Lost: Black With White Flash On Chest Whippet Female In East Anglia (PE24)

  • Dog ID 37496
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 28 Feb 2012
  • Gender & Breed Female Whippet (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black with white flash on chest
  • Marks & Scars Black (with white flash on chest). Skinny Girl. Was bred from before rescued so has large teats.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Feb 2012
  • Where Lost Anderby Creek, Lincolnshire. PE24 5XX. Off Sandy Lane, ran onto fields approx 11.30am.
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area PE24
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info 4/5 years old. Lovely temperment- lives with other Dogs and Children. Shy nature more likely to hide from people than approach them. Has no chase instinct.
  • Listed By Pointies
  • Views 23980


Sightings and Information

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Can't tell if this one has white on her or not but was picked up by driver on M25 and taken up to a police station in Scotland! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1167968906747299&set=gm.2309625285945790&type=3&theater&ifg=1
Another long shot but fingers crossed https://www.animalsearchuk.co.uk/AFP335919
I know its a long shot but could this be Duchess? http://tinyurl.com/hvznhcvLast edited: 2016-01-17 00:27:32 by GingerScouser
The dog, Lady at Scottish rescue has too much white on her feet.
Scottish greyhound rescue have a dog similar to duchess with white feet and chest markings, but put as lurcher called lady, has a lot of grey on face but says she's about seven so would be right age. Please check.
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Please check this one found in Middlesborough

Twitter and website
So sad, lets hope some more publicity gets her home xx

Shared xLast edited: 2015-02-28 08:17:46 by duffs54
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Duchess has been missing for 3 years today, please reshare on facebook and Twitter.
Bumping Duchesses page as she is featured in the DogLost column of the May edition of Dogs Today magazine, out now. Do hope it brings some news
Nominated for Dogs today magazine
Think it's Liverpool area but 2 have just been dumped outside the animals in need rescue, one is similar to duchess and the age xxxfingers crossed xxxx
Duchess has now sadly been missing a year today. There's been no recent sightings. I've been back up to Anderby Creek looking for her and postering in this last year and followed up all possible leads visting pounds/kennels around the UK. Ninja has been great and regularly looks for Duchess in the local area she went missing. Hoping one day very soon she's back home where she belongs!
Bumped due to upcoming press coverage due to anniversary of her disappearance
Is there some news of Duchess?
Thanks Sue
Hope she gets found soon, it's getting too cold for her to be out there
Hope there is some news of Duchess soon. Paws, and fingers xd.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Sue, I will let the owner know, hopefully this will bring some long awaited news x
Advertised in the Countryman's Weekly magazine last week.
Duchess is still missing.
Whippet found in Ringstead, Northants. I've sent Duchess's details and picture just in case it's her.
Fingers crossed here
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
Been there tonight from 6.30 till nearly 10pm, walked all around but no sighting, it was sunny last night where as tonight it been raining! Have put several posters around main entrace to beach and at the exits along the prom, fingers crossed they bring in some more sightings, xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Wow! that does sound promising! Excellent news! Come on Duchess, please come home!x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
There's been a possible sighting of Duchess!!! A person saw a Black whippet with white chest and paws in a nearby village - Chapel St Leonards, last night. They got close enough to try and grab the dog which then ran off onto the beach. It was still light so sounds really positive!

Bumped due to this possible sighting, fingers crossed xxx
Have compared chip numbers and its not duchess x
She is very like Duchess although we dont think her paws are white enough.

However i have spoken with the dog warden and we are going to check Duchess's microchip number against this girls tomorrow. Duchess's chip is registered but errors can happen
Please see my found dog post. I know it's a fair distance difference but the chest markings seem so similar.
jo and khan
fingers crossed u find her soon xLast edited: 2012-05-06 21:48:03 by jo and khan
I so hope that the sighted dog is Duchess and that she will give herself uo to you. Keeping everything crossed.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Fingers crossed this is the lovely Duchess and she will be home very soon xxx
Fingers paws and all appendages crossed that it is Duchess
A Ladys just called me with a possible sighting of Duchess! It's on Sea Lane, Huttoft. The Dog was going up towards the village, she called the Dog but it ran off. Unfortunately I can't get up there now (it's also a 3hr drive from home and the Dog will likely to be gone by then) but going up first thing tomorrow now, I'll have my other 2 Dogs with me and hoping this time she picks up their scent and comes out of hiding.
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
It is today that the owner going.....
Although there is a big possibility that this sighting is the Greyhound from Jolly Comman Lane!
Fingers crossed it is her. Shame owner can't get there today as she may move on again.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So hope it is her. xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Bumped due to this possible sighting of Duchess, praying this is her and she will be home very soon xxx
Just seen on Facebook that there has been a possible sighting of Duchess a short while ago. The turning just before Anderby Creek coming from Sutton on Sea Way. Owner is hoping to get up there tomorrow.
Can't believe there has been no news of Duchess yet. Just hope she is warm and safe.
Unfortunately it's not Duchess but thank you Flintstones for letting me know about the Dog.
There is a Greyhound cross 38737 that has been found in CV12 a long shot but worth checking.
There is a Greyhound cross 38737 that has been found in CV12 a long shot but worth checking.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So hope Duchess is home very soon. Keep thinking of her and owner. x
Bumped into owners friend (by chance) in Kidderminster today. Really hope Duchess is found soon.
Thank you Pointies I will pass that information on to the owner of Rufus.
Thank you, unfortunately I didn't have a sighting when I went up to Lincoln (spent the whole day there; dawn to dusk).
However, hoping the new sighting today back in Anderby Creek where Duchess went missing leads to her. A friend followed the sighting up but sadly nothing. However, she's going to keep looking and I'll be going up next week to look.

Details of the Lincoln sighting as requested: Black pointy Dog with white flash on chest seen in Burton (near Lincoln) LN1 2RB at a private yard. Wearing a brown collar (I thought eventhough Duchess's is pink it could of easily become dirtied and look brown in the month that she's been missing. I read that Rufus was wearing a brown collar though, but the Lady believes the Dog had a flash of white on chest and it looks like Rufus has 2 spots from his photo). The Lady who sighted the Dog saw the Dog 3/4 times last week. However, hasn't seen the Dog since Friday last week (23rd). She saw the Dog between 5-7pm each time (it was light and the Dog was reasonably close, she's there daily but the Dog wasn't seen in the mornings. The Dog would come across the horses field and up to the yard, last seen running off across the farmers field. The Dog didn't respond to her whistling. There's shelter there and lots of Rabbits which is good. Dog is believed to be a Whippet as the Lady met my big Lurcher and little Whippet and said the Dog was inbetween their size (which Duchess is) and looked more like my Whippet than Lurcher. She's going to continue keeping an eye out for the Dog and has the no. of a member of my Family who came with me and lives nearby and will follow up a sighting and at least be able to say if it is Duchess or another Dog. Hope Rufus is also found soon.
It might be worth checking if it's Zak (N4) or Bisto (Berkshire) too. I'll mention it on their pages. Probably a long shot but as you say may be worth a call.

There has also been another possible sighting of Duchess today very close to where she went missing. She was seen running across the fields. People have been to look but unfortunately couldn't see her. Hope it was her x
there has been a whippet picked up in bedford in very malnourished condition and taken to appledown kennels dunstable i do not know the sex or colour at this time but msy be worth a call,x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So hope Duchess gets home soon. x
Seen a tweet about Duchess so am circulating.
So pleased there has been a sighting. The dog sighted could also be Rufus id38074. He is similar in looks and went missing from the Sleaford area which is not far from Lincoln.
Pointies could you please let me have details of the sighting when you get them so I can alert the owner of Rufus.Last edited: 2012-03-28 22:18:02 by AlisonH
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Bumped due to this new sighting, praying this is Duchess and she will be home very soon x
There's been a possible sighting of Duchess! (much needed news!). A Lady on her Facebook group advised there's been a Dog that looks like Duchess, around some stables in the last week. It's away from where Duchess went missing (about an hours drive), just outside Lincoln but in the same county. Awaiting some more details - address and times of day the Dog has been seen and going up to have a look tomorrow (and praying I bring Duchess home!).
Duchess has been missing for a month now and sadly there's been no much hoped for sightings.
Jammin - I'm pleased the Dog had you looking out for him eventhough it wasn't Duchess.
The whippet I found in surrey is a male. Sorry to hear about your doggy. Hope you find her soon.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Keep going - you just never know when she will appear! Dogs are amazing in the wild. x
Thank you for looking out for Duchess, unfortunately the Dog at Animal Helpline isn't her. Thank you though.
Sorry to see Duchess is still hiding from everyone. Just an idea but have you checked the website of animal helpline which is based in p24 area as they have a black bitch, looks young
and has a white back foot, and white blaze on chest worth a look at the video of her anyway to rule it out. She is listed as a lurcher but dont know how long she has been with them. Fingers crossed. Dog is called lottie and aged 1/2 by the way. Good luck.
Still missing :-(
Following Duchess on Face Book and just wish I lived in the area so could help with the search. Doing my best to spread the word though and hope she is found very, very soon.
Drove around Utterby and up to Tathwell this afternoon on the lookout for Duchess but didn't see any sign of her. Will be going that way bagain in the morning.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Oh, this is very possible. Now, remember that dogs tend to do a triangle, so if anyone out there can plot a map of the sightings and the place she went missing from, you might start to get a picture. Also, we don't know how long she will spend in each place. You have 2 places right here from yesterday, maybe leave some food along this trail, in a safe place at the same time each day (although wildlife do like to eat aswell :-) ) May call for a stake out, but you never know when she will be back here - could be next week or could be tomorrow. This sounds very good news though. Keep those posters going up especially in the area where lost and the areas of sightings. You can do it everyone! You are DogLost helpers and you are the best! Let's help the owner, so far away. Let's get Duchess home for her. God bless x
The two seperate sightings could both be Duchess; yesterday lunchtime in Anderby before running off across fields and then again very late last night in Utterby near Louth walking along the road.
She could of easily got to Utterby from Anderby across fields in 10-11hours.
Other sighting:
22:50 last night in Utterby, near Louth;
Last night a couple spotted a Dog that looked like Duchess with a light underbelly in the headlights of their car. They turned the car around and went and looked for her but couldn't get her. They said she was happily trotting along the road on a mission. It was on the A16, road towards Grimsby where would turn off the road to go to Humberside airport and she was seen just there.
A lovely Lady from Duchess's Facebook group (-Help find Duchess PLEASE!) has searched the area today and let people in the area know to look out for Duchess. Unfortunately she didn't see her whilst searching.
Last edited: 2012-03-09 13:28:41 by Pointies
There's now been 2 possible sightings:
Yesterday lunchtime at Anderby;
A Lady tried to catch Duchess with some other people; coming from Chapel-St-Leonards, towards Anderby Creek, the field before Velvets (-club place) Dog believed to be Duchess seen, Lady and other cars stopped, two Men tried to catch her (by talking nicely to get her to go to them) and was apparantely so close until she then turned, ran into a dyke and was seen running across the fields. The Lady said the Dog was a Black sighthound with white paws but she thought the collar was red (Duchess's is baby pink but it could be a mistake, someone may have wanted to keep her and put another collar on her). She believes it's Duchess. She said she looked fine and wasn't too scared. The Lady has been out again this lunchtime to see if she could see Duchess again but couldn't.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Another sighting phoned into HQ yesterday near velvets heading towards Anderby creek....owner has been given contact details and will update the time and area seen.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Bumped due to latest possible sighting
Cross posting a status from Marie (Duchess's owner) on Facebook.

"‎***Possible Duchess sighting*** : )
At 22:50 last night a couple were driving through Utterby -near Louth, from Yorkshire towards Louth and spotted a Dog that looked like Duchess with a light underbelly in the headlights of their car. They turned the car around and went and looked for her but couldn't get her : ( they said she was happily trotting along the road on a mission. It was obviously dark, they said no-one else was around so the Dog wasn't with anyone and they couldn't get anyone else to help them.
It was on the A16, road towards Grimsby where would turn off the road to go to Humberside airport and she was seen just there.
They saw a poster in the village hall (thank you so much whoever put that poster up). Is anyone in this area please, please? I can't drive up until tomorrow to look : ("

Thank you for your help.
I've had to return home without Duchess which is one of the most difficult things I've had to do.
There's still been no sightings. We are still looking for her and I believe it's only a matter of time before I've got her back home where she belongs.
James - thank you, the Jolly Common lane area was searched but unfortunately nothing.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Sadly this was a false alarm the man thought it was Duchess but it turns out to be a greyhound......the search continues xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Duchess has been seen again. This time right by the golf course stood on the kerb at the side of the road. The man who saw her rung us and is going back to try and get her.
have you checked the area around Jolly Common Lane, there's so much unbelievably long grass around there that I can barely see my dogs sometimes when I go walking there and a number of buildings. Not sure exact location where the dog was lost but is it possible to have gone as far afield as the old train line and the area around it, there are also farms around there too.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So glad there is a sighting! You are doing so well! Come on baby, home time! x
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Jo, there are so many people willing her home, hopefully this will be very soon xxx
West Norfolk RSPCA Rehoming CentreWest Norfolk RSPCA
I've been following this on another website and I absolutely hope and pray this beautiful girl is home soon, back where she belongs. I have a Whippety girl myself and I know how much ground they can cover in such a short space of time :(

I've just seen that someone on a bullie forum I help to run may live close to where she is missing so will forward a link to this asap.

Everything crossed for her safe return.

xxLast edited: 2012-03-05 18:49:47 by West Norfolk RSPCA
Hope this little girlie is found soon. It was very cold last night. Shame I'm too far away to do much.
This is the area in which duchess was sighted. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Links+Cottage,+Huttoft&hl=en&sll=53.284434,0.303755&sspn=0.006696,0.021136&oq=links+cotta&hnear=Links+Cottage,+Huttoft+Bank,+Huttoft,+Alford+LN13+9RS,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=16
This is the area in which duchess was sighted. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Links+Cottage,+Huttoft&hl=en&sll=53.284434,0.303755&sspn=0.006696,0.021136&oq=links+cotta&hnear=Links+Cottage,+Huttoft+Bank,+Huttoft,+Alford+LN13+9RS,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=16
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Did say to owner ...as it is snowing...put double socks on and snow boots and follow the tracks...Fingers crossed....The sighting is in the same area....
Praying hard that this is Duchess and that she is home very soon!!!
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Got everything crossed xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Contacted owner who is going to ring for more details of sighting 5 minutes ago.
So sorry to hear Duchess still missing I'm going Whippet Racing today and will take posters with me to hand out, I know a few of the racers come from East Anglia but not sure where.
Regards R1Sean
Morning all. Duchess is still missing with no sightings. We are all trying not to think the worst, but its very odd that there have been no sightings. We need a team of volunteers to walk round ALL of the local dykes and check that she isn't in any. Can anyone spare a day please? Duchess's owner has to go home on Monday :-( Please please think about whether you can get to lincs to look for her. Thank you.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Reward added to the posters x
Thank you for all your help.
A cash reward is offered for Duchess.
Still no sightings at all of her, have been searching and postering further afield today.
Scruples contact no. Has been written on all of the posters we've put up.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have ammended the phone number on the contact details x
Not a list of sites but there are a couple of links to traveller liaison groups on this page. Might be worth contacting

Thanks Kimmybear you are being brilliant. There is a mistake on the contact details though, our number is 0845 625 6211.

A reward is being looked into. Will speak to Marie again and let you know asap
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thanks Ninja. Glad that ones out! Okay, any travellers sites around - they like these dogs. If so, poster heavily around there. Even if it is a distance away. We do not have a reward on the poster. Can we get one? This will help get her home. I would suggest we put CASH reward as if a traveller has her, that may catch their attention. It will also give you room to negotiate. But if you get a call from a person saying they have your dog, remember if the dog isn't visible do NOT leave money. If no dog, then they don't have her. But to travellers this type of dog is worth a lot, hence the reason you need to be able to negotiate a cash reward, should the situation occur. We're here if you need help. Let us know if you want that put on the poster. Sorry, this isn't my area but I put her photo up and keep thinking about her, so can't help butting in!
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Excellent! You are all so fab out there! Scruples, I have put your number on the poster now. x
A large area has now been postered and we have got a group of volunteers together to email and phone people in a wider area. Whippets can cover a serious distance.

We are very concerned as well as whippets are a breed that do tend to be stolen by certain groups of people. Does anyone know whether there are any travellers in the area at the moment?

Duchess came into our rescue after being picked up as a stray after some.travelers moved on. She kept walking up and down the same street in Wales and finally approached someone. I am hoping that she does the same this time.

If people ever can't get hold of Duchess' owner then please call is (Scruples Whippet Rescue) on 0845 625 6211
Ninja - Area Volunteer, Lincolnshire
No there isnt a railway, but there is miles of beach, sand-dunes and fields and so there are lots of hiding places.....as for the men going round in the van i dont think that they would be in that area as its secluded and quiet and the holiday season hasnt really started so it quiet at the moment....xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Can I just ask if there is a railway in the area over the fields? I hope not, but you need to rule that out. Also remember that these dogs can cover 7 miles quite easily, if they fancy a run. We had one my way that did a 10 mile circuit and was found sunbathing in a field. I would also keep posting at the holiday sites - people come and go. You can find her - try postering a few miles away too. x
So no excuse if anyone has taken her in - unless, of course, her collar came off!
Hi Gillian, she has both home and mobile number, address and that she is spayed on her tag. x
What contact number is on Duchess's ID tag? Is it just Marie's mobile number? Was thinking if it was a landline number someone could be trying to get in touch - but I'm sure if that was the case you'd be onto it by now!
Apparently they said that they were travelling all over the UK.
Thank Ashmark. We at Scruples (where Duchess was adopted from) are talking to Marie on a daily basis to provide support as well.
Anyone offering to buy a dog like that is a worry but Anderby Creek is not that close to Lincoln so let's hope it is just a cincidence. I have just spoken to the owner and explained why I am not out searching but she and her helpers seem to have done all the right things. Her family are going to put more posters up today. Let's hope Duchess is safe and warm until she can be found.
That is a bit worrying although if they were around the Lincoln area and heading back through the East Midlands when they stopped Fern then they would most likely have been going in the other direction. Does anyone know of any dog sales happening in the area today? I guess they're not likely to be publicised, more by word of mouth?

Last edited: 2012-03-01 11:30:56 by Gillian
We have been notified of three Irish men in a yellow/orange van who stopped one of our volunteers near Lincoln on the day that Duchess went missing. They offered to buy on of her dogs (whippet collie cross) and said that they had come over to go to a big dog sale today (thursday) and were sailing back to Ireland on Friday.

Does that ring alarm bells for anyone else or am I worrying for no reason?
Thank you for all the help. Gillian- thank you, excellent idea.
I've sent an email to the vicars of the churches in the area with a link to Duchess's Dog Lost site,(might sound odd but as I'm a vicar's wife myself, it seemed a logical thing to do!) I hope that they will alert their congregations to keep an eye open for her. The more people looking out the better! Hope you get a sighting soon. It must be like looking for a needle in a haystack without any definite idea of where to search :(
Just checked the map, and as this is so close to the sea it would be an idea to notify the coastguard. And certainly someone needs to check along the dykes. So sorry I can't come to search but still recovering from injury and can't walk any distance.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out...
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have requested alerts to go out to the following postcodes LN8, LN9, LN10, LN11, PE21. They should be done this morning xxx
Area co-ordinator or ADMIN. Please can you also send posters out to the following areas. Duchess could cover a lot of ground quickly if she was running and we want to poster a wider area. Is it possible for you to email people in..... LN8, LN9, LN10, LN11, PE21, PE22,
Hi Gillian, Marie has had a look in them but has had no joy. She.really needs help though, she is on her own with two other dogs and a baby. We have no volunteers in the area, and have only managed to find two people to help.

Some of Maries family are going over to help today so a wider area can be covered.

Marie says the holiday cottage is remote & backs onto the beach from the back and the front is just fields. Duchess was having a sniff around the front garden area with the other dogs and Marie outside with them and ran off on to the field. She hasn't ran off before & usually stays close to marie and always with her doggy Brother & Sister. She disappeared on the field out of sight.

I am making all the phonecalls etc here and contacting the local media and spreading the word and trying to find volunteers. However what Marie really needs is people there with her and would really appreciate any help given. unfortunately we are all miles away :-(
Someone on Facebook made a comment about the number of dykes in the area which are quite steep sided. Has anyone had a look along them just in case? Was she actually seen running off into the fields? Or do you think someone took her from the garden?Last edited: 2012-02-29 22:08:30 by Gillian
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have put an appeal out on Dog Lost Lincolnshire Facebook group asking for people to help with the search for Duchess xxx
Unfortunately there hasnt been any sightings of Duchess. All holiday parks in the area have been notified, as have vets, rescues and the dog warden. We have printed and sent lots of posters to Duchess' owner and are regulary posting about her on our Facebook page. We have also notified her microchip company.

Can anyone help with the search please?
Have put Duchess on twitter + will circulate.
Shared and posted on easterndogscene. Hope there is some good news soon.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in PE22,23,24,25. LN12,13.
Duchess has a facebook page too...

DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have added Duchess's details to Dog Lost Lincolnshire facebook group, hoping she is home very soon xxx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have sent emails to owner & Rev with advice to get Duchess back home. x
Scruples Whippet Rescue rehomed Duchess back in 2011 our details are also on her microchip. An alternative contact number is 08456256211.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Photo on ready for alerts please.
Sorry to see that DUCHESS MISSING 3 YEARS is missing.
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