Rainbow Bridge: Beige And White Lurcher Female
- Dog ID 36711
- Status Rainbow Bridge
- Registered 31 Jan 2012
- Name MACEY
- Gender & Breed Female Lurcher
- Age Young Adult
- Colour beige and white
- Marks & Scars
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed No
- Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
- Lost In Post Area S33
- Date Found 15 Feb 2012
- Found In Region Rainbow Bridge
- Found In Post Area S33
- Date Reunited 15 Feb 2012
- Other Info 1 year old. Blue eyes. Collar came off. She was unharmed after the accident but extremely distressed
- Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Views 10524
- See more dogs in Rainbow Bridge
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- 2012-02-28 00:32 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Macey's owner, I'm sorry you didn't receieve it. I'll check in case I sent it incorrectly. Think I still have it. Will text or e-mail you in the next couple of days. Right now you need to grieve but it will give you a way of coping - it does me. Please know that Macey is really okay in heaven and I know, given a choice, you would rather it be you to suffer the pain than her. That thought is what keeps me going. Macey knows how much you love her; she won't ever really leave you. She just had to go heaven first. So wish it wasn't so, but was beyond your control. God bless and we'll talk soon. x
- 2012-02-25 16:59 Philippa
- Hi Kimmybear - am so sorry but I didn't receive your text. I am more than happy to do my bit to shame Network Rail into being more accountable in these circumstances. Let me know what your thoughts are.
- 2012-02-24 13:57 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Sable, you said it all my friend. I know its a big challange, but we will get this ball rolling. Every major change comes from the little people uniting and becoming the strongest voice. We are stronger than Network Rail when we unite. We will do this, somehow. For all of us and our beloved dogs, wherever we are in the UK. x
- 2012-02-24 08:52 Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
- This is a common occurance in Scotland also. Huge amount of dogs go missing and are killed on the railways. One recently had got though a huge hole in the fence big enough for a car to drive through. The hole is still there.They know, but have done nothing.
The dog lay there at the side of the track for quite some time, until a member of the public travelling on the train, matched a poster with the dog she saw there, and called the owner, who now knows what happened to her dog - but- at the time, Network Rail would not allow her to go and collect her dog's body and they would not do it either. Owner had to get police involved who were more helpful seeing as it was a health and safety issue, which obviously does not matter to Network rail. It is true - they do not give a damn about what is happening to people's pets on their property. Appalling. The stories of several dogs killed on the tracks, and left there, have been in Central Scotland press quite a few times, to expose the disgraceful procedures of Network Rail.Last edited: 2012-02-24 08:54:01 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland - 2012-02-23 13:28 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Phillipa, I texted you the other night. Did you received it? Please let me know if you'd like Macey to be one of our figureheads in the National Campaign for Cassie's Law (my Cassie)to make NR be more accountable in regard to our dogs. I would love Macey to have some justice too. x
- 2012-02-23 07:58 B30
- Too little too late Network Rail. Things like this should be policy and not dependent on who can be bothered and who can't.
- 2012-02-21 16:05 Philippa
- Just an update. Have received a telephone call from Network Rail apologising for their lack of assistance. Seems it's luck of the draw as to whether or not you get any assistance in these circumstances. As I pointed out, they should be offering all the help they can in every case given that it's a failure on their part to prevent so many dogs gaining access onto the railway lines and meeting their end in this way. Let's hope something gets done but I'm not holding my breath. You're so right Kimmybear, the pain is absolutely unbearable. We miss our beautiful girl so very much and always will.
- 2012-02-19 19:14 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- Phillipa, I am so very sorry. I too, am furious with Network Rail and the train drivers. Every so often we find heros on the railway lines, but sadly, they are few and far between. I lost my dog in the same way and I know the pain is unbearable and the questions, unanswered. One thing I do know, and that is Macey was called to heaven in the quickest way, and would not have suffered. God calls his special dogs back quicker than we like because they have already earnt their wings - Macey has certainly earnt hers. She will wait whilst you continue to earn yours and then you will be reunited again, this time, forever. I promise you. x
- 2012-02-18 12:38 SanBarn
- Run free at the Bridge beautiful. xx
- 2012-02-17 20:58 dawny
- so sorry for your loss, rest in peace sweet Macey, run free at the bridge x
- 2012-02-17 18:37 Kathy
- I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm crying for you. I lost my dog once, and I was so lucky to get her back safely. I really wish you could have had a happy ending too.
- 2012-02-17 15:49 AkitaTaz
- I am so sorry Phillipa, I hope that you can find some peace in that your lovely Macey is now with you at home x
- 2012-02-17 15:25 Fran Daly
- Too late now, but wonder whether British Transport Police could have helped?
So sorry xxx - 2012-02-17 15:19 Lesley21
- I'm in tears writing this. So terribly sorry that Macey didnt make it home safely and that you had such a bad time finding her. Hugs to you all and special blessings to Macey, run free and safe little girl. x
- 2012-02-17 14:37 Unknown
- This is so sad - Network Rail are either really helpful, or not at all. I am so sorry it has taken you this long to get her back and you had to do it yourself (they should have done that for you) but I am glad she is back in her garden. RIP there Macey. All the best Philippa in this really sad situation. xx
- 2012-02-17 10:42 Philippa
- Just a few words to day thank you so much to everyone for your lovely words. Am now feeling angry at the lack of help from Network Rail. We feel Macey must have been hit by a train on the night of the RTA - hence no sightings of her. Surely any number of train drivers must have seen her lying at the side of the track and either did nothing to report this or did but nothing was done to get her off the track. My son and I did all we could to search the railway line but there are areas which are just too dangerous to walk along. Unfortunately, yesterday we were forced to get access onto the line in one of these such places and had to walk approximately half a mile down and back along the line so we could get Macey. We were forced to do this because, despite two days of frantic calls to Network Rail asking for help, non-one had the courtesy to ring us back. Shame on you Network Rail for your lack of compassion and understanding. You made an already extremely upsetting and stressful situation absolutely horrendous. Thankfully, Macey is now back home where she belongs and has been laid to rest in the garden she so loved.
- 2012-02-16 20:17 Jack Russell 4
- Run free at the bridge xxx
- 2012-02-16 09:49 CP
- So sorry, Philippa; my thoughts are with you and your family.
- 2012-02-16 09:20 Meru
- So very, very sorry to hear about Macey - RIP beautiful girl xx
- 2012-02-16 00:19 digbysmum
- Another lost to the railways. I am so very sorry - my thoughts are with the family at this sad time. Run free at the bridge, lovely Macey xx
- 2012-02-15 23:22 jobadger
- I'm so sorry you didn't make it back little one. You know you were love and cherished and my thoughts are with your family right now. Sleep tight - sweet dreams. xxx
- 2012-02-15 21:20 DianeM
- My thoughts are with Macey and her loving family, run free and play at the bridge princess xx
- 2012-02-15 20:05 zen
- i am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful macey... so very very sad.... run free now girl
- 2012-02-15 19:11 Unknown
- So sorry Macey didn`t make it home, such terrible news. At least you will have closure for her. She is back to full health now and playing at the bridge. You have not lost her forever, as one day you will be reunited with her at ~Rainbow Bridge. Night, night, sleep tight sweetheart and please look over your family who loved and cared for you. Sending healing wishes and lots of comforting hugs from me for your grief. God Blessxxx RIP Macey
- 2012-02-15 18:30 Owl
- I am so sorry your lovely girl didn't make it.
- 2012-02-15 16:33 Scrappy2010
- So sorry. Run free lovely :(
- 2012-02-15 15:37 Ellie
- Oh no. I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with Maceys family
- 2012-02-15 15:21 Gillian
- I am so,so sorry to be reading this. Macey was such a beautiful girl and I was so hoping she would find her way home safe and sound. Thinking of you all at this sad time. RIP lovely Macey xxx
- 2012-02-15 15:01 dewilliams42
- 2012-02-15 14:58 Helen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
- So so sorry, run free over Rainbow Bridge sweetheart, my thoughts are with your family xxx
- 2012-02-15 14:32 B30
- Oh no, Philippa I'm so very sorry. I was praying that your lovely girl would make it safely home somehow and how cruel is it that she was so close. A very sad day XX
- 2012-02-15 14:26 snapdragon
- So very sad... Thinking of Phillipa and family. Rest in peace lovely girl.
- 2012-02-15 14:09 Vizsla55
- God Bless sweet Macey, rest in peace beautiful baby. Thoughts are with Philippa and family. xxx
- 2012-02-15 13:50 Unknown
- So sorry. RIP Macey xx
- 2012-02-15 13:43 Philippa
- I have to post the worst news possible. Macey's remains have been found just outside Hathersage next to the train line. She must have been making her way home along the track - another few minutes and she would have been home. To say we are devastated is an understatement. We so desperately hoped to bring our girl home safe and well but it was not to be. A bit thank you to everyone involved in DogLost for all your help, advice, support and encouragement and to those who've been with us every step of the way. Finally RIP Macey, our beautiful, irrepressible, cheeky girl - you made us laugh, drove us mad at times, brought so much fun into our lives and melted our hearts and now you've broken them. Run free sweet Macey - so sorry we couldn't keep you safe and give you the long and wonderful life you so deserved.
- 2012-02-14 17:22 CP
- I know your posting of 5/2 shows how well you've covered all officials regarding Macey's disappearance, including FB, and you're doing good work covering vets and rescues outside your area now; however, have you been able to well poster your area and verge on the potential exit areas leading over your border? I ask this in case the finder does not have internet facilities or even a computer; it's not necessarily as easy as you imply to discover how to return her to you without this aid. Sometimes dog wardens, police etc. in different areas are not always as 'linked-up' as we'd like, hence the importance of postering. Dog Lost often refers to "poster, poster, poster" as still being the best method of reuniting a dog. It's a wide coverage, I know, but it only takes one right person to see it to help get her home. C'mon, Macey, give your mum some clues where you are, sweetheart.....
- 2012-02-14 17:18 Gillian
- Sounds like a good idea to contact Manchester Dogs Home. I've also now posted Macey's details on K9 and The Whippet Forum.
Agree about the cross breed/lurcher description. She looks quite a whippety lurcher although I can't quite tell her size from the photo so would definitely be worth changing her description. I also think those blue eyes are very distinctive so perhaps emphasising that too. - 2012-02-14 17:02 Jackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
- Hi Philippa. So sorry to hear that Macey is still missing. Gillian posted Macey on the DogLost NW FB page. I think the lurcher that was found (see your comments on 8/2/12) may have been Jack - see dog ID 36785.
You mention the High Peak District. Only a small part of this area comes under the North West but all dogs found by their dog warden are taken to Manchester Dogs Home. Manchester Dogs Home is huge, up to 400 dogs in there at any one time and its just impossible for the staff to check for every stray. If not already I would highly recommend a visit there as soon as possible and ask to see all the dogs, not just those up for adoption. Its open daily from 1pm. This is the website for the address www.dogshome.net
Also noticed that Macey is registered with the www.animalwardens.co.uk but as a cross breed, not sure this is intentional. May be worth contacting them to get it changed as they may not match up the entries if a lurcher is found. Hope Macey is home soon :)
- 2012-02-14 16:50 Gillian
- Are there posters up in the garden centre - she may have gone in that direction. I've only been there a couple of times but it always seems pretty busy. And the caravan site in the other direction - plenty of places to hide out round the caravans. That's if the caravans are static and there in the winter - I'm just going by Google maps!
- 2012-02-14 16:15 Philippa
- Have been into the field where Macey bolted and also the adjoining fields to search. The grass in all the fields is very short and the fields are flat. Have also crossed over the railway line running along the bottom of the fields and checked the adjoining fields on the other side and checked the railway line for a good distance in both directions but, beyond that, there are fields as far as the eye can see so it is pretty impossible to search them all thoroughly. I am tending to think that she would have stayed on that side of the road as there is a pretty wide river on the other side of the road and she is not a great lover of water. I wonder if she would have come back onto the road to look for David and perhaps attempted to navigate her way home as she has travelled along that road in a vehicle a fair number of times.
- 2012-02-14 14:25 CP
- Sorry to have to ask, Philippa, but did this field have very long grass? If so, have you been able to enter it and search more thoroughly. I recall a whippet in a similar situation being hidden in the long grass as he was lying curled up.
- 2012-02-14 09:07 Philippa
- At that point she hadn't moved out of the field. Each time she was approached she ran down to the bottom of the field. I am wondering whether she came out of the field when it had quietened down and the emergency services had gone and maybe tried to get home by following the road and perhaps was hit by a vehicle and ran off injured. Certainly, when I arrived there less than an hour later to look for Macey there was no sign of her and I walked up and down the stretch of the road where the RTA occurred shouting her and shining my torch into the fields and I was back again the next morning before it was light and, again, no sign of her so she disappeared within a pretty short space of time.
- 2012-02-13 20:33 B30
- That's a shame Philippa but at least you can rule him out. Did he give you any idea of which direction she was travelling in?
- 2012-02-13 19:18 Philippa
- Believe we have a false alarm regarding the man at the scene of the RTA trying to catch Macey. Spoke to the person who gave us this information last night and I realised from the description she gave me of him that he and his wife live just up the road from where Macey went missing. I called at their property to hand them a poster the morning after the accident, (they are keen walkers and dog owners), and the gentleman confirmed to me that as soon as he realised a dog had been in the car involved in the RTA he went out to look for her armed with a torch. He told me at the time that he did see Macey in the field near to where the accident took place but that he was unable to approach her. I am positive that these two men are one and the same person.
- 2012-02-13 16:58 snapdragon
- Tideswell is pretty big for a village. what about some of the shop windows there, especially the VERY busy bakery?
- 2012-02-13 16:44 Philippa
- Posters have been put up a premises called William Eyre & Sons which is an agricultural suppliers in a small hamlet called Brough which is very near to Bradwell. This is used by a lot of local farmers. Posters also put up in Bradwell in the post office and a local pub. Poster also put up in a pub called the Three Stags which is at Wardlow Mires, near to Tideswell and is very popular with the farming/hunting fraternity.
- 2012-02-13 15:42 B30
- I already bumped the page when I posted earlier today Jayne. Please can you give details of where the possible sighting is?
- 2012-02-13 14:44 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Bumped due to new info of poss sighting.
- 2012-02-13 14:32 snapdragon
- Have been following this and do know the area fairly well. If the man was seen heading 'up the valley'from the RTA, he could have turned left at Travellers Rest Pub and gone to/through Bradwell,Tideswell,Peak Forest areas etc....have posters been put in the shops, pubs, bus shelters etc in these villages? It is a large farming area to cover I know, but all these areas are potential places someone could be heading. Newspapers to advertise in could be Buxton Advertiser, Peak Advertiser, even Macclesfield Express & Leek Sentinel. Just trying to help and just hoping this could be a positive lead.
- 2012-02-13 14:00 Philippa
- Will try and speak to the person who gave us this information and see if we can get any sort of description. We have a local paper we can put an appeal in and will contact local radio again to see if they will put out an update.
- 2012-02-13 13:44 B30
- Perhaps she was picked up Philippa. I hope you can trace this man. How about an appeal in a local paper for him to come forward. Do you have a description of him?
- 2012-02-13 12:24 Philippa
- Many thanks for your help Gillian. Hope if Macey was picked up at the scene of the RTA that we will hear something further and that the reason we haven't so far is because of a lack of ID. Just thinking what I'd do if I picked up a dog in this situation - I'd go back to where I found the dog and make some enquiries locally, look for some lost posters, put up some found posters but maybe that's just female logic? My worry is that lurchers are used for illegal hunting/coursing and seem to be so often badly treated.
- 2012-02-13 11:47 CP
- You're doing great contacting all the vets and rescue centres beyond your local area; feel sure this is incredibly important. If I've understood you correctly, you're concerned that the chap you refer to at the scene has not made contact with you if he managed to catch Macey; but with her not being chipped or tagged he would not know where to do so, would he (?) and he could well not have seen a poster yet. This is why I think you're doing vital work in the right direction by spreading the message wider, particularly to vets. I do hope you'll hear something positive soon.. very best wishes.
- 2012-02-13 09:50 Gillian
- I've contacted the vets you've mentioned and had a reply from New Mills to say that they will put a note on their lost dog files in New Mills and Buxton and on their Facebook page. I've also put something on Sheffield Forum and added Macey to DogLost NW because this area is very much on the edge of Central/Derbyshire.
Hope you hear something positive soon x - 2012-02-13 09:45 Philippa
- Received some information late last night which may be important. A man was seen at the scene of the RTA trying to catch Macey and he was still there after other people had left the scene/were leaving. I don't know whether to be alarmed by this or not. If he did manage to catch Macey he has made no effort to return her to us but, equally, he may have dropped her off at a vets or rescue centre. We have been told he was heading "up the valley" which means he could have been driving to Buxton/Chapel-en-le-Frith/New Mills/Manchester/Cheshire so Gillian, if you can contact vets in Buxton, New Mills, Chapel that would be brilliant. We've already contacted the RSPCA in Manchester and Macclesfield and my son is going to start contacting vets in Manchester today and any other relevant rescue centre in that area. As I'm at work there is very little I can do during the day so Gillian your offer of help is much appreciated.
- 2012-02-12 16:46 Gillian
- Hi Philippa, I've tried to work my way down that vet list but I've a feeling I'm going to complicate matters if I go on as not all the practices have a web site. Otherwise I'll have to list all the ones I've managed to get in touch with to save you duplicating what I've done!
But I have contacted a few as follows. Bakewell, Victoria Vets in Glossop, Buxton, New Mills, the 1st two on the Chesterfield list and the 1st two on the Sheffield list. Not much help but I suppose it saves you a few phone calls! - 2012-02-12 14:33 Gillian
- Where exactly did she run off from? Was it in Hope or Castleton or in between. I've been over that way a few times (we're just outside Glossop) but can't say I know the area very well.
I'll contact vets to the west and south if you like - Glossop/Chapel/New Mills/Buxton/Bakewell etc. I'm happier with email than phone so I'll do it that way. Once one email is written it's just a question of copying and pasting!
Is that OK - have you already contacted any of the above? Hope this brings some information for you. - 2012-02-12 13:36 Philippa
- That would be great thanks Gillian. Will start contacting some vets tomorrow. Have been back to the area of the RTA both yesterday and today and walked a wide area but no news.
- 2012-02-11 17:29 Gillian
- Here's a link to a site that lists all the vets in the UK! You can search by county so can pick out the ones in the surrounding areas. Have you contacted Chapel & Glossop vets? I could email some for you with the Dog Lost link if you like. Shame I'm going away on Monday for a week so won't be able to do much but I've got a little bit of time before then to do some emailing if you'd like.
http://www.any-uk-vet.co.uk/england.htm - 2012-02-11 10:55 CP
- Like Gillian's examples, I've seen over-the-border involvement many times on DL, so I'm glad you're proceeding with the idea, Philippa. It seems like a mammoth task but one area at a time, with internet vet address support, it should all fall into place. If you were able to email her picture to the vets it would be great, and perhaps you'll get offers of delivering posters to the vets over this thread should anyone following it live in your surrounding border areas.
- 2012-02-10 18:36 Philippa
- Thank you - I'll try anything that might help us find out what has happened to Macey
- 2012-02-10 14:34 Gillian
- I really think it would be worth you trying to ring some of the vets further afield - I know it's difficult and time consuming as there are potentially so many! There were a couple of border collies went missing on the Pennine Way near Tintwistle/Glossop at the end of last year. One of them was found at a vets in Sheffield which the owner just happened to ring. The other had also been picked up and taken to a Sheffield rescue - although you say you have contacted the DW for that area. The vet involved didn't contact the dog warden but took the dog home so it's not guaranteed that they would contact the DW or RSPCA.
Must be worth a try - you never know. I do hope you find Macey soon x - 2012-02-10 13:59 Philippa
- The vet search area is going to be quite difficult. Anyone travelling on the road where the RTA occurred could be travelling through to either Sheffield, Chesterfield, Manchester or Buxton. We have got Macey registered as missing with RSPCA in Sheffield, Chesterfield and Manchester so hopefully if Macey was treated at a vets out of the area they would hopefully inform the RSPCA
- 2012-02-09 18:30 CP
- It may be wise to widen your vet search area to those outside of your patch, say, in your surrounding town areas. Someone travelling through by car may have picked her up and taken her to a vet on their route home; it's worth checking as you only have two vets in your vicinity.
- 2012-02-09 14:09 Philippa
- Please don't apologise. We are grateful for everybody's thoughts. We have contacted the vets in the area - there are only two and one is the vets in our village where Macey is registered. Have been in touch with Sheffield DW and RSPCA - in fact they phoned yesterday to see if we had any news. Have checked the grounds of Glenbrook and put up a poster nearby. Obvious worry now is that, although we thought she wasn't injured that, in fact she was, and that's she's hidden herself away somewhere and not recovered from her injuries. Having said that, we've walked all around the adjacent farmland and seen nothing and it's pretty easy to check at this time of the year as all the foliage and undergrowth is so bare. We've also checked all along the railway line. We have also visited every property in the immediate area and asked people to check their gardens and outbuildings just in case. Tend to think that at this time of year most people's sheds, outbuildings, greenhouses etc. are shut up for the winter. Fair to say that every person we spoke to has been nothing less than concerned and helpful and we've had telephone calls from people we don't know who've just rung to say that they are on the lookout for Macey when they're out dog walking, horse riding etc.and that they've checked their gardens, outbuildings etc. Weather permitting I'm going back to the area this weekend to search again. I am hopeful that if she is alive well and in the area we will hear something. There are a lot of people looking out for her
- 2012-02-09 13:08 mtbbuxton
- I'm so very sorry it's come to nothing, it seemed so promising at the time. I think that all you can do now is make sure that there are posters absolutely everywhere. Speak to the Posties, Milkmen and any lorry drivers you know too and if you haven't already done so, ask if you can put a poster up at Glenbrook (in an area where it will only be seen by adults if they're worried about upsetting the children). Ask if anyone has got a new dog that may look like her - that's where keeping her profile raised at the Vets will help. Have you been in touch with the Sheffield DW too? It's perfectly possible she could have been found and taken in that direction by someone well meaning. Sorry if you've already done all this, but I'm just trying to think of anything else that can be done. Here's hoping that Macey does indeed turn up somewhere and very soon.
Moira x - 2012-02-09 10:21 CP
- Philippa, just need to check, so forgive if it's already mentioned on the thread. Have you been in touch with vets around the area, just in case of injury although you say "unharmed". Not wishing to upset you but it's amazing how dogs can flee from a rta scene with fright but can still be hurt and seek quiet, dark shelter, where she may have been found by some well-meaning person and taken to a vet. I feel you've probably postered vets but just had to ask.
- 2012-02-09 09:41 Philippa
- Thanks Moira and please say thanks to your friend. Have got the text and e-mailed Rileyroo who has replied. Am now satisfied that no dog was picked up last Friday. A member of staff at Losehill Hotel told someone that a guest had found a stray dog but this turned out to be the dog that lived nearby. Can't actually think of anything else we can do to find out what has happened to Macey. All we can do is sit tight and hope for some news one way or the other.
- 2012-02-08 19:43 mtbbuxton
- My friend has been in touch to say she has texted you directly with some more information - hope it proves helpful.
Moira x - 2012-02-08 17:57 B30
- I'm glad that you finally got to speak to somebody helpful Philippa. Hopefully the DW can confirm this on Friday.
- 2012-02-08 14:14 Philippa
- Just had a telephone call from a very helpful lady at HPBC. The dog warden is apparently off duty until Friday. As far as she is aware, only one dog has been picked up recently and this was on Monday in the Hayfield area of Chapel-en-le-Frith and is a elderly white and tan lurcher bitch.
- 2012-02-08 13:52 Philippa
- Moira, did the friend who told you that a dog had been picked up matching Macey's description hear the news either ddirectly or indirectly from any of the staff at Losehill Hotel by any chance? I think that's how Rileyroo heard it and I know from speaking to the owner of the whippet last night that she had been trying to contact one or two members of staff at the Hotel as her friend had heard the news from one or more of them. Although we have heard about the dog being picked up from four different people now I am thinking that they have all heard the news either directly, or indirectly, from staff at Losehill Hotel. If I can find out a name or names, I can speak to them and try to clear this up. My son has telephoned me at work to say that HPBC told him again that they have no report of a stray dog being picked up and that their warden would have filed a report with them if this was the case. Nevetheless, they have passed on our contact details via e-mail direct to the warden for a response.
- 2012-02-08 11:34 Philippa
- I actually e-mailed HPBC on Monday to try to find out this information and I have just literally had a response to say that my enquiry has been passed direct to the dog warden who will respond within 3 days! I cannot wait three days for information so have e-mailed back to ask for either a direct dial number for the warden or which kennels they use. Am concerned there will be a further long delay before I get a response. Just seem to be going round in circles at present.
- 2012-02-08 10:51 mtbbuxton
- Might be worth asking the Town Hall if they'd be willing to give you the telephone number of the kennels they use so you can speak to them directly too.
Moira x - 2012-02-08 10:31 mtbbuxton
- Philippa, if you ring the Town Hall again and ask the main switchboard, they'll get the DW to ring you back. They'll then be able to tell you who was on duty on Friday.
Does Rileyroo know who it was who found the dog as it would seem that you really need to speak to them directly.
Moira x - 2012-02-08 09:22 Philippa
- Morning Sue - my son spoke to High Peak Borough Council on Monday morning and they told him that no dogs have been picked up in the area. He also spoke to Derbyshire Dales District Council just in case although they do not cover the area where Macey went missing. I understand the dog warden for High Peak Borough Council is actually based at Glossop but there does not seem to be any direct dial number for the offices there. I am at work and about to go out of the office so am unable to make any further enquiries right now but, if anyone has any thoughts about where dogs are taken when they are picked up by wardens, numbers to phone,
please let us know - 2012-02-08 07:50 B30
- How strange. Which DW are you speaking to Philippa?
- 2012-02-07 20:06 Philippa
- Have just received a telephone call from the lady who owns the whippets. She went away on Friday morning and took both her dogs with her and has just returned today. She has been told by a friend today that a dog was picked up by the dog warden on Friday and that it was similar to one of her dogs. We are totally confused as we have been told that no dogs have been collected in the area. We will be back on the 'phone in the morning and will report further.
- 2012-02-07 09:55 Philippa
- Thanks Moira. I've e-mailed Rileyroo to see if she knows anything or can find anything out.
- 2012-02-07 08:23 mtbbuxton
- Philippa can you speak directly to Rileyroo as she may know who it was who found the original dog - it may have been someone at Losehill HOTEL,but as I understand, Rileyroo should know who it was.
Sorry I'm not being much help, but I'm just passing info on from a 3rd party and we're all desperately hoping that Macey is home soon
Moira x - 2012-02-06 23:19 mtbbuxton
- I'll ring the friend who gave me the information in the morning and see if we can shed any more light on what happened.
Moira x - 2012-02-06 18:18 Philippa
- No reports from British Rail of any dogs being hit by trains in the area where Macey went missing. No reports of any dogs being hit by cars in the area. Can Moira of Buxton find out any more info. on the dog that was picked up on Friday. Both High Peak and Derbyshire Dales dog wardens have said that they did not pick up any dog in the Hope Valley last week. Can only think that a warden was called out regarding the whippet near to Losehill Hotel but that enquiries in the immediate area revealed that this dog was not a stray. Are there any other organisations that pick up stray dogs that I do not know about? I would hate to think that there is anywhere I haven't checked.
- 2012-02-05 20:11 Unknown
- I have checked the ads but have seen nothing as yet.
- 2012-02-05 19:58 Philippa
- Have put posters up at local railway stations. I am going to 'phone british rail tomorrow in case Macey has strayed onto the railway line near where she went missing and the worst has happened. My son has taken posters further afield to a particular public house which is frequented by the farming community/hunting fraternity. We have been told that a lot of the regulars in there own lurchers so worth a try.
- 2012-02-05 19:05 mtbbuxton
- Have you asked at the railway station if anyone has seen Macey? A couple of years ago, a friend's dog ran off after being startled by a firework. He was near Chesterfield, found his way onto the railway line and followed it for 4 miles to Alfreton - no mean feat for a 17 year old dog.
Moira x - 2012-02-05 14:33 Philippa
- We're so grateful for everyone's help. My worry is that maybe she has been taken out of the area. Ordinarily she wouldn't go off with someone she didn't know but, given the situation, anything is possible. It's the fact that there have been no sightings of her that concerns me. If someone has taken her out of the area and wanted to return her to us, given that she's registered as lost with DogLost, RSPCA, dog wardens, police, vets, on Facebook etc. they could easily find out the information they needed to return her to us even though she didn't have her collar and ID discs on.
- 2012-02-05 13:17 B30
- Oh I see, I thought maybe she had white marking underneath and we couldn't see them on the photo. I'll advertise here asap in the Countryman's Weekly magazine but it will be a few weeks before it's published. Hopefully she'll be found by then but if not it will get her nationwide coverage in case someone has picked her up and taken her out of the area.
- 2012-02-05 12:43 Philippa
- Sue, Macey has white markings intermingled with the beige pretty much all over. She also has some grey on her neck. Her tail is dark grey and she has grey edging to her ears. Have e-mailed a copy of the missing poster this morning to rileyroo who lives close to where Macey went missing and she is going to distribute further copies in the area.
- 2012-02-05 05:23 B30
- Reward added and this will also come out on the posters printed from here.
Where are her white markings Philippa? - 2012-02-04 20:59 Philippa
- Owner would like to offer a reward for safe return of Macey. Would be grateful if head office would amend link to include.
- 2012-02-04 19:40 Philippa
- Sorry, have put Losehill Hall in Hope - should have read Losehill Hotel in Hope.
- 2012-02-04 19:36 Philippa
- Thanks for your comment Moira. It seems it was the dog warden who picked this dog up. Spoke to RSPCA this morning in Sheffield and Manchester and it seems they do not pick up stray dogs which was news to me. The council dog warden has to come out to pick up stray dogs and they are delivered to an RSPCA branch after 72 hours or so. Am now sure that this dog was picked up near to Losehill Hall in Hope but have not managed to speak to the lady who owns the whippet which is the dog I believe was picked up by the dog warden. Have left her messages and an e-mail but no response.
- 2012-02-04 18:59 mtbbuxton
- Hi,
so sorry I've not been on here before now. I was passing on information from a 3rd party, who said a dog matching Macey's description had been picked up near Losehill. Unfortunately, I don't know if it was Hall or Hotel, sorry. They said that the RSPCA had her, not the Dog Warden, but again, it could be crossed wires.
I'm still keeping everything crossed that Macey will be home soon.
Moira x - 2012-02-04 18:27 Philippa
- Have spoken to rileyroo as has my son who it turns out knows her! She is keeping an eye out and her ear to the ground for us. Will contact Hope Post Office. Am presuming someone has gone in and said that Macey has been picked up by the dog warden just up the road but, of course, it is not her so will inform the post office on Monday and drop another poster in if necessary. Thanks for everyone's continued help.
- 2012-02-04 17:28 B30
- If you can't pick up my text post on here and I'll ring your landline.
- 2012-02-04 17:24 B30
- Philippa it was rileyroo who tried to get in touch. I'll text you her mobile number to see if she can help. She also said that the post office in Hope has taken down the notice so now there's no posters in Hope.
- 2012-02-04 14:47 Philippa
- Unfortunately, due to further info. received, it appears that the stray dog picked up is not Macey. I have managed to get a telephone number for the lady who lives near to the Losehill Hotel in Hope who owns the whippet which looks like Macey but there is no answer. I believe it is her dog that has been picked up by the dog wardens but will need to speak to her to find out if one of her dogs is missing.
- 2012-02-04 13:47 B30
- Philippa, I have sent a msg to rileyroo to see if that is who was trying to get in touch with youLast edited: 2012-02-04 13:49:29 by B30
- 2012-02-04 12:34 Philippa
- Someone called and left a text on 07565949258 but phone has deleted message! Pls. call again on 01433 650783 and leave a number and I will phone you back
- 2012-02-04 12:08 Philippa
- Please can either Rileyroo or Moira get in touch ASAP
- 2012-02-04 12:00 Philippa
- desperately need clarification of where this stray dog was picked up. If it was near to the Losehill Hotel in Hope it is not Macey. We went there on Thursday evening after a telephone call reporting a possible sighting of Macey and the dog belonged to a nearby property and was very similar to Macey and was wearing a collar. The report we have is that this dog was picked up at Losehill Hall in Castleton and was not wearing a collar. We need to know which is the right area where the dog was picked up. If it is Losehill Hotel it is almost certainly not Macey, if it is Losehill Hall at Castleton it could well be.
- 2012-02-04 09:27 Owl
- rileyroo, thank you, please give owner a call on number above to make contact as you are local and can help with search.
- 2012-02-04 08:46 rileyroo
- hi i was in the pub last night and one of the staff says it was losehill hotel up edale road. if you need any help i am willing to help you search, i am taking a lead out with me on walks just incase, will macey come to me if i have my dog or will she be scared. which way did she head when she ran off? i have been in this situation before and know what you are going through its a nightmare i am willing to help in any way. please keep me informed , i feel like its my dog i cant stop thinking about her bless her.
- 2012-02-04 06:29 B30
- Oh I hope the RSPCA have picked Macey up!
- 2012-02-03 23:04 Philippa
- Macey's owner here. Could Moira please confirm that this dog was picked up at Losehill Hall in Castleton and not Losehill Hall Hotel on Edale Road in Hope. The reason I ask is that I received a telephone call last night from a guest at the hotel to say a dog like Macey was wandering on the lane near the hotel. when I arrived there I found it was not Macey but enquiries at a nearby house confirmed that the dog, a whippet almost identical to Macey, lived there and often wandered up and down the lane near to the hotel. I am therefore concerned that it may be this dog that has been picked up as the guests at the hotel believed it to be a stray although this dog was wearing a collar but no tag.
- 2012-02-03 22:32 mtbbuxton
- will do x
- 2012-02-03 22:29 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Oh well done mtbbuxton....all paws crossed here....thank you so much...we could not do this without your help as so many dogs coming in...please let us know the outcome...
- 2012-02-03 22:10 mtbbuxton
- Have now rung owner who will contact RSPCA directly
- 2012-02-03 21:42 mtbbuxton
- Just had a message from a friend to say that a dog matching Macey's description was found this afternoon near Losehill Hall, Castleton - this is just along the main road from where Macey went missing. Dog had no collar and was collected by the RSPCA. Sorry, I don't know which Branch they've been taken to.
Fingers crossed it's her and she can make her way home very soon. - 2012-02-01 21:34 mtbbuxton
- Have spread the word as I have family in the area where Macey is missing.
Just a thought, but with the area this happened in, Macey could have been picked up by someone well-meaning and taken into either the High Peak or Sheffield Dog Warden areas. Has owner contacted Vets in Bakewell, Buxton, Chapel, Whaley Bridge and New Mills too? Also might be worth ringing Manchester Dogs Home. Probably already done, but would rather suggest it than say nothing.
REally hope Macey is back home safe very soon.
Moira x
- 2012-02-01 11:41 Owl
- Owner tells me Macey has already been on local radio, and he has visited every farm in the area to tell them about her. There is plenty of shelter around in woodland and outbuildings.Last edited: 2012-02-01 11:58:34 by Owl
- 2012-02-01 11:05 Unknown
- Spoke to owner he has done all the right things to find Macey so far.
- 2012-02-01 11:04 Unknown
- Info and Advice sheet sent.
- 2012-01-31 17:50 Riverlady
- Have put Macey on twitter + will circulate.
- 2012-01-31 17:43 B30
- Details put on Facebook pages Central and East Mids & Warks
https://www.facebook.com/groups/270158526343032/ - 2012-01-31 17:42 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Tx. Poster emailed to helpers in S6,10,32,33. DE45. SK17,22,23.
- 2012-01-31 17:30 B30
- Photo received and will be on site soon