Lost: BLACK Collie Cross Male In Central (SY8)

  • Dog ID 26769
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 13 Dec 2010
  • Name PADDY
  • Gender & Breed Male Collie Cross
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour BLACK
  • Marks & Scars Black all over with white flash from under chin to between front legs. White hairs around muzzle.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 12 Dec 2010
  • Where Lost Temeside Gardens, Ludlow, Shropshire (around 5pm Sunday evening)
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area SY8
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info 19 years old, very deaf, almost blind, wearing a red leather collar with brass tag and ID. He may be confused.
  • Listed By Michelle
  • Views 25903
  • PADDY  Poster Image
  • PADDY  Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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You have to be at the bridge now sweet Paddy. I think of you so often, and wonder where you went. Have fun with Ben (Border collie) who is also at the bridge. RIP+ God Blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you One day you will meet your owners at the bridge, when the time is right. Sweet dreams ,lovely boy. My thoughts are with you, and your family. Run freex(HUG)
Have still not forgoton you Paddy, and ofter wonder what happened to you. ((((((HUGS))))))
I also think of you still Paddy, and what happened to you on that day; someone must know surely. You must be at the bridge now having fun with your pals, until you meet your loved ones when the time is right. Will post again sweetheart. Sending you lots of ((((((HUGS)))))), and XXXXXXLast edited: 2014-09-01 08:46:59
I still think of you each night Paddy and wish so much we could have found you we searched so hard and looked in so many places but you were not there. It has broken my heart even though I never knew you I know I would have loved you beautiful boy. I hope that by now you are in a beautiful place and you can see and hear again I know your mom hopes so too. Sweet dreams beautiful boy .... never forgotten. ((((Paddy))))
Well Paddy it is just past the date of when you went missing. I often think of you, and what happened on that day in 2010. I say many prayers for you too. Wherever you are lovely Paddy, I hope you are well, and happy, and at peace. (((((HUGS)))))
I am still hoping to hear news of you Paddy.
I passed found dog 48745 onto Paddys mum to check with. Sadly no news :-(
Jenni S
Disappointed that there's no further news on either Paddy or Found Dog 48745. Still hoping for a positive outcome for them both.
Jenni S
Been checking Paddy's page and Found Dog 48745; is there no way of finding out - dog/bitch, blind/deaf? Would be so good to get Paddy home. Do hope even if not Paddy, he/she is returned home or finds a good new home. Fingers still xd for them both.
Can you check dog found ID 48745.
Jenni S
Just checking by on Paddy's page, and still hoping and praying for his safe return home.
Still thinking of you sweet boy XXLast edited: 2013-01-20 05:43:41 by B30
Jenni S
Am sure this lad will never be forgotten. So many people still looking for you. Fingers still xd for you - love to you Paddy and your family.
We still look for you or some sign of you even now Paddy. You will never be forgotten xxx
Hi Paddy, I have not forgotten you either. Not many days/weeks go by without me thinking of you, and what happened to you on that fateful day in 2010. I will have to pray harder in the hope that there may be some news of your whereabouts. You will be almost 21 now, so it would be lovely if we could have a key so we could unlock the mystery of your disappearance in 2010. i will leave you now Paddy, but will post again very soon. Paddy, wherever you are God Bless you, and, of course your family. We will never give up on you. Sending Paddy loads of ((((((HUGS))))))xxx
Still in my thoughts little boy..........xxx
Jenni S
Sorry I've been offline for a while due to personal circumstances, but have not forgotten Paddy. Do hope some news comes thro soon. Never give up hope.
I still think about you Paddy, and hope one day the answer to what happened to you will be solved.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Paddy wherever you are. GOD BLESS you and Penny.
Hi Paddy. Would just like to wish you, Penny and the rest of your family a MERRY XMAS. I hope wherever you are Paddy you are happy and content and at peace. Tomorrow (Xmas day) I will be going to the Church service (Holy Cross and St. Francis of Assisi) where I will be praying and lighting candles for you and all the other lost dogs. Perhaps in 2012 there will be some news of what happened to you in 2010. We can only hope and pray. God Bless Paddy, Penny and the rest of his family at Christmas time. Will post again Paddy in the New Year. Sending loads of hugs to Paddy and his owners.
Would also like to send Paddy`s owners lots of hugs and kisses. Have lit special candles today for Paddy and his family. And said many prayers too. Oh Paddy if only......
Thinking ofPaddy today , and sending lots of love to his owner XX
I still think about you daily little man. Wherever you are - stay safe - take care. xxx
And it's exactly the same weather as this time last year. {{HUGS}} to you all. Last edited: 2011-12-12 18:20:41 by jobadger
Hi Paddy today I offered a mass up for you and lit many candles for your safe return. I cannot believe these people saw Paddy and did nothing. Its a possibility that perhaps someone thought he was abandoned, felt sorry for him and took him in (But we all know that he was very well loved and taken good care of). It seems strange that a lot of kind people went on a search for him with no stone unturned and found no clues as to where he may be. So he must be somewhere else, perhaps someone who doesn`t live in Paddy`s area took him and wantsd to keep him. Have all Collie Rescue centres been notified far and wide? If Paddy was picked up as a stray I know that sometimes they phone anywhere in the UK to try to find kennel space. I have my candles ready to light for Paddy tomorrow. God Bless Paddyxxx
There's not a day goes by when I don't think about you little man. You're not mine - but I'm dreading next week as much as your mum is! Wherever you are - take care. I have great difficulty not thinking about those people who saw you on that dreadful night.xxxLast edited: 2011-12-09 20:32:18 by jobadger
Hi Michelle. Have just read your post and it is very touching. I know that as well as his family wanting Paddy back, so do the Members on this site. I pray every day for Paddy and other lost dogs and I know others doi too. I think too because of Paddy`s age and disabilities people are draw even more to his plight. I have my candles ready, pink for Paddy`s family and a white one for Paddy too. Paddy has not vanished into thin air, he has to be somewhere. Perhaps on the 12th December we the Members could reunite in a little prayer at the same time on that day. Just a thought. God Bless and sending lots of hugs to Paddy and his family. (Wherever he is)xxx
The beautiful rose arrived today, Mum has asked me to have a look and see who it was from - so thank you everyone.
Mum has asked me to post something but it is difficult to find the words to say how much this means to all of us, not just the gift, but the fact that there are still people out there who are thinking of Paddy and praying for him.
It gets harder the longer it is since he left us, but reading all the kind comments from everyone, although upsetting, provides some comfort that he hasn't been forgotten - and by people who never even knew him.
I still pray that one day we will be able to bring him home, then we will all be able to have some peace from this terrible nightmare.

I also pray for all the other poor souls who have been lost to their loving families, my thoughts are with all of you and may God speed your safe return.

Thanks WSILDCARD. Have tried to donate via paypal but it wont go through. Have used it before so will try again tomorrow. Fingers xd.
Sorry missed your post. If you would still like to donate a little please go to Paypal and use the following address to donate as the chip-in has now closed.


Please make sure you send your money as a gift as they charge grrrrr. It will show up in dollars but converts to pounds when you send money. We have almost £60 it is wonderful to know how much his followers and people care. I just wish we could have bought him home even for one last time to give both Penny and Paddy peace. :*( xx
Great WSILDCARD. But cant seem to follow the link to donate. Not 100 per cent compuiter literate Im afraid. HELP.
I have set up an event on FB for Penny and Paddy on the 12th December the 1 year anniversary since he was lost. We are all lighting a candle for them and saying prayers for him to come home. I have also organised a chip-in for Penny and I am going to send her some flowers to let her know that Paddy's group on FB are still thinking of her and her beautiful boy. Penny is aware of the candle ceremony but not the flowers, I wanted it to be a surprise. Here is the link to the chip-in for those who would like to donate ~ you do not have to donate only if you would like to but please do light a special candle for Paddy on the 12th in memory of his love and his life. Love you Paddy ~ please come home somehow sweetheart. :*( xxx

http://rememberingpaddy.chipin.com/pennyandpaddys-memorialLast edited: 2011-12-01 00:49:29 by WILDCARD
Hi Paddy. Just to let you know I offered a Mass up for you today, and lit many candles. Please come back Paddy. If anyone knows anything at all about Paddy`s whereabouts, please, please inform his owners or DogsLost. Sure it will be treated in the strictest confidence. Good or bad news, please let the family know. THANK YOU. God Bless Paddy and his familyxxx
I still pray so hard for you Paddy and it would be lovely if you could be reunited with your family. Paddy what happened to you on that fateful day? It would be great if you were reunited for Christmas. I will still pray hard for you Paddy and light candles for you. I wont stop until you are found. God Bless you, whereever you are.xxx
Paddy - wherever you are - whatever you're doing - Bambi's home - now it's your turn. Jo xxx
Wishing and hoping still Paddy....... Jo xxx
We are all still living in hope Paddyxxx
I too was hoping for some news of Paddy. And still think about you and say prayers for your return. The months have flown by. PLEASE COME HOME PADDYxx Kind regards to your family.
Jenni S
So so sorry there's still no news of Paddy, but still hoping and praying for his safe return.
I can't believe it's been 9 months last Saturday. I still think of you all on a daily basis - not least you Paddy - I hope you're warm and safe. Penny - I can only imagine the feelings you're experiencing. Natalie - your hard work will be rewarded, I'm sure. Take care. Jo xx
Details on DL Facebook page West Mids, Shrops and Staffs
Prayed for you again Paddy today. Please come home. And make everyone happyxxxx God keep you safe.
Jenni S
Still thinking of Paddy - and Penny, Natalie and Michelle - and hoping for some good news soon. So many people rooting for you Paddy you just have to be found soon.Last edited: 2011-08-31 23:43:00 by Jenni S
Just calling in to say hello Pads - still thinking of you loads. Jo xxxxxx
I also pray and light candles for this boy. Yes it would be great if he was found soon. What a great early Christmas present it would be for his owner if he was found. I will have to pray harder.
After all our searches and prayers still Paddy is lost. I light candles for him everyday and hope that he can see the glow in his heart and find his way home. On the 12th September it will be 10 months since he walked out of Penny's life and I know she is hurting so much for her boy. We will never give up hoping that Paddy will be found and will be brought home one day. We love you sweet old boy ~ more than words can ever say. xx
It is now over 8 months since Paddy dissapeared. Where are you old boy. xxxxx
Thought I would check again on Paddy`s page. Io wish you could be found Paddy. Kind regards to your family. We are all thinking of you.
Still thinking of you little man - and your family. xxx
Jenni S
Just checking by on Paddy. Still have fingers xd.
Still no news then. Will still pray for you Paddy. You have to be somewherexxxxxxx
Jenni S
Again checking in on Paddy's page. There are so many people looking out for him and wishing him well, so still hoping for a good result. Keep spirits up Natalie and Penny.
Just thought I would check up on you again Paddy. As mysterious as Bud (oct 2011). Where are you? Sending good thoughts and wishes to all your family. I think of you often (and Bud).
Still thinking of you all daily. Stay safe and well lovely lad. xx
Just thought I would check up on paddy`s page. You have to be so mewhere Paddy. Please God let him be found and reunited with his family. Hope there will be some news soon. Keep safe Paddy. Am sending my good wishes to your family and loads of pats to you lovely ladxxx
Facebook: DogLost.co.uk - Shrewbury
Share and like as Paddy is on this page.
Good Luck!
Jenni S
Natalie - Paddy, Penny and you are constantly in thoughts and prayers. Nothing would make my day more than seeing Paddy in the "reunited" section. Let's hope it's soon. Jenni x
I have been checking in regulary and see all of your kind comments. Still no news at all on the Whereabouts of Paddy. Even with people who 'see' things we have had no luck in locating him. It is so, so sad. After all this time has passed we are still no closer. Please keep Paddy and Penny in your thoughts and prayers. I know that one day soon we can bring him home. For all of your continued support I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Natalie xxxxxxxx
Jenni S
Still keeping fingers xd for you Paddy. Thoughts are with Penny and Natalie.
Just touching ground to see if there's been any news. Wherever you are, lovely boy, stay safe. xx
PS I still pray for your safe return at my local church and light candles for you. God Bless you Paddy, wherever you arexx
Justg thought I woluld check up on Paddy`s page. Has someone ;picked you up Paddy and doesn`t want to let you go? I assume ALL border colllie rescues have been informed? Wherever you are Paddy I hope you are happy. I know Penny must think and miss you every day. if Penny could have you back I am sure it would be better than a big lotto win. Lots of kisses and cuddles for you handsome ladxxx Kathy
Just popped by to send my love Paddy. Thinking of you and your family x
Jenni S
Although too far away to be of practical help, am still hoping that Paddy will be found soon.
Hi Paddy, just checking on you today. I have been on holiday but still thought of you. I so hoped you would be found. Please come home SOON.xx
Just checking in on you Paddy. Where are you sweetie?
Big hugs Pads! Still thinking of you! xx
Jenni S
So sorry there's still no news re Paddy but still have my fingers xd for this lovely boy.
Animal Magic Chelt
Just checking by....stay safe Paddy.
Jenni S. Me too. Paddy has to be somewhere.
Jenni S
I keep checking this boy's page, hoping for some good news. So many people looking out for you Paddy.
I shall still carry on praying and hoping that Paddy will be found
as I know other members will be doing the same. God Bless him whereever he is.
{{{HUG}}} Thinking of you all. Jo xxxxx
We have never stopped searching for Paddy. At the point now where we have nowhere new to look.. I pray that wherever he is he is peaceful xxx
Will there be any more searching for this old boy? Please
let him be found soon and be reunited with Penny. Lots of cuddles are being sent to you Paddy. PLEASE COME HOMExxxx
Still thinking of you Paddy and praying and hoping for your safe return. Try and let yourself be seen very soon.
Jenni S
Paddy, everyone's rooting for you. Hope to see you home really soon.
Just thought again Penny. Has anyone looked at travellers sites? Worth a try. More love and kisses for Paddy, you handsome boyxxxxxxxxxx
Still not forgotten you Paddy I still pray for you, candles the lot. Please come home soon and make your owners day. Lost of kisses and cuddlesxxxxxx
{{{hug}}} Thinking of you all. xx
Still no news or sightings. Renewed appeal posters were put out but still nobody is coming forward with information. Penny is again concentrating on the rivers as everything else seems to have been searched xxx
Just checking in on you Paddy. Hurry up and come home XX
Sure you will be found one day Paddy and reunited with Penny. I still think about you and wish somneone would come forward, as you have not faded into thin air have you? I think someone knows something of where you are. I still pray for you Paddy and sure that one day you will be reunited with Penny, as you shouldc be. Try and make yourself heard/seen sweethearet. And sson. Stay safexx
Still wishing for your safe return little man - wherever you are, take care and stay safe. xx
Still think of you Paddy and your owner as do the other members. Please get found soon
No more news of Paddy or other ideas then? Have said prayers and lit candles for Paddy this morning at my local church (as I do every Sunday) and will carry on until this fella is found. Sure other member do the same. Come on Paddy where are you?
My thoughts and prayers are still with you Paddy. I am praying for you still. Penny wants you back where you belong. I know the search goes on for you and will continue until you are found. I only wish I could wave a magic wand. God Blessxxx
Jenni S
Sorry to see there's no further news re Paddy but still have my fingers firmly xd for him.
Still thinking of you Paddy. PLEASE get yourself reunited soonxxx
Still thinking of you Paddy. PLEASE get yourself reunited soonxxx
Thanks Jo, hope that you are well. I will post on fb and see if there are any takers. Hope that the car is up and running for you again xxxxx
Natalie - forgot to say - the National Dog Show is on at Stafford County Showground from 5th to 8th May if you know of anyone going for fliers to go out. Hugs to you all. Jo xx
natalie0709. Thank you for letting me know about the rewar. I was unaware as no mentikon of it is on DogLost. Hopefully Paddy will soon be reunited with Penny.
Hi Jo, I will tell Penny about the show at Malvern, will also post on facebook page to ask if anybody will be attending and able to get flyers out there for us. Thank you xx

Janiejewel, there is a reward for Paddy. I do not know what it is but Penny is offering something for the return of Paddy xx
Hi Nat - Three Counties Agricultural Show is on at Malvern on June 8/9/10/11th. I so hope he's back before then but any chance of fliers on the cars? It's a national championship dog show there as well with people from all over. The Secretary only lives down the road from you in Little Hereford. Jo xxx
Mollychops. I have noticed no reward mentioned on doglost page for Paddy (Owner probably unable to?) Would it be possible for doglost members to donate? Maybe not the policy of dogslost, but because of the age of Paddy, could this be an exception? i would be quite willing to donate. Sure others would too. Perhaps be an incentive for whoever may know of the whereabouts of Paddy. (hopefully they MAY read this). Just a thought. Happy Easter to Penny and all on this site
Mollychops. So happy to read that the search will go continue to find Paddy. Brilliant.
Ive amended Paddys page now the Sunday mass search is over, but we will never ever stop looking out for him. You can count on that Penny xx
Just to say that we have not forgotten you Paddy, and am sure that the hun will go on for your safe return. Someone out there may be a bit suspicious perhaps about an unfamiliar old collie in their area. Sure that dogslost would take a call in confidence. It would be lovelt to reunite this old chap with his rightful owner. Good idea to extend posters perhaps?
Jenni S
I'm so so sorry that Paddy was not found today but do feel that all the publicity generated by today's search will be helpful. I'll continue to check in on this page in case there is anything I can do from here, albeit so far away.
I would ask everyone to look out for Paddy on or near travellers sites still. I know many have been found with or near travellers sites, as they dont tend to report stray dogs as found. Worth a try. (Not saying they all do though)
I had such hopes that Paddy would have been found today, but having said that I am convinced more than ever as the others say that he has been taken in and he is still alive, sorry that I am too far away to have gone. x good luck in your continued search for Paddy x
penny. So sorry that Paddy was not found today. But he must be with someone somewhere, who has taken a liking to him, therefore not reported him found. I am sure that all the people who took part in the search will not give up umtil Paddy is found. I was too far away, but I do look around when we are out walking (everyday) to see if I can spot an old collie like your boy. Am in West Mids, but you never know. Keep positive Penny
Huge thanks Natalie for all you have done today. you are such a star helping Penny , just so sad no result yet. We will find Paddy im sure eventually
I was soooo hoping for some positive news today on the boy. I've just got in now ( I left at 8 this morning!)- getting back seemed to take forever! Why do these things happen at such inopportune times?? I'm okay thanks Nat - thanks for asking. (Frustrated maybe!)
If someone's taken him, he can't be kept indoors forever - someone must know where he is!
No news today I am afraid :-( Really feeling like somebody must have taken him and not reported it. A lot of ground has been covered again now, and it is not looking as though he is still around the serpant area. I will post again when I have something new, for now I am getting in the shower as the sun caught me today and my chest is burning!! Take care everybody, Penny really appreciates all of your kind messages and help given. Jobadger was going to join us but sadly she broke down on the way so did not quite make it (I was really looking forward to meeting you Jo) I hope that you got your tow home ok Jo, it always seems to happen when you really do not need it to. Hope that all is well xxxxx
Wishing u all the best of luck today. Hope to see Paddy in the blue later today xx
Wishing you all good luck for the search for the beautiful paddy today he is out there somewhere and i pray you find him, i am in northamptonshire so too far away to help but like so many others i wish you all the very best your wonderful people. Good luck. xxx
come on paddy lets have you home today,x
Have been to my local church today (Holy Cross and St. Francis of Assisi). Prayers said and candles lit to help in the search for Paddy. Will be thinking of all you searchers today. Everything crossed too. GOOD LUCK
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Good luck with the search today everyone. Jan x
i have family in ludlow. ill contact them today :)
good luck with your search today my thoughts are with you
good luck today with the search xx
Good Luck with the search today everyone.
as with everyone else who is too far away to help search, all fingers and paws crossed for you and will be thinking of you all.x.
Good luck for tomorrow, too far away to help search but will be thinking of you xx
Nigel and Cathy
Fingers and paws crossed here for all who are kindly looking for the lovely Paddy! We are all praying you have a successful day tomorrow xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good luck team PADDY!
Ditto to my previous comments and keep safe everyone on the search. GOOD LUCK
Jenni S
Just to say "good luck" with the search tomorrow. Will be thinking of you and hoping for a positive outcome. Come on Paddy, give us a paw.
i am so sorry i cant be with you all im in lancashire but i would just like to say to everyone that is going that your all fantastic my thought and prayers are with you all and with paddy,please do find him he needs to be home, good luck everyone
Best of luck Sunday, I so hope you find Paddy. xx
Sending all the best for Sunday. I really hope you find Paddy, or at least get some news. liz xx
Bumped, for Sunday , all my wishes and thoughts will be with Penny on thaT day XX
I hope and pray Sunday brings positive news. i will be thinking of you xx
Wishing you all the luck in the world for Sunday, wish I lived closer as I would be out there looking with you all xx
just want to wish you all the best for Sunday, I am in West Yorks so its too far otherwise I would be joining in. I will be praying that you get some good news and that all of your hard work pays off. I cannot imagine what Paddy's mum is going through xx
New to this group and in the Bristol area... Just wanted to say that i hope you find Paddy because you must be going through hell not knowing where he is... Try to always be hopeful and i will keep all crossed for you. x
Thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers. We know that those who cannot be with us on Sunday will be thinking of Paddy and praying for his return home. This all means so much to Penny, Paddys mum who will not give up until she knows where her boy is xxxx
I have just seen this, and am absolutely breaking my heart. Posting to FB, posting to Answerbank: please come home gorgeous boy, you are so beautiful and obviously so missed. All the very best for Sunday's search xx
would just like to wish all you caring people all the best for the search on Sunday for Paddy. I shall be wishing, hoping and praying (at my local church) for the safe return of this lovely dog. So come on Paddy let them find you so you can be reunited with your owner. Unfortunately I am too far away to join the search. GOOD LUCK everyone Paddy fan
The weather is on our side on Sunday - I've had a word! Let me know if you need anything doing - I'm still hoping he's going to be back before then! Jo xx
Also if there is anybody able to help with the search on Sunday it would be better to contact me directly (tel 07974897126) as I am organising it and can give more detail. Thank you all so much for your continued support and help. Penny appreciates it so much (we all do) xxx
I really need to check in more often. Thank you Jenni S for your input. It is so much appreciated. I had left messages for them but they never got back to me, at least now we know 100%. Thank you so much x Jobadger there were leaflets taken to Ludlow Races last Sunday. Penny contacted me and her friend had taken some out there. Really hoping for news soon (and that the weather is good for Sunday) xxx
Thanks Jenni S for taking the time to do this, Im keeping Paddy bumped for the search on Sunday
Jenni S
Today I telephoned Castlefield Kennels at West Hallam to see if I could email them photo and details of Paddy (much quicker than a 50-minute drive). Spoke to a lovely lady and emailed her. Unfortunately, the reply came back: "I can, indeed, confirm that a dog matching his description did come into this kennels as a stray via the dog control service that we provide to one of the local councils, a few weeks ago, but he was a dog of probably less than two years old. I am so sorry we can’t help." Shame it was not Paddy, but at least we know. Good luck with the search on Sunday. Sorry I'm too far away to help, especially with a 15-year-old Jack Russell, a 21-year-old horse and an equally elderly husband (!!!) to care for. But will have my fingers xd for a good result on Sunday.

Just had a thought. Is anyone out there psychic? I am not mad, as I used to have prophetic dreams when I was younger. (Yes they did come to fruition). Unfortunately I dont get many if any now. Only wished I did. Someone out there must have this type of gift. Everything is worth a try to get Paddy reunited.
Jenni S i see another nice person wisbhing to help in the search for Paddy. I think what you suggest is a great idea. I also came accross this page by accideent. I do hope the said dog is Paddy. Good Luck. Please come home Paddyxxx
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
I am too far away to be of any help but I sincerely hope that the search organised for 17th brings something postive for you. Please show yourself dear little Paddy.
Jenni S
Came across this page by accident really, as it's way out of my area (Notts). But saw post by natalie0709 on 13 March saying that a dog matching Paddy's description had been found in "Sutton or Kirkby, Ashfield". There's a Sutton-in-Ashfield and a Kirkby-in-Ashfield in Notts - are these the same places? I hadn't heard of Castlefield Kennels, but, having looked it up, see they are at West Hallam which is Derbys but not far from the Notts border. Has this situation been clarified? If not, can I do anything to help? I could contact kennels and take poster to check against found dog - just sorry I didn't spot this page earlier. Please let me know.
Ive put on Paddys poster details of the search. all who can please come and help with the search for dear old Paddy. Contact the numberes on hereLast edited: 2011-04-11 19:07:35 by Mollychops
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Anyone who can help please ring number above! Thank you!
So pleased to see that the search still goes on for Paddy. I pray and think of him every day for his safe return
Thanks Jo, you are a star!! xx If we could get Paddy bumped up again that would be great, may even get a few more people involved with the search. Just a reminder:
SEARCH FOR PADDY - Meeting at Temeside Gardens, Ludlow, Shropshire on Sunday 17th April, staggered starts 9am, 11am and 12.30pm All welcome to come and help out even if only for a short time xxx
Hi Nat - Done! Andrew's just gone to post them for me now. I must admit, I was hoping for some news before the search to have something to go on maybe. Any chance d'you think of having his notes bumped up again because of Sunday?Perhaps something may come of it. Jo xxLast edited: 2011-04-11 14:03:02 by jobadger
Jo, that would be a great help if you can thank you. I have just mapped the search area and am wondering if I can split myself into little pieces. Its huge. So far got 45 areas to look and still I keep finding them. I have been worrying about getting to Leominster on the Sunday morning and back in time for the first search going out so if you are able to do this it would be wonderful. Thank you so much xxx
Hi Natalie - d'you want me to mail a poster to Leominster C.S.? It's gonna be quite tight to get down there on Sunday as well as search. I'll copy some fliers and send them today and ask if they'll put them at the door as people sign in first thing.
Jo xx
Not checked in for a couple of days due to trying to get search organised. I would not have been able to get to racecourse as my husband had the car, unless Penny picked this up and did it of course. Havent had any contact with her for a few days so not sure. Still no news to report, just praying that we can find him on Sunday xxx
Does anyone know if fliers where put up at the Ludlow races today for Paddy? Things seemed to have gone quiet for this old boy. I think good or bad news someone who has any info on this dog should inform the owner. At least then they will have closure.. Srill keep everyting crossed for the return of this dog though. Where are you Paddy?
jobadger. Think that putting up some fliers at Ludlow Race Course is a brilliant idea. Only wished I lived nearer. (Sunday 10th April 2011?)and unfortunately I cant drive. Good luck if something works out. Come on Paddyxxx
There's a race meeting on Sunday at Ludlow Race Course - first race 2.20 p.m.
Is anyone able to get along there with some fliers? A good opportunity to catch people coming into the area. xx
Surely somewhere out there must know where Paddy is? Paddy cannot have vanished into thin air. Perhaps a person who reads this may have some idea but is afraid to come forward (Maybe with an acquaintance of theirs). Sure this could be anonymous. Please put yourself in the position of the owner, not to mention this old fella. They have to live with this. not knowing where Paddy is.
Surely somewhere out there must know where Paddy is? Paddy cannot have vanished into thin air. Perhaps a person who reads this may have some idea but is afraid to come forward (Maybe with an acquaintance of theirs). Sure this could be anonymous. Please put yourself in the position of the owner, not to mention this old fella. They have to live with this. not knowing where Paddy is.
I had a walk along the lane where GT saw this dog earlier this week, it goes to a dead end with garages and doesn't look very used for cars but several gardens back onto it. I called in at the local vets but they did not have a report of a missing dog of this description, I imagine the poor soul wandering into the road on Monday was a dog from the neighbourhood taking an unaccompanied wander.
Good luck with the search for Paddy.x.
Thank you OldGreyMan, we would rather be sent 1000 pictures of dogs that are not Paddy than risk missing the one that is. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you xx
Dinkydoodle. Thank you for info about setting a trap to catch Paddy. So you still have not been found. You must be out there somewhere. We all keep hoping that you will be home soonxxx God Bless you whereever you are Paddyxxxxx
Thanks OldGreyMan, sadly not Paddy - I have just listed same dog with picture in the founds
Feel sure you will have seen this, but if not, an old male found . .
it will be on the petsearchers website later today.Any information please contact Lakeside Kennels on 01283 790 937 or Burton Petsearch on 01283 535 622
Great find Jo, I will make sure there are flyers out there as well as details with meeting point for search etc. There may be a few there that have a little time to spare for us xx
Leominster Canine society have an Open Show on at Bridge Street Sports Centre on 17th April - the same day as the search. Can anyone drop some fliers or posters off there as it will be well attended by doggy people and their friends (from within and outside the local area) Jo xx
janiejewel1649 a trap would only be used if there were more consistent sightings of this dog and really only if all other means of capture had been tried and failed.
GT I know exactly where you mean, if time allows tomorrow I will have a walk around the area instead of a drive but I would imagine it is a dog from the neighbourhood having a wander. Just in case someone has reported him/her missing, have you logged this with the Bristol DW? Their no. is 0117 9222500.
Would it still be possible to set a trap (with food) and try and catch this elusive old fella? Come on now Paddy reveal yourself and be reunited with your owner who loves you. It would be like Christmas come early. May God look over you until you are safely back homexxx
This dog was last seen at the bottom of the lane that leads to garages at rear of houses,there is a barrier half way along Derham road,I checked this area the next day but no sign of dog.
Thank you so much dinkydoodle. I hope to that this dog is now safe. It would be great if we could find out ... xxx
Thanks for posting for me this morning doglover1! Alas, I drove along Derham Road and surrounding area around 4pm but did not see any dog, let alone a loose one. I hope the one GT saw is now safe but I will go around there again tomorrow just in case I can spot anything. I will also pop into the vets very near there to see if they have a report of a dog of this description. In the meantime, come on Paddy.x.
Message from DL helper Dinkydoodle, I have driven round Derham Road this morning but saw nothing! but will have a better look round after work later.
GT has this sighting been reported to the Bristol Dog warden as someone may of reported this dog as missing ??
How lovely to see all these nice people in the search for Paddy. Come on old buy come home and make everyones dayxx God take care of you until then.
GT, thank you for the quick reply, Dinkydoodle, thank you it would be much appreciated if you could look in the area, you never know what will turn up!! Jo, I have not given dowsing a thought, anything is worth a try at this stage I will look at Jacks posts now. Thank you xxxx
Due to the posting by GT, I will have a drive round the area mentioned in BS13 on my way to work in the morning and on my way home in the afternoon and see if I can see this dog, as natalie0709 says, it sounds like it needs help even if it is not Paddy.
Natalie - Please look at reunited 28971 - Jack. His owner was 'dowsing' over the map. A longshot, I know, but any use?
Jo xx
DERHAM ROAD,BISHOPSWORTH,BS13 @3.30,10 mins later dog was hobbling down side of sheltered accommodation,lane and rear of houses,checked there this morning but no sign of dog,any further help please contact me,GT.
GT could you please tell us where abouts this dog was seen. which road etc. Any detail would be most helpful even if not Paddy it needs help by the sound of it xx

Thank you Jo for the message xxx
A similar dog stepped out in front of my van yesterday,in Bristol.It had what looked like a red webbing type collar,loose. with flat brass tag,distinguishing features;fluffy long hair on ears,ginger,long hair covering paws,brown eyes,limped,appeared scruffy and old,wornout,cannot remember about white bits as dog kept its head down,would not come close but appeared confused and not sure if it would bite me or not.Could not hear my van and poorly sighted,may be local dog or stray,GT
I think that the dog found in SY7 is the one we have been trying to track down. It is not far from where the sighting was on Saturday. :-(
This must be you Paddy, now no more running off and get yourself reunited with your owners. All fingers crossedxxx Please God brigng him home soon
I keep checking in on Paddy, hoping for good news! so hope the sighted dog is Paddy, would be brilliant to have him home safe! is a bit of a worry tho with the found dog being so near and description the same, that this is the sighted dog!
Hope this is Paddy, fingers crossed x
A black and white male collie has been found in SY7 and handed in. It has been in the area for a while but was unable to be caught. Has a slight limp and is scruffy. He is microchipped - was wondering whether this is the dog thought to be Paddy!!! hope not and that he is still out there. Liz xx
This has got to be you Paddy - you were heading south before Christmas. Stay safe and let yourself be seen. xx
Keeping everything crossed that this sighting is Paddy x
Heavens little man, I so hope this is you! Said a little something to a higher being as well, Paddy. Asked that you're kept safe until you're picked up. xxLast edited: 2011-04-05 09:47:14 by jobadger
Fingers crossed come on Paddy time to get back home.
Lets hope that all our hopes and prayers have been answered and that this dog is Paddy. All fingers crossed. Let us all know soonxxx
I'm praying this is Paddy and crossing everything. Come on old boy show yourself xx
fingers and toes crossed come home msoon paddy xxxx
Im keeping my fingers crossed this is Paddy. Natalie you are doing an amazing job helping Penny.
Everything crossed that this turns out to be Paddy. Keep up the searcing and scenting. Good luck.Last edited: 2011-04-04 08:12:46 by Spindle
POSSIBLE SIGHTING, Nordan near Leominster.. Penny had phone call over the weekend with a sighting that was "just like the dog in the poster" This is approx 1 1/2 miles from the Leominster one last month and before christmas. Rushed out there but no sign. Have been back a few times and checked the area but nothing. This is the first day time sighting of this dog, the other 2 were at night. Put food down, a friend is contacting her dog warden contact in Hereford to see if we can get a trap set. This sounds really positive, Penny went out with her other dog yesterday, he did plenty of wees in the area, she has also used some of the scenting techniques that DOGLOST have advised on. Please let this be Paddy. It would truely be a miracle xxxx
Assume the owners of Paddy have tried all Collie rescue centres? Have they thought of a reputable Pet psychic? Everything is worth trying to get this lovely b oy back. Come back Paddyxx
Assume the owners of Paddy have tried all Collie rescue centres? Have they thought of a reputable Pet psychic? Everything is worth trying to get this lovely b oy back. Come back Paddyxx
Still thinking daily of this little man. Is the market still every Monday in Ludlow?
Did anyone manage to get to give out fliers there? Might it be an idea to blast the market on the Monday prior to the search? It might come up with some calls which might give a lead to the little chap's whereabouts. Jo xx
Was there any travvellers at the time Paddy disappeared/They have been known to take the dog with them. perhaps thinking it is a stray. I believe a German shbepherd was found by a travellers site not too long ago. (now reunited) Worth a try) Visit my Son in Shropshire sometimes. Keep my eyes open. You never know. GOOD LUYCK
Me again. Someone out there must know something about the whereabouts of this lovely boy. If you do then please have a conscience and inform the owners. They must be distraught. Still praying for your safe return Paddyxx
Am prayhing for this lovely dogs safe return. Come home Paddy
Good luck.
Renewed appeal in the Ludlow Advertiser for Paddy today xx
Fantastic stuff going on here!! Well done natalie for organizing the search. I wish I could be there for Penny, its a bit far for me X
Thanks Sue. Jo xx
Thanks Natalie - I shall be there as soon as I can. I do hope he's found before then, though. Jo xx
Just a thought - can we bump up Paddy because of the search and then more people may become involved?Last edited: 2011-03-29 09:43:02 by jobadger
Group search for Paddy will take place as follows.
Sunday 17th April, staggered starts 9am, 11am and 12.30pm. Meeting place is Temeside Gardens, Ludlow, Shropshire. SY8 1JP. Thank you for your continued support xxx
Thank you Liz xx
I am not too far away so can help. Liz xx
Yes I checked with Network Rail and had a lovely gentleman go back through all the records from the date Paddy went missing, sadly nothing and he kept Paddys details just incase there was anything reported after I phoned xx
Hi Jo, we will be posting details of meeting places as soon as I have permission for them and they are confirmed 100%. The dog in the South Derbyshire Kennels was claimed by its owner, it definately was not Paddy xxx
Were the South Derbyshire Kennels definately checked out at the end of December regarding the old collie?
Is there any news of the collie at Caynham or Leominster?
Has anyone checked with network rail - I don't want to think this way but have had to mention it. Jo xx
Will you be posting details of meeting places nearer the time? I hope to be there but it will be for one of the later ones. I do hope he's found before this though.
xxLast edited: 2011-03-24 10:26:10 by jobadger
We are staggering search times due to people needing to travel here. They are going to be 9am, 11am and 12.30pm. Each group will have their own area to search. Praying that we can find him soon xx
A search for Paddy is being held on the 17th April,if anyone can attend to help, that would be brilliant, the more people the more chance we have of finding him
I think there will be a very good story in the Ludlow Advertiser, thanks to Adrian, he is brilliant,hes going to interview owner on saturday, and take some photos of them looking through paddys photos, Adrian said he is going to do everything he can to get some news on Paddy, bless him, looking forward to seeing his story.
I hope the item in the Shrops Star brings some news Natalie XX
There was a piece in last nights Shropshire Star, page 10 about Paddy and the search continuing for him xxx
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Why dont you contact Owl, save your money. Come on Paddy you little darling, your mummy is still looking for you.
Have posted a link on the dogs today magazine facebook page.
Count me in too. Just say when. xx
I hope he is home soon. If the owner needs help with affording a fee for an animal communicator, I would be willing to help put some money towards it.
Oh fabulous BC! Well done. We've all got everything crossed here for a result from this. Thank you - I've never given up hope that he'll return - this will make it just that bit sooner! xx
You are amazing BC, I feel so positive now you are helping in the search. Thank you so much xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Goodwork BC.
Well done BC!

Ive just done a live appeal on Sunshine Radio, i rang them and asked if they would mention paddy and they rang me back wanting to do an interview, so fingers crossed, also he is going in the shropshire star, ludlow advertiser, and ludlow journal, so can someone bump him up, because of the radio and press coverage, thanks
The dog is cornwall is not paddy, the dog has been claimed by its owner
Thank you for your great ideas and support. I will get the two dogs located in South Derbyshire and Cornwall looked into. Anything is possible to be honest at this stage.
Michelle Oscars mum
I know this maybe a bit of a longshot as Cornwall is a long way from Shropshire but I have seen this our Pirate FM Help desk Found Pets. As Paddy has been missing for a while, he could be anywhere. Anyway it maybe worth a phone call.

Found Collie, A Blind Black Collie was just found in the Trevithick Area of Poole, Redruth. Wearing a red Collar. Was running with a Westie that ran off.
Please call 01209 218368 Contact Mrs Meers on 01209 218368
dont know if any help but on alfies found dogs there is an old collie found in south derbyshire possibly 60 miles from you but surprising how far away animals turn up good luck with the search god bless dog found in dec i think
I hope you have news soon. Another dog on this page who went missing at the end of December has turned up home - so stay positive. He will be back! Come on little man - your mam is missing you so much!
Michelle Oscars mum
I do hope you find your boy, I saw Paddy on facebook and Youtube while searching for sites to put Oscar my springer Collie X on. I have requested to join the group and will share your link the best I can. Good luck with the search xx
Thank you Jo, a lady who has joined paddys group made it for us. Paddys owner came up and watched it today. Very upsetting but she thought that it was perfect for her boy. Praying that we get news on him soon xxx
I've just watched your video. I so hope it brings him home! I found it very moving. I've cross-posted it to other forums.
Not a day goes by without thinking of you Paddy. xxLast edited: 2011-03-15 13:18:06 by jobadger
I sincerely hope that you are very close to finding the little man, Natalie. You must be out of your minds with worry. xx
Ok this is where we are at. There has been a sighting of an old collie in Leominster 11 miles from Paddys home. He has been sighted twice now by the same person once before christmas and once 3 days ago who has tried without success to catch him and even spent time last night sitting and waiting. I have been and postered the area today in the hope that somebody will give us some news. Even if not Paddy then he needs to be in a loving home.

There has also been another report come in that an old, deaf and blind collie that fits Paddys description has been found in Sutton or Kirkby, Ashfield. I have been trying to contact the RSPCA there all weekend without success. Is anybody aware of this dog? Somebody has mentioned it was taken to Castlefield Kennels, but after much enquiring it turns out there were 2 dogs found in that area one has found his home and we do not know where the other is. It really is confusing me now. Has anybody got any contacts in that area that may beable to clarify the situation please. Thank you, Natalie xxx
Ive left a messsage with Natalie to call me
Thank you Jo. We are willing to try anything at the moment. A friend of mine has seen an old collie Nr The Reclamation yard in Leominster about 10 miles from where he was last spotted. Both times have been late at night. Going to get some posters out there today. You never know xxx
Hi - I've still not received any details to pass on to you. As soon as I do, I will.
I'm still thinking of you all - and him!
Jo xx
Hi all, the number for the Animal Communicator did not work. Would it be possible for somebody to text it through to me on 07974897126 please. Thank you, Natalie xxx
Thank you for the telephone number, I have just received it from Penny xx
IM passing a number onto owner now. We have used this communicator widely on Doglost with very good resultsLast edited: 2011-03-08 09:40:51 by Mollychops
Thank you Jo, I cannot believe that he has been missing for so long and we have not heard anything at all. Somebody out there must know something xxx
There's another collie on DL who's mam's been in contact with a communicator and I'm trying to get the details for you. As soon as I do, I'll pass them on. I think of you all - and the little man - daily, hoping he's home soon.
Jo xx
At this stage we are open to all new ideas in finding Paddy. I have been told that there is an animal communicator that uses Dog Lost. If you are reading this we cannot afford a consultation fee, but if you could spend just 1 hour of your time trying to find out where he is we would be eternally greatful. A friend has been in contact with one in the US but we are unable to find him given her information. We are going in with an open mind, and opening our hearts to anything. We just need Paddy back with his Mum. Thank you all for caring and trying to get him home xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
e mail in admin:

t present Paddys story does not have an happy ending.

Could you play a part in helping this story have the happy ending we are all hoping for?

This is not just the story of a missing dog, this is Paddys story. We will start as all stories do from the beginning.

Paddy was rescued 18 years ago, he would have been approximately a year old and still a pup. He was pretty wild and not used to being in a home, he had not known what it was to be loved and cared for in the home and it was taking him a while to settle in. It took his owner 12 months to house train him, but she was not the kind of person to rescue a dog and then give up on him. She knew that of all the things that Paddy needed it was her love and devotion. It was love at first sight for his owner, she just knew by the look into Paddys eyes that not only was she choosing him but he was also appealing to her saying "please, please take me home". Once home he would lie on the floor and just bark at her. His owner didn't know what Paddy wanted at first but neither did Paddy really so they had to work together. It wasn't going to be easy. He would steal food from wherever he could get it. Paddy hadn't got used to the fact that with his loving owner he would not need to steal food but he would be fed regularly and would grow up only knowing what it was like to never be hungry again. Many people would not have managed him at all, and would have given up on him. His owner was not one of these people, by now a lot of new owners would have returned Paddy to the shelter, but she carried on showing him what love and kindness was and how it feels to be a part of a loving, caring home. Her hard work paid off, and Paddy became a loyal and loving dog. Her best friend, her companion and her heart and soul. His owner is an amazing woman, she has rescued dogs, horses, donkeys and chickens. All of which cost a fortune but she would feed and look after her rescue animals and never complained, she didn't ask for help and funds every penny for everyone of them herself . She is one of the worlds angels. Now it is she that is asking you for support in finding Paddy her beloved companion.

Paddy is 19 years old, very deaf and almost blind and was last seen wearing a red leather collar with a brass tag ID. He is likely to be very frightened and very confused he is black all over with white flash from under chin to between front legs. White hairs around muzzle. Try putting yourself in Paddys shoes, he has lost the people that love him and understand him. He is blind so wont know night from day and wont hear any dangers as he is also deaf. He will be in a complete world of darkness, his heart will be missing the person he knew as his mum and he won't know where to go or what to do.

Paddy went missing on the 12th December 2010 from his home in Temeside, Ludlow SY8 at about 5pm. There were sightings of him 2 days later at The Serpant, Nr Caynham, 2 miles from his home address. No news or sightings since, if he had travelled two miles in two days he may be further away than we may think. Why and how could he have got two miles in two days, I can only think that fear and trying so hard to get home would have taken him so far.

If anyone happens to have found Paddy and taken him in please come forward and let him return to the family he has known for 18 of his 19 years. They will let you know updates on him and we are always looking for homes for lovely dogs just like Paddy. You may think that Paddy is happy in his new home but his heart will always be with the loving owner that misses him so mucLast edited: 2011-03-07 22:46:51 by Angus
Sadly still no news on Paddy to report. Paddy's mum would like to once again express her thanks for all your kind words and support, she would also like to say to Jeanette and Andy that she hopes that you manage to get Violet home soon. You are doing a fantastic job and if she lived closer she would be joining your search team to bring her home. Thank you to Janet for your texts and help in getting Paddys facebook page more widely recognised also. Praying he comes back soon xxx
sent text to you could it be this collie?
Come on little man - you've got to be somewhere. Please give us a clue. Thinking of you - where you are - what you're doing.
Jo xx
Tears of relief here. Jo xx
Thats a relief - just hope that you get some news very soon
Just had a phone call from Penny. The animal was a badger and NOT Paddy. The search is still on, praying that we can find him soon xx
Can anyone help in pin pointing this location ?
Penny has had a rather garbled message from Teme vets today regarding Paddy. The message they had taken down was that the man that had gone in there had passed a dog that looks very much like paddy in a field (unfortunately this dog has passed on) The message was that as you travel towards Tuffins in Ludlow there is a bridge on the left and a field on the right with what looks like an alley way. Go through the field to another set of gates and there the body is. It is right by the railway line. We have searched and driven round but cannot find this place. Any help would be much appreciated as she just needs her boy home. The girl that took the message never took any contact details from the gentleman so we cannot get in contact with him again. Thank you all so much xxxx
We saw more shooting stars last night Paddy - our wishes were all for you and your return.
Never a day goes by without thinking of you and where you are. Your mam's doing a fantastic job - come home soon little man.
Jo xx
You are doing a fantastic job in trying to find lovely Paddy. My husband and I know what you are going through as our Border Collie Violet is also lost. If you read through what we have done to try and find Violet there maybe be something there that might help you. Violet has turned nocturnal now so we are going on a night vigil this weekend maybe Paddy has turned nocturnal as well. I really do hope you find him soon our fingers and toes are crossed for you. Take care Jeanette and Andy x x
Thanks everyone here. Paddy mum is never giving up, she is investigating every avenue and leaving no stone unturned, Paddy will be proud of her . X
The link to the facebook page I mentioned below (I hope) http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_163859780328833&ap=1
We have a facebook page for Paddy now. It is called Paddy - Come Home. If anybody locally could share it we would be very greatful. I have emailed river cruises and fisheries on the River Teme just in case he fell in to the river near to his home but have not had any sightings. He must be out there somewhere, please help us find him for his Mum xxxx
Thanks Racheljane, it looks like Paddy's Mom has been notified of this dog.
check out http://www.alfieslostdogs.com/bb/index.php/topic,30364.0/prev_next,next.html#new
I often check to see if Paddy is home. Really feel for you Paddy's mum and hope that you have good news soon. x
I feel for you in not knowing where he is but we all just have to have hope that we will hear soon. Liz xx
Bumped as Paddy is in local paper again.Paddys wonderful fantastic mum has never stopped searching for him ,and she is doing all she can via postering , the media etc. She is truly inspirational x
Paddys mum has asked me to thank you all for your kind comments, prayers and help in trying to locate him. He is out there somewhere just waiting to be found. The support and people out searching for him is unbelievable and much appreciated. Just praying that we can bring him home soon xxx
There's not a day goes by without me wondering how you are and what you're doing, Paddy. xx
Still thinking about you Paddy xxx
Hi there, sorry but i've just been in touch with strayaid and the old fella they had has been reclaimed by his owners. Good luck in finding Paddy i'll keep an eye out for any details, Natalie
Thanks Natalie. What is the ref number of the Strayaid dog please?
hi Michelle, where was Paddy last seen? it's just there is a very very similar looking male dog at Strayaid, but he was found about 4 hours away from Shropshire? Just thought i better let you know anyway as he was a very similar look to him, Natalie
So so sorry Paddy still hasn't been found, I think about him everyday and pray that today will be the day he comes home x
I want to just thank everyone for all their thoughts and kind words. Special thanks to those of you who have been coming to look for Paddy, I can't tell you what this means to us all. There has been a rumour going around that Paddy has been found - but I can assure you he hasn't. Trust me you would all be first to know when he is, love and thanks to you all Michelle x x x
Sorry I am too far away, otherwise I would be helping to look for your beautiful boy. Wishing you all the best x
Thanks everyone for your support x
If I can get my car back at last, I will try and get down to have a look around some time this week.
Everything crossed for another sighting perhaps. X
Have re-posted to facebook, keeping Paddy shared. I do hope some news comes through soon.
This is wonderful news. Still wishing for you little man. Jo xx
Do hope this brings some news of him - Liz xxLast edited: 2011-01-08 20:51:14
Paddys owner is very appreciative of everyones help and very kind comments. I willcheck the K9 website , thanks for this. Im bumping Paddy as well as a possible sighting was reported to his owner yesterday of a black collie at Christmas time nearby in CaynhamLast edited: 2011-01-08 18:41:11 by Mollychops
Also at K9 search Black & White border collie, posted 7/1/10 but found 19/12/10 distinctive eyes ?
worth checking crossbreed male black with white on chest found in tipton on 4/1 - only 35 miles away http://www.k9searchuk.com/latestfounddogs.htm
keep checking every day, in fact numerous times during the day, hoping for good news on this old fella! come on home Paddy xx
Have posted to facebook, you never know what info may come back. I have my fingers crossed.
Watching for news every day. I hope the article brings some news soon. Keep safe Paddy.xx
Advertised in The Countryman's Weekly magazine today. I hope it brings some news.
Me to can't believe Paddy has gone to far from where he was last sighted especially with his poor eyesight, someone must know something.
Still thinking of Paddy here too xx
Still thinking about you Paddy xxx
Owner has been repostering now the snow is gone, and re checking everything. No news so far
No this wasnt him sadly
I think the Derbyshire may already have been checked out but I've asked Mollychops to check as she is in contact with owners.

Jobadger, thanks for phoning around the farms.
This looks so promising, racheljane, I do hope it can be checked out soon; wouldn't that be fantastic if it was him. Well done for spotting the ad. through the hundreds that are on that page!
please check out http://www.petsearchers.org/files/FoundDogs/FoundDogsES.html id 4048 says very old collie cross but no further details. Any information or enquiries please contact
South Derbyshire District Council Kennels on 07928 014 873
or Burton Petsearch on 01283 535 622 for more info. may be worth checking out x
Hope you don't mind - I've been ringing around a few farms in the area today - the local farmer's market is on a Monday in Ludlow - is there any chance of anyone getting over there next Monday? Hopefully someone will mention Paddy's search. I've asked if the word be passed around - quite a few had seen the posters.
Thnaks Sue and to everyone who has kept this lovely boy in their thoughts over Christmas X
No Daisy, sadly there's no news.
Any more news on Paddy? I've been worrying about him all Christmas :(
Paddy's details and photo have been sent to two magazines and they should be published quite soon so he'll get some extra media coverage. We're all hoping that he'll be found and back home soon XX
Thanks Michelle . We just want to find him safe and will do all we can to help you and your lovely mum x
Hello everyone, I would like to thank you all for the support you are showing our family at this heartbreaking time. I am Michelle - Paddy is my Mum's dog. In answer to jobadger's question, Paddy was sighted at around 12.30 on the Wednesday, near to the postbox just past the Serpent junction on the Ashford Road facing the verge - maybe digging, then approx half an hour later near the same junction by just down the Bleathwood (to Tenbury) road. He apparently was heading back towards the junction when first spotted, but when they tried to call him he looked very disorientated and began heading towards Bleathwood. These are the only sightings - and that is assuming that it was Paddy who was seen.
Thank you again, there are just so many kind people about, I just wish we could find him and bring him home - we all miss him so much x x x
'on the Bleathwood road at the junction of Caynham and Tinkers Hill'
When Paddy was sighted here, was he actually on the Bleathwood Road? Was he heading towards the A49 or down towards Middleton?
Just been out with Jess - two shooting stars Paddy - our wishes were for you and your safe return, little man. x
Come on Paddy, where are you. It would be great to see you back home for Christmas.
Wonder if vet practices have been approached as mariauk and doglady posted? Presumably he would be taken straight there if found by responsible people in view of his general demeanour.
Poochie Freak
Have shared/retweeted the link to Paddy's page and am very much hoping he is found safely very soon. If good wishes could bring him home safely ...

Is it worth seeing if you could get him on local TV News? It so sad poor old boy out in the cold
paddys family are working very hard to find him. They hanve postered over an enormous area, now, and he is getting very well known. He has already been in the local Ludlow paper, and on local radio, more snow is making everything very difficult.
Been thinking about Paddy all day :(
Can't stop thinking of Paddy. I wish I could help. I am hoping and praying he is found safe and well very soon. I think that is a really good idea (CP) to get him in the local papers. They did that with a GSD puppy that was lost & found recently (Bella). The person who found her had seen her in the papers and also on posters so knew who to call. Sending lots of positive thoughts xx
Any chance of getting him in local newspaper like Lucy 25427? Surely with his advanced years and failing senses the media would look compassionately on the request?
So strasnge there is no new of Paddy. I was hoping someone had picked him up over the weekend.
Agree mariauk, it would be a good idea to contact Vet Dog wardens and rescues out of the area because someone could have pick him up and taken him out of the area, dog wardens do not check other areas if they pick a dog up and if he has no Tag chip then they would have no way to check. So go further a field with enquires.
Also try all Vet practice`s in adjoining area`s and also dog wardens and police stations as well as local rescue`s. A lot of people are not aware of doglost or even the fact that dog wardens deal with lost dog`s or that the police are no longer responsible for abandoned/lost animals. Someone may have picked him up and taken him to their own vet in an area which is away from where he was last spotted. Good luck with finding him. Come home soon Paddy.
I notice Teme veterinary practice not too far away. Has anyone checked there, please; or enquired at any other vets in the area?
Please show you self Paddy your mum is devastated and wants you home and safe Last edited: 2010-12-19 15:56:45 by Mollychops
Thanks Doglady,owners have checked these areas . Thanks X
Where about was Paddy missing from was it from home on a walk? also just check out the area and it looks like a lot of factory's near by and other buildings up for sale it might be worth going there to get people to look around just in case he as got lock in, Paddy may well just lay down not sure what the weather is like there but I hope he found somewhere he is under shelter.
Although many miles away from where Paddy was lost I have been following his story. If it helps at all - one of my dogs is blind and deaf and is usually very good at finding her way around the house/garden but if she does become disorientated she will just sit/lie down until we go to her. Could Paddy be waiting somewhere for someone to find him and take him home. I do hope so.
Radar Ears
I cannot stop thinking about Paddy, I live in Essex, otherwise I would be out all the time looking for him.
I know it's already been said, but is there any way that volunteers can be got, to go on an organised search?
Like a local rambling club, or local boy scouts, girl guides, or anyone really?
I go to bed thinking of him and when I wake up, he's the first thing on my mind.
managed to speak to radio Sunshine, to a very nice helpful man, who took Paddys details and will put an appeal out today. Fingers crossed for this dear old boy
Ive just emailed Radio Sunshine, the local Station, and im hoping Shropshire radio did an appeal yesterday, as I spoke to them and they said they would try their best to get an appeal out.Thanks everyone for your help with Paddy x
We are desperately trying to appeal on local radio but not getting any joy this way. Anyone have any contacts.If so please call head office. 0844 800 3220
Thanks Jobadger.
This evening - have rung pubs in and around Ludlow, have contacted several people I know in the area who are involved in dogs who are passing the word around; I've posted on my local Uni online forum and mailed all students - some of whom may live in the area - to keep an eye out for the little man.
Have emailed Paddy's poster to about 25 businesses in the area
Owners daughter has gone out again this morning searching.
appeal going out on local radio tomorrow
animal lover
Thank you for giving permission to crosspost on my forum Jayne. This little chap is now on the scroll. Stay safe Paddy - hope you are home very soon.
This boy has got to be found and fast as the weather is against him, Please please if anyone can come and help with the search ,his owner and all of us on DL will be reslly grateful . I cant bear to think of him out there in the cold he has got to be found
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Paddy I can't look at your thread without crying...you are the spitting image of my first doggie ... and you are far too old to be out there in this cold cold weather... give yourself up now fella and get home in front of a nice warm fire.. Chewie darling please guide Paddy to safety xxxxxxx
owners and friends have been out searching loads today but nothing,keeping my fingers crossed this lovely boy is found soon, Come on Paddy, its way too cold for you to be out alone, show yourself x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks everyone for crossposting!
Hope Paddy is back home soon, xxx
Poor boy, as I lay in bed last night all l I could think about was him out there somewhere on his own, how in god's name can people have driven passed, they must have seen he was distressed, so praying there will be good news today.wish I was close enought to be able to help search for him. everything crossed here for this lovely old boy.
Poochie Freak
Very sorry to hear Paddy is missing, have been RTing and posting in various places on facebook and other forums. Very much hope he is found safely soon. Angela
Poor lad,how can people just drive past him.Posted to HWAR;RAFA and RHU forums and FaceBook as well.Please lets get him home safely soon.
Been emailing the people I know in the Ludlow area.
Any plans for an organised search? Everything crossed for this gentleman
owners have been back to this area last night leaving smelly food down and Paddys blanket and their socks! They are going back for a barbecue today, hopefully this will lure him out!
What cruel and stupid people
People are tweeting + crossposting in the area.
bumping due to sightings yeaterday
There have been sightings of this dear old boy yesterday on the Bleathwood road at the junction of Caynham and Tinkers Hill.This is 2 miles from where he went missing . People have seen him in their cars looking wet and dazed but not stopped!! Will email out advice nowto include scenting instructions

Last edited: 2010-12-16 17:49:48 by Mollychops
will contact owners
Have put on twitter + will circulate.
I have emailed Paddys poster to a groomer in Ludlow and asked her to spread the word to her clients and friends stressing that Paddy needs to be found as soon as possible
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed out to local helpers.
Sorry to see that PADDY is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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