Reunited: Fawn Whippet Male
- Dog ID 39361
- Status Reunited
- Registered 09 May 2012
- Gender & Breed Male Whippet
- Age Adult
- Colour Fawn
- Marks & Scars MISSING LEEDS AREA PLEASE SHARE... Black with white trim whippet bitch with grey muzzle and white pa
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 09 May 2012
- Where Lost Sherburn in elmet / Micklesfield area of leeds
- Lost In Region North East
- Lost In Post Area LS25
- Date Reunited 13 May 2012
- Other Info MISSING LEEDS AREA PLEASE SHARE... Black with white trim whippet bitch with grey muzzle and white paws approx 28-30lb and small fawn dog whippet approx 20lb missing in Sherburn in Elmet/Micklesfield area. Gone since 6.30am this morning after taking off after a deer. The little dog cant cope with the cold so please please look out for them. Owner has returned 3/4 times to place where they went missing but no sightings. No id on collars and not identichipped.
- Listed By S.Layfield
- Views 3938
- See more Reunited dogs
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- 2012-05-14 21:17 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- I am so very sorry to hear the awful news. Charlie will always be with you and Boots; he will never leave not really. For reasons we cannot understand, these awful things happen but what we do know is that now sweet Charlie is safe from harm and has his wings so he can fly. Boots needs you as he is grieving too and it must be so very hard for him as well. Take care of each other and Charlie will take care of both of you. Till you are reunited in heaven, you will always have a furry angel. x
- 2012-05-13 21:08 jobadger
- I'm so very sorry Charlie didn't make it home safely - rest in peace little one. I'm pleased you have Boots back - you'll all meet again when the time is right. A difficult time for you - my thoughts are with you. xx
- 2012-05-13 20:34 Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
- I am so sorry to hear you have lost Charlie and my thoughts are with you xx I hope Boots is okay and stays safe from now on xx Rest in peace sweet Charlie xxx
- 2012-05-13 20:00 Unknown
- So sorry for the loss of Charlie xx I'm glad Boots is back with you.
- 2012-05-13 19:50 B30
- I'm so sorry that both of your lovely dogs didn't make it home. I hope Boots is ok and sweet dreams to poor Charlie XX
- 2012-05-13 18:50 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Have spoken to the owner. He is delighted to report that he has Boots home, but very saddened to report that little Charlie didn't make it home.
He sends thanks to everyone for their help and support.
Stay safe Boots.
Run free at the bridge dear little Charlie
xxx - 2012-05-13 17:07 woofwoof
- 2012-05-13 15:37 SH
- It is just a thought but we lost one of our pointers overnight, she ran off after a deer as well. We searched until it was pitch black but the last thing we did was leave our coats in the spot where she had been let out of the car. Even though it poured with rain all night we went back at 5.00 in the morning and she was curled up on the coats. We do know she had travelled quite a few miles as some of the houses we knocked on the evening she went had seen her. We never thought she would find her way back but she did - fingers crossed x
- 2012-05-13 14:30 Rosegarth Dog Walkers
- I don't live far from Sherburn in Elmet, it's quite a rural area, I will post some posters around my village of Hambleton.Last edited: 2012-05-13 14:30:48 by Rosegarth Dog Walkers
- 2012-05-13 14:28 woofwoof
- poster shared with friends....x
- 2012-05-13 12:53 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Thank you Sue x
- 2012-05-13 12:46 B30
- I've used the best of the photos so that we can see both sides of Boots and her distinctive markings. You might need to refresh your page to see the new posterLast edited: 2012-05-13 12:46:55 by B30
- 2012-05-13 12:25 B30
- Photos received, will do another poster now
- 2012-05-13 11:56 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- hi sarah
if you can't upload it then send it to
x - 2012-05-13 11:17 S.Layfield
- i'll post some more photos, Boots has a scar on her front right leg .
HELP! i'm trying to post more photos but in the process have deleted the original photo of Boots, can someone please tell me an email address to send the other photos to please? thanksLast edited: 2012-05-13 11:41:07 by S.Layfield - 2012-05-13 06:40 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent out to helpers in ls24,25. WF10,11.
- 2012-05-12 23:30 woofwoof
- do you have any more pictures of the black dog more details of the face ?
- 2012-05-12 23:01 Poochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
- Requested posters, should be sent to all helpers tomorrow.
- 2012-05-12 22:08 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Thank you Billie.
ADMIN please could poster alerts go out
xx - 2012-05-12 21:33 Billie
- Have sent poster and details of these 2 to a friend who lives in Micklefield. she will pass on details to everyone she knows. Praying these 2 get home safe. xx
- 2012-05-12 12:10 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- have spoken to the owner and he he going to get a family member to help load on photos later.
sadly no news or reported sightings of Boots or Charlie.
Owner has contacted bordering dog wardens and stray kennels and informed local vets.
Is going to start postering the area today.
if found they must be reported to the dog warden as is required by LAW, - 2012-05-12 10:57 woofwoof
- Ok. A better description of white makings on female would be good..
- 2012-05-12 09:59 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Message left for owner's friend for an update
x - 2012-05-12 08:47 woofwoof
- Do you have any photos,
- 2012-05-10 15:17 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Spoken with owner's friend.The two dogs have went missing on a walk not far from home.There have been no sightings of them reported so far.
Friend is going to check that they have been reported missing to the dog warden.Have given the list of stray kennels the Leeds dog warden uses.
Have advised ringing the local vets and postering the area.
Hoping these two are back home soon.
Owner's friend is going to try to send a photo through to admin. - 2012-05-10 15:17 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Spoken with owner's friend.The two dogs have went missing on a walk not far from home.There have been no sightings of them reported so far.
Friend is going to check that they have been reported missing to the dog warden.Have given the list of stray kennels the Leeds dog warden uses.
Have advised ringing the local vets and postering the area.
Hoping these two are back home soon.
Owner's friend is going to try to send a photo through to admin. - 2012-05-10 08:47 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Message left on owners landline.
- 2012-05-09 22:25 BBKM
- Lets hope these two are home safe very, very soon. They may have a den somewhere if the little one does not like the cold. Check any stables, barns, sheds both used and unused in the area. Good luck x
- 2012-05-09 21:50 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Will contact owners in the morning.
Will request photos.
Hoping they are home safe soon