Rainbow Bridge: Grey, Long Coat Lurcher Female
- Dog ID 41561
- Status Rainbow Bridge
- Registered 25 Jul 2012
- Gender & Breed Female Lurcher
- Age Adult
- Colour Grey, long coat
- Marks & Scars Scar on front of chest, crossing diagonally downwards from her right to left, some hair loss
- Tagged Yes
- Microchipped Unknown
- Tattooed No
- Date Lost 25 Jul 2012
- Where Lost Long Hanborough - in fields between Long Hanborough/Pinsley Wood/Church Hanborough, near Church Hanborough allotments
- Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
- Lost In Post Area OX29
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Wearing hound collar with tag, Greyhound/Bedlington cross
- Listed By ERS
- Views 9025
- See more dogs in Rainbow Bridge
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- 2012-08-10 11:44 Tigermouse
- So sad to read about Teasel, my heart goes out to you. You did your best to find her, at least you know she didn't suffer, and she died doing what she loved.
RIP Teasel, run free through the fields at Rainbow Bridge, with the sun on your back and the breeze in your face xx - 2012-08-10 11:20 AkitaTaz
- So sorry for your loss xx R.I.P Teasel
- 2012-08-10 10:42 reggiemollieros
- So very very sorry xx
- 2012-08-10 10:33 LisaMell
- I am so sad to read about Teasel. Sending you much love.Sweet dreams Teasel xxx
- 2012-08-10 10:14 ERS
- Thank you so much everyone for all your help, support and words of encouragement. Sadly she had passed away. Her body was found yesterday, in the hay field into which she was going when last seen. We've been to collect her this morning. She'd almost certainly had a heart attack while running, her body was lying in a running stride, hidden in the long grass not 100m from where we were last together. There was no sound, nothing. I have no doubt in my mind at all that it was very sudden, she didn't suffer.
I know it's a cliche but she literally did die doing what she loved: running under a clear blue sky. She was young, fit and free. Her ashes will be scattered on a beach on the West Coast of Scotland, her favourite place. Thanks again so much, everyone. Mollychops, that's the most beautiful poem, and so apt, thank you for that. xx - 2012-08-10 09:06 jobadger
- I'm sorry very sorry you ravelled to the Bridge so very soon. Your family love you and miss you and will be with you when the time is right. Until then gorgeous girl, rest in peace. xx
- 2012-08-10 09:06 Meru
- I am so very, very sorry to hear Teasel has crossed over the Bridge. RIP beautiful lady xx
- 2012-08-09 21:40 Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
- I am so terribly sorry. Sometimes our fur babies have already earnt their wings and so God takes them quicker than we would like, but they go quickly and safely straight into God's arms. Teasel is safe now; nothing can ever harm her again. She needs you to carry on, for her, until you too have earnt your wings and you will be together again. This time, nothing can part you ever! God bless sweet Teasel and your loving owner. xxx
- 2012-08-09 20:05 Sarah W
- I'm so sorry for your sad sad loss of this lovely girl.
- 2012-08-09 19:13 skippy
- So very sad to see that the lovely Teasel it at Rainbow Bridge. Run fast and free sweetheart. xx
- 2012-08-09 19:13 Lilybear
- Beautiful girl, so sad. You are in my thoughts, you did your girl proud. xLast edited: 2012-08-09 19:16:26 by Lilybear
- 2012-08-09 18:41 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- RIP Teasel so sad.x
- 2012-08-09 18:39 ClaireC
- So very very sorry. Run free at the Bridge and meet up with my Teasel as well and play together. xx
- 2012-08-09 18:36 Owl
- I am so sorry. Run free over the Bridge lovely girl.
- 2012-08-09 18:16 Mollychops
- Sleep in peace dear Teasel and dream of bunnies. My thoughts are with your owners .
On your grave beneath the chestnut bough
Today no fragrance falls nor summer air
Only a Masters love who laid you there
Perchance may warm the air 'neath which you drowse
in dreams from which no meal times will rouse
Unwakeable, though close the rat may dare,
Deaf, though the rabbit thump in playful scare,
Silent, though twenty foxes screech their vows
And yet mayhap, some night when shadows pass,
And from the fir the brown owl hoots on high
That should one whistle 'neath a favouring star
Your shade shall canter over the grass
Questing for him you loved in days gone by
Ere death the dog thief , carried you afar
This is a poem from a very old lurcher book of mine by a MR Walsh
Last edited: 2012-08-09 18:20:45 by Mollychops - 2012-08-09 18:15 pollydog
- So very sorry to hear this - you could not have done more to find her and at least you know what happened to her, even though it's the worst possible news.
- 2012-08-09 18:12 DianeM
- Run free and play forever at the bridge sweetheart xx
- 2012-08-09 18:10 digbysmum
- Oh how tragic - I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with the family at this time. Run free at the bridge, lovely Teasel xx
- 2012-08-09 17:00 mathers22
- Really sorry RIP Teasel xx
- 2012-08-09 16:53 Unknown
- Really sorry to see this about Teasel; my condolences to her family. At least you know that one day you will be reunited with your girl, and can lay her to rest. She will always be with you in spirit. Night, night sweetheart, sleep tight. Sending your family healing thoughts for their sad loss. Wear your "Angel wings" at the bridge and play in the lovely sunshine with those who have gone before you. RIP+++ God Blessx
- 2012-08-09 16:46 Unknown
- I'm so, so sorry to hear this terrible news.
- 2012-08-09 16:28 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Am so sorry to read this.
Sending condolences.
Run free at the bridge lovely girl
xx - 2012-08-09 15:31 Shereen
- Im So sorry to hear this tragic news,ERS you worked so hard,its jsut not fair: ((
Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Teasel until you meet your loved ones again.Xxxx - 2012-08-09 15:08 allie08
- Aww,so sorry to hear rip Teasel x
- 2012-08-09 14:45 B30
- Oh no, I'm so very sorry XX
- 2012-08-09 14:33 ROB
- So so sorry.
X Sue
- 2012-08-09 14:27 ERS
- I'm sorry to say her body has been found, near where she was last seen. We can't thank you all enough for all your help. All I can say for now.
- 2012-08-09 14:27 ERS
- I'm sorry to say her body has been found, near where she was last seen. We can't thank you all enough for all your help. All I can say for now.
- 2012-08-09 12:48 ERS
- many thanks, lilybear, that's really great. had two calls today, one from a lady whose English was a bit broken, who reported a dog like her on its own near the river in Charlbury, but couldn't give more detail, one from a lady called Sharon who asked for a call back but left no number -if you're on here, Sharon, please could you call back? many thanks
- 2012-08-09 10:54 Lilybear
- Have sent Teasels poster link to some good people at Thames Valley Police, Wiltshire Rural Crime Team, Blue Cross, Burford.. apologies if already done. You're in my thoughts.
- 2012-08-09 10:05 Shereen
- Thanks Nik....ERS you are doing an amazing job this proves the posters are working and people are taking notice...praying for that all important phonecall for you.xLast edited: 2012-08-09 10:08:57 by Shereen
- 2012-08-09 09:00 ERS
- POSSIBLE SIGHTING - dog matching her description with two ladies in Witney yesterday lunchtime. There are two similar dogs in the general area, but both are dogs and not bitches. We do now think she will have been picked up by someone, though, and are focusing on the Witney and Shipton/Lyneham areas.
- 2012-08-07 20:28 Unknown
- Shereen has asked that we get Teasel's story into the local papers. Charlotte will be getting in touch with owner.
- 2012-08-07 13:55 ERS
- RE. LAST POST - Sorry folks, sighter just called back to say they had their dates wrong, mystery dog they saw was the week before she went missing. As you were!
- 2012-08-07 13:40 ERS
- ANOTHER UPDATE - have just taken a call from a man who passed a grey greyhound/whippet running in the road between Burford and Stow on the morning of the day she disappeared, in the direction of Burford. He passed fairly quickly, but was clear on build/size/colour If that was Teasel (can't immediately see another reported match), she may well have been taken and either escaped/been dumped, sighting was about 3 hours after last seen, at least 20 miles away. Fits with Shipton sighting - heading that way again shortly to call at all vets and Police Station.
- 2012-08-06 18:00 pollydog
- So sorry to hear you had your hopes raised, but like you say, it's good to know people are aware of Teasel. Keep up the good work - I'll keep looking and sharing where I can and lots of people are aware of her. Let's hope she'll be home soon.
- 2012-08-06 11:51 ERS
- Just to add that we were contacted today by a lady who believed her (dodgy) neighbour had taken Teasel in, about an hour's drive away. Sadly proved not to be her, though very similar, but shows just how effective this site can be at putting people in touch straight away, for which we're very, very grateful.
- 2012-08-05 22:39 ERS
- No joy yet from Ducklington/Witney area. Postcode for Shipton is OX7. Have postered there last Tue and again last night, posters up at Kingham too today. VWH terrier and lurcher show also postered and announcements made. Many thanks everyone for your help.
- 2012-08-05 10:51 Shereen
- Best of Luck today ERS I hope you get some good news on your travels.xx
- 2012-08-04 11:46 ERS
- Hi - sighting was of one lurcher on its own with a lady walking it. Very many thanks for postering. We're off to check area and then Ox Animal Sanctuary to check there and put posters up
- 2012-08-04 09:26 pollydog
- I've postered around Witney lake this morning, and also Countrywide at Ducklington and the Country Store on Burford rd. There is a lady with two lurchers who regularly walks at the lake, one large cream dog and one small grey, could the sighting have been her? Did the dog walker say if the dog they saw was with someone?
- 2012-08-03 18:06 ERS
- POSSIBLE SIGHTING of lady with a grey rough-coated lurcher in the Ducklington area yesterday, from a professional dog walker/sitter. Off to search now.
- 2012-08-03 12:58 ERS
- UPDATE - No further sightings as yet, but no sign at all in the immediate area of her disappearance. We now believe Teasel is being held onto by somebody, possibly in the Witney/Ducklington area. If anyone is in that area, please be particularly alert. Many thanks all x
- 2012-08-01 21:12 Lilybear
- I have just telephoned the Hanborough Womens Institute. I spoke with a gentleman at Long Hanborough who was most helpful. I have forwarded a copy of Teasels poster to him and his wife, fingers crossed the word to be spread amongst the local WI. I do not know your area but pray for Teasels safe return. Keep strong, DogLost and it's wonderful helpers did an amazing job of reuniting me with a greyhound lost in July..found close by to a country pub and a boarding kennels... the local newspaper did a great report which generated sightings. I wish you all the very best of luck.
- 2012-08-01 20:48 Shereen
- I will Bump Teasels page due to this sighting,I hope you get more news soon.
- 2012-08-01 12:53 ERS
- MORE NEWS - sighting over the weekend (Sunday?) of a dog matching her description being walked in the Shipton-under-Wychwood area: a man was seen running along the Oxfordshire way with a grey lurcher bitch which he called to as 'Teasel'. Posters are up in the area and vets are being contacted.
- 2012-07-30 21:02 ERS
- Quick update - no more sightings yet. Many more vets now on alert in wider radius, posters and leaflets. Will target surrounding villages tomorrow and get out at dawn.
- 2012-07-30 08:18 pollydog
- Been out around the woods again this morning, still no sign I'm afraid and some of the posters that were there yesterday seem to have gone - i suspect they washed away in the rain yesterday afternoon. Not sure when I'll get out again, but fingers crossed it won't be necessary and she'll be home. another conformed sighting would be nice though, so we'd know she's staying in the area.
- 2012-07-29 22:36 pollydog
- I've found a couple more facebook groups that might be useful, have posted them on Teasels facebook page, but haven't posted on theirs - I'll leave that to you if you think they might be useful.
- 2012-07-29 21:10 The girls!
- I believe your local rural police should be able to direct you how to join country watch or a local friendly farmer! I did have a quick search and found a contact for one of the oxfordshire ones http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/living/NeighbourhoodWatch.cfm sorry I've not been much help and really hope she's home soon
- 2012-07-29 17:42 ERS
- Very many thanks for the suggestion re. local farm/countryside/horse watch. Have a number for the local horsewatch, but can't find an Oxfordshire version of the others - will keep looking, but if you have any links to hand and have time to send them on that would be great. Raining here now from time to time and that may well drive her in to barns/outbuildings/stables...
- 2012-07-29 13:29 The girls!
- Sorry to see Teasel is missing. Unfortunately I can't help as out of my area but wondered if the local Farm Watch/Countrysidewatch/Horsewatch have been advised as hubby is a farmer and around here they get texts with various info. Hope she's home soon
- 2012-07-28 21:46 Poochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
- She looks just like one of mine, he is a paim when in hunting mode, goes completely deaf. he does always return to the last place he was with me so it is worth going bck to wherever you were when she last saw ou and leave something with your scent there to keep her coming back. I hope to see her in the blue soon.
- 2012-07-28 17:01 ERS
- Hi - the possible sighting was on the road between Church and Long Hanboroughs, going into the hedge at the side of the road. There is a bungalow on the left which sells hay - she disappeared into one of the fields behind it, so a very possible sighting. Heading up that way now, posters have gone up in Witney today too, making sure the net stays wide. Very many thanks for all the advice, will update x
- 2012-07-28 14:46 pollydog
- Thanks for the update Shereen, a relief there has been a possible sighting at least, but having been in the area this morning she could be under our noses and not be seen if she chose, fields have high crops and there's lot's of woodland too. I can go for another look tomorrow morning if that might be helpful, and if anyone can give me a clue as to where the possible sighting was that would be a good start point, unless of course with owner scenting etc, it would be better to stay away. Anyway, I'll pop over tomorrow unless someone says that's not a good idea - or of course unless she's found by then (fingers crossed)!
- 2012-07-28 12:04 Shereen
- Thank you Minigirl and pollydog!
There was a possible sighting of Teasel last night about 9.30 with in a mile of her being lost...also maybe an idea of looking further afield as we know how far these dogs can travel but looking promising.....owners are going out to the area and we have discussed lots of ideas to lure her including scenting etc.fingers crossed it wont take long!
Just remember if sighted,no eye contact and low friendly voice ,keep calm, and call contact number.Last edited: 2012-07-28 12:34:53 by Shereen - 2012-07-28 10:52 pollydog
- Sorry I forgot to mention - I spotted what looks like a small traveller site on the left of the A40 as I was heading east from Witney towards Eynsham. It was after the Barnard Gate turn, but before the roundabout. Teasel looks like the sort of dog they would pick up given the opportunity.
- 2012-07-28 10:47 pollydog
- I've had a walk around from Church Hanborough and through the woods etc this morning. I was there about an hour and a half but didn't see any sign of her I'm afraid. I could hear a dog barking in the woods at one point, but sounded excited rather than anything else, so assume someone else was out walking their dog there. I'll have another look tomorrow. I saw a small poster at the entrance to the footpath and one on a tree in the woods, so hopefully others will see these too.
- 2012-07-28 00:56 Minigirl - Area Co-ordinator, West Yorkshire
- Have emailed some scenting information on behalf of Shereen- please check your spam folder too as it is from a yahoo address.
xx - 2012-07-27 18:09 pollydog
- Ive shared her on Lost & Stolen pets Witney & Carterton facebook page and also Yarnton nurseries and Blue Cross Burford (where I work). I'll do my weekend dog walking in the area instead of my usual routes and hope I can spot her somewhere. Fingers crossed lots of people will be out and about over the weekend and someone will spot her. There are people on here who can advise on scenting to leave a trail she could find to help her find her way home, things like emptying the contents of your hoover and leaving a trail etc, I'm not best placed to give this advice though, so perhaps you could contact one of the DL admin team and see if they can advise on how to help Teasel find her way back to you. Last edited: 2012-07-27 18:11:11 by pollydog
- 2012-07-27 10:56 ERS
- Teasel is now on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004103570826
If anyone is able to make friends and share this, that would be wonderful. - 2012-07-27 08:29 ERS
- Hello again - yes, it's a familiar area to which we'd walked from home, under a mile from home in fact. We think she may have either gone into the woods/crops and become disorientated or crossed a lane onto land she's not familar with. There's a lot of hay making and harvesting of rape seed going on, the machines may well have startled her. She's not very likely to approach people, and can sneak around the place as lurchers often do. Plenty of rabbits to keep her fed and standing water... Posters in surrounding villages - Eynsham, Combe, Freeland, Stonesfield and have been pinning notes to farm gates. Thankfully many people around given the time of year, just praying someone honest finds her.
- 2012-07-26 23:01 pollydog
- Is the area she was lost familiar and did you walk there from home, or did you drive there? just asking as it would help to know if she's likley to be able to head for home from where she was last seen, and what that route would be.
If anyone sees her, is she likely to approach or run off? it would help to know if it's possible for someone to approach her / call her if they see her, or if it would be better to just quickly ring the contact number and report a sighting. Other dogs are often reunited following mass postering of areas - is this in hand around Hanborough, Woodstock etc - definately worth doing as people may not think anything of a loose dog, but would jog their memory of they'd already seen her on a poster. Handbourough station gets a good footfall of locals, so perhaps worth posters in the waiting room and car park there if you can too. Sorry I'm not able to get out that way till weekend, but will certainly come out and help then (let's hope she's home by then though!). - 2012-07-26 21:28 ERS
- Thanks so much everyone. Pollydog, great idea re facebook. No sign yet. Crops are so high that spotting anything is difficult. Lots of local dog walkers and friends have joined the search, widened out now to surrounding villages. All help greatly appreciated.
- 2012-07-26 17:47 pollydog
- I've posted a link to Teasel's DL page on Eynsham Hall & Blenheim Palace facebook pages in case guests / visitors are walking in their grounds and spot her. There may be other local groups with open facebook pages and I'll do a few others if i can find some. Also added to doglost Oxfordshire facebook page to reach more local helpersLast edited: 2012-07-26 18:02:41 by pollydog
- 2012-07-26 16:44 pollydog
- Sorry to see Teasle is still missing. I live locally and could walk over that way on Saturday or Sunday if she hasn't been found by then. Are there any organised searches taking place? If not I'll pop over with my own dog and a spare lead at the weekend just in case.
Hopefully she'll be home by then though! - 2012-07-26 07:42 ERS
- Hi - many thanks for the suggestion. All the local estates will get a call today. Many thanks to those who are helping to look. No sign at all so far and she didn't return overnight.
- 2012-07-25 21:44 Liz
- walked along the canal kidlington towards thrupp and through woodland and fields back towards kidlington. Will try and get out again - have the owners contacted Blenheim Estates?
- 2012-07-25 14:23 Shereen
- Thanks Jayne...Have spoken to owner and given some advice...dog wardens / vets all contacted and ive advise afew other quthorities to call to make reports to...Teasel went missing on a walk...lots of fields with tall crops maybe she is disorientated..have txt my contact numbers and will contact them a little later to see how they are doing.Stay safe Teasel until you are found.X
- 2012-07-25 13:04 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Alerts sent out to helpers in OX2,3,5,7,20,25,28,29.