• Dog ID 38560
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 09 Apr 2012
  • Name DRAVA
  • Gender & Breed Female Borzoi
  • Age Young Adult
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Apr 2012
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area TA3
  • Date Found 20 Apr 2012
  • Found In Region South West
  • Found In Post Area TA3
  • Date Reunited 20 Apr 2012
  • Listed By GIFFY
  • Views 12947
  • DRAVAPoster Image
  • DRAVAExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Drava has a happy ending with Wish in a new secure home, who without her experience and not forgetting Murphy who played a big part. She has made friends with Wishes own dogs, even wagged her tail. lets hope she settles down in her new home and goes from strength to strength, she's one very lucky pretty girl.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is truly wonderful news! What dedicated, kind hearted people we have out there. MGB, you have shown such inner strength in helping so much when you yourself have been grieving; God bless you and your fur baby in heaven.x
And to Drava, welcome to your new, lovely life. x
Fantastic to see this little one back where she belongs...well done to the team fantastic effort..Wish thanks for letting us know the full story..MGB so sorry to hear your sad news your little girl will be watching you from the stay safe now Drava you'll soon learn that most of us are brilliant to be with, you'll soon love your new family xxx
wish brilliant to read how she was caught,well done everyone involved a fabulous result.As for concerns re FaceBook the Taunton site is a brilliant example of how to make people aware of Doglost.I doubt many of the 272 people who liked the news of her return had heard of DogLost before her story was posted there - but they sure do now and a couple from there joined the search as well.I've urged them to register here to help with future dogs in need in the area.
Please keep us updated on this lovely girls progress. I hope she doesn't take too long to realize that life can be good.Take care lovely Drava no more running off it's a dangerous world out there on your own. xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks for the update you lot did so well...god to hear the story.
Jobadger and Leona: Thank you very much for your condolences. I was doubly glad to know that Drava is safe and will soon be settling into her new home with Giffy and Jazz. I have been round this morning and made sure the posters I distributed are down, everyone was very pleased to know she is safe.
I have been following this closely as I have a Borzoi X and she too is very nervous. Well done everyone who helped to retrieve Drava. An outstanding operation. I am so glad she is safe at last.
Hi The capture of Drava what an amazing day with the best ending ever. border Collie and I set off at 9am trundling along the lanes and we had just come to end of first circuit and I spotted her 2 fields away. Then for approx 2 hours we tracked her at a distance until deer spooked her and I lost sight of her, fate took me to a friends fields containing deer pens (approx 4acres) I was walking round the outside looking for her when suddenly I heard a yelp and thundering hooves and she was running towards me followed by cattle. At this point she was inside the deer pen and the gate I nned to slam shut was of course the other side of the field!!! Soon the other helpers joined me and we managed to get her to follow Murphy into a smaller contained area with an shed at the end to which we opened the door and she went straight in! It still took over an hour to calm her down enough for me to eventually get a lead on her. Border Collie deserves so much credit and so many more people who I never got to meet who had been out all week, I just got lucky with the help of Murphy! She has had a good night streched out on a double duvet still incredibly scared! Well done Dog Lost!!!!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Amazing....well done everyone and thanks Ray for your guidance through out...BUT a niggle here from those on doglost that are not on facebook or have the time to be ...can the story of capture of Darva be put on here so we can read it....also remember doglost survives on advertising per page by throwing people onto facebook that could be reading on here we have lost potential income that could be helping the next dog get back home and also dispersing doglost helpers to other keep running and supplying traps...we need to grow this site...of course facebook is a great way of cross posting....but we at doglost cannot monitor all the posts whereas on here we can so please remember to diret people to doglost for updates as this will be helping all themissing dogs.
Such a difficult worrying one. Well done everyone - brilliant job. Deserves a good story in the Taunton Star.
Brilliant news! Well done team Drava. Welcome home beautiful girl - stay safe now xx
This is amazing, all involved very well done, hopefully we will get the full story and it may help other areas.
best result EVER!!!. i,ve caught a few dogs in my time,but never have i seen such care, thought and dedication shown to DRAVA. i salute you ALL. every case is always different, and you have to try and be two jumps ahead of a creature that has lost all trust and faith in people,most times they won,t even go to owners.through DOG LOST UK,this fantastic girl was linked to a network of people THAT SHOWED THEY CARED in what ever way they could,please give yourselves a well earned pat on the back... its nice to know there are people out there that these animals can rely on..JAYNE HQ you,ve started something very very special,RAY DED.
I have been following Dravas story and am delighted to see her safe, such a precious beautiful girl, I have never been privedged enough to meet a Borzoi but hope someday I will, stay safe now Drava... MGB, so sorry for your loss, hugs xx
Alfies mum
so pleased shes safe, shes beautiful, have a long, happy life with your new family xx
Border Collie
Been to area this evening and removed posters around immediate area. Please would anyone who has placed posters check that they come down. Again my heartfelt thanks to Marilyn (agility trainer) for all her help today in capturing Drava. Sincere thanks also to the many residents in the Angersleigh/Budleigh/Pitminster areas of Taunton for all the many reports of sightings. Your help was invaluable. I am a fundraiser for Many Tears Animal Rescue. I now am a firm champion of DogLost. Thank you from Drava.Last edited: 2012-04-20 22:29:12 by Border Collie
Thrilled to see that this beautiful girl has been captured. Well done to the whole team including Murphy. You stay safe now Drava and enjoy your new life with a family who will love you and give you the security you need. xx
Just logged on and Yipee, so happy Drava has been caught and she is now safe. Well done to everyone, you have been brilliant. Welcome home Drava sweet girl, have a happy, happy long life with your new family xx
MGB - I'm so very sorry - she''l be with the puppies who've recently gone to the Bridge.
Team Drava - Congratulations - fabulous result - I've hated the thought of this gorgeous girl being out there on her own. Well done and welcome home Sweetie - have a long and happy life. xx
This is great news, looking forward to the full story. Sorry I have not been able to help over the last day or so. Sad to say that my girl didn't pull through. I will go back to the places I left posters to display tomorrow morning and let them know otherwise you'll be getting calls 6 months from now!
I'm just so pleased that this has a happy ending! Well done to everyone concerned in her capture. DogLost...... where would we be without it?!!!

Keep safe now Drava & enjoy being cared for & loved xxx
This is fantastic news!!!-well done everyone involved such a beautiful girl deserves a happy lfe
Found it x
One of them is Taunton Somerset (although they got her sex wrong)and I'm sure people on here would be interested too.That's a people site rather than group when searching btw.Last edited: 2012-04-20 20:18:21 by twoDs
Hi all could someone give me Facebook page everyone is using and i will post details to all interested in her capture
What wonderful news, brilliant helpers down that way. Hope the collie helped too. Welcome to safety Drava, enjoy your new home.
Fantastic news - so happy for her, and her new owners! Well done to everyone who helped look for her!
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I am so pleased to see that Drava is now safe, all of you have done a brilliant job, this couldn't have happened without having local helpers ready to step in. I am sure it won't be long before Drava gains confidence and enjoys her new home.
Edited to add that Drava has been checked over by a vet, slight muscle damage but that is all. She is a very lucky girl.
Lots of people on FB asking for details how she was caught and if she was injured when clipped,any idea Border Collie?
Border Collie
Many thanks to everyone concerned for helping to catch this poor traumatised girl. Special thanks today to Marilyn for her professionalism and her collie Murphy for his help too! This pair were instrumental in securing Drava's capture. We will all sleep well tonight!
We got lucky - Drava chased by cows into a deer pen which had six foot wire fence. We were able to shut gates and eventually drive her into a shed. It was a tense experience. A very traumatised dog who will no doubt respond well given a great deal of time. Last edited: 2012-04-20 20:12:51 by Border Collie
Fantastic news, well done to everyone involved, so happy to know she wont be out in the rain again tonight.Hope she is not too badly hurt and will soon be in her forever home
Great news. Welcome home Drava. Stay safe now:-) No more running off.
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
fantastic- well done to all involved xxx
Ahh miss Drava happy life now....Well done to all involved!!! can wait to hear what
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant news hope she soon recovers after her ordeal.xx
well done to everyone that helped get her home:)
Thank goodness - hope she is not badly injured xx
Everyone on the taunton,somerset facebook site are overjoyed 40 likes as soon as i posted to tell them the news. So many people have followed the story on there since day 1,with so many asking everyday if there is any news.She was certainly on a lot of minds,me included when it was cold,or wet wishing she could just be caught. Now she has and its brilliant.Last edited: 2012-04-20 18:36:59 by nicky
Been checking back loads and so pleased to see that Drava's finally been caught. Hope she's OK after her ordeal. Brilliant news :o)
Oh that os just brilliant,was so worried about her with her possible injury and the awful weather we are having now.Can't wait to hear details.
WOOHOO excellent news,i am over the moon for you. How on earth did you get her in the end?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news....dying to hear how...
Dear Drava has been found after nearly 2 weeks many thanks to all who helped, with posters and looking for her, Border Collie P & JB well done for today don't know how to thank you all.
Wish I were nearer to help find this beautiful girl. I can't stop thinking about her and the way she is so scared poor darling. Stay safe Drava and have the courage to let someone help you. Good luck today everyone, will keep checking for good news xx
Border Collie
Going back up early this morning. Many kind people in the area are alert. Got confirmation last evening - Drava had been clipped by a car on the motorway last Sunday.
Just got back but no sightings tonight perhaps she took shelter as there was quite heavy rainfall, seems she has been on the move through the village hope she goes back to the copse again. I will be staying up tomorrow night
and will be around the travel lodge.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Wish and Twods contact details can be acessed by calling HQ if they have not already made contact directly...0844 800 3220.
Hi am off Friday do you need another pair of eyes, if so where do you want me to go and when?
Border Collie
Been up Budleigh/Angersleigh since early this morning. Having put down very small amount of food, took camping chair into corner of field across from small copse. Unfortunately no sighting. When she bolted yesterday she must have exited on Angersleigh side and spent night in driveway in area. She then backtracked to the services area and ended up last seen in direction of Budleigh by two residents. This circular route she appears to be favouring - approx. 6 square miles. To the volunteers today I have suggested she is not approached or spoken to if seen - just note sighting. This is one very scared girl.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Thanks again for all the comments and offers to help. Giffy is in contact with Ray and is taking direction from him as he is experienced in this.
twoDs, it is good of you to offer to search but at the moment we know roughly where she is and could easily be spooked into moving away. It is best if just 2 or 3 people keep a regular lookout for her without trying to approach her and just log her movements. If one person could be responsible for puting food in the same place at the same time each day then westand more chance of her gaining that person's trust.. I will leave that for Giffy, Border Collie and MGB to decide what, where and who would be best. The vehicle is a good idea but it may not be possible.
Just to add the car idea is agood one if it can be placed without worrying her.
I am way too far away to help physically (Cornwall) but have been watching this one. I strongly believe that this dog is going to run every time it is approached. I think you need to set up feeding areas until a trap can be put down otherwise I fear she may go out of the area. Contact someone in the know but maybe food could be laced with a homeopathis calmative (Dorwest Herbs Scullcap £ Velarian) works well on nervous dogs I have in for behavioural work. To gain the trust of a unknown human will take a very long time and with the motorway so near I fear for her safety she is not a dog that is just going to run over for food and say 'Hi'. In Cornwall people have set up barbeques but any activity too close is going to scare her away. It needs to be a good distance so she homes in on the smell then food left around with no people, get her returning to that spot.
Do you want people to go over and search.I can't today as off to work soon but can go when I finish tomorrow.Found Budleigh by the way,it's close to Buckland Farm
That sounds like a sensible idea dekkaann. I wonder if this dog has a previous owner somewhere too, if anyone could catch if would be them if so. Hope she is safe and stays that way.
Is there any chance of the original car/van being up there for a day or so? she sounds to be behaving like a dog dumped from a car, looking for the last point of contact that gave her security.
As I mentioned before, I parked where the dog was lurking, left a back door open and watched from a short distance, once the dog climbed in
and had it's back to me I prayed and quietly
shut the door. She may go in another car or the back of a van, who knows.
You are all doing such a wonderful job, good luck.
she has spent the night in a lane, just been sighted going towards Anglersleigh, an attempt was made to get near her and she just ran off, she's still staying within service station area.Last edited: 2012-04-19 09:37:59 by GIFFY
so happy she has been sighted.i have so many people asking all day every day if i have heard any news. is it best now to leave tracking her down to you now while you know where she is,instead of everyone looking for her and maybe spooking her more or would you rather people keep trying?
So glad she has been sighted.Where is Budleigh,can't locate on maps.Are the 2 copses Shutland and Madger ie between Pitminster and Blagdon?
So glad another sighting and she has moved south of the motorway. Highways are keeping watch for her too. Hope she is caught soon.
well done border collie, P & JB , as discussed last night important not to put too much food down as she could blow, lets hope she has gone back to the same small copse, if so we can ask Ray to come down. Good luck today will be thinking of you.
Border Collie
Let's hope this morning finds she has returned to the small copse within the two fields at Budleigh. Going up to 'stake out' at distance (with binoculars). Will be checking with Drava's owners - I believe we may have to get some professional help in actually catching her. I saw how fast she moved yesterday when coming across her in the copse. Injured to what extent we don't know but she ran at great speed and then just watched me from bottom of field until I backed right off. Will be going up this morning - update later.
Had a good drive around the area this afternoon. So glad she has been sighted, it's a relief to know you have an idea of where she is. I will phone Border Collie tomorrow before I do anything else as there doesn't seem much point in continuing to spread posters around etc if we know where she is. Perhaps there is something more useful I can do?
Oh poor Drava, hope she is not in too much pain. Breaks my heart to imagine her lying whimpering. Stay safe sweetheart, lets hope tomorrow is the day she is caught. Good luck x
I only live a mile and half from Taunton Deane Services. Had a little drive around there this evening and put up more posters. Am able to devote more time to looking tomorrow afternoon so I can co-ordinate with any others to try and help. I am only 2 miles from Pitminster. Will put more posters up there. Not sure where Budleigh is in relation to Pitminster. Whereabouts in Pitminster has she been sited? I am in Trull.Last edited: 2012-04-18 23:39:29 by flexigirl
Poor baby I really feel for this Girl.Praying it wont take to long and she keeps her self safe.Thinking of her all the time.Xx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
This is great! Thank you Border Collie for update, I hope she is going to get used to the person feeding and allows herself to be caught. Bumping due to the sighting.
Border Collie
We have positive sighting today of Drava in fields at Budleigh although she moved towards Pitminster around 5.30pm. Fixing a feeding station - will monitor from safe distance. Keeping her in area is important - we don't want her spooked into running to Blackdown Hills. Once she can feel comparatively 'safe' we can tackle problem of actually catching her. She may be hurt. Resident heard her whimpering in long grass and went to investigate (Monday) but she ran off. Seen again today in next field over. Seen later in Pitminster - hoping she goes back to field/copse at Budleigh (it appears she has stayed within two fields/small copse for three days.) Seem limping - but very fast and frightened. Has lead still attached. Will update tomorrow. Last edited: 2012-04-18 21:54:46 by Border Collie
DogLostJasper - Area Volunteer, Somerset
i can have a drive around tomorrow . know the area quite well - in which area should i start.Has dravas been seen in west buckland or should i look further up on the hill say wellington monument area .
Have sent Dravas poster to Buckland Agility club.
I can't make tomorrow morning but I hope to get along to the area early evening for a look. Likewise I don't think I can get to West Buckland tomorrow but should be able to on Thursday if no one has been by then. I have got a few posters laminated so I can put them up in the local dog walking areas.
Border Collie
A couple of us are meeting at 9.30am tomorrow (Wednesday) on road above Days Inn at Taunton Deane Services (Southbound). Is there anyone else who could please help to scour this vast area? Please post if able to join in search.
Can anyone put up a poster in shop at West Buckland and elsewhere in village maybe,also Buckland Agility meet at Buckland Farm,just over Motorway from West Buckland and obviously have quite a few dog walkers there.I don't have a printer sadly.Did go to Services briefly but no sighting.
been to south bound services and gave a lorry driver a poster, he say he will keep an eye out too, also blackbrook and willowbrook garden centres to place posters. a lass at willowbrook says her farm backs on to the southbound services so she will look for her too.
Border Collie
Been to Lowton and Angersleigh areas this morning - no sightings.
Border Collie,MGB,twoDs, thanks for looking yesterday up to now no sighting reported. just hope she'll let someone get near her but MUST BE DONE SLOW AS ANY SUDDEN MOVEMENT WILL MAKE HER BOLT, JUST SIT DOWN & TALK TO HER DROP SOME FOOD AND BACK AWAY AND HOPE SHE COMES TOWARDS YOU.
morning MGB,of course i will,no problem.good luck to all searching today.
Poppy would you be able to take a poster to Blackbrook, the garden centre next door to Willowbrook at the same time? I was going to go to them myself tomorrow but if you can do them both I can go elsewhere.
Keep safe Drava xx
Border Collie
No sightings this evening unfortunately
Do hope she stays safe.Unable to get up tonight but if she's not found by tomorrow will come help in evening,will check in here for update.
We have taken posters to the ilminster vets,pet shop and a local feedstore.good luck to all searching,i have to go to wellington tomorrow so will take a poster to the garden center there at willowbrook.Last edited: 2012-04-16 19:29:48 by poppy
Comment awaiting moderation
To get across 6 lanes on any motorway is a feat in itself. Please don't try it again.
Last edited: 2012-04-16 15:57:35
Border Collie
Comment awaiting moderation
Fingers crossed for you,i hope today is a happy ending for you. Al f/b posts are being kept updated.
I keep checking here hoping this girl is caught very soon. Well done to Team Drava, you are all doing great. Fingers crossed today is the day Drava will be going to her new home, stay safe beautiful girl. Good luck everyone x
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I have spoken to Giffy this morning who has also spoken to Ray. between them they are doing all they can for Drava, I just hope she stays safe. Wishing you well with the search. Thank you to everyone involved and thanks for contacting highways.
Border Collie
Comment awaiting moderation
Have alerted my contact at the highways agency. Hope she stays safe till caught.
Comment awaiting moderation
well done all of you, it,s going how it should do.7-10 days and a pattern will form ,if a log can be kept of the SAFE runs she has taken i,e at what point did she cross motorway, and where did she exit?, CANONSGROVE farm is only 5 fields further along from the service area, and she was spotted under a trailor in the farm yard, the other pattern forming is that she was seen at 6.30 pm trull road,which is a straight run into taunton. then she was spotted tonight at 7pm crossing and going into bushes, we need to know which bushes? and where did she exit,and who saw what.i know it sounds as if i,m dishing out my orders, but is there anyone who could chat up the service area securiy cctv people, and as important the HIGHWAYS AGENCY who have camera,s covering that area, they are usually most helpfull especially when DRAVA could cause a lot of work for them. if SAFE runs that she will be using can be discovered and laced with good food this horrible saga will soon come to an end. google earth shows just how near canonsgrove farm B+B and the services are. i noted the idea of a vehicle being left,but unfotunatly everything was new to her even to be in a car was a first. with you keen people out there and the fact she is a young healthy BITCH which are much easier to catch than DOGS. I run a busy boarding kennels and cattery and an animal rescue centre (HOLLYTREES) now easter is over i am all set to respond when we know the pattern, good luck to you all i,m not the only one waiting fo a satisfactory end, please try the camera people stating the times we are aware she starts to move.. RAYDED.
I am in the area and willing to help. How and who do I contact? Also which side of the services is she on? North or south bound ... I don't know which you mean by west bound. North bound is heading towards Taunton and South is towards Wellington.Last edited: 2012-04-15 23:17:11 by MGB
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I do hope she does not try to cross the motorway again, is anyone close enough to set up feeding station to keep her on the side she is on? It would be great if the vehicle she ran from could be there, I know it is a lot to ask of them to do this but there is a good chance that she would approach it if given time, especially if there was some nice smelling food in it. I have sent an email to Ray but not had a reply yet.
Typical hound behaviour, returning to the last point of contact with the person who last handled her. I wonder what kind of car/van she ran from,
if it were possible that the original vehicle could be parked up as near to where she went in the fields there is every chance she would get in.
It would mean a 24 hour stint, it was the only way I caught a lurcher who was thrown from a car.
Good luck whatever.
Stay safe Drava,let's hope she lets someone get close enough to her or can be kept in a safe area.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Ray is brilliant...he has helped with so many nervous dogs...he just has a way with them...stay in the area Drava...
drava has been seen 7.00pm crossing the motor way backto where she ran off they tried to catch her but failed she ran into the bushes 150 yds westbound from service station,it seems shes traced her way back.if possible try & tempt her with food into a feeding pattern and Ray will come down if she can be kept in an area.she is very nervous.Last edited: 2012-04-15 19:40:03 by GIFFY
Spent 3 hours in fields behind Trull,up Cotlake Hill and in land behidn Vivary Park.No sign but nor are there any posters up - and this is a very popular dog walking area.Unfortunately I don't have a printer to print some off.
Spoke to many people at the taunton racecourse carboot sale today and showed them a poster,also had a drive around the trull area. i will take posters to my vets tomorrow.Good luck to all searchers.
Border Collie
Spoke to many people on charity collection (for rescue) at pet store in Taunton yesterday. Will do so again today. If anyone is going out next week searching for Drava please let me know and I will join you.
Drove around the area, handing out posters and knocking on doors, but not been seen.will try to go again tomorrow.
heading up to taunton dean area today hope to catch sight and put out some food trail, have heard nothing from police so will contact them.just wish I did'nt live so far away, feel so helpless. Thanks to all doggy friends.
Drove around the area but no sightings,will walk up there tomorrow with my dogs,have spread on various Taunton FB pages and notified my vet etc.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx everyone...
Border Collie
Just returned from placing posters in vets/stores within say two mile radius of Trull/Mount Nebo. I do hope for another 'sighting'. Let's hope she is found very soon.
i'm still logging in everyday hoping she has been found. ireally dont think it will be much longer. post on the taunton facebook wall has been updated and her photo. 19 people shared all info last night alone.fingers crossed she will be home soon. i went out last night and had a look round the willand area,vivary park and all through trull to no avail. if i hear any more info will post straight away
Have sent a poster to Queens with advice.
Have the milk and post rounds been informed?
Also bin men.
Hopefully today is the day she is found.
Gosh she's in a busy area - hopefully will head out that way later to see if I can sight her.College is Queen's College and also Somerset College have campus at Canonsgrove - worth faxing/emailing poster to them? Last edited: 2012-04-13 10:49:10 by twoDs
I emailed a poster to Stanley Steamer Co last night they are on Mt Nebo asking for them to keep a look out. Hope it helps.Stay safe dear Drava and be brave enough to let someone help you.
Border Collie
I live in Taunton. Will drive around this morning and put up posters. Have charity collection (for rescue) tomorrow and Sunday (pet store in Taunton) and will put poster on boards.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumped due to the sightings. It's good to see that she is staying in the area, I hope nothing happens to frighten her further afield. Thank you all, especially RAYDED for your offer to help.
went up again last night she was seen at canonsgrove farm yesterday morning seems she could still be in this area as trull rd is not far away, spoke to taunton police and they have a log on her which is 767 if you dial 101 and quote the log no. if she can be contained or seen they will attend with a dog handler she needs to be tempted with food but any sudden quick movement will make her bolt, still has red collar and lead attached. hopefully RAYDED will be coming down to offer assistance.Last edited: 2012-04-13 07:29:40 by GIFFY
I see there is a College and a Care home in the
area she was seen, maybe they could be contacted
in case she enters their grounds.
Spotted them too late to call today.
Have just recieved a message from a lady saying she had seen drava running down trull road at around 6.30pm last night heading towards taunton town centre way.Last seen at mount nebo on trull road.
I live in Suffolk so too far away to help, but have contacted a few dog training clubs in the area and have asked for help. It has been suggested that the local paper is contacted and local radio Heart FM. My heart goes out to this lovely dog she must be so scared. Keep safe Drava until someone can find you x
Hopefully Drava will show herself again soon. May be she will find barn or somewhere quiet. Once sure of that, feeding station can be set up to keep her in that place. Please keep this page updated on any sightings. Fingers crossed. thank you Rayded for your offer of help.Last edited: 2012-04-12 08:51:46 by Spindle
How nice to see this poor girl getting some help,this breed needs all the help she can get,unfortunatly i,m up nr B,ham,but i do have 3 xl dog automatic dog trap,s and several long-nets which i am prepared to bring down to wherever this dog settles, my experience tells me that she will find an area possibly not too far from the motorway services, where she can still hear the drone of the traffic, away from the general public,which is what she,s used to. can i appeal to anyone who.s in the area to try and lay food at places such as gateways,laybys,any obvious food selling places,chippys , mcdonalds,so many people instead of thrwing food away will put it out for foxes or birds,and if you are lucky enough to spot her,try to let her see you throw food to her then let her see you retreat,as opposed to being a threat to her,it can take up to a week for her to find the right spot, but she will,from what i,ve been told this one won,t be easy but once she gets food without any pressure she will respond accordingly. if seen try not to call her name,but let her know you have food ie smelly tripe or good cat food down-wind of her in tissue or in a sandwich so she see,s it thrown towards her the back off, but log where and when seen so a pattern can be drawn up,and i,ve promised her new owner that as soon as a feeding patern is formed i will come down with a team and do all i can to catch this beautiful but petrified girl. well done to poodle thats the sort of help needed,it,s so annoying that both the new owner and myself are nearly 3 hours away, i,ve rambled on a bit but this is the best way of tackling this breed. unless she give,s herself up..good luck to you all, and well done to DOG LOST UK. for being ther for her.
visited area tuesday and today pm,no more sigthting but have put up more posters and called on houses also when over the motorway(taunton side)and left posters.a friend & breeder spent most of wednesday posting notices and knocking on doors, its a long trip up from cornwall,so most of our time is in travelling
please any sightings would be appreciated thank you everybody for your support.Last edited: 2012-04-12 08:54:08 by GIFFY
Re last message - have now circulated details at my workplace via our social mail system . It is a large establishment with colleagues from Bridgwater, Taunton and surrounding areas.... let me know if i can help in anyway
You might want to call Dogs 4 Adoption 01823 490333 they are local to that area. They dont also advertise straight away and so worth registering it with them. Also Many Tears and RSPCA West Hatch might be of help. I work in Bridgwater and will send poster out via our social mail which will reach alot of people. I do sympathise with you and hope you get your dog back talking from a very recent experience and so know how you must be feeling.
last seen sunday morning in village up behind the service station from the truck area up the ramp entry to Days Inn lodge then turn left about 4 miles take next left turn opposite red telephone box then next left along that road is a farm on right thats as far as I got last night, she is still with her lead on.will be going back tomorrow after work to continue tracking her. Thanks everybody for your support.Last edited: 2012-04-11 08:53:57 by GIFFY
I will be going back to the area tomorrow to give another try at looking for her and hoping she is near the travel lodge.will be arming myself with food and hoping the weather will be better. Its only 10 mins away from me so i dont mind to keep looking. Just keep thinking of the poor thing out there on her own.
I was contacted yesterday by Dekkann as I run Independant Borzoi rescue.I contacted the owners and have put her on The Borzoi Club FB page,my own FB wall,Dog Show Chat on FB and quite a number of Borzoi people have put her on their FB walls,she was not homed via Borzoi rescue,but a private rehoming. Sadly she is very far from her home in Nth Wales,so one can only hope that she will make her way back to the Travel Lodge where hopefully she will succumb to hunger and allow somebody to catch her,keeping my fingers crossed.
Have informed Borzoi rescue and think they have made contact.
There is always a chance she may hang about the
travel lodge, hopefully they will call if she is spotted. Any chance of finding out who owns the woods and land behind the travel lodge?
Fingers crossed she is safe and is found soon.
Texted some advice and will inform local rescue kennels too. Pls keep her page updated on sightings.
Have just been down to the area where drava was last seen and had a drive around,stopped off a few times and shouted across the fields and woods with no luck.have posted to local kennels and news site.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Drava does not know the area as she was on a rescue run from Wales to local help really needed to cross post...share on local facebook pages and most importantly help needed to put up posters...tx
Have put Drava on twitter + will circulate.
Oh my gosh....hope she is ok.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in TA1,2,3,4,21. EX14,15.
This post has been added to the taunton facebook site also pets missing in taunton group. Hope she comes home soon

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