Reunited: Black Head Markings,with Fawn Body Pug Male

  • Dog ID 38989
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Apr 2012
  • Name LOUIS
  • Gender & Breed Male Pug
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black Head markings,with Fawn Body
  • Marks & Scars Scar in right eye.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 25 Apr 2012
  • Where Lost Callerton Lane, Darras Hall area Ponteland, Newcastle
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area NE20
  • Date Reunited 30 Apr 2012
  • Other Info 8 months old. Last seen on Callerton Lane heading towards Stamfordham road, by Darras Hall, Ponteland Newcastle. ** REQUIRES URGENT TREATMENT ** to his eyes otherwise he will go blind! MICROCHIPPED. Please look out for him, if FOUND he should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (which is the LAW)
  • Listed By Conryan
  • Views 5305
  • LOUISPoster Image
  • LOUISExtra Image


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Hooray, wonder what the full story is? xx
Fantastic news!! Pleased this little guy is home safe and well xx
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
welcome home little pug boy- stay safe!
was delighted to hear the news
At least he is home, bless him xx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Yipeee Louis is home !!! A lady found him last Wednesday evening 10 miles from where he went missing and came forward when she saw the media coverage about Louis.
How he got so far away is a mystery and I just wish he could tell us what happened !
His owners are so thrilled to have Louis back and say he seems fine but has put on some weight.
With great pleasure I would like to say welcome home little man and please stay safe from now on xx

Is Louis safe?...
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
BUMPED due to media coverage ! Please see minigirls post below.
Hoping this will bring someone forward who knows where Louis is !
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire

more media coverage for Louis.
Fingers crossed this coverage brings him home
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Thank you for you suggestions Gypsy!
Sadly the found male pug in Birmingham wasn't Louis.

The search for Louis continues- a reminder that he needs daily MEDICAL treatment and if found he should be reported to the dog warden as is required by LAW or taken to a vets where he can be scanned for his MICROCHIP.
Just found this site tonight but I have seen Louis's posters up in the last week! The information is out there hope it ends well
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Thanks Jayne
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Have given owner contact details of who has the found Pug so they can check on the eyes.
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Have alerted owner to found male pug in Birmingham (39042) for them to check out.
You could try ringing Alan Robson's Nightowls show on Metro Radio tomorrow night and ask if he will put out an appeal - he has done this before and the show has a large audience in this area.

Kirkley Hall Agricultural College is not far from here - might be worthwhile asking if you can distribute Louis's poster amongst students and employees if he is still missing after the weekend.

Jollyes pet superstore isn't far either - ask if you can display a poster in their window.

Hope Louis is found soon xx
It's being reported on Twitter that Louis was picked up in a silver car, so putting up posters and contacting press, etc., should be a high priority. Hope that the little chap is home soon
Drove around area yesterday but no sightings. Will search again today.As this area boarders North Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland it may be worth contacting all DW authorities. Posting on twitter again.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Bumped due to media coverage for Louis in yesterday's SUNDERLAND ECHO. Hoping this will bring someone forward who knows where Louis is ! x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Conryan, thanks for posting on his page. We have a Pug and know what such characters they are. Willing your boy home with you soon. Good luck x
Everyone thank you all so much for your help so far, fingers crossed we can find him and get him home
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
media coverage in the Sunderland Echo.
It is possible that a man in a silver car picked Louis up on Wednesday on Callerton Lane.
If Louis was picked up for safe keeping he must be reported to the Council dog warden as is required by LAW or handed in to a local vet where he can be scanned.
Calls can also be made anonymously to Doglost on 0844 8003220
xLast edited: 2012-04-27 21:16:11 by Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Thank you sdodd308
I've been to Dog and Cat shelter - Claremont Road this morning to check if Louis was there (he isn't) have left a poster for notice board. Also went to Westway Vets - West Road, Newcastle to check if they had him handed in (they haven't) put poster up on their notice board. Have also put a poster up in Morrisions - Cowgate Roundabout which is just off Stamfordham Road. xxx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks Jayne. K.Mclean and ZoomaPood !
Will post on twitter and call family later to help with search x
Hope you find him quick! I live in the area and have re posted in Facebook x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in NE5,13,15,18,20.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Many thanks to Majorjet for the word doc posters which I have forwarded on to Louis owners x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Various size word doc posters done and emailed to Pam to forward onto owner. x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks for the call Pam. :) x

I've shared his details on my facebook page and others have started sharing, thank you to those who have. Hope he is back home soon. x
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Thanks for merging the info Jan.
Admin- please could poster alerts go out
xLast edited: 2012-04-26 22:09:57 by Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Louis went missing from home on 25th April around 10.15 am. There were sightings of him on Callerton Lane heading towards Stamfordham Road just after he went missing. There have been no further reported sightings of him.
Owners have contacted the microchip company and all relevant authorities and local vets.
They have started to poster the area and will make calls to vets further afield.
The owners are trying for media coverage and will keep us updated if Louis is featured in local press.
Louis requires daily MEDICAL treatment.
Louis is Microchipped and if he is found he must be reported to the dog warden as is required by LAW.
Last edited: 2012-04-26 22:08:42 by Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks Majorjet !
Hopefully someone will find Louis and report this to the dog warden which is required BY LAW or take him to a vets to be scanned. Hoping that Louis is back home very soon xLast edited: 2012-04-26 22:08:56 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
This page will be kept and details and photo from other page copied over.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Louis is already registered on DL ID 38986 I will merge the details and add this photo to his first page and then this one can be deleted. x

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