Reunited: Fawn Italian Greyhound Male

  • Dog ID 32996
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 25 Sep 2011
  • Gender & Breed Male Italian Greyhound
  • Age Adult
  • Colour fawn
  • Marks & Scars Photo shows similar dog.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 25 Sep 2011
  • Where Lost Lachdennis, Cheshire.
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area CW9
  • Date Reunited 03 Oct 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 8662
  • LITTLE BLUEPoster Image
  • LITTLE BLUEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.

As one of the co-ordinators for this area, I've been most surprised by some of the comments that have been posted.
Its just great news that this little boy has been found safe and we should all be thankful for that.
Welcome back sweetheart xx
As far as I can see, the person who expressed the most concern about the handling of the search has posted to congratulate everyone. So please can we call a halt to anybody making comments about anybody else? Thank you. I had a phone call from Shirley last night to thank me and work out arrangements for me to collect the trap, so I will go and get it in a day or two.
Brilliant news! Welcome home Little Blue - stay safe now xx
I have not used DogLost before and I was quite disappointed to see users being vociferously critical in the efforts to find Blue. I would have thought everybody would have a common aim on here, to find a lost dog, not to point score.
Funnily enough, the one who was shouting loudest has been noted by their absence in congratulating those who were out searching.
I hope Little Blue slept well last night and he soon recovers from his week of freedom.
Welcome home sweety' As a helper for DogLost when i go on searches i use plain old hard work aswell, isnt that the only way!
Well done to everyone involved, great team effort :)x
Thank you Michelle. I have only been involved via doglost but shirley kindly rang me tonight to thank me for my help so I don't quite understand where some of the comments are coming from. A lost dog is now found and that is the main thing. If doglost's help had not been wanted this page could have been removed at any time.
It is, of course, great to read that this little dog has been found. I am somewhat taken aback, however, at some of the posts which seem to wish to dismiss DL's help as not being required, or having been of help in finding him. Not a time, I would have thought, for scoring points. Well done DL peeps!!
It is great news that he was found. But our thanks must go to Shirley as rescue coordinator along with her helpers who used old-fashioned principals of finding this dog, that being spending comsiderable hours in the area working with locals and face-to-face comunication in reminding the public of this lost dog. No internet message sightings were used, no texts, no emails or virtual contacts, just plain old hard work interfacing with the local community, as updated by the post from igrescue on 2/10/2011. It just goes to show what the committed and very small dedicated group of volunteers that run the IG Rescue Charity do on our behalf so very professionally. I speak having worked with them before.Last edited: 2011-10-03 21:21:14
Wonderful news, well done everyone for your persistence and long hours spent searching, and a medal for the vet nurse! If it is OK I will make contact with Shirley in a few days to make arrangements for collecting my trap, as it may be needed for another little dog over here in the east if he isn't caught this week.
Another success story for the power of Doglost and the people who give hours of their time searching for no gain other than for the love of dogs. Thank you from an IG owner who knows how vulnerable these little dogs are but also how special they are.
h of h
Fabulous news that Little Blue has been found, no doubt a couple of pounds lighter! I would like to add my thanks to Dog Lost for being the hub of the communication about the search, it would have been much more difficult without you and what a wonderful group of people who have proved that the love of dogs can overcome personal differences, let's hope bridges have started to be built. On a more personal basis I cannot say that I am sorry that Jenny & I will not be having a stopover in my car parked somewhere in the Cheshire countryside!! Again very well done to all who have been so involved giving up their valuable time, especially Jenny - bless you for having such a good heart.
Thrilled at the wonderful news, Would love to know where he had been hiding and how we had missed him. Well done the vet nurse for getting him. Give that girl a bouquet x
Little Blue has been found. Thank you everyone on DogLost for your suggestions and help in searching for the little chap. We are pleased it resulted in a succesful outcome
great news & thanks for the update - have reactivated the comment which I think was reported in error by another helper
Fantastic news. I must say I wasn't hopeful after looking on Saturday, it was such a busy road both through the village and near the by-pass. I'm so, so glad he kept himself safe.
Great news lets hope he finds a forever home now.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Fantastic news. Welcome Home Little Blue :) x
The best news ever well done Doglost & the amazing team of helpers you have all done such a wonderful job. Thank you to you all from dog lovers everywhere.
Well that is brilliant news Doglost many thanks for all your help. Was sad to see that igrescue have a comment about awaiting moderation.
Little Blue was found this morning by a veterinary nurse from a practice the Rescue Coordinator had contacted when he first went missing. He has been reunited with the Rescue Charity. We are extremely grarteful to everyone that has given of their time and ideas to help us in our search for the little chap and we are pleased that it has ended successfully. Thank you also DogLost for the purpose and intention you have behind your website.
Our Rescue Coordinator is busy helping Litle Blue overcome his trauma of the last week and in this situation we ask that no one phone her. Any good wishes you have for Little Blue please leave a comment on DogLost. Last edited: 2011-10-03 16:34:25 by Angus
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant news welcome home Little Blue, you had us all worried.Stay safe little fella.x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Little Blue has been found safe and well...will let peeps post later as to what has happened...tx everyone...
Shirley confirms that the RSPCA advice to her was NOT to discontinue searching until there was a sighting of Little Blue but until there was a sighting of him they did not consider it appropriate to place their dog trap.
Searching for Little Blue continues on a DAILY basis by Shirley and a team of dedicated very hard working Helpers from the area. All actions suggested on D/L were undertaken early in the week including notification of Dog wardens, Vets, rescue organizations, police, RSPCA, local community members, farms, local radio, newspapers, dog training organizations, schools and pub CCTV monitoring. Blue's coat, collar & lead are there along with a bed, blanket and food. Postering was done and has now been extended, a dog cage containing food was put out at the village Hall by a D/L helper and a bed left each evening with some food near to the last siting of him. The Local Council Highways Team have not recovered any dogs from roads in the area this week and both the local Council & neighboring Council will report back should they deal with a dog of Blue's description.

We are very proactive in our efforts to secure the safe return of Little Blue and thank everyone for their support and suggestions.
Any updates on this little chap.? I,m sure he is in hiding somewhere. Please, please keep looking.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have spoken to a few local helpers who are doing a sterling job...the communication breakdown is because some people are posting on facebook and not updating Doglost...have asked them to update DL as well...hopefully this will speed up the recovery of little Blue...and get everyone back on track....tx everyone...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Last 2 posts have been sent to may call to discuss....
Comment awaiting moderation
Comment awaiting moderation
After speaking to igrescue, we have been out this afternoon looking for him. Unfortunately, we have had no joy. We spoke to a number of farmers, who have neither seen him, or heard that anybody else has seen him. We also asked at the pub but nobody has spotted him there either. We looked both in the village and out of the village towards the bypass.
There was a quiz at the village hall last night, where an appeal for people to keep a lookout was made.
Thank you Owl and Anjuskar I have done some rather blurry leaflets.
ROO there are a few members of doglost who would like to help but it is difficult in this atmosphere of defensiveness and secrecy. Doglost is a wonderful community and effective communication tool that brings home many dogs however it only works when regular updates are given. This is the first we have heard of his jumper being left in a secret location. We could have helped you watch it had we known.
Little Blues sweater was placed in a bed with food and water at the beginning of this week, at the first location he was spotted. The trap has been set in a different location, acting on information from a farmer, regarding a disturbance the previous night. We have been out searching for him every day, from Sunday evening, until now, in both the village and outlying areas. We have searched old barns and piggeries, fields and farm tracks, and have the injuries to prove it. We will continue searching until he is found.
Thanks for doing that, anjuskar, as I don't have a functioning printer at present.
Hi Snoopy, hopefully we have now sent you a leaflet to print. Please let me know if you have problems with it.
Another great idea regarding the leaflets Anjusker, does no one have a proper photo of this poor little chap? I am assuming the original owner has not been contacted as surely they could supply a photo? I know it is a rescue's policy for confidentiality etc etc BUT i feel this little dogs chances have really been hindered as it is. Now i know nobody apart from the rescue knows all the details surrounding this dog BUT if there were any possible way the rescue could contact the previous owner & obtain photo's & maybe even a blanket or clothing with the scent of the previous home on to place in the trap it certainly could do no harm. If for what ever reason the previous owner was not a possibility what about the fosterer, this little dog has come from somewhere, he has been living with someone? As i say we dont know the facts but he could have been handed over in all good faith in the hopes he would be safe & find a loving home to find out his very rescuers had lost him! I think to just sit back & wait in the hopes he will show himself is maybe just giving up on him, people need to be out being proactive searching in rural places fields & woodland leaving anything they can with a scent on if possible. Someone earlier also had a good idea when they mentioned going into the area with a bitch in season, maybe walking round the hall & the farm then leaving a blanket with the bitches scent on in the trap. If the rescue does not step up the search the weather will start to turn & this poor little guy wont stand a chance out in freezing conditions.
Owl I know you are busy but if you or anyone can easily make a copy of 4 small leaflets to print out on a sheet and cut up and email it to I will do a leaflet drop hopefully late Sunday afternoon if not won't be able to go till Tuesday. If anyone does it before then let me know what area you have done. People immediately round the hall are aware but it is a very rural area.My printer isn't too good for pics but as it isn't the actual dog probably doesn't matter.
I'm a great believer in the door to door leaflet drop. It tends to make the missing dog stay in people's minds and they have the number handy if they spot him.
Further to my comments earlier. When my own dog was lost for nearly three weeks probably the biggest factor in finding her was giving out leaflets to everyone I met & posting them through peoples doors. The lady who spotted her in the evening the day before we found her had been stopped by me on three separate occasions to give her a leaflet. I was there before day break with good friends from the IG fraternity . we finally found her holed up in an old railway carriage,well away from houses & hard to locate. As Lilyana says , he will be hiding away so no good expecting him to show himself. The lady who saw my girl spotted her two fields away.
I agree with you Snoopy as if no one searches there may not be any sightings. If he were lying low & staying in places that people did not frequent he would not be sighted but if folk are still out looking going to fields & places a bit off the beaten track someone just might get a glimpse of him. What we have to remember is this isn't a friendly bolshy labrador that would head for the hustle & bustle & want to be in amongst people saying hello to everyone. This is possibly a highly nervous little dog that is going to seek out quiet places where there are no humans & little noise.
Hi JC it was good to meet you and your lovely I.G. too last night while you were diligently postering all on your own. I did ring Shirley, she seems to have taken on board the RSPCAs advice that there is no point in searching until a further sighting. I tend to think that searching may bring a sighting. Lilyana and Squirel I did drive up and down the bypass keeping a look out on the kerb side but didn't get out of the car.
Not a nice thought Lilyana but a very sensible one. There is no point in all these good people looking in vain. At least now there is some co-ordination from Rescue.
Has anyone had a drive up & down this dual carriageway to see if anything can be seen at the side of the road? Its a horrible thought i know but its not looking good the fact there has been no sightings for days. Would it be worth ringing the local council to get a number for whoever it is that clears the roads of dead animal bodies to check if any dead dogs have been reported or collected as having no collar or id or microchip no one could be informed. Also the local police may have had a report of a dead dog? It's not a nice thought i know but a need to know.Last edited: 2011-09-30 14:35:39 by Lilyana
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
I rang Shirley this morning to get directions so i could check the trap.
The trap was still as she had left it with food and water.Spoke to the farmers wife she said they sat outside until after 9 0 clock last night no sign of Little Blue. I had a good walk through the fields up to another farm where i gave a farmer a poster he had contractors there today so they said they would look out for Little Blue. There is a few places he can get water if he is still in that area. If he has gone in the other direction there is a busy dual carriageway then a housing estate i shall put some posters up there if no one has done that yet.
Brilliant. If anyone can help, even if it's a quick stop to check the trap, please call Shirley. Any help is much appreciated!
Good news JC. I'll be up in Cheshire on Sat & can check on my way prob early afternoon. Will call Shirley tomorrow.
Hopefully there will be some volunteers to help. I know someone on here called Jainwp said to give her a shout, if you read further down the page & also somone called quirky was helping & cc, all kind people that had been out looking so im sure there will be more help now. Please please if anyone can help ring the lady who is listed below who is to do with the rescue Shirley, not sure of any other names connected with this rescue, i think some one mentioned an Adrian & there was a number? Thanks everyone & good luck, hopefully now with a trap in place if the little guy is still about there may be some luck.
Any help is much appreciated.
Rescue have collected Dog Lost's live trap and it has been set at the farm where Little Blue was last seen. If anyone can help check on the live trap or continue with the search, please call Shirley at 0161 428 0142.

Lovely to meet you earlier Snoopy!!!
Thats great news that the trap will be collected & set up finally, hopefully its not too late & we can only wait it out & hope that he is still in the area. I think if the rescue were a little more forth coming with information so that helpers knew what had already been covered & in what way they could help it would help everyone, many people can not understand why a trap had not been organised the following day that he was missing, as there was a chance he could well of been caught by now. Anyway, time has now gone by, so lets just hope he is alive & well still & has remained in the area. Good luck to everyone out searching.Last edited: 2011-09-29 05:26:24 by Lilyana
I have learned that there is about half a mile between the Hall and the house, and Blue hasn't been around the house again as volunteers have been watching round the clock. The plan is to collect my trap tomorrow. The RSPCA won't bring their trap until there is another sighting and there is nothing the rescue can do about that. Please appreciate that the rescue has in fact been working very hard on this with volunteers out at all hours.
I totally agree Squirrel! I also agree with you Owl, obviously the traps should be watched & this should all have been arranged & co-ordinated days ago by the rescue for traps to be set up in a couple of key area's ie the hall & the empty house & volunteers should have been organised to watch. There have been at least 2 sightings of him in the same area since he ran off so how many more sightings do the rescue need? These traps should be laid in advance & if he is sighted in another area fine, then the traps could be moved. Last edited: 2011-09-28 19:20:52 by Lilyana
From comments on here I think the Hall and empty house are quite close to each other, maybe one car could watch both? I don't know the area but the searchers would know. Unfortunately I live too far away to help.
If a trap is set up it does have to be watched, to let out any unexpected cats etc and also to make sure no one steals the trap, or decides to let the dog out (which has been known). It is not expected that he would go to anyone, but if someone saw him the possible area would be narrowed down a bit. I don't know the area at all and have only just checked this page so can't really say more.
Why not put both traps out? One near the hall and one near the empty house. I think the politics of this rescue organization don't matter. Let us just think about the little dog and once he is safe they can argue their politics elsewhere. It is no use waiting for a sighting and then trying the RSPCA again. Maybe it will be too late.
Would the triangle pattern often followed by lost dogs help predict where he may be?
Hi Owl, thanks for the update. There was news that he had been sighted at an empty house which was for sale a short distance from the hall, surely it would make sense for a trap to be put there for a few nights & if no joy maybe at the hall. There is little point in the rspca waiting till there is another sighting as in the mean time he could wind up dead or by the time someone gets there with the trap he would be long gone? Reading through some of the posts on here it seems he has stayed in the area so a trap should have been set up days ago & I cannot understand why the rescue are still delaying it now? If it were set up at least there is a chance he may go to it for food. Honestly this is all so frustrating & i can see it ending in disaster. Thank you so much for your offer of the trap i just hope somone up there has the fore sight to go & get it & try leaving by the empty house or the hall.
Just to add its all very well the villagers all being aware & looking out for him but if he is as highly nervous as has been reported it will be unlikely that he will go to any of them & by the time they report seeing him he will be gone again.Last edited: 2011-09-28 18:41:29 by Lilyana
I have spoken with Shirley Penrose-Hansell and have offered the trap. The RSPCA have a trap which they are willing to bring if there is a sighting, as currently no one knows where it should be placed. So I will leave mine where it is, so that if there is any delay getting the RSPCA trap then someone can go and collect mine. Everyone in the village knows about Little Blue and a lot of people are watching out for him.
Hi Owl, brilliant news!! I really think with a highly nervous dog who is unlikely to go to anyone volantarily, a trap is the only way of getting any success. Time is marching on & this little one needs to be caught especially before the weather starts to turn as well.
Hi everyone, one of the Doglost traps normally lives with me in Dronfield, but as it happens it has been on loan to the family of Sammy Bailey, springer missing from Consall near Stoke. I have looked on Google map and it is only about 30 miles from you. It doesn't fold up so would need to be collected by someone with reasonable sized car with fold down seats, or estate or van. It works on a treadle so will catch little dogs as easily as big ones. It has been known to catch a hedgehog, which was of course quickly released. I will call the contact number and explain.
Snoopy like you i do not know anyone on here or the IG Rescue personally & am not even in the area but i can see there are so many people willing to help & up until now a complete lack of responce or information from the Rescue people. Like you i thought Doglost was for people to work together & help & normally the owner or in this case the Rescue would work with Doglost & any volunteers co-ordinating people & searches & keeping everyone updated. At the end of the day a little dog's life is at stake here so people should forget politics & hierarchy & surely work together. You have done a grand job so far & thank goodness there are kind people like you who are willing to help. Maybe JC or someone will try your number & get a trap sorted out? Please do not butt out, your help is as valuable as anyone else's.
Lilyana, I have put the number below. Sorry I don't know who anyone is on here or what the underlying politics are not good for the dog though. Will butt out unless asked for help which I assumed they were doing by putting on doglost. I always try to help with local dogs. My cage is still up there as far as I know.
Hi Snoopy good idea, do you have a Cats Protection League nearby too? Its a great shame i think that the IG Rescue has taken until now 3 days later to finally inform people of what is or has been done in case of duplication! Even the statement issued last night gave no information as to how the search & recovery attempts had been organised. Somebody surely could have put updates on here for the rescue letting people know what was being organised? I think its a great shame that the Rescue has not tried to organise a meet up with the kind people on here that have all offered their help & got together to organise a plan of action with people maybe doing different shifts out searching & everyone keeping everyone else informed to what is happening & what avenue's have been researched. The whole point of Doglost is so there can be a wide team of people working together covering all attempts at recovering a lost dog which is far more beneficial than the odd one or 2 people doing it alone. Hopefully now the communication lines are open people can now perhaps start to work together & information be updated on a regular basis by the Rescue OR someone on their behalf, as a closed shop is not a proactive shop.
Have you tried Cats protection Crewe : 01270 588710 for loan of trap.
A NOTE TO ALL THOSE WISHNG TO HELP RECOVER LITTLE BLUE: The Charity's Rescue Coordinator has since Sunday/Monday been involved with the RSPCA, all relevant Dog Wardens, Vets, Rescue Kennels, a number of local residents, local radio for the area, and with other kind helpers who have been searching the area daily.
To avoid potential duplication and confusion, if anybody does have any query or suggestion, contact the rescue coordinator Shirley Penrose-Hansell on 0161 428 0142, who has been liasing with all the above bodies. Thankyou
Last edited: 2011-09-28 16:30:04 by igrescue
JC would you like me to make enquiries locally for a trap?
Dog warden at Cheshire West council was informed on Monday that Little Blue was missing. I spoke to them again earlier and they also suggested I inform the Cheshire East warden because Lach Dennis is on the border of the two districts. So I have also registered Little BLUE's details with Cheshire East. Still trying to get hold of a live trap…
Well done to all those that are willing to do an overnight, please please try & get an animal trap arranged through your local RSPCA or Cats Protection League or local rescue, i really think that will be the best way of catching him as he will just probably bolt out of an ordinary crate the minute someone approaches it. Good luck everyone!
.Last edited: 2011-09-28 00:10:19 by Snoopy
Has the dog warden been informed?
h of h - happy to do an overnighter with you. just give me a call.
quirky - see you there tomorrow

fingers crossed for good news soon!
The Trustees of the IG Rescue Charity wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to all those who are aiding us in our search for Little Blue.
The Charity have been actively involved in attempting to recover Little Blue since Sunday. However, owing to the nature of our work, it is inappropriate to discuss in a public forum such as DogLost, any confidential issues that may arise in this particular case.
Our prime concern is for the safe recovery of Little Blue and every effort has been put into achieving this.
Fingers xd for Little blue`s return. Good Luck
There is somebody going out to look tomorrow afternoon and myself and JC will be going tomorrow evening/night.
h of h
I've just spoken with Shirley and she has been up there and spoken with a lot of villagers who are all on the lookout. It seems that the place he has been sighted is along the road towards the Chester Road, called Penny's Lane. The house is about half a mile along & is for Sale or Rent so is empty.I've let Nancy & Geoff know where he may be, Geoff is going up early morning. With this many people rooting for him Little Blue has to come through, so much positive energy has to work!! Many many thanks to everyone who has been helping and caring about the little one, just goes to show that when we work together we can move mountains xx Last edited: 2011-09-28 07:21:25 by h of h
Am not too far from here - so give us a shout if you need a hand with this one, even an overnighter x
Sorry h of h have just come in from leaving an old cage blanket hide chew bone good selection of food and water up the side of the hall.Just read your advice not to do this. I have a friend in the area who is going to check it tomorrow and spread the word round local farmers. If anyone else goes can they check it please. Be careful if you pick it up with dog in as I forgot to put all the pegs in the sides. Her husband suggested taking a bitch in season up there if anyone has one.spoke to Jason who is on village hall committee and in touch with new owners. Seems a neighbour called Ken has been given a cage by someone. I just want to help but not tread on any ones toes. Elaine.
h of h
Looking at the Dogs Lost list it looks as if Little Bllue was lost today whereas it was last Sunday 25/9. I think the reason the date has changed is that a new phone number has been added. It's marvellous that there is so much interest and care about this little dog. The villagers are all now aware due to posters etc and I'm sure they will be a great help. Anyone going there please do not leave food out for him. Cruel as it may seem, the more hungry he is the more likely he is to approach someone or go into a house where he can be shut in. If, God help us, he has not been found by next week I would be happy to stay overnight with someone.
I agree Lilyana, there is no co-ordination at all. Not even any updates from Rescue. I think it was lost during a Rescue handover so they should be helping to find the poor boy.
Unfortunately im down near Bournemouth or i would gladly do it. I dont know anyone up there, or who the people are that are looking & as no info or details have been released via the IG Rescue, nobody seems to know what anyone else is doing :-(
I just realised that Snoopy said she would be prepared to sit in the car and camp out if someone is prepared to sit with her ... good for you Snoopy. Is there any one who is free?
Hi, just want to correct something I said - Little Blue was sighted last night NEAR the village hall, not at the village hall. Apparently he was seen near some houses on the pub side of the hall, where there are a couple of houses in an open area. The house where he was sighted is up for sale/rent. I've got this 2nd hand from someone who spoke to Shirley Penrose Hansell earlier. For more info I guess sbdy needs to call Shirley - number is listed above as "phone number 2".
Yes great idea CC, just wish i was near enough to help. The cat & wild animal traps are great the RSPCA & Cats protection league will normally loan one for free to help.Last edited: 2011-09-27 19:51:03 by Lilyana
CC - Great idea
Good on you to those who've been out looking for Little Blue. I'm down South and am sorry I can't pitch in to help in the ground. It struck me though that if Little Blue was sighted last night at the Village Hall, is there anyone who is available/willing to sit in the car park this evening with a crate & smelly food & just see if he shows up again? JC, I know you are working tonight & can't make it out again tonight but can you call the NW Meetup guys & see if any of them are able to?
Good luck Snoopy, hope you have some luck!
Taking my red Miniature Pinscher for a walk round see if that coaxes him out. If you get calls about a little brown dog on a lead in the area it is me and mine.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Adrian from IG rescue has called and the 2nd number I have added is for the rescue.
I dont know what the situation is & if the IG Rescue Co-ordinators are in touch with the Doglost team or not? Its so frustrating being so far away & not being able to help. Surely a cat trap can be arranged, the RSPCA will normally loan one. If something isn't done soon this poor lad is not going to have a good outcome. It just seems pointless people he doesnt know trawling the area when if they sight him he isn't going to go to them & will probably take off in fright. I hope someone gets a trap arranged & soon and/or if possible the previous owner to help search as the dog will at least know them. I know we do not know the situation here & that may not be possible but surely someone from the Rescue knows the breeder even that the dog may still relate to?? Last edited: 2011-09-27 12:43:49 by Lilyana
I will go down later having to wait in for concreting man now. I would park up for the night if I can find some one to come with me.
Time is passing. Can we perhaps have an update fro the Rescue Charity? I agree with Lilyana and Anjuskar and the previous owners should be called.
I agree with Anjusker about timings. Also maybe a cat trap could be arranged & left outside the hall of an evening with some tasty food in & if there was a volunteer who would perhaps park up for the night to watch proceedings? I wonder if the original owners have been informed taht the poor boy is missing?
From my experience when my own dog was lost the best time to look is just before sunrise or sunset. A scared dog will often hide during daylight hours.The dog I lost for nearly three weeks was not an italian greyhound but I have had IG's for many years. I do hope this poor little boy is soon found.
The previous owners are the obvious ones as they are the only people he knows. If Shirley Penrose-Handell is not available the Chairman of the Rescue re-homing him is Helen Lister. This poor dog. What about the new owners? Are they looking or on holiday?
That was my thoughts too, as if he is already nervous he is unlikely to go to people he doesn't know. The person to contact would be Shirley Penrose Hansell the Co-ordinator of the Rescue who was re-homing him, i would think she would be the one who may possibly have contact details of the previous owners?
Are the original owners nearby ? and looking for him surely there more chance of catching him if he hears a voice he knows.
Are the original owners nearby ? and looking for him surely there more chance of catching him if he hears a voice he knows.
I will go for a scout round tomorrow. Has a cage been left? Would it be a good idea to leave food or will that encourage foxes?
There was another sighting of him this evening at 21:15 in the same area so he hasn't wandered too far
Keep safe Little Blue, hope you are found soon!
Have been out to Lach Dennis twice today to help look for Little Blue. Unfortunately, there have been no sightings of him. JDH and I have alerted a lot of the people living in the surrounding houses, the pub and the farmer who owns the fields behind the village hall. We handed out some posters tonight and the pub has very kindly put a couple up in their premises. Also managed to hand out more posters to a dog training class which was taking place at the hall. Word is out so the villagers know to keep an eye out for Little Blue. Fingers crossed he will be found soon!
Hope there is some good news soon. I guess its going to be difficult if the little guy is nervous already & doesn't know the people who are out looking for him either.
There are two people currently out looking for him that I know of. There is an unconfirmed sighting of him about 1730hrs last night at near to the hall but no sightings today. I have advised leaving a crate by the hall with a blanket in case he returns in the night.
Is there any news on this little dog yet? Does anyone know who is out looking as i understand the new owner was going on Holiday today???
I am only half an hour away, let me know if I can help. I understand there was an Italian greyhound fun day today so probably lots of knowledgeable people in the area now. Have shared with local friends and facebook.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in CW4,7,9,10. WA16.

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