Lost: RED Irish Setter Female In South West (BS49)

  • Dog ID 35706
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 28 Dec 2011
  • Name MOLLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Irish Setter
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour RED
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 26 Dec 2011
  • Where Lost Congresbury,Yatton.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BS49
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 6398
  • MOLLYPoster Image
  • MOLLYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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On Facebook group Found Spaniels & Border Collies there is a post by Rosie Doc, shared by Laura Hetherington containing a link with pictures of a similar dog found in Ulster in a shed. Maybe take a look? I click on the link on the post it will take you to the pictures.
Seen over the last few weeks in fields around Melksham. Please report sightings to the dog warden or DogLost admin.
Found In RegionSouth West
Found In Post AreaSN12
Very scared, OK with other dogs but runs from people. Seen catching wild rabbits.
Spoke to owner, no news at all on Molly but she has a young Saluki now but stillmisses Molly terribly.
has molly been found yet,,
will keep posting on face book till this girl is found,,keep safe molly.. xx
any news on molly,,
been to yatton today, seen a lady with a red setter boy who is going to keep an eye open for molly,,
im not in the yatton area only know how to get to garden centre, i up by the mall,, will go to garden centre on friday and try and look round the fields,
Thanks liver1047 for all your help. No futher news on Molly ufortunately.
setterville, we are not having much luck here with local helpers. I am not local although in a BS postcode and can only look at the area on google maps. The owners do not have internet or a mobile so I am ringing them periodically. I think a sweep of the area is the answer but am unable to organise this as there doesn't seem to be anyone in the area :(
will go back to garden center area on thurdays, please any news on molly,,
I wish I lived nearer. Is anyone organizing a search of the area?
posting on face book, and docrafts,,
thinking about you molly in this terrible weather, keep safe, xxx
keep safe molly,
Molly's details sent to Congresbury Village Web Site and Publishing today who print in Yatton and surrounding area.
welcome Alfshuman thank you for joining DogLost and for offering to put up Molly's posters, her owners are finding it difficult as they don't have a pc. You need to be logged in then click on view poster and it will come up as a new page. Anywhere in the area you can put up a poster would be fab, thanks.
Thanks liver 1047 for putting up posters too, not sure exactly where but near the flats in Congresbury??
hi have just joined DogLost. I live in Wrington, very close to Congresbury, so happy to put up posters in area .... but when I tried to print the poster the url didn't work. Am I missing something?
my pc is working again, will put posters up in garden centers and shops near the way to congretbury garden center, dont reall y know yaton much, and yatton station, come home safe molly,, do u know where abouts she went missing from in congretsbury,,
liver1047 if you see this, can you put up some posters in Yatton please?
I've spoken with owner again and they have not heard a thing. I am really worried about this girl, she has long feathers so could be caught up anywhere, there are lots of woods nearby according to googlemaps, I'm not very familiar with the area. I've managed to get an email address of a friend of the owner and have sent the usual info but they do need help putting up posters and searching if anyone is in the vicinity. The pics they have of Molly have people in them but I've said to email one in as our fab Majorjet can crop but I think the similar pic is fine for now. Owners have called Radio Bristol who are not interested so if anyone has any ideas please carry them out and post on here. Stay safe Molly.x.
My pc is down 4 3 weeks im in yatton on wednesday
Unfortunately nothing :( I have not heard anything, owner has my number. I will call again tomorrow.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Any news on Molly yet?
put on all crafts wedsites, trimcrafts, docrafts putting on collie resued too even though not a collie,,
Have put Molly on twitter + will circulate.
Emails sent to pubs & restaurant in Congresbury and Mendip Spring Golf club asking them to display poster.
I have re emailed all the local rescues as a photo is now on the poster ( thanks Angus ) Also emailed a poster to Cadbury House Hotel which is right in Congresbury area asking them to display poster. Come home soon Molly we are all very worried about you x
thanks liver1047, any awareness you can help with is much appreciated as owners do not have a pc and are relying on a neighbour to print posters
now on twitter,,
will be able to go to garden center next week, as i live on the outskirts of bristol, by the mall,

BS49 5AA

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you could contact the garden centre at cadbury to put a poster up there they have a notice board,, and the garden center next door,,
posted on docrafts wedsite also face book,, please come home molly keep safe girl,, xxxxx
Thank you Angus, a star as always :)
I have found a similar image and alerts have gone out to all BS postcodes
Thanks Jackalee (you spell your name the same as me!) I've just spoken again with owner and no news. Unfortunately her friend with the pc has not been available today so I've asked admin to put a 'similar' pic on site so alerts can be sent out. As yet I understand no posters have been put up :(
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
I'm an irish setter owner myself and I have posted Molly on the 'Exclusively Setters' forum. Please come home soon Molly and stay safe :)
Have just spoken with Molly's owner, no news again this morning. Vets below have been notified and photo on way to admin when friend is available. I've emailed Network Rail and suggested owner call them also as railway line closeby.
Thank you doglover1 for notifiying Holly Hedge and St Giles kennels.
Worried about this girl wish I was nearer to look for her.
I've emailed 2 local vets, Watkins&Tasker and Langford Small Animal practice, 2 others (Golden Valley & Tibbs&Simmons) to call in morning as no email addresses. Also shared on fb.
I've spoken with owner, Molly is 12 years old and went missing in the early hours of Boxing Day morning whilst out in the garden spending a penny. She got through a brush hedge and hasn't been seen since. Owners have contacted the N Somerset DW. They do not have internet access so I'm calling them in the morning and they will give me the email address of a friend so I can send info and get them to send admin a photo. The friend will then print off posters. This is out of character for Molly to go off on her own. I've spoken with a friend in the area who knows of Molly and is putting the word out amongst the local dog walkers. PLEASE anyone else in the vacinity the owners would appreciate help with postering.
Stay safe Molly.x.
Will contact and request photo
Sorry to see that MOLLY is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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