How To Help
There are lots of ways to help lost dogs and some of them only take a click or two. Here's how (links will open in separate tabs/pages so that you can keep track of this list):
Sign up (if you haven't done so already) and sign in (above). This will let you:
- Comment on BUDDY I THINK's page. Even if you haven't got any sightings to report or other helpful advice, encouraging comments can really help to let distressed owners know that others are taking an interest;
- 'Follow' BUDDY I THINK so that he/she appears on your 'Followed dogs' page - this makes it easy to find all the dogs you are particularly interested in;
- On your Profile page
- Sign up for 'Dog Alerts' - we send out FREE email alerts for lost dogs that may be in your area;
- Sign up for other DogLost newsletters - whilst our DogLost News pages cover a lot of lost pet and DogLost-related stories, we may occasionally summarise the biggest ones in a newsletter. Don't worry though - we hate spam too, so we won't overload your inbox and you can unsubscribe any time you like;
- Pre-register your own dog, to save time if it becomes lost;
Even if you can't join us right now, you can still help! We'd be very grateful if you could:
- Share BUDDY I THINK's page. The sharing buttons on each dog's page let you link it to most social media.
- Donate - DogLost provides services for FREE, so we rely on donations to keep the site running.
- Follow us on:
- Keep up with our Latest News
Thanks for caring!