Reunited: Mainly White With Black Patch On Side Of Body Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female
- Dog ID 98414
- Status Reunited
- Registered 09 Feb 2016
- Name ANNIE
- Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross (Neutered)
- Age
- Colour Mainly White with Black Patch on side of body
- Marks & Scars Big black patch on side of body with tanned face
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Unknown
- Date Lost 06 Feb 2016
- Where Lost Last seen on Lucas Court on Dussindale Estate, Norwich, Norfolk, heading towards woodland adjoining the cul-de-sac
- Lost In Region East Anglia
- Lost In Post Area NR7
- Date Reunited 12 Feb 2016
- Other Info Last seen on Lucas Court on Dussindale Estate (NR7) heading towards woodland adjoining the cul-de-sac
- Listed By Jason
- Views 3610
- See more Reunited dogs
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Sightings and Information
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- 2016-02-12 22:16 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Welcome home Annie.x
- 2016-02-12 13:02 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- Update from Annie's owner
Took Annie to the vet this morning to be checked over. She's a bit dehydrated, but other than that she is fine. She is now home and chilling by the fire. - 2016-02-12 09:10 Doglover
- Fantastic news. Stay safe now Annie. xxx
- 2016-02-12 08:18 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- Great news, Annie has been found and is safely back home x
- 2016-02-11 20:37 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- Possible sighting of Annie in Mary Chapman Court heading towards the steps that lead to Sainsburys in Pound Lane (Dussingdale, Thorpe, Norwich) on both the evenings of Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th February (at around 7.30pm). Hopefully she's found a spot in that area where she's sheltering/keeping warm and is finding snacks to eat
- 2016-02-10 08:14 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- There was a possible sighting of Annie last night (9th of February) near the Mary Chapman Court area of Dussingdale Drive, people were searching the area last night and will be out again today, fingers crossed this was Annie and she will be home very soon x
- 2016-02-09 17:10 Riverlady
- circulating on twitter.........ANNIE White/Black Patch JR MISSING #Dussindale Estate #Norwich #NR7 Plz RT
- 2016-02-09 15:53 caring4dogs
- Twitter and website
- 2016-02-09 15:33 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- I will E-mail general information including contact numbers for vets in the area.
Twitter requested.
Keep safe Annie until you are found x - 2016-02-09 15:26 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- Details added to Dog Lost Norfolk and Suffolk facebook group and other groups in the area.
- 2016-02-09 15:13 Doglover
- Jason have sen your post on Facebook, but you must always check this site as well as not everyone does facebook. Put posters everywhere, schools, shops, libraries, near where people walk their dogs. Register Annie lost with local vets in area. Phone dog warden everyday. Check Petslocated every day check SDK stray dog website everyday. Check selling sites like Gumtree every day. x
- 2016-02-09 14:57 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent to helpers in NR1,2,3,6,7.