23
Will share to facebook
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
An article about the theft of Gog is in today's Leicester Mercury. Could her page be bumped to reflect this?
I have shared the newspaper article to my Facebook page along with her DogLost ID.
Someone must know something.
Hope Gog is found safely soon.
Red Alert
Someone raised the question on the Red Alert page concerning if CCTV has been checked as it was in the town centre
Paula Knowles
alert received will keep my eyes and ears open
Alerts sent to helpers in LE1-9,18,19.

Drone SAR

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