Lost: Blue & Grizzle Border Terrier Male In North West (CW5)

  • Dog ID 25339
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 30 Sep 2010
  • Name RUFUS
  • Gender & Breed Male Border Terrier
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Blue & Grizzle
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Lost 23 Sep 2010
  • Where Lost Crewe Road, Nantwich, Cheshire
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area CW5
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Picked up by a couple who telephoned us and said they were going to Stoke on Trent but then said he escaped from them. We would like the couple to contact us again.
  • Listed By Diana
  • Views 8057
  • RUFUSPoster Image
  • RUFUSExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Border Daisy
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153186697838255&set=gm.1416028052040382&type=1&theater A Border Terrier found and now at Rochdale Dog Rescue for 7 days til he is rehomed. It has been pointed out he looks similar to your Rufus. Its been some time but it might be worth checking out. Last edited: 2015-04-02 23:31:00 by Border Daisy
Worth checking StrayAid again
http://www.strayaid.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5000%3Asd193-12&catid=11%3Acoxhoe&Itemid=17Last edited: 2012-10-20 20:20:44 by twoDs
Can someone check the Stray aid site please. Number ED220-11. Worth a try. x
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Thanks Northerner11 - have spoken to Rufus's owner and she's really pleased as this is the first even similar sighting to a dog like Rufus. Many thanks for your help x
At around 4.00pm today I sighted a dog which I recognised immediatly because it looked so similar to Rufus. It darted across Alton Street in Crewe into Albion street. I am not sure if it was Rufus, but I will keep an eye out for further sightings. It might be worth you taking a look, Diane. I hope it was Rufus. Last edited: 2011-07-29 16:37:28 by Northerner11
Saw Rufus in Daily Telegraph so have put link to video on twitter + will circulate. Also have put a link to this page on twitter as well.
Hi Diana and Bill, my name is Jaime. im Marnies mum. i the same as you did not realise that so many pets get stolen in this way. i think i was living in my own little bubble. which was a good bubble untill my Marnie was taken opened my eyes up to the REAL world. I PROMISE that i will spread the word through the traveling community for you as i have done with my own baby. i was so shocked to recieve a phone call off of you. but i will do all i can to help u. my heart goes out to you. we will get r babys back. it is strange that the car used in both incidents was a blue merc. there could be a gang of them doing this. using the same car. u never know. fingers crossed he is home soon xxxxxsending you both all my love. big hugs and kisses,
Diana and Bill sorry that you have had no luck in getting Rufus back. As a suggestion what aboyt getting a megaphone and standing in a busy place and let everyone know what has happened so far. Hand out missing posters at the same time. Children are or will be on holiday soon they could be a good source of information.
Thanks to all the people who have helped look for Rufus and who have been so kind to contact us. We are still looking!
The more we look and the more we enquire the more we find out about dogs being stolen. Please look after your dear companions.
Diana and Bill
marnie on here who was stolen, a small yorkshire terrier was taken by men in a blue mercedes reg no bc02 yva bit of a coincidence apparenly car not reg at dvla or insured etc x
I have posted an Ad on preloved and Vivastreet, have put doglosts phone number for anyone with information to contact- hope this helps in Rufus being returned. I will post the link to the Ads once they go live.
I have also been sharing his video all over facebook this morning, just hope someone who knows where he is sees the video or the Ads and gets intouch with some news xxLast edited: 2011-07-15 15:49:05 by Maggie
its a long shot but there is a border terrier on the stray aid site durham. mybe worth just to check thanks x
El's mum
I cannot imagine any dog owner working any harder than this lovely couple to get their dog back. I live in Alsager, not too far away but I see posters of him everywhere. Wishing you the best of luck!!! My fingers will stay tightly crossed for you.
I have just seen Rufus's owner on Day Break, so sad, really feel for the owner - they have done a reconstruction of the day Rufus went missing, here is the link to it on Youtube:

Have posted details on Twitter
I have bumped Rufus as he was will be on ITV daybreak tomorow morning.
Good Luck hope it brings some good news of your little man xxxLast edited: 2011-07-14 07:51:12 by Reynard
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Unfortunately Rufus is still missing :(
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Text sent to owners for an update Last edited: 2011-05-28 16:39:08 by Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Rileys Mum
The found dog mentioned by Elaine has been collected by his owners.. apparently they were from Northwich.. i rang the kennels that afternoon in case the found dog was a DL dog and was told by the kennel staff that his owners were on the way to collect him.
Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine. Good Luck
Type: Border Terrier (M)

Date: 23 Nov 2010

Found: Peover

Rehousing Date: 01 Dec 2010

Cheshire West & Chester Council HQ, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP Tel: 0300 123 8 123

worth checking out.
I am one of the managers in McDonalds where Rufus' owner came in with a poster, i have been thinking about him ever since, I have put his poster on twitter and facebook and have also now registered on here as a helper. I hope he is found safe and well very soon x
This is the latest advert in our local newspaper:
MISSING Border Terrier - Have you seen this dog? He was seen being picked up and taken in a blue Mercedes saloon car, by a man with dark hair with some grey in it. Stubble or a short beard. He was with a smartly dressed woman with fair hair. Estimated in there 50's. The dog was taken from Crewe Road, Nantwich on Thursday 23/9/10 at about 3pm. The dog is black and tan with a grizzle head and rough coated. He was wearing a black and white collar with a green tag. He is microchipped. Our family is desperate to find him. A substantial REWARD is being offered for information leading to his safe return. If you have seen him or know of his whereabouts, please ring 01270 627467 or 07926 194301.
Crossposted to BTW.Hope this sweet dog is home soon.
Thanks Karenn. Owner has contacted the Local Radio. Hope he's home soon as his family are very worried about him.
Any chance of anybody contacted, the local radio, too see if they will air it? xxx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
http://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/environment/animal_welfare/stray_and_abandoned_dogs/stray_dog_photographs.aspx ...... There is a Border Terrier on the Cheshire West & Chester website which was found in Northwich area picked up on 29th Sept it is not Rufus. The Council DW Section did forward details of Rufus onto me as owner has sent them details, I've informed them Rufus is registered on DL (thank you for the alert). After having discussions throughout the week the Council are now including whether the found dogs on their site are male or female which will help in matching dogs. Fingers crossed little Rufus is found soon. Jan x
Spoke to Diana this morning. Sadly Rufus is still missing. Owners are doing everything possible to find him - postering,putting leaflets through doors contacting all the right authorities etc. There has been no sign of him though. Bumped because adverts have been put in local papers. Please help look for this little boy as he needs a special diet and will become ill if he doesnt have his medication.
Did you have any luck from last nights Sentinel newspaper? My blue and tan border is still missing from Lightwood, Stoke. I will let you know if anyone contacts me as i still have posters up around my area and people could confuse the 2 dogs.
This is a duplicate of ID 25335. I spoke to owners earlier today.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in CW1,2,3,5,6 SY13,14

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