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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 50 of 167008
Page: 1 of 3341 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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29/03/25 197396 Lost TEDDY Y Male Unknown North West ME19 0
29/03/25 197395 Lost TEDDY Y Male Unknown North West M19 0
28/03/25 197394 Lost NANCY Y Female Poodle: Miniature South East CT6 0
28/03/25 197393 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Central NN17 0
28/03/25 197392 Reunited BEAR Male German Spitz: Klein South East GU2 3
28/03/25 197391 Lost SNUFFLES Y Female Cocker Spaniel South East OX18 3
28/03/25 197389 Lost SEB Y Male Spaniel Cross South East GU10 7
28/03/25 197388 Lost NAME WITHHELD Y Female Cocker Spaniel Scotland KA6 7
28/03/25 197387 Lost ROXY Y Female Cross Breed North East DN3 6
28/03/25 197381 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Cross Breed East Anglia IP16 4
28/03/25 197375 Reunited EDDIE Y Female Maltese North East NE49 11
28/03/25 196831 Rainbow Bridge PIP Y Female Sprocker East Anglia SG8 19
28/03/25 196975 Rainbow Bridge TRIXIE Y Female French Bulldog East Anglia NR9 14
27/03/25 197378 Found 2 DOGS Y Female Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
27/03/25 197379 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
27/03/25 197380 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Border Collie Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
27/03/25 197377 Lost BONNIE Y Female Poodle: Toy East Anglia NR21 6
27/03/25 197376 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Central NG6 2
27/03/25 197217 Lost RUBY Y Female Dachshund: Miniature South East HP22 8
27/03/25 197374 Reunited TESSA Y Female Cocker Spaniel South East SO20 4
27/03/25 197366 Reunited JELLYBEAN Y Male Cat East Anglia CB8 10
27/03/25 197369 Reunited PURDY Y Female English Springer Spaniel South East TW19 12
27/03/25 197321 Reunited ROSIE Y Female Poodle: Miniature South East SO21 13
27/03/25 197365 Reunited EDEN Y Female Border Collie Scotland G20 14
27/03/25 197373 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Cross Breed East Anglia NR1 4
27/03/25 197215 Reunited PENNY Y Female Dachshund: Miniature South East HP22 7
26/03/25 197372 Found CC00049177 Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South West TR12 2
26/03/25 197371 Found CC00049664 Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South West TR4 2
26/03/25 197370 Reunited DOLLY Female Cockerpoo South East TW19 5
26/03/25 197367 Lost BREEZE Y Female German Shepherd Dog South East SL3 8
26/03/25 195013 Stolen KODA MISSING 22 WEEKS 24 MARCH Y Male Catahoula Leopard Dog South West PL32 14
26/03/25 197364 Reunited MISTY Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Wales SA13 1
26/03/25 197363 Reunited CHASE Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Wales SA13 1
26/03/25 197362 Reunited COOKIE Y Unknown Patterdale Cross South West SP6 2
26/03/25 197355 Reunited CHASE Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Wales SA13 8
26/03/25 197354 Reunited MISTY Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Wales SA13 6
26/03/25 197322 Reunited TOMMY Y Male Cat East Anglia IP30 6
26/03/25 197326 Reunited ROXY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross East Anglia NR3 12
26/03/25 197338 Reunited TEDDY Y Male Border Terrier South East RM7 12
26/03/25 197342 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Lurcher East Anglia IP24 7
26/03/25 197344 Reunited RUBY MISSING WITH MARGOT Y Female Cockerpoo North West CA12 8
26/03/25 197345 Reunited MARGOT MISSING WITH RUBY Y Female Cockerpoo North West CA12 8
26/03/25 197352 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Southern Ireland S.Ireland 5
26/03/25 197347 Reunited LUNA Y Female Border Terrier Central WS1 7
26/03/25 196873 Reunited PUFFY Y Male Shih Tzu South East LU1 13
25/03/25 197351 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Shih Tzu Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
25/03/25 197353 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Chihuahua Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
25/03/25 197350 Lost BUSTER Y Unknown German Shepherd Cross North West M34 4
25/03/25 197349 Lost BELLA Y Female Maltese Central DE23 5
25/03/25 197267 Stolen SKYE UPDATE Y Female Boston Terrier Central B32 17
Page: 1 of 3341 Next Last

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