Reunited: Brown Tibetan Terrier Male

  • Dog ID 36035
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 07 Jan 2012
  • Gender & Breed Male Tibetan Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Brown
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Jan 2012
  • Where Lost on the A10 between Ely and Waterbeach - last seen heading up the A10 towards Waterbeach
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area CB6
  • Date Reunited 09 Jan 2012
  • Other Info Wearing a brown and pale green collar with a long black lead
  • Listed By Karyn
  • Views 15117
  • DIGGER SIGHTEDPoster Image


Sightings and Information

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Brilliant! Welcome home lovely Digger - stay safe now xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news....well done team Digger...
Thats great news after the accident! Mal
hat fantastic news to log into! Welcome home gorgeous. Well done to all who worked for his safe journey home! xx
Fan-bloody-tastic ! ......and yes, dogs do bring out the best in our human race,(most times). I DO love a happy ending.
I bet Digger now smells beautifully.
How odd! I was in Cambridge tonight at a meeting and saw Digger's Doglost poster on the door of the Tesco petrol station! I looked and thought how cute he was and now he's home - brilliant!
Auntie Katie
Well done everybody - what a great result! Welcome Home Stinky Digger!

If we could just get Bella, who is also missing from near here, home it would be doubley great!

Last edited: 2012-01-09 21:21:38 by Auntie Katie
Great news. Now stay put Digger:-)xxx
Wonderful! Fantastic! Brilliant! I was out after work tonight, prowling the A10 at Chittering. It was terrifying really, with all the traffic on that road. I'm so happy for his owners. I lost my dog, years ago. She was missing for six days. It was the most horrible six days, but I'll never forget the happiness when I got her back safe and well. Love and hugs to that smelly dog!
Congratulations....such wonderful more wandering for you little man xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant news, happy bath time little cutie.x
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Yay!!!!! Well done! xxx
I don't know if I want to cheer or cry happy tears so pleased for everyone
Madmutz Dog Walking
This has made my day! Im so pleased he is fine even if a bit smelly haha..Well done all involved xx
He's back at home - on the sofa and smells like a rubbish tip!!! He was found by a group of folk from Facebook that I have never met before. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers - what a wonderful world we really do live in! I will update the post as found now and now to collate all the information and properly thank all involved. There is to be a Digger Is Home party very soon when we've got ourselves a bit sorted out! I am so very happy to have my scruffy little digger back home where he belongs. xxx
I was just walking up the A10 near last sighting and thought I'll just check this website and saw the message - I am so pleased he is home now and well done to whoever searched and to who found him, what a fantastic results to be found & safe. I have spoken to karyn who said I can go see him tomorrow. Apparantly he stinks, probably from being in the rubbish tip...
what brilliant news. Well done all those involved. A wonderful result.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Fantastic news!!! Well done to everybody who has helped to get this boy home. Welcome home you lovely lad xxx
They have got Digger!! It's been updated on the Facebook page! Karyn and Mark are on their way to collect him from the group that went out to find him!! Great news x
Auntie Katie
Thanks for updates Helen, I have text the Huntingdon Dog Warden to see if she has a spare trap. I'm not sure where our nearest one is but will text Angus as I think she may have one (or ESSJ). Good luck - give yourself up Digger! xx
Is he a sociable dog? was wondering if you dont get him tonight, I could have a walk about tomorrow morning and take one of my own on a long lead which might draw him in? Let me know ? Thinking of you, it must be very hard all the sightings and not having him back. Have everything crossed for his safe return tonight.
I hope it's OK I've emailed BBC local radio asked to read out appeal checking details here. I've said to report sightings on numbers provided and not to chase Digger. I hope that helps.
Just been out looking around near the last sighting with no luck, hope he stays safe tonight so can try again tomorrow
Hope this little monkey is home
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Great idea, Claire. Karyn I'll see where the nearest one is to you x
Perhaps see if the Tip company will check their CCTV to narrow the search area of the tip a little bit? Is it a silly idea to see if they will let you leave his bed and a toy onsite and if he sniffs them out he might settle in there until someone can get hold of him?
ooh - where can we get a trap from? The tip area is 5 acres but sure if we put some proper food out for him he might find it
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Just wondering if we can get a trap if you can find out where he's hiding up... plenty of food available at a tip
it's others that have seen him, so many people know about him they've been ringing us. All the sightings add up. At least he stayed in the same area so hopefully he will return to the tip tonight if we haven't got him by then. Facebook and Twitter going crazy - so many people helping and sharing the link to this site.
I am out at the moment, when I get back will check and if you have not got him, I'll come down to the A10 and see if can find him
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
oh heck... did Mark see him Karyn or is this others seeing and persuing him? x
argh - he raced up the A10 again... up towards Cambridge Research Park / Waterbeach. No sign of him again
Sue Donnex
I SO hope you get him back, my heart really goes out to you. I have shared your poster on Facebook and several friends have also done the same. GOOD LUCK x
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
everything crossed here Karyn!
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Keeping everything crossed for you Karyn xxx
just had a call - spotted back on the A10 headed from the rubbish centre to waterbeach.... Mark on his way, keeping everything crossed
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Bumped due to this latest information.
INFORMATION: We've heard today that he was spotted running from the A10 across the recycling centre Amey Cespa - Used to be Donarbons. So he will have gone towards Cottenham / Landbeach /Wilburton. This was on Saturday shortly after the accident - he could have covered some distance since then but I feel relieved to think he is away from Milton / A14 area.
thanks - we are fairly close to the crash scene but Digger unfortunately ran the opposite direction. :-(
Madmutz Dog Walking
I cant get out there today but could tomorrow afternoon,hope there are positive sightings/is found really soon, bless him xx

Just a thought, does the family live local to accident spot? (sorry if ive missed it in earlier posts)just wondered if close by would digger try to find his way home?Last edited: 2012-01-09 11:14:06 by Madmutz Dog Walking
Good Luck today, do search all the undergrowth, am a bit worried about him being caught up trailing a long lead. Sorry I am too far away to help search but hope you have good news today. Stay safe little chap until you are found xx
Mark and his dad are going to search all the ditches and hedges and outbuildings they can in that area and down to the lazy otter today. I've got those posters and will pop them in sometime today. I have to stay in to wait for hire car etc. thanks x
Not sure I can get out today but if it was me I would try and get to the Lazy Otter, find somewhere to park and then carefully walk down the A10 and any houses, businesses, garages etc stop and go in, ask to look around, maybe he's taking shelter somewhere in the warm, that certainly what I would be doing, if I can get out later I will.
Someone said they saw a dog on Saturday up near the park and ride, however, they said it was brown and white... Digger didn't have any white on him. But they did say it had a lead on. We have a more positive sighting at the BP Garage on the A10 and that he went across the fields, which would have been towards Waterbeach barracks. We spent most of yesterday in the fen behind there searching. When we got the (false) sighting of Stow we then thought it had been him afterall at Milton. Just don't know what to do today...
OK might be a silly question but do we actually know that it was Digger seen near Milton? It is 11 miles from the lazy otter to Milton, possible for a dog to go that far I know but maybe the search should be somewhere nearer to crash site? Just thinking out loud really and where to look next so we can have a safe return.
Is anyone putting posters in or outside the vet clinics ?
Madmutz Dog Walking
have passed details on to the boat yard owner opposite lazy otter pub as my dad works from there, and told them to keep eyes peeled, they will have a look round that area tomorrow incase Digger returned to crash site..really hope he is found safe soon xx
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Karyn, you're doing fantastically. I spoke to all the TT people at the champ show today - everyone was talking about Digger. His breeder was there and I spoke to him too and the lovely Sue Bird too who was heading straight off after the show to go and drive up and down the A10 in search of him. Keep going everyone, you're doing amazingly well. Karyn you have my number, call anytime. Dee xx
I've run out of ink... printing 50 off this morning. Need to go out and get some more. If you text me your address I can drop some round? Thanks
Sorry to hear it was not Digger in Stow, have you got any spare posters I can collect tomorrow to put up and give to people?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good greif Karyn and everyone....over 4,000 page views within 24 hours...and its the weekend...keep up the good work...
Just heard from a friend who checked the police report, and the dog in stow apparantly isn't Digger... that dog has been returned to it's owner. I will keep on searching tomorrow. Thanks all x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
e mail from helper...

Petsearch get a small section in the Fenland Citizen which then gets delivered to all homes in PE14 (we are Walpole st Peter). PE13 is Wisbech. Call 01354 661887. Sometimes a voicemail.
Where abouts in PE14 did she run off? I always take a look at the paper.

The local walpole st peter Lion Stores has lots of posters in his window so might be an idea to give them a call. I won't get chance to go past till next Sat next (I work in a diff county so dark morning and evening when I travel. There is a community shop in walpole st andrews)

The post office in walpole highway would be a good place to put up a poster.

Also you could email Peter Upfield for the Walpoles Town Crier and ask for a mention ..

Thanks and good luck

Blimey that's miles from where lost - keep us posted and I'll come out later if I need too, hoping for safe return
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Bumped due to this latset sighting.
Fingers crossed he will be home very soon xxx
just had a sighting at Stow Cum Quy... husband on way over there now. Fingers crossed x
No idea if they will mention it but I have just asked Star radio in Cambridge to mention Digger and sent them link to this website. Email gone to managing director, fingers crossed. Also tweeted to Star Radios twitter accountLast edited: 2012-01-08 11:21:54 by MyDogWorld
I am too far away to help but have sent poster through to The Lazy Otter asking for help. They are VERY busy on Sunday lunchtimes and if all their customers are aware that will be lots of eyes looking. Hope this helps, good luck today everybody searching. Stay safe little Digger.
I've been to Milton park and around some of Milton village this morning also looked done A10, no sightings yet. Hope we or someone has some luck soon
I've just been out with my dogs. I drove down the A10, and took a couple of detours down side roads, and through Waterbeach and Horningsea. I also walked around the Cambridge Research Park, which looked like the sort of quiet place and frightened dog may stop. No luck, but I'll go out on my bike later and keep looking. Keep positive, Karyn - it's early days.
Just waiting for childcare / transport then off searching. We'll be going to Milton village / Park and area first of all and Histon / behind the park and ride etc.
I have just got in from a cruise along the A10 between Stretham roundabout and the Waste Management roundabout just past Chittering. I wondered if Digger might return to the crash site when it was quiet. No sign of him or a wrecked car but plenty of fast traffic down the A10 still. I didnt see the post here re Milton roundabout before I went but its a better location at Milton.
not sure what time... got to sort my little boy out in the morning. Will post on here when we're off. got a family member starting at 7am and we'll probably join as soon after as we can. yes - anyone can call to swap numbers. Thank you all x
I'm also willing to join the search at Milton Park, what time are you going to be there?
Hi Karyn, I'll come out in morning to look too, the more eyes the better, I'll come to Milton park plus look at other places around area I'll call you anyway to swap mobile numbers if that's ok
Thanks so much everyone. Pickles owner - we have some transport for tomorrow (good old mum and dad...) He was last seen up near Milton Roundabout so we've got a dawn search starting around the country park. What an absolute nightmare... awful crash, I just leapt out the car to get to my son and Digger just ran and ran. So many people tried to get him but he must have been so scared. Thank you all, Karyn x
If you have not found digger tomorrow, I'm happy to take you out in my car to look tomorrow morning, I live round the corner from you (the owners) and I own Pickles who was from same litter, I can call you tomorrow
Cosy Kennels is just up the A10 at Stretham, perhaps someone finding him might contact them. Will share and also post on easterndogscene.
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
We've managed to get a message to Digger's breeder too - Digger's owner had called him earlier and left a message but no phone number or name so he was unable to call back - he has kennels in the area and we're hoping he has manpower to go and assist. Lots of TT people spreading the word... have also Twittered with hashtag #cambs so hoping offers of help come in soon xLast edited: 2012-01-08 09:03:09 by Angus
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Wow well over a 1,000 page views...guess thats down to Sherlock Bones...who by the way has a Tibetian Terrier...I am sure some one will have picked up Digger and sooner or later via the internet they will get the result they want so much.
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Kate there are quite a few TT people in this area and they've all been alerted... Digger's owner is getting help from people on facebook who are driving round looking for Digger.. amazing stuff x
Auntie Katie
I'm so sorry I'm still too far away to help. Was due home today but plans have changed again! I hope the owners have some help and that this handsome little chap is home soon. I should be home tomorrow afternoon so will check again then to see if anything has happened. Good Luck! xx
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Digger's owners car is a write off. The family are fine however. BUT they cannot get around any more so it's difficult for them to get to the crash area to find him - they are reliant on complete strangers for help. Is anyone in the area who could assist?
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
I understand that Digger's owners had a car crash tonight on the A10 near the lazy otter. Digger ran away and was last seen on the A10 heading to Waterbeach.
Oh no!! Hasn't there been several lost and found in the past few weeks? I have a TT and will share with others. Hope he is back soon!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in CB6,7,24,25.
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
eek i'll alert the Tibetan Terrier community...

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