Lost: Tri - Black, White & Tan Border Collie Female In North East (WF4)

  • Dog ID 12961
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 25 Nov 2009
  • Gender & Breed Female Border Collie (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour tri - black, white & tan
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 14 Mar 2008
  • Where Lost Woolley Edge
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area WF4
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Lost 14th March. Blue collar & tag, MICROCHIPPED & SPAYED. Sighting, 22nd March NETHERTON, MIDDLESTOWN 30th March, 11th April in Fenay Bridge then Whitley/Grange Moor 21st April and KIRKHEATON 2nd May. Ran of at Services Nr Jnt 38 of the M1. Sightings in Fenay, Whitley/Grange Moor & Kirkheaton.
  • Listed By Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
  • Views 12213


Sightings and Information

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This has just come up on Facebook found in Holmfirth https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205609079198720&set=gm.866066206804911&type=1&theater
know its been a long long time but could this be Freddie ?
there's a female tri collie on DAWGs website called Meg - had a look of Freddie though may just be the way she's stood. Have texted the mobile no above to alert
I was up at the ice cream parlour yesterday and had a look around there was a tri collie there with the owners of the cafe but I seem to think that the dog has been ruled out before as belonging to them. I hope you are enjoying your new dog Rachel and bring you the joy you deserve.
Worth checking on 22414 on the green found list? the dog found sounds a bit young for Freddie, but worth a check??Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Alan, it was walking with its head low. I am continueing to look and all your help is really great so thank you. Its nearly two years now since I  lost Freddie. I suppose that the amount of time makes it less likely that I will get her back or even get some concrete information about what might have happened to her. Still think about her alot though. She is still very much a part of my life. Again, thanks Alan.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
alan the bus
hi rachel if the dog was walking with its nose down it may have been the same dog that I saw, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.ALAN Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went out again on Friday to check the area. In the area of the bridge where Alan saw the dog, I did see a man with a collie walking . The dog was off lead going along the roadside. It was a large BC with some mottled brown on its back legs so it could be the dog which was seen last week. I also spent time going around the area of Criggleston, Woolley and Pogneys but nothing happening. I intend going over there again tomorrow as the weather. Time is getting on now since Freddie went missing.so Im not  optimistic. Still hard not to  thinking about here though. Will keep in touch.  Thanks   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Perhaps a few enquiries around the area may elicit some information?   Good luck Rachel as always, fingers and paws all crossed here for you, would be so fantastic if this were her.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have spoken with Alan. He had my number but changed my phone since last speaking to him. Given him the new number. Checked the location out but no sign of anything.I am not sure this was Freddie although the description sounds like her, because Freddie was not good off a lead ( unless she had a task such as rounding sheep), especially near roads. Will go back to the area  and spend more time looking around. Thanks  Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Alan. I've just spoken to Rachel and passed your message onto her.  Good luck Rachel keeping fingers crossed.   Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Alan.  I'll alert Rachel and Jumanji to your post.  Would be great if this was Freddie after all this time.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
alan the bus
ps I'm still on the same number.ALANLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
alan the bus
hi rachel I have been trying to ring you for the last four days but you've changed your number, I spotted a dog which fitted the description of freddie on denby dale road wakefield by the double two rail bridge,(by the car lot)it was been walked by an elderly couple off lead the dog had its nose down like it was following a scent it's front legs looked like they were a dirty colour like the photo & the back legs a mottled brown unfortunatley I could not leave the bus on the opposite side of the road it might be worth checking out.I wish you luck this year.ALAN  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Thinking of you all and Freddie today of all days... you are in my prayers .. come home safely dear Freddie xxxxx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank Liana and PA. I have checked out the dog, which is the same on both sights and unfortunaley, she is not Freddie. Although, especially at this time of year, snow and frost, I feel abit dispondent, I am still hoping that Freddie might be found sometime. There have not beeen any other sightings for about seven weeks or so. Thanks so much to those people watching Feddies page for your kind thoughts.    RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hiya, there is a tri colour female on K9searchuk.com Pound 1 page. Good Luck. PA.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can't see that it is Freddie as Freddie has a white blaze and the pictured dog doesn't. Glad that dog has been found, but sorry it isn't our girl. :((Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry Liana - does your post mean that the pictured dog is Freddie and that she has been found at last??????Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
http://www.lostdogsyorkshire.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=62581072    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I always think about Freddie and the total dedication in trying to find her.  It would make my day/year well everything really if she was found safe and well.  She so looks like one of my collies.   Please come home soon Freddie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you for puting this is the Countryman weekly. In some ways I think tht she could be anywhere. About three weeks ago we had a call about a dog which had been picked up in Briesfield. A small female collie, black white with some brwon. Although we didn't think it was Freddie, we went to see. It was a type of mearle with a little brown on it and bigger than Freddie. A lovely natured little girl but not my girl. If anyone wants to look out for her, the best place is still around Briestfiewld, Whitley and Emley I think as we have not heard anything from anywhere else. Thanks so much for still thinking about her. As the weather gets colder, I am dispondent about how she might be and less optimistic about ever getting her home. we still keep looking. Again thanks for all the help from doglost and those still holding Freddie in their hearts.   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Dear Freddie, wishing you good luck in the latest attempt to find you and get you back in the warm.   Rachel, thinking of you and Freddie as always.   So wish there was something I could do.........   XXXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
having had so much help from doglost people looking for rosie, and now she is safe, i hadn't even realised this dog was still missing. i have seen the posters up round emley moor. If there is an area you want searching let me know, i am off work fri/sat this week and can go walk around that area no problem. my e-mail is jrm78uk@yahoo.co.ukLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie is in The Countryman?s Weekly magazine today. Good Luck.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Rachel - I'd appreciate that. Perhaps, if she is determined to run wild, we could at least help her to stay safe and well, now that you have better information about her paths and travels? I'd be willing to help any way I can, eg getting some wormer into her, or providing some regular food/bedding if we can find one or more of her dens.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello all, sorry not to have been intouch for such a while. Partly work, partly dispondency. Still getting sightings of a small tri collie  in Briestfield. In last three months about four or five calls so still going over there looking.  Although I am not sure we will ever get her home, I am convinced thaqt there is a collie like her wondering around in the area and so I will keep on resonding to calls and looking. What I have found out is that all the paths thst this little dog has been seen on, are all connected and make an easy route for a dog to travel without being seen to much. Will forward my number to you again Yellontop.Will try to keep you all more informed and thank you for still thinking about Freddie. She is still always with me.   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Me too! Just wish she would come home soon, or at least show herself definitively.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel
Just to let you know we still think and look for Freddie.  I work in Rochdale now so do the Rochdale to Wakefield run every day as well as popping over to the area she's sighted in.  We still keep looking for her. 
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have put a reminder on obeduk and on some rescue forums I am a member of about collies still missing from 2008.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Still thinking about Freddie and wishing her home again..............an Aladdin's lamp springs to mind.......... xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi rachel, I've lost your phone number again (!) The campers are back in the Nature Reserve - not sure if they are the same ones as before....Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello All, wnet walking along the path which this dog was seen on yesterday. It is very overgrown and abit difficult to get through because of brambles etc. However, for a dog it would be no problem. The main route followed on this path goes directly to where the dog was sighted a few months ago, which was near the old community centre in Briestfield. For most of the stretch, the footpath is skirted by low growing trees and then crossed open fields leading straingt to the steam at the back of the community centre. It is all isolated and quiet passing only a few houses on route. A dog could easily pass this way regularly and just not be seen. I did leave some evidence of my being there and walked the full length of the path. There are also some other paths leading from it, but all  overgrown and keeping to the same locality. I spoke with a few people at one of the houses and they are alreday aware of Freddie but have not seen anything. This area would be hard to have a BBQ in as the paths are too overgrown and so it would have to be done in a near by farmers field. The area has alot of pheasants roaming around and also birds using groound cover for nesting, so good supply of potential food at this time of year. I think this is probably only one of a number of routes which this dog may use but it seems all within the Briestfield locality and some of this ground would be hard for Will to cover. She was 14 a few weeks ago and whilst very fit, would still struggle with some of it. I need to think about what is the best thing to do, but I will be doing more checking out wo see if anyone knows of a dog which is owned but left to raom in the area. Also check who owns the last if thinking about a BBQ to ask permission to fo it. Any other suggestions welcome also. Will of course kep spending dsome time walking there.  Thank you all.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Yes I do understand what you're saying.   I don't know the area at all but the names Whitley and Briestfield keep cropping up and googling the area it all looks very rural.   Rachel mentioned this unused path that the dog had been sighted on recently and it just seems to me, with the mention of the two place names again, that once she's checked it out it may be possible to camp out for a night in that area;  if nothing else it would leave her scent around, and Will's.   If the dog has been there once s/he could go there again and maybe could be eliminated if not Freddie.   It must be a very frustrating situation with Rachel not living in the area, it's quite unlikely that she'd ever get there in time when a sighting is reported.   This way she just may be there already.....     I just feel it's got to be worth a try. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
  The problem with setting up a camp is: where do you do it? With sightings coming in from different places, we need to be able to predict the area the dog might be in next, rather than where it has just been, as this dog, if it is the same dog, is nomadic. Sorry - just my frustration showing! Please please keep the sightings coming so we stand a chance of being able to get to the right area at the right time, even if it is only to eliminate a 'suspect'.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Aaaaaaaarrrrgh, SIGHTING  SIGHTING  SIGHTING....... Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Rachel, I know I've suggested this before, but I still wonder if it would be possible, once you've checked out the area of this new siting, for you to camp out with Will, perhaps Eric too?    BBQ smells might attract a hungry little girl, also if she were to hear your voice in conversation she would surely still make the connection, even after all this time.....    I don't know what the weather is like up there at the moment but it is at least still summer and a better time for you to do this - according to the calendar anyway!   And I hate to think of her facing another winter out there on her own.......   Freddie, please let this be you.    Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a call last night to say that two people were convinced they  saw Freddie around 9.30/10ish on Sunday evening. The dog was went down an unused path ,with alot of undergrowth, leading from Briestfield towards Whitley. The dog followed the  same decription as previously seen, small collie, looking rough. They tried following the dog and the woman called Freddie to the dog. When it turned around, they got a good look at its face. It looked around and then ran further into the undergrowth. The people seeing the dog are friends of someone who has helped alot in looking for Freddie. She went out last night to check the area. I will go over on Thursday after work to check the area out myself and try to see if there are any places where a dog might find shelter. Sorry for not getting in touch before now Yellontop. Jusy got back from being away. Will contact you later today. Again, thats for the find thoughts and for still thinking of Freddie. Times goes on, but she is still very much with me.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel - give me a call. There are couple of 'Nab Hills' locally and I need to know which one it is. One of them has a small male tri-collie that belongs to a local man, so it could be misleading information.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
I was mowing my lawn yesterday - seems I do this often - and have got into the habit of thinking about Freddie every time I do - seems like I have been doing this forever, Freddie.   Please please please give us all a break and let yourself be found, we would all feel soooooooooo much better, and it's as nothing compared to how you would feel, and then there's your poor Mum..............          Think of you often Rachel, keep your pecker up.   One day...........  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had another call a few days ago about a small, thin tri coloured collie seen at Nab Hill which is near to Kirkheaton. The dog was trying to get a rabbit out of a hole. Been up to the area to check it out and put up a few posters. The area has a feel of being remote although walkers do go there. It is only a hop away from Whitley. Also been up to Whitley and checked with the farmer suggested by Yellontop. He is already aware of Freddie. He said there is soemtimes a black collie  around but this one is nothing like Freddies picture. I know a few people have seen this black dog which lives in one of the houses near the pub but its description is very different. Don't think there is too much more I can do other than respond to any calls, keep posters updated and do some walking in the area when I can. Thanks for all the suggestions offered. I do appreciate it.  Thanks   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for all the thoughts and suggestions. Sorry not to have responded before now but I have been away with Penny, Will and Eric until Sunday and had no internet.  I will be able to go over to Whitley on Friday so will contact Croft Fram then. I think I know where this is. My intention is to talk to some other farmers in the area also to try to eliminate any other dogs. I do. however think this does sound like Freddie. I have alreday been up there and put up different posterswith updated information.  We have alreday bought a trap but I think that we need to gather more information firts and importantly, try to establish some  routine. This dog has been seen in Whitley, Briestfield and Lilie Lane areas, mainly in the evening and early mornings but not with any regularity. Because of this I am not sure how a trap might help at the moment. I will also check at the Hare and Hounds though in case it turns up any information. Just a word for Sabrina, Maggie's mum. Thank you for continuing to check on Freddie and for all your kind thoughts. You are right. It is imposible to stop looking and checking every dog you see that just might turn out to be yours. I don't know if this ever changes. You have a kind and generous heart. Thanks again. I will post up later in the week   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Just realised you might mean Scopsley Lane at Whitley, next to the reservoir by Charlotte's Ice Cream place and over looking the golf course. Please, please talk to the people who live at Croft House Farm next to the pub. Tell them you know me and ask for help. I'm off on my travels again and the phone still isn't working or I would have called you! (Or them) BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry Rachel, I've been out of the country and also having some problems with my phone charger......  I'm not sure I know where Scotby Lane is, though I know the Hare & Hounds, which I think is the pub you mean? If you let me know where it is (text me) I'll try to pop up a few times, especially in this nice light weather. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Rachel, there has to be a chance that this is Freddie, if only because of the blue collar.   So I wonder also if a trap at this stage could be a possibility - would need to be regularly checked of course but surely worth thinking about.   She so deserves to be found if she's made it this long.   I remember she was seen before near the Fox & Hounds, would it be possible to put a trap somewhere near there, but out of the way, and for someone from the pub to keep an eye out?   I know it's asking a lot but people do put themselves out, we've all seen it on here.   I'm always thinking about her;  great though it's been to get Koko back, Doglost would erupt if it were to be Freddie.   This could be the chance for her, please Freddie, get yourself found at last xx     Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Hi Rachel, was just checking on Freddie's page and saw you had just  posted about some possible sightings, is it too far down the line now for you to be thinking of a trap, maybe by the church where she used to be seen quite a bit, still thinking of her and keep checking her page. LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry to take such a while in putting anything on Freddies page. Did try coanting you Yellontop but your phone was not available. I went down to Calder vets the next day and it appears that there have been two posible sightings in the past 10 days. The one mentioned. The person seening this dog said it was a tri colour and was thin and mucky. The seconds one saw a dog she thought was Freddie in the area near to teh Fox and Houds pub. A few nights ago, a young man contacted me saying that he had seen a small, thin collie with a blue collar at the bottom of Scotby Lane. He got near to the dog, which was how he saw the collar, but it then ran across the road heading towrads the old church and then ran across the fields and into the woods.  I wne down to the area yesterday and refreshed the posters. Also two women stopped me. One thinks she saw Freddie recently but again the dog ran off. I don't think I can do much else really. I think if this is Freddie, she may now be getting much more familiar and confident with her surroundings, along with better weather. Hopefully, at some point, she will just by chance let soemone get close enough to her, but in the mean time, will carry on spending time over there.  Thanks for your kind thoughts. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi rachel, just doing my normal trawl through all the long lost but dearly loved hounds, how I wish you could get Freddie back and like you I will never give up searching -  Maggie's been gone for 19 months months now and yet every corner I go round .... well, you know what it's like.  In a way I'm glad there's another collie out surviving out there which gives you hope that Freddie could too so you never know... Lots of love to you and please don't ever give up - SabrinaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Calder Vets Mirfield had a call from a client who thought they might have seen Freddie up towards Emley. They should have phoned you Rachel by now ???Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for your kind thoughts Ella, I also still go up to the area and keep on looking.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So do we, Rachel. I keep driving through that way where possible and will keep on doing unless I hear otherwise, it's routine now. Sat out there in the sunshine today,  thinking at least it's a lovely peaceful area with lots of shelter, etc. Not good for spotting her but good for an evasive little dog!? Keep us informed, Take care,  Linda xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just keeping in touch but no real news to tell. Had a call last week from someone who saw a collie very late at night running under a hedge at the bottom on the road leading to Charlottes but no other information. I think by now it is unlikely that I will get Freddie back home but will follow anything up that  I  become aware of. Think about her alot.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I had an e-mail at work today from someone who said they had seen a bedraggled border collie outside Charlotte's ice cream parlour.  I think this is probably the resident one, but thought I would mention it just in case. Still thinking about you girl.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Smokenstuff. After all this time, I know Freddie will be ferral and is obviously fending for herself somehow. Don't know if I will see her again, but don't feel ready to give up on her. Ive met Bobby a few times over these weeks and it was good to see that he had got through the winter ( This is the BC who has been living rough for a number of years). He won't let anyone get near him, but will take  food  left for him.   I was glad to see that he still looks fine so if he can do it, it gives me hope that Freddie is also alright.  Good to hear from you.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can't even begin to imagine how you must be hurting inside right now on Freddies birthday. I know it's not quite the same but there are so many of us out there who in some way would do anything to take away the feelings of hurt and desperation from you even just for a little while. I can't believe it has been more than a year now that she has been missing and i can say with my hand on my heart not a day has gone by when i haven't thought about her. When it's been snowing, i've felt guilty because the snow is a novelty these days and i just hope and pray that she is somewhere safe and warm. When i look at my own dogs and wonder how on earth i would cope if one of mine went missing. Rachel you really are an absolute inspiration to us all. I'd like just an ounce of your strength and courage. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Today is not a good day. Its Freddie's 5th birthday and I am wondering what she is doing. Having put food out for the past few weeks ,in an area where a dog has been seen,answering Freddie's description I am now satisfied that it has not been Freddie taking the food. I do feel that it is likely that she is in this area and has been for some time, the dog seen appears to  be very much like her, but I think getting her is not really any nearer. Hopefully, with better weather, she will be more visible and I will  be spending time walking in the area. I don't think anything else can be done. People around Briestfield and Whitley do know of Freddie and have been really supportive and hopefully this will continue. Just want to thankYellontop and Linda who have been really supportive with loads of practical help in the past few weeks and also thanks for the encouraging suggestions and kind thoughts.  Thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Rachel, having read Sky's blog I was wondering if there's any food that Freddie either particularly likes or dislikes - this might give you a clue as to if it's her taking the food you're putting out?   Sky apparently loves bananas and would never leave one, therefore they knew it wasn't him taking food at a particular time.   Also, foxes are likely to dash in and grab, dogs more likely to clean the bowl ....... just some thoughts that might help?   Still wishing you home Freddie xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks so much for thinking of Freddie. Its  good to know that people are keeping a watch for her. This dog is very similar to Freddie. The differences are that Freddie has no white on her back legs other that white paws.She has brown on the inside and black outside. Her front legs are white most of the way up but the is a small brown band around her knee area and then black. A totally white chest and a half rough around her neck. Freddie has no black spots on her legs or on the white part of her nose. Her eyes are slightly darker than this little dog and the brown on the sides of her face are also less distinctive and abit less of it. A clear distinguishing feature white Freddie has is that she has a calf lick on her mussle from the tip of her nose to the bridge of her eyes. She also has no dew claws.  Hope this information is helpful. I also keep looking at people with collies. I really appreciate the support and kindness being offered.  Thank you  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Have now had time to study and compare these two dogs - for surely it is two, but how amazingly similar they are!   Just a smidgen of darker colour on Freddie's left front leg and the white on her side is higher up.   Otherwise they are lookalikes, and that's how difficult it can be when there are so many border collies around, I'm always staring at every one I see and without the benefit of Freddie's photo at hand, I'm sure people must wonder why I'm looking at their dog so hard! Still thinking of you Freddie, please feel all the vibes, there are so many people willing you to be found xx   Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm a million percent sure this isn't Freddie (and its described as male) but please glance at the bc on Lost Dogs Yorkshire http://www.lostdogsyorkshire.com/apps/photos/album?albumid=693608
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Food is still being taken. Gone by early morning. We are now looking at our next step. I am not really convinced this is Freddie. Although a dog has been seen on  a number of occasions which seems to look like her,  it may well not be this dog taking the food. It may be a fox and not a dog at all actually taking the food. We are taking steps to try to determine this, Will keep posting with any further information.  Thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Trying not to get excited here, but can't help it a little bit....... whoever this little person is who's getting a good feed will be so grateful, and will surely show themselves sooner or later - then if there's any justice in this world it will be Freddie, please please....... Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you for adding Freddie's details to your site. I appreciate any help posible. I am still checking out the sighting from ten days ago and have been puttting food out daily. This is being taken regularly, so trying to establish any set times in order to move this further. Its Freddies fifth birthday next week.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think about Freddie being missing so much, she is so like one of my collies. I just hope and pray Freddie will come back to you soon, the effort you have put into searching for her is inspirational.  I have crossposted the link to several email groups I am on .. hopefully that will mean more people on the look out - I have all fingers crossed that she is found safe and well very soon indeed.   Stay safe.   I have also posted details on website  : http://lostandfoundbordercollies.weebly.com/lost-collies.htmlLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you all so much for your beautiful words Freddie went missing on the 14th March at 11.30am. She is never far from my thoughts, but during this year I have also thought about the other missing dogs and their owners, Georgie Boy, who has been missing for 13 months and little Ted missing since last summer in particular and Buddy, Teddy, Cassie, the list is endless. A dog that you take into your home and your heart is a big responsibility and losing your dog in this way, is not something, I think, anyone can really let go of. Whether we get Freddie home or not, she will always be our girl. Giving up on her is not an option. I don't know if the dog in Briestfield is Freddie or not but there is a dog roaming around there and has been for a number of months. We have, along with the help of Yellontop, been putting food down for about ten days.We are still trying to establish a routine however and if we can do this, we will then take things a step further, If this is Freddie, I don't want to make any mistakes as I don't think it will be easy getting her home after all this time. If its not her then there may be another dog which needs some help so just need to try to establish this. We are going out tonight and will post up any news. I know that Freddie has touched the hearts of many people and I don't really know why even though she really is beautiful; but she is one of so many.  Thanks for remembering her this week.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel Mags and I still think about you and Freddie often. I know its been a long and difficult year and u really do deserve to get your girl back. We are still available to help and feel free to call if there is anything at all we can do. I hope you and your family are all well and that Willow and young Eric are helping a little to fill the void. I will keep everything crossed that the dog sighted is Freddie and that the coming weeks will bring some good news.Take care Kind regards Tracey & Mags xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh Rachel - my thoughts are with you today, you truly deserve to get your girl back, you are an inspiration to us all with missing dogs, I will raise a glass today to you and Freddie's safe and swift return - SabrinaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Good luck Rachel, you so deserve your girl home.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please let this be Freddie. I agree with all that has been said below, and Rachel, you have worked so hard, and never given up, - you deserve this, and I pray its her. I wish you all the luck in the world xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
It is just about to be a year since the day Freddie went missing and during that year so many have searched for this girl, she remains in so many peoples hearts and will never be forgotten by us. With the recent sightings it would be so wonderful if it was Freddie !  Rachel you have always worked so hard to find your  girl and along the way you have shown concern for and helped other dogs .............such is your caring way! I do so hope these latest sightings bring us the news we all long to hear. Rachel we are thinking of you all  xxx Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I still keep thinking of Freddie and have a Cath Tate card on my desk at work with a picture of a Border Collie trotting off down a path and the caption "all who wander are not lost"  (http://www.cathtatedirect.com/photo-humour/all-who-wander), I think it sums up Freddie's situation perfectly.  We will hit the one year anniversary this weekend and if the sightings are to be believed then Freddie is still around.  Hopefully recent events will bring Rachel closer to her. My thoughts are with Rachel, Willow (who I hope is feeling better soon) and especially Freddie - stay safe and show yourself girl!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
 Been out again yesterday and tonight.Have been putting food out for tsince Friday. Yesterday the food did not go but it has tonight. however, really need to establish if this is a dog , fox or something else. Whatever, given past experience, I think that if food continues to go, it will take some time before taking things any further. I do have a trap already in case it is needed but this would be some time away. At the moment, Penny, Yellontop and myself are dealing with the food issue. I dont think it is worth while walking the area right now because we just dont have enough information to do much else. If this is her, I dont want to take any chances  by rushing things. Even if this is another dog it is important to do our best for it. Im not getting my hopes up. We`have already had so many false starts. I will keep posting up with any news and ask for help if or when this might be needed. In the mean time there are still other missing dogs in our area that might need some help. Smokenstuff, I hope by now your leg is getting better.  Thanks so much to those watching Freddies page and offering support and encouragement. Kind Regards RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Bess'nBarney Mum. There have been similar sightings of a dog within a 2 mile radius of here over the months, but I think this location is a new one. Rachel has the food drop in operation already (quick worker!) so here's hoping that a regular call can be established, with the house owner's co-operation. Then Rachel will have to decide how to proceed from there, but it really depends, I guess, on what happens now. So, keep those fingers and toes crossed!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Everything crossed as always here for Freddie, really really hope that this could indeed be her.   Is this in the same place where there have been sightings before?   If so, is it possible that some nice person would put some nice smelly food out, this might encourage her to stay in the area and perhaps be seen again.   If indeed it is her, do you have access to a trap which could be set up - it would need to be very camouflaged - she will have become very wiley over the months and will be more than suspicious, but I feel it's probably the only way to get her now......   At the very least it does sound as though there is a collie who needs to be found, so worth doing this anyway, and then please Freddie let it be you xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been over to Briestfield this evening and poken with the man who saw this little dog. He feels sure that it is Freddie but we have had hopes before which have come to nothing. Either way I feel pretty sure that there is a stray dog in the area as I have had a number of calls recently  but it may not be her.. If this is Freddie then I don't think it will be easy to get her as she has been living wild for almost a year. I am going out there again tomorrow evening. Early mornings and late evenings are I think the best times when few people are around.  At the moment, I don't think anything can really be done as we need to try to establish some sort of routine and then take the next step. Even if this is Freddie, getting her will be difficult so don't think anything else can be done at the moment but I will keep posting.  Keep your binns at the ready Jarvis Cocker just in case.    Thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Rachel, I still keep checking in Freddie's page, if you think that this dog may be Freddie and you want any help even if it is just walking the area and looking through my binoculars just let me know I am only a 20 minute car journey away from Briestfield, LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Still checking in on you Freddie - how you doing Rachel, hope you're enjoying your holiday... there are no words that could describe what it would be like if this was Freddie, you would hear the cheers from here - I really hope you have some good news soon - your continued perserverance is an inspiration to us all - good luck and everything crossed for youLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Smokenfluff. At the moment I think people staking out the area might scare away the dog, so, hard as it is, we need to keep away until Rachel asks for us to join in. It is a promising area for a dog to 'hole up', but now, above all times, we need to be patient and not try to rush things. Let's hope the dog comes back to the area, and isn't just passing through.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh please if there is a god above let this be Freddie! I'm all goose bumpy and eyes full of tears! If i could walk i'd be over there like a shot but i fell down the stairs yesterday. I'm only good for driving at the moment. My son is off fishing tomorow, so i'll have a day spare and if i'm more mobile then count me in as a lookout! Come on baby girl, mum is waiting for you just show yourself darling! Stay strong Rachel, we are all thinking of you!xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel has just rung me from her holiday break to ask me to relay a message: She has had a call today from a man who lives near the Community Centre in Briestfield saying that he has seen a bedraggled small collie with a collar run across his garden - it sounds very like Freddie. She is concerned that the dog, whether or not it is Freddie, should not be called/approached etc as it might frighten it off, and this is one of the most hopeful messages she has had. She is trying to talk again to the man, and will be coming back from holiday to check it out for herself. Please keep your fingers crossed or pray or send positive thoughts that we might be nearer to getting the little girl back home.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Makes sense that it could be the same dog as seen at Briestfield,as the track on the far side of the beck from the church leads up towards Briestfield, and the fields could easily be crossed by a dog keeping into the cover of the trees and field hedges. There's lots of undergrowth and even disused badgers' dens along the track that could provide shelter for a feral dog. Whether it is Freddie or not (and I pray it is, and she has survived the hardships of this bleak winter) there seems to be a feral dog around the area that needs our help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a message left on phone on Wednesday night from a bot who says that he saw Freddie running towards the church at Whitley. Said he chased the dog but could not catch it. Tried getting back in touch with him but no luck. Went over there yesterday but the only thing I saw was a red and white farm collie which lives near the church. This was very friendly and wanted to get in my car after following me down the lane. Lovely dog but thinbk the owner might have wanted it. Cannot be certain if this was the same dog  or not as the one described  did not seem to have the same temperament. Im away all next week but will go out walking again when I gert back next Saturday.   Rachel  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Always checking in on Freddie's page and so pleased to see there are some possible leads at the moment.   Just let yourself be found Freddie, you are not forgotten and you are very much wanted back at home.   Never say never, Rachel, she will surprise you one day, and what a day that will be.   Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
At the moment, not sure that soing a stake out will produce any results as we know this dog has been seen around the pub twice now, the other time being around Christmas. Someone has also contacted me yesterday saying he has seen a dog 3 times around the Briesftield area but thought it was black and white. We had a long talk and he wanted more detailed description of Freddie so that he can try to identify the dog better. The dog would not come to him. I think at the moment the only thing to do is to walk the area which I will be doing in the hope of seeing something. As Smokenstuff has said, the weather is changing so a dog living rough may be out and about more. Will is not to well  at the moment so will just take Eric out when I go.  Nice to know you are around Yellontop and Smokenstuff  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can help stake out the pub if someone lets me know when.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Couldn't head out that way without having an ice cream! Sadly though Charlottes don't do payment with chip & pin and i only had a ?10 note! Ice cream on a budget then, between four of us! Went to the Shoulder of Mutton pub to ask if they had cctv located outside but they were closed until 6pm. I had a good look round trying to look inconspicuous but couldn't see any type of camera. Which is a shame, would be nice to know if the dog in question is a regular visitor to the bins.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just heard on bbc news that Marina Kennels in Huddersfield is to close after receiving a hefty bill for repairs to a drainage system. How sad that this should have to happen! As if kennel places wern't at a premium across the country already. Nice to see Freddies dear little face on tv at long last though, along with all the other lost dogs!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What time was the dog seen rummaging through the bins? I have aquired two extra children today so we'll have a drive out that way might just fit an ice cream into our agenda too!                                   Wouldn't it be just fab if this is Freddie. Now the snow has melted and the weather is a tad milder, fingers crossed there may be more sightings of her. Just out of curiosity does the pub have cctv that could be viewed?  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a call from Jill who lives nease the Shoulder pub at Briestfield on Friday. Said she saw a collie going through the bins outside the pub. She has previously been in touch having seen the same dog. Went over to redo posters etc and to talk to owners of the pub. They said that sometimes a local farm dog comes past when it has been working cattle so might be this dog. However, when I spoke to Jill again to check if it might be the local farm dog, she was adament that it was a different collie. The one she saw was very unkept and she felt certain that it was living rough. When she tried calling the dog it ran off. It does seem that there may well be a dog here. It is literally 2 minutes from the last sighting and the area has plenty places for a dog to hide. If this is Freddie then I don't think she will readily come to anyone. We will be spending abit of time in the area doing some walkimg with Eric and Will anyway. Thanks to everyone  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have watching the search for Freddie for months and was wondering is there any positve news?  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Stay safe & keep warm darling. We are all thinking of you xXxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The dog that you might have seen is the one which lives at Charlottes. It doesn't go too far away from there usually. I have taken flyers to most of the house in the more remote areas  as I agree with you that there are good places for a dog to hide. Thanks for all your support and kindness.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I drove around at about 4.30 tonight and went round the route of The Woolpack, Charlotte's and the other pub (Shoulder?)mentioned before. No sign, but am comforted by the number of empty-looking barns and outhouses which she could be using. Have people been asked to check them lately if she's made her 'home' in that area? I did see a black & white Collie sitting on a hay bale at the side of Charlotte's which might explain the dog previously mentioned? It looked very at home there... Will carry on regardless xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Linda, I did put up some additional posters yesterday, not many, but covered the centre of MIddlestown, Thorhill and Netherton,  as they are all in the emmediate area around Briestfiel/Whitley. Again, thanks for thinking of Freddie. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel - I'm so glad you're posting again - I'm still diverting around Briestfield/Whitley when possible on my way to places. Now i've got a bit more impetus I'll keep a regular route that way. Hope Wills is ok, and love to little Eric. Linda xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks so much you two. Nice to know your still thinking of Freddie. The time of the last sighting was around 4.30pm as it was beginning to get dark. I still think of her constantly. I will get in touch Yellontop if needed. Thanks to you both. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just got back from Whitley, couldn't stay any longer as shopping being delivered at 3pm. However we've spent a good couple hours that way driving and sitting in the car. My son saw a black dog behind Charlottes Ice cream Parlour in a field a good half a mile away in the distance. He said the dog wasnt with anyone and it wasn't walking or running just a steady trot between fields. Very frustrating as it was much far too walk and too many hedges etc to climb over and no doubt it would have been gone by the time we got there. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i'm going to spend a couple of hours today in Whitley with my son. We both miss heading over that way. Will take binoculars and report back here. I'm sorry to hear Will has been poorly too. Stay safe Freddie xXx.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
As ever Rachel, if you need someone to zip up to Whitley/Briestfield I can be there in about 10 minutes. Any daytime, some evenings. Just phone me and I'll go.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry not to have put anything on the page recently, especially in response to the last few posts. My older dog Will took ill on Christmas Eve so  abit occupied for a while. We had a call last week about a dog in Whitley again near the Woolpack pub.  The lady calling said she saw the dog at the side of the road in her headlights. Got out to call the dog and got a good look at its face but it then ran at a space into the field. She noticed that the dog had brown on its face and white front and was a small collie . She said it looked bedraggled. Went out to the area  with flyers etc. Don't think that actually walking in the area will do much good but still keeping some posters updates etc. Hopefully, one day Freddie will get caught and we will get her back home. Even though it is hard not really knowing what has happened to her, she is always with us and there is always hope. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Thinking of you all today. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So sorry Freddie is still missing .. she is always in my mind.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Although this snow is pleasing to the eye i can't but feel terribly guilty and wonder where this little girl is. I hope her thick winter coat is doing it's job and she is safe and warm where ever she is. xx  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No sightings for a few weeks now. I have been  updating posters in the woolley area, but nothing has come from this. Although I have now got Eric, who is a lovely little character, he does not stop my daily thoughts of Freddie and wondering what has happened to her, especially now the Autumn is here. Can only hope thatwhere ever she is, she is safe from harm.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Still checking every day on Freddie's page, still hoping that she will find her way home soon.   Meantime keep safe Freddie, lovely girl, and give your mum a lovely Christmas pressie.....Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Pam. Think this is the young dog I saw a few weeks ago. It has been staying with a man who seems very attached to it and it to him but no one else has come forward to claim it. Thanks for still thinking of Freddie   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Pam .........thanks for thinking of Freddie but   Rachel has checked out this dog and it is not Freddie unfortunately. This dog was listed on our 'found pages' but as not claimed it has gone to a new home and I am moving her over to the reunited page. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I had an e-mail from someone at work today who has heard of a border collie found in Denby Dale.  I really don't think this is Freddie but I don't suppose it would harm to call them. "Wearing a blue, grey and red collar found in Denby Dale area.  Phone number given for owner to contact is 07841 517283. "Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Jumanji. Been down the lane you mentioned today. This is actually Raikes Lane where there was a sighting of a dog a few weeks ago. Went out on Wednesday and put up a few other posters and got Hopton Mill to put one in their canteen. Also did flyers in the area and more of this today. Made some enquiries on Raikes Lane and found that there is a cross collie/terrier which has been out abit recently while builders have been in the house working. This dog is also small black and white but has short hair and a brown collar. The person who thinks she saw Freddie recently siad the dog was a small collie, medium to long hair and was certain it had on a blue collar. However her sighting was very near where this dog lives so hard to know what to make of things. Not sure what else we can do now as we have put up fresh posters/flyers.As hard as it is, I think we can now only wait to see if there are any further sighting and then follow them up. It is seven nonths now since I last saw Freddie. If she had died, by now we made have been able to come to terms with her loss, but not knowing where this little girl is or how she may be managing is ever lasting. We will continue to be vigilant and hope she will be back with us, but not sure what other things can be done at the moment. I know people have been out in the past week and I am overwhelmed by the support and kind thoughts after all this time. On Wednesday, Jessica my daughter and I met Linda who saw a dog running in a field near Lillie Lane. We met up with her but the dog was not Freddie, but a collie hell bent on trying to wake up a field of ccows so he could heard them. The cows were having none of it. But thanks to Linda. I know she is one of the people who don't put anything on the site but  who do keep an eye out for Freddie on their travels. Knowing this is great. With kind thoughts  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We went over to Briestfield and Whitley on Saturday and took our dogs walking the footpaths around Briestfield. It was very quiet out there and we only saw two other dog walkers the entire time we were there ! We saw lots of the fresh new posters round and about.  If you go down the road which faces directly opposite the letter box on the side of the shoulder of mutton pub and follow it down to the bottom of the hill on the bend there are dog walking footpaths and a poster where the footpaths branch off would be useful if anyone is out there with posters. We did put one there several months back but it has long gone now and unfortunately we did'nt have any posters with us this time to put one there again. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
 No further sightings since my last posting but weather not too good. I will be walking with Will and Eric and doing some flyers on Wednesday and Friday of next week in Whitley. Unable to get off work other days. We have redone the flyers to focus on the Whitley area and I will put them in specific localities such as the more quiet lanes around Briestfield, Upper Hopton and Whitley; areas that the dog has been seen in recent weeks. Will keep in touch. Can make contact with you then Geeky re collecting the posters. Thanks to those who have been out walking today. I really appreciate this help.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rachel, I have printed some posters and leaflets. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I wonder, Rachel, if anyone is 'brave' enough to do a house to house on Scopsley Lane Whitley, and to the Croft House Farm collection of buildings as their lands/gardens back onto the fields adjacent to the golf course, where a dog has been seen similar to Freddie?? I'm happy to help next week but have to be out of the area this weekend. Best of luck everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to everyone for your goods wishes and to those offering practical support. I actually think that if this is indeed Freddie, she may well not have left the area at all, but has been keeping a low profile because of her bad experience in the early months.i.e. being frightened and chased etc. It may be that the sightings in other areas have simply been other loose dogs. Again, if this is her it is safe to assume that any sighting around Hopton, Thornhill, Kirkheaton, Mirfield could also be her. My thoughts now in view of all the recent sightings is that this dog is staying in a smallish area around Whitley and Briestfield from the Shoulder of Mutton pub to Riekes Lane on the edge of Briestfield and over to the ice cream parlour and aroung the golf course area. There are lots of good places for a dog in ther woodlands around the golf course and in Briestfield. At the weekend I will be walking with my other dogs focusing around Briestfield. So if anyone wants to do some walking I thibnk any of this area is ok. I am trying to produce some more up to date flyers and will also put out a few more posters around the edges of ther golf course. The others parts of this area probably have enough posters now as we did this last week. We are still keeping our eyes open in Norland but think this may be a different dog. I am trying to organise some time off work for next week so will post tomorrow with this. Am happy to meet any old (or new) friends for a walk or a coffee. Special hallo to Geeky and Smokenstuff.  Many thanks to everyone   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
wishing you all who is looking for freddie the best of luck,rachel you are very much in our thoughts and prayers and so is freddie,time to come home little girl xxxxx mf
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This ongoing story has me on the edge of my seat, so hoping that these sightings are dear Freddie and that this may lead to her eventual capture. There must be so much positive energy focused on that area of Yorkshire at the moment from all Freddie's followers - Wishing you all the luck in the world. S  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rachel, I have followed this story from the beginning and even though you don't hear from me too often I am still here. It is fabulous to see there have been some new sightings of Freddie and that she is heading back to my area. I haven't been too well recently but if I am well enough then I will try to get out to the whitley area at the weekend. Fabulous to hear about Eric!! I'm looking forward to meeting him and I'm sure my boys (well one of them at least) would liek to say hello. Geeky GirlLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel these sightings sound so promising ! We should be able to walk some of the area at the weekend so will watch for any further sightings and /or text you to see if there is  a specific  area you would like us to walk. x x PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been following this story since the beginning.Too far away to be of any help(wish I was closer) but hope that she will be home very soon!! Good luck!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
   i   m hoping you get your lovely girl back soon, and all your patience will be rewarded xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel - I've been following Freddie's page from the start - you truly deserve to find you girl and I really hope these recent sighting are indeed her - everything crossed for you - I so want to help but am too far away (Hampshire) but you have my support and best wishes.  I am glad you have got Eric- at some point you have to take the plunge - I have just got a little 11 week Viszla girl called Meeka - she could never replace my Maggie but she helps and one day I hope Maggie gets to meet her (that's if she hasn't chewed up the whole house and she's having a good try).  GOOD LUCK in your search.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Goodness gracious me! Things don't get much closer than this do they! I wonder what has brought her back to Whitley? Could it be civillisation and that there is possibly more food to be found? Maybe all the scent marking that was done previously has struck a chord with Freddie and she feels that her mum is just a whisper away or maybe she just feels safe there! Who knows what she's thinking! The earliest i can come through and help is this Saturday if that is any good? Stay safe you gorgeous girl! xXxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Didn't realise the search had been moved back to this area. We don't live far from there (Fenay Bridge), let me know where you need covering and I'll try and get a few local dog walkers out looking? Will take some posters to show people too. Got a contact at the scout campsite in Whitely too, will make sure all campers know about Freddie, there's always food to be scavenged there.
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Oh my gosh.   And blue collar.   Everything crossed, as always, for Freddie and Rachel.   If wishes count for anything, there will be a result here, and soon I hope.   Thinking of you both and keep safe, Freddie, please xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Recently we have had a number of sightings of a dog in the Whitely/Briestfield area. The latest one was on on Friday teatime ish. We went up to Whitely on Saturday and put up new posters with fresh details. As a result of this a woman called Jill phoned on Sunday morning saying that she had seen a dog on Friday night going in the direction of Whitley from the Shoulder of Mutton pub at Briestfield. She said the dog was a thin collie, small with medium/long coat and with a blue collar. She said the dog was on its own. This fits in with other sightings we have had in the locality over the past few weeks so it is weel worth following up. If this is Freddie, she may well be more street wise by now and not so scared as she knows she can keep her distance. I will be walking in the area again. I dont really expect to see this dog myself but I can talk with people. I think the area  seems to be localised now which helps. If anyone is able to walk the area, please get in touch and I will try to give more specific details. I will be going to the equestrian centre, golf chouse and factory  at the bottom of Whitley this week to see if they will put a poster up on their premises. Cannot find any other straying dogs in the area so just hope this might be Freddie this time. Will keep in touch. Kind Regards   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi rachel, Thanks for the call - I'm happy to meet up sometime to co-ordinate a search/walk, but can't do evenings unfortunately. Have you got precise sightings in Whitley so I can pinpoint a walk a bit more if I'm able to just go off on spec? If anyone else want to help, please take a camera with you just in case! It's about time Rachel got to see this dog for herself, even if only on camera. :))Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spoke with the lady today who contacted me about Freddie late last week. She has made some further enquiries and about the dog. They say that the dog was a small collie with a medium coat. The dog was moving too quickly to see if it had a collar on, but everything else does appear to fit Freddie's description. The dog has been seen on each ocassion in differennt parts of Whitley. Thanks to Yettontop and Izzydogsam for offers of help and I would like you to take you both up on this. I will be going over to Whitley on Wednesday to put up fresh posters. A number of local people are also watching out for this dog, but would appreciate anything you can do, walking your own dogs in the area etc. Please phone me if you would like to meet up at any time re this.  Many thanks.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Thinking about you and Freddie as always, Rachel, do hope something comes of latest sightings.   Keep thinking positive as you obviously are, and you will surely get the result we are all wanting for you.   Meantime please be safe Freddie xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Izzydogsam and Rachel, I can help in the Whitley area next week if you want to set up a meet? BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel Just to let you know I live in the Whitley area, so if you get positive feedback on the sighting and you need some help, just shout!  I walk my dog in the area every day and always keep a look out for Freddie just in case.  Hopefully like others have said she'll soon be easier to spot due to autumn and harvest time. Fingers crossed.  xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No further sightings at Norland but still checking this one. Have had someone on the phone to me last night saying that a dog is still being seen at Whitley. A few people have seen a very thing and nervous collie with  a face resembling Freddie. I am waiting for this person to get back in touch with me with some additional informantion which I have asked for. If this seems good, then I will resume checking in the area. In some ways, although this is further away rom home, I would really like it to be Freddie as it seems logical for her to still be there and if she is now making herself more visible to people, I may have a better chance of seeing her. Will get back to you on this when I have more information. Thanks for all the kind comments about Eric. I really appreciate the support. Getting him was a very hard decision to make, but the right one.  Many thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
debbie 63
so sorry that you have still not found freddie, good luck with your search xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Eric sounds great, I hope he gets to meet Freddie very soon.  Congratulations on your promotion to Area Co-ordinator, through your search for Freddie you have helped so many other people and you seem to have found quite a few stray dogs on your journeys too. Nobody derserves to be reunited with their dog more than you do.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Hi Rachel, not forgotten Freddie I still have her poster in my car and people are still asking me about her, lets hope that now the farmers have cut the fields and the bracken is dying back you will get some more sightings of her, I am pleased to here about Eric and hope that Freddie is home soon to make the family complete, if you need us to do any thing you only have to ask. Liz, Bernard & Jarvis  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If only we could set up a camera to see the dog! But probably, with the evenings drawing in, it would be too dark anyway. Look forward to meeting your new boy Rachel! But still sure that we will get Freddie home...Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry Rachel that the sightings have not been Freddie- it's so frustrating. I'm glad that you have found a new friend to trudge the many miles you cover looking for Freddie. Still hope that the next call will be the one you have been waiting for xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry for not posting for a while. We have had around seven or so calls about posible sightings over the past week. Have followed all of them up. Unfortuantely none have turned anything up re Freddie. The dog at Burger King turned out to be a local farm dog that obviously has no concern about its waistline as it seems to go there regularly. The staff there were really great about helping. Also followed up the  little tri dog in Normanton, two dogs at Tia, sighting on Liley Lane and lastly on Saturday night a sighting in Briestfield. This dog found its way to the Shoulder pub and was fed by the chef there. He said the dog was timid but hungry. It was also very dirty and he felt it was a stray. The pub were happy for us to leave flyers on the bar for local customers and they also put a recent poster up. My only reservation about this one was that the dog did not seem to display the behaviour I would expect from Freddie. Having said that she has now been missing for six months and may well behave differently. Have contacted oocal contacts for help with this one as she may well still be in the area. Also continueing with Norland and working with Mark on this one. It seems strange that having heard nothing for many weeks, we then get so many calls in such a short space of time. Obviously they can't all be Freddie and equally, none of them could be her, but we will continue follpowing up any information, so I would like to thank everyone who has made calls to me. At some point, one may just be her. On another note, we have recently had another addition to the family. A young collie called Eric. He is very different to Freddie, which is good as no other dog could every take her place.  He is a bog standard black and white boy whose only interest seems to be his belly. We decided to get a younger dog, so that Freddie will still have her place in the family. She will always be with us.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So hope this is Freddie, no one could have done more to get a dog home than you have Rachel. Plus it's easy pickings for a hungry dog- saves hunting for food.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
So hope this is Freddie, are you able to leave something with your scent on by the bin (an old slipper perhaps)? I'm thinking that if this is Freddie she might not stay somewhere open because it has been scented but she may well take something with her which could rekindle her wish to see you again.... further scenting after that could work well.......  Praying that you are re-united very very soon xxxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
oh please please let it be freddieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
thanks smiley cheesecake !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I do so hope this is Freddie and that she can be returned home. If its not Freddie then theres a collie on the lose that needs some help. Maybe back that way this evening, if so will bob down and see if they are around.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
thanks for the info smiley cheesecake ! now i remember you from the Raoul search as well lol  the dog you saw whether or not it was Freddie really sounds like it needs help. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel - you truly deserve to get Freddie back, your persistance is amazing and you are an inspriation to all of us with dogs still missing - everything crossed that this Freddie and she's back with you soon.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
This does sound promising, I hardlly dare breathe.   Please let it be Freddie, and that she will let herself be found now, everything crossed (has been for a while now) xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fingers crossed again on this one - this sighting sounds like it is a dog used to fending for it's self , precise and back to cover. Really hoping that this could be a regular feeding spot that you can stake out!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So hope and pray that this is Freddie, you deserve to get her back as you have put in so much to find her and waited so long.  Come on Freddie, everyone is routing for you.  Kind Regards JulieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
ive yet too meet someone who is as devoted to their dogs as Rachel is! You are a shining example to us all! Freddie you little minx, show your self time to go home to your mum & Will! xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Smileycheesecake for the info.  GOOD LUCK Rachel, we need another party in the North, so come on home Freddie.  Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This sounds very promising. Thank you so much for that smiley cheescake. Love the name ! Wouldn't it be wonderfil if this were her and you caught her at a regular feeding station. This one needs to be caught anyway. Good luck rachel ! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just contacted owners after possible sighting of freddie or another dog matching freddies description. Burger King Wakefield just off jct 41 of the M1. This collie came off the fields at the back which stretch quite a distance. The dog came off the field very cautiously, made for the bin in the car park and, grabbed something and then turned and went back over the field. This all happened within about 60 seconds whilst we were trying to get a lead off one of our dogs. We whistled to grab the dogs attention which it did but it didnt stop it makeing its exit. This dog defo had wide white area on face and muzzle and white area on chest. Couldnt make out whether there was any brown as the dog kept in the shaddows. Quite hairy and shaggy. Didnt look amaciated or too thin and definitly knew what it was doing. A dog on a mission so to speak. In and out with precision. We did search around the area for around 20 mins but there was no sign at all so made it back here to get contact info for owner. Have left a message on machine for Jane. SmileycheesecakeLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks so much for this information. Have checked with Tia but unfortunately for me, neither of the collies are Freddie. The dogs were found in Soyland and it seems that they were probably dumped by someone. One is very thin, but Tia will be keeping them for a month and then will decide what to do. It might be that they keep them so will check on this when Deb, the manager ,gets back from holiday. Been up Norland this weekend, but nothing happening. There appeared to be alot of people around but no further news. The weather has not been good which does not help. Thanks to everyone for kind thoughts and help. Will keep on looking.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've just seen on the Tia Greyhound Rescue website that they have found two collie bitches. They are based just outside Sowerby Bridge, not too far from the last sightings. It might be worth a try :) http://www.tiagreyhounds.org.uk/Product_Item.asp?Set=&itemid=1337Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thinking of you Rachel, hoping you have some news soon. Sandie xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Put  new poster up around Norland. Altered them abit so that they show two pictures of Freddie which may help. Also redone the flyers and a few people are handing them out over the weekend. Some flyers have also been given to the main information tent.  Still doing evening stake outs but the weather isn't too good so not sure if this dog will show. My intention at the moment is to keep doing this at the moment in the hope that I might see the dog. From my own experience in sighting other dogs, I know that it takes a number of times seeing any dog to really get to notice its features,and also to try to take a photo. Have given the person who has seen this dog a good picture of Freddie which might help but think  I will need to keep going there myself in the hope I get a sighting. It's been six months now. Realistically, the longer things go on, the harder it is to think I will get Freddie back so sitting out for a few more weeks isn't going slow anything down. I would like to say that time makes the feelings easier but thats not so, just a duller ache. My heart goes out to people who have had this experience for even longer. Will let you know who the weekend goes.  Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Another sighting sounds hopeful.  If she keeps coming back to food at the same place you might catch sight of her before too long.  Fingers crossed.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Praying that this is indeed Freddie and that you are soon re-united.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Keeping everything crossed for you Rachel.   If anyone deserves some luck, it's you and Freddie xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
thanks to everyone for your suggestions. There has been another sighting in the same place last Sunday. On Monday we went around the area trying to eliminate other possible dogs. Since then we have spent three nights watching but not seen anything. We will continue to do this for the moment as Freddie ( it is her that is) does seem to have found somewhere to find food. I feel that I want to at least try to see this dog before doing anything else which might frightren it off. It seems to me that there is a stray there as I cannot see a local dog searching for food like this especially late at night. This dog also appears to be very nervous. Have put fresh posters up at Norland today and taken old ones down. Will go up again on Tuesday to put a few more up and to do some dogwatching. I have a friend who lives in Norland who is going to give flyers to the festival organisers and I will spend some time there over the time of the event. The people at Norland have been really kind and helpful during the time I have been there and I know many walkers are keeping  a watchful eye out.  Will keep you in touch with events.  Again thanks.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know a couple of people at work who live in Norland so will give them posters and ask them to be on the lookout. x
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sorry to hear Freddie's still not home.
Are you aware that Norland has a Scarecrow festival every year. This year
it will be 5th - 9th September
see http://www.norlandscarecrows.co.uk/
This will attract hundreds, possibly  thousands of visitors to Norland
dependant on the weather.
If you think Freddie may still be in the area, it might be worth getting
some Freddie posters on the entrance to the car parks.
There are 2 main car parks. The playing field near the school towards the
Golf course and in the field below Rough Hey Farm (which is on Hob lane) -
the entrance being nearly opposite Sun Longley Farm
The Scarecrow guides are available from a marquee on the playing field or
from the Church, so maybe a poster around there also.
It's only my personal opinion, but I  don't think the visitors will find
Freddie. I think if she's survived all these months without humans,
probably avoiding them now, that she is probably hunting/scavenging at dawn
and dusk like the foxes do. We know they're there but they're rarely seen.
The reason I think the posters will help, is that I think most of the
locals will attend the scarecrow festival, and I think it will be one of
these, who is around at dawn/dusk that will find her. Some of the posters
do look old, and I'll bet many people have forgotten to remain vigilant.
It can't do any harm to target there 3 specific points, you never know
If you can't get there I can put some posters up if you Email me the latest
one, but I'm afraid I cant laminate them, it would just be in the plastic
folders. - The one by our house at East Longley went a bit soggy last week
in the storm.
e mail from a helper.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Rachel, I tend to agree with Xenas Mum that Freddie might not come to you straight away now, it's been a long time and she's no doubt had much to contend with.   All we read about dogs out there for a while suggests they do become feral - how could they not, really - I don't know the area at all, or how possible this would be, but a thought I've often had is whether you could camp out in the locality where she's been sighted, I guess I mean in the Norland area where perhaps it was her on the garden patio a couple of times.   (Not suggesting you camp in their garden :-).....or maybe :-)))?)   and perhaps have a bbq if the weather was kind.......you never know who you may attract.......   Don't know what else to suggest really, but if she is staying in that area for whatever reason, I just feel it's got to be worth a try.   I know you've done just about everything else.   Please Freddie, stay safe and let yourself be found, it would make us all SO happy, especially your Mum.....xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Hi Rachel, I still check Freddie's page every day to see if there have been any sightings, I do hope that the BC at Norland is her, we feel a bit helpless because we would like to help you but do not know what to do,  a couple of weeks ago we took Jarvis for a walk at Crag Vale we walked to Stoodley Pike, it looks a very long way to Emily Moor from there, we took our binoculars and kept scanning the country side, if you get any sightings and need any help you have my mobile No just give me a ring.  Liz & Bernard   Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Rachael - I think it is safe to say that Freddie will be quite feral by now and quite probably would not come to you readily. If this dog is Freddie then maybe if the people keep putting food out she will come back to their garden, if she does then I hope they would let you put some scenting next to the food and slowly slowly catch a monkey. I really really pray that this is Freddie. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It will be 5 months tomorrow and I still think about Freddie every day.  Lots of people at work keep asking too, only today someone put a message on the message board asking if there was any news. Everyone is keen to see her home again.  Hopefully one day your girl will come home.  Let's hope it is sometime soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nothing much to report. Had a last potential sighting last week. Mark, the person who saw a dog on his patio at Norland, saw the same dog about ten days ago. Have spent spent some time watching the patio area since then but seen nothing. Also tried to find out all the BC in the area to see if any have been out alone. Only one of the dogs is loose but I am told this dog never leaves the large garden area. The behaviour of this dog does not seeem to be the same as the behaiour of the dog that Mark saw. He said it was nervious and began to call towards him a few times but then ran off. Have asked him if he could try to get a picture if the dog returns. Again, the dog was looking for food. We have also changed all the posters in the area and put a second picture of Freddie on. I don,t really know if this is her because it has been so long since she went missing. If it is her, she may have decided to stay there as it is safe and she it is familiar to her. I don't know how long this will continue, but I do still have a sense that she will be home someday, maybe picked up by someone. Time will tell. Very few calls now, other than people I have met whilst looking for Freddie.If nothing else comes from this I Feel that I have met some really wonderful people who have shown the greatest of generosity towards in tems of their time and thoughts. It has been mentioned that some of the posters are now looking shabby. Can you tell me where these are so that I can replace them as you never know, Freddie may still be in one of thoses areas. Thanks to those of you who are still keeping up with the site. your kind thoughts are appreciated.   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Come on Freddie - GIVE YOURSELF UP and let that Microchip do it's job... Your Mummy needs you home now   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know that Rachel has been out replacing a lot of posters with new ones, especially in the areas where there have been sightings (unconfirmed - but hopeful). I'm sure she would welcome offers of help with this task from local people - especially in Norland and surrounding areas, and Cragg Vale, Mytholmroyd and areas. The new posters have a new picture and phone number of the little tri-colour collie bitch.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, haven't posted before but I think the posters all around need a freshen up.There will still be lots of people that don't check out this site so won't really pay much attention to the old posters. Maybe a fresh approach may bring him to people's minds again.
I really hope he is found and home safe soon!
Don't give up Rachel!
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well, it's a week late and Freddie still seems to be keeping low. I'm just praying that she is slowly and steadily making her way across country back to her home - it's such difficult terrain that I can easily believe that no-one might have spotted her, and that she is taking some time, especially in the hot weather we have had. Let's hope that some walkers spot her soon and know the number to ring!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have a feeling that Freddie is laying low, keeping cool, in this hot, humid weather. Perhaps when it breaks at the weekend we will get another sighting to work from. Hope so!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie's story is so sad, I keep hoping and praying that she will return to her owners, I keep checking here just hoping to see good news .. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just checking in to Freddie's page - sending good thoughts to everyone involved in the searchLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have returned from a weeks holiday and was hoping to see some news of Freddie when i got back. Freddie and Rachel are  never far from my thoughts. So many people ask about her and if ever a dog was wished to find her way home by so many it is Freddie.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Rachel....So sorry that Freddie is still out and about. Everyday we think about her and you of course...lots of people ask about her reguarly and I have people across the whole area from Wakefield to Halifax who are aware that she is still on the run. It's understandable that you must feel really despondant but lets keep hoping. If ever a dog was wished home it's Freddie. I'm still at home on one leg but if I can help at all with anything..even if it's just for a chat let me know and I know that I can speak for Tracey as well when I say that. Take Care. Mags xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No further sightings but still spending time walking in areas she may be in. I know people are still thinking of Freddie. Today someone in Norland spoke with me and said that people in the area are still talking about Freddie and looking when they are out with their own dogs and have had a number of calls from people just asking if there is any news. As time is getting on, it is getting harder to think that she will ever come home but I cannot forget about her or put her out of my mind. Not sure if this will get any easier. I have also changed my mobile number. Many of the posters which are still up have this number on them but not all. The land line is still the same buit this has never recieved many calls. Could I ask that if anyone sees any of the old posters, they let me know and I will update them. Thanks to weveryone who is still thinking of Freddie.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
back again form a holiday. thinking of you Rachel. If i can help from wakefield, I will! Do you want any extra walkers in your area? keep going, you have he strength to do it!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
So many people know about  Freddie and ask me if she has been found yet. I am hoping that one day very soon I will be able to say YES !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie Freddie where are you Really want to see you in the blue Everyone wishing you are home soon Darling show yourself please dont hide Dont be frightened we are all on your side I wish I lived closer to help your mum look for you End of the day praying for your safe return is all I can do Freddie darling stay safe until you are found xxxxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have emailed Freddie's poster along with a plea for help to Nigel Hirst who is the Golf Pro at Dewsbury golf club and also asked him to make the Green keepers aware as they would be most likley to see Freddie as they start work at first light. Hoping that she will give herself up very soon. Take care Rachel.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Don't get down Rachel - we are all here to help so just let us do some of the walking when you're feeling a bit low. I also went to Whitley today (nice lunch at Charlotte's after the dentist) I believe that someone I used to know, who lives in Croft House Farm that backs on to the golf course, has a dog very like the one spotted, though she wasn't in when I called and I'd be surprised if it had roamed at all - but might have been a little distance from the owner when being walked?? and spotted then?? My instincts tell me that the Mill Bank spotting is more likely to be Freddie - but it is only instinctive I'm afraid. However, if you do hear any more, let me know as I can get over there quite quickily if need be. BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went round Whitley yesterday, wlking areas which we have ddone previously but nothing ,which is really what I expected. This obviously leaves me confused as the sightings in Mill Bank were appeared very similar to Freddie also. In both cases the descriptions are very good. At the end of the day, wherever Freddie she, getting home is really up to her, as no one has actually been able so far to catch her. Many generous people have put a vast amount of effort into searching for her but have not seen her. I will keep responding to sightings and will keep walking the moorlands in the hope that she will return. Beyond this I don't think I, or anyone, can do any more. Will keep you updated of anything else.   Thanks  Rachel  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Angus, I think Rachel means Mirfield Golf Course, off Sands Lane in Mirfield, and stretching up the hill towards Upper Whitley. I'll be going through Whitley on my way home from the dentist (cringe) tomorrow so might have a brief tour around then, and possibly a coffee at Charlotte's.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is the golf course that runs between Mirfield, Thornhill and Whitley (I think it is Dewsbury Golf Club, based at Sands Lane, Mirfield).  Freddie was seen around that area quite a lot a couple of months ago before moving on to Dalton.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Team Freddie, which golf course is it - I will try to speak to the golf pro in the morningLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been to the market today and found the person who caught the BC on Saturday. It was not Freddie but another dog who had gone missing that morning. He had contacted the RSPCA who told him about the owners and the dog was then returned to them. Also last night we had a  number of calls about a BC at Whitley again. A man almost caught the dog and contacted me. Dog seemed similar in appearance to Freddie. and was thin and looked as if it had been living rough for some time.. Searching went on until about 9.30. Had a further call this morning fabout a sighting in the same area. We are about to go out to the area now. Thanks for offers of help yet again. I would really appreciate it if people could still look in the woodlands around Scopley Lane, golf course etc. Many thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Every time i go away for the weekend there has been a flurry of excitement & sightings about Freddie! Maybe i should go away more frequently??? I so hope it is her. Oh wouldn't  it be just wonderful if it was!!!! Keeping fingers, toes & everything crossable, FIRMLY CROSSED!!!! I'm praying like crazy for her safe & swft return. Keep your chin up Rachel. Me and all my furries are thinking of you! xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
You have probably already done this but make sure there are loads of posters in the Market areas, hopefully someone will see them and contact you to say where the dog was taken - also pester the police to make sure they check any kennels they may have in case someone has put a dog in them and not told anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I so hope you have Freddie home soon xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm available to help tomorrow, Thursady or Friday Rachel - just let me know what you would like me to do. BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Hopefully you will have news soon, however I'm over in Bradford and am free Wednesday if you need any help with checking kennels / markets. x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Is it possible to try and contact the market worker who took the dog to the police station?   If that’s what he did.  Don’t know the area at all but markets usually go from town to town same days each week, and many market stalls appear at all the markets.   Local Council Offices may be able to tell you where the market is tomorrow, for instance, and you may be able to make contact and see if anyone knows anything more.   Good luck!  and please let it be Freddie xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had no joy yet in founding out where this dog was taken. Have been to Marina Kennels and also contacted Fleet. These are the two most likely to be used. Been in touch with Calderdale dog warden and he is also following this up. The local police station in the area where the dog was caught is no longer manned, but checked with Halifax which is the main office and they say no one has brought a dog in to them and if they had done, they would have been asked to contact the council. Also contacted Bradford dog wardens and Wakefield but nothing. Rachdale wardens are also aware of Freddie. Will keep trying other kennels. Any other suggestions.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fingers and toes crossed x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
lets hope that it is freddie,will be watching and waiting like many others xx  mfrance
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I have alerted Rachel to the posting re the dog found at Sowerby Bridge and she is following this up now ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Dear Doglost
                           I heard a dog was found on Saturday Morning,
close to the market in Sowerby Bridge. It was running round in the road, so
a market worker caught it and took it to Police station.
It sounded similar to Freddie ID 12961
I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, hopefully the microchip will reveal
Good luck
e mail from a helper:  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Still checking on Freddie's page.  I so hope these sightings are Freddie -  xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
debbie 63
been keeping a check on your story so hoping freddie will b in the blue very very soon, i do hope you find her real soon, im 2 far away 2 keep a look out but wishing you all the luck in the world 2 get your girl back, xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Mill Bank is between Triangle and Ripponden, just off the Rochdale Road.  There are a couple of small woods and a few farms (according to the O/S map).
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Saw the man who contacted me about the sightings yesterday. He has also been talking to local dog walkers asking them to keep a look out and he is continuing to do so himself. He has previously lost one of his own dogs for 27 days before getting him back and has been really understanding. We will continue to look and this weekend will be walking from Mill Bank to Cragg Vale. Mill Bank is a small hamlet which is near to Triangle and about a half a mile higher up from the main road.  From Mill Bank, a direct walk would be 5miles to home but about 2/3 miles to Cragg Vale.  Not getting my hope but will keep at it. Forgot to mention that on Wednesday, also had  a call about a sighting in Birkby area  This was at teatime. Checked this out also. This dog has been seen about four times over a number of weeks and always at tea times. One person who saw it said it was a collie cross but will continue to check this one also. Will let you know how things go. Thanks Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Hi Rachel, I look on the site everyday to check on Freddie, I do hope that his latest sighting is her and she is still making her way home, if we can be of any help let us know although I think it is probably the local dog walkers who know the area that are going to spot her, thinking of you and Freddie,  Liz Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday rachel,the little minx will be home,she is a very clever little girl and doing things her way,look after yourself and be ready for her home coming
xx mfrance
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Where is Mill Bank please?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had  phone calls last night of posible sightings in Shelley area where a dog had been found. This is being checked on. Also someone thinks they have seen a dog like Freddie in Mill Bank. He saw the dog yesterday morning and last Sunday morning. Mill Bank is in area of the last sighting  few weeks ago. Said the dog looked thin and unkept Only saw the dog from the side but noticed brown back legs and dark body. Now trying to establish if there are any other dogs in the area who may have been out on either of these mornings.Not holding my breath about anything, but will keep looking. Have also been back to the services and will keep doing so as she may well still be in that area.We have not had any information from other areas for many weeks now, but anything is worth trying so we will keep at it. All we can really do now is go walking in the areas where she may be. I am very grateful to those of you who are also walking your own dogs looking for Freddie. The man who thinks he may have seen her at Mill Bank was walking his own spaniel on both occasions he was the dog, so I guess it is worth it. Thanks again for the continued support.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
My previous post got duplicated somehow, I've managed to delete one, but I also meant to say, would it be worth postering the service area, and speaking to the staff.   Keep your pecker up Rachel, she's out there somewhere, COME ON FREDDIE XX
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I walk my dogs above Cragg Vale/Ripponden most days so always keeping a look out. Fingers crossed.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The moorland is very beautiful, but also very bleak.It is easy to lose your way up there, but still hoping that Freddie will get home.Just not sure how long that will take. I'm not on the sight so much at the moment as there is not really anything to say. Time has not, so far, made things any easier and Freddie is always in our thoughts. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Millie's Mum
I also had to check Freddie's page. I was really hopeing that she would by now have been reunited. Freddie will be home soon, meanwhile just keep the faith.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I don't usually comment on Freddie's page, but look in on it at regular intervals.  The thought of you being out on you own for so long is so sad, come on Freddie you can make it.  King Regards JulieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've just spent a (wet) morning driving around the beautiful countryside of Todmorden and Cragg Vale. However, the beauty is caused by a very difficult terrain for a tired and hungry little collie to cross - deep wooded ravines; high, steep hills; open moorland with miles of well maintained sheep fencing that a dog could not get through but would have to go around......no wonder it is taking Freddie some time to get home! Hope the journey's end is within sight for our plucky little lass!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was so hoping that when I logged on again Freddie would be home. Keep up the good work you will be rewarded I am sure of it with Freddie back where she belongs HOME. Come on Freddie time to get yourself home darling Stay safe now xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
thinking of you and wishing Freddie home. I admire your tenacity and commitment to  her. Good luck from wakefield and from RaoulLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Yes, Will can bark on command so we can try this on our walks. No further updates I'm afraid. Will keep in touch if there is any change and we will keep our eyes open for the little Jack Russell. Thanks to everyone for such kind thoughts.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi rachel, I'm back in the area again for a few days, so if I can help please let me know. Does Willow bark on command? f so, get her to do this when you are out as her bark will carry further than your voices, and freddie will, hopefully, recognise it and make towards it. Just an idea. BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Thinking of you and Freddie all the time, hoping each time we log on we will see Freddie in the Blue column.  Freddie is  still in the minds of so many people who are, like us, hoping and praying she will be home safe and sound soon. XX Chris and Ken
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I know Rachel wont mind me posting this on Freddies thread. Can any of Freddies gang of helpers in the Huddersfield area please keep a look out for  a male Jack Russell that went missing in Bradley Woods 6 days ago. His ID no is 14094 and at the moment he is at the top on the first page of lost dogs. Thankyou ! Freddie is still never far away from my thoughts and i so hope she makes it home soon xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for the words of encouragement.I really appreciate it. My family are walking the moors regularly now covering the area Freddie might take if the sightings have been her. Will is involved in this also as Freddie is very attached to her. She has developed some very strange habits since Freddie has been away. Will is a dog who hates water and will even walka round puddles. She has now taken to going into flowing rivers, amongst other things, which is something Freddie loved to do whenever she had the chance and is also much more affectionate. Again, she is usually very undemanding. Maybe she misses Freddie too. I just don't know how long this situation will carry on, but its hard to let go of it. Freddie is such a big part of my life. Small dog with a big presence. Again, thanks  Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I drive through Ripponden almost daily and walk round baitings with my dogs, I also walk round withens clough usually once a week so I'll keep an eye open, I've seen some posters in the Ripponden area but I'll take some to Withens next time I go. Hoping you get Freddie home soon xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel do try and keep a positive outlook. You have done so much and worked so hard to try and find this gorgoeus girl. I also know how you have helped other dogs you have come across during your search for Freddie  and you so deserve to have your Freddie home again xx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Provided that we are right and that the dog spotted at Cragg Vale is Freddie (let's hope so!) then the line of least resistance for her now is to go up the valley towards Withins Clough Reservoir, then through the col/gap to Mankinholes, then down one of the vales towards home. If all the spottings have been Freddie, then she does seem to like a direct route, but without the Romans'  determination to go straight whatever the terrain! :)) has anyone postered the reservoir area? bet they have as everyone seems to be on the ball on this one! Stay in touch Rachel! BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Keep thinking positive Rachel, you've been so good at that so far.   I know 14 weeks is a long time, but I've been having a look at the map - not for the first time.   She has had a long way to travel, without regular food we assume, and she will have lost some stamina.   But I feel it's almost too much of a coincidence for all these sightings to be wrong, given that they've been occurring in the right places for her to be following the route home.   The good news is that there's been no bad news, apart from her not turning up yet.   The only other thought I had, and you've probably done this, is to try walking from home with your other dog towards the area she would be coming from, assuming it's her.   If she was around, she would be more likely to respond to your other dog than you (sorry!) - on another thread I read some time ago the missing dog appeared in response to its doggy friends, having run away when it saw a person - its human friend!   Then, after the reconciliation with the dogs, it recognised its owner and all was ok.   I have to be away for a few days from tomorrow, but Freddie will be much on my mind and she'll be the first one I look for on my return.   Good luck Rachel, keep strong and please keep safe, dear Freddie xx           
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just to say you are doing an amazing job, it must be so very hard to always believe that this is or could be Freddie. But if thoughts and wishes prevail it will be and this clever little girl is still slowly on her way home. With all best wishes from Bucks. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts. It seems such a long time know since I last saw Freddie and I do wonder when I will see her again. She is constantly with me but its hard to know what to do now. We have had so many sightings on a direct line. Sightings seem to stop in one place and start in another on this`line but still we do not really have anything concrete to say it is her. My heart wants it to be her but other dogs are around and from my own experience on one quick sighting it is hard to really check all the details of any dog. I had seen Bobby in Flockton a number of times before I really knew what he looked like. I do believe Freddie is out there and it may be her near home, but sometimes a reality check needs to be in place. 14 weeks is a long time to travel home. We have had two others at Sowerby and then heading towards Cragg earlier this week which is about 4 miles away. Not enough of a description to be sure, so lets just see what the next few weeks bring. Tia Rescue have taken a poster as Cragg is where they are based. Will keep you in touch if anything else happens. Take care Rachel.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Was so hoping to see Freddie in the blue after all this time.Stay safe Freddie,time to come home now!!! elsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Rachel, and everyone involved in the search.I think of Freddie every day and check on here. I have taken some of the posters down around Middlestown. Hoping and praying she will turn up on your doorstep very soon. Chrissy  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
back at last,our thoughts have been with little freddie,she certainly is doing things her own way,very clever and street wise,it is just a matter of time before she is home with her love ones
come on freddie,we are all waiting xxx mf
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Freddie is never far from our thoughts. I hope you are well and staying positive. Freddie is such a minx !! We feel certain she will win through in the end !! Stay safe and well Freddie girl. Keep in touch Rachel. Kind Regards Tracey & MagsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
We are on holiday in the New Forest for the next week, but will be thinking of you Rachel in your search for Freddie and hoping when we come back she will be in the blue, we hope that you get some sightings of her soon to put your mind at rest that she is still safe and heading home, best of luck. Liz Bernard & Jarvis  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm away competing in agility this weekend, so hope/expect good news when I return on Monday - PLEASE Freddie!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie certainly seems to want to do things her way, no-one has done more to get her home than the 'Freddie Gang' who are now famous in their own right. I'm sure she will be home soon. Like many others Freddie is never far from our thoughts & fingers crossed that you do get another sighting soon-if only for peace of mind & to confirm which way she is going.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Noticed Freddie's poster and was told about her by lovely lady looking after horses during National Coal Mining Museum visit recently. Having helped searched for several dogs I really hope she is back home with you very soon, as i know patience and perseverence pay off. Thinking of you and wishing very hard for successLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh! It's wet, wet, wet today! Hope it doesn't stop Freddie from continuing her journey home! Just think, little girl, if you keep going you could soon be back in your own house in your own bed, warm, dry and well fed.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The dog on the railway line last week at calder grove, ive been away and someone had been asking if it was freddie. I really hope it wasn't
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sadly the dog on the railway line was a male BC who had been seen for a few days. He had been reported to the wardens,as he would not let anyone too near to him. He was then seen on the line. I reported this to Railtrack as it was impossible for anyone to get his body off. Do not think he was hit, but that he was unwell and died. Thanks for everyones good wishes and support with Freddie. Will keep you updated with any news.   RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
debbie 63
come on freddie, time 2 show yourself again, pls stay safe. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone been in contact with you regarding the border collie found last week at Horbury Bridge railway?
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This area isn't a million miles from where Georgie the Boxer was last seen (Ripponden).  Please keep an eye out for him whilst looking for Freddie.  Really hoping to see Freddie in "the blue" very soon.  Sara
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Do you mean the dog which was found at Calder Grove which is near to the Navigation on the railway or is this a different dog. Thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
If there were to be a party, I think we would hear the celebrations right out here in France.   Come on now Freddie, surely not too much further, then the whole of DogLost will erupt.keep safe darling girl xxx    Still thinking of you Rachel...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm taking down any posters I pass in the Kirkheaton area, including Dalton Bank, People keep asking if it means she has been found, and I have to explain that she seems determined to get home under her own steam......Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I went for a tour around Steep Hill, Lumb, Triangle and Sowerby this evening on my way home from Halifax to Huddersfield, and it was good to see the area so well postered. Well done to everyone responsible.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No further sightings which is what I expected. People in the area are looking and this has revealed that although there are a number of collies in the area, there are not many loose ones. One dog which has turned up twice on the moor is a male collie who has got out a few times as there seems to be a dog in season around and another which got lost for four hours. If she has now crossed the A58, she is in an area which will allow her to travel vertually without being seen. We do not really get anything in  the daytime..mainly after 9ish in the evening or sometimes very early morning so can only wait and see what happens. Thank you Issy's mum, taking posters down in your area would be much appreciated.I am glad of any help in doing this,as they will all have to come down at some point. Will keep in touch if there is any news. Again thank you all.  Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry, think I should have said to Izzy'sdogsam. Reading too quick.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel, in your search for your beloved little Freddie you really have been such an inspiration to us all ! Not a day goes by that i dont think of Freddie. As you say you cant be sure the recent sightings are Freddie but the mention of a blue collar being seen gives me hope that that particular sighting at least was dear Freddie. I so hope she IS finding her way back across the moor to home. Neil ha said he will take down any posters he sees in areas she has not been sighted in for some time. Fingers crossed here that your very special friend will be back with you very soon xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, I really do think she is on that final leg home now - keep an eye out for her in familiar places and of course at home itself. Hope you have some good news for us in a few days - can we have a party so we can all meet this famous young lady please? Best of luck to you, Freddie and the family!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel I've been following Freddie's adventures for weeks now and have had posters in my car, at the dog club and at work.  I live fairly close to Charlotte's Ice Cream Parlour, so if you need posters taking down in the surrounding area, just say the word and I'll be happy to help. So many people are looking out for Freddie and ask if there is any news of her.  We haven't forgotten her, and hope she'll be back home soon. You may have already doen so, but have you been in contact with Tia Greyhound & Lurcher Rescue? (www.tiagreyhounds.org.uk) I believe they are based in the Cragg Vale area and have volunteers who go in to walk their dogs, so they might be worth a try to get the word out in that area. Good luck!  She's out there somewhere and it certainly sounds like she might be trying to trace her way home.  If any dog can do it, a collie can!  Anything I can do to help, just let me know.  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
I can well understand Rachel's need to feel cautious about whether all/some of these sitings are actually Freddie.   Out here near me live two farm border collies, and one, the boy fortunately(!) looks so much like Freddie, I had to look really hard at Freddie's photo and could see so much likeness, even the look in the eyes.   What's good is that some people seem to have identified a blue collar on sitings thought to be Freddie.   So please, let it be you Freddie, and keep safe for the rest of your journey xxx    All our thoughts are with you Rachel, good luck...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Sorry, should read sightings...senior moments...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You so deserve to have Freddie home soon, you have worked so hard to get Freddie back, if only she knew just how much has gone into getting her back home.  Good Luck and Very Best WishesLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No further sightings of Freddie since  Monday. At that time she was at the lower end of the moor which is about 1/4 mile down to the A58. IF she is following a straight line, she will go over the road between Triangle and a place called Sowerby. From here she would follow a route through fields and very small lanes and posibly skirting the end of very bleak moorland. This is all a climb upwards which ever way she goes but from the top she would be able to see Stoodley Pike and from there would know where she was. I live down the other side of the moorland under the pike. She would have to cross the A58 whatever, but I feel that she would do this early morning or late at night. It has areas which are straight which I think she would use. She would then have to cross a further road called Blackstone Edge Road which crosses Cragg Vale and she may do this between the school at the higher end and a pub called the Robin Hood at the lower end. Which ever way would get her to the pike. I have absolut confident that if this dog we are following is Freddie (it still may not be), then her cautious nature and determination will to find solutions will get her through. There have been other dogs cropping up throughout all this, although we have been able to discount then, but I have never seen this dog we are tracking, so it could all be a coincidence/just other dogs floating around. I really want this to be her, but also have to recognise that it may not be. Only time will tell. Its really up to her now. Any sightings now will be very few I think just because of the location but she is with me all the time.Will try to keep everyone up to date.  Thanks to evryone.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nail biting stuff - I do hope that if it is her she continues to be cautious and safe and makes her way ever homeward,fingers crossed in Bucks for youLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This has to be the most gripping novel ever written, only this isn't a novel this is real life. I can well understand Rachel not wanting to build her hopes up too high but although there have been red herrings in the past there have also been far too many border collies fitting Freddies description. I'm sure i speak for many others out there past and present who have helped, not a day goes by when i wonder what Freddie is doing now. The need to want to help or do more and always wondering if what i have done has ever been enough. This is one very clever dog and without a doubt her loyalties lie with her mum. Rachel hang on in there your really are an inspiration to us all. I wish i had an ounce of your courage and strength xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jarvis Cocker
Glad the site is back up and we can follow Freddie's progress, I think about her all the time and lots of people ask me has she been found yet, I tell them she is making her way home and fingers crossed should be there soon. Even our local Vets in Heckmondwyke have her poster in reception and have asked me to keep them up to date with her whereabouts. If you need us to do anything to help Rachel just ring or e mail me. Liz, Bernard & Jarvis  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
Stay safe Freddie, hope you are home soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Still checking for news every day on Freddie - and with fingers crossed xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I strongly suspect that the dog sighted IS Freddie, and that she may well have already crossed the A58 and be on the final leg of her homeward journey. Keep the backdoor open for her Rachel!! This is one very determined and brave little dog.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Watching and waiting with baited breath and everything crossed here in Francebe careful and keep safe Freddie, lovely girl xx
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think she is probably trying to find a way under or over the A58 from Norland/Triangle towards home. Are there any likely safe crossing places? She seems to have been very canny so far to avoid actually crossing the busy A routes and motorways, going under or over them instead. Wish I knew the area better and could help more! BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got everything crossed here for you Rachel xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddy - we continued to think of you every day we were not able to show our support via this site. now we are back and have a wish list of dogs whose return will just seal the success of our comeback, and freddy you are top of it, please come home soon and well done rachel, your effort is inspiringLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Further sighting of a dog which appeared to be similar to Freddie, still on the moor, but at the lower end. This was yesterday daytime. The woman seeing the dog was on a horse but could see that the dog was a BC, black but with a wide white mark  between its eyes, with white around its mouth area and down front and legs. Also noticed that it had a blue collar. Also noticed by a gentleman who let us know last night. Saw the dog around the same time in the same area, but was not able to offer as good a description, but said it was a BC. Will keep you informed of anything else happening.  Thanks  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for update. Are we to assume she is on a direct route home then? Border Collies are amazingly intelligent and resourceful. If so I hope and pray she makes it safely and soon. God luck dear Freddie. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
That should say Good Luck but then again......:-)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, I'm back from Ireland and Scotland and had hoped to hear that Freddie was back home with you - thought about her a lot while I was away. I'm sure you've postered Mytholmroyd and Cragg Vale, as these seem to be the next populated areas that she might venture into. At least she appears to be close to home now, so may be able to cover the last part of her 'trip' quite quickly once she feels she is in more familiar territory. Hope to hear good news very soon now - time to make sure that her favourite foods are in the fridge, I think!! BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been keeping in contact with a number of people since site has been down. This has meant that the work of posting/flyers etc has continued, so thank you to everyone for theri continued support in trying to find Freddie. She has continued to be illlusive and is only being seen late in the evenings, mainly around dusk time. Since the 20th May she has moved from Elland to Stainland and on to Norland which is around 5/6 miles from her home. If the sightings are correct, she has been in this are for around 12 days. This is longer than she has previously stayed anywhere but htis might be because the area is safer and more remote than previous areas she has been in. The sightings have been around farm buildings and the owners have been very supportive.The area has been posted as much as posible. However, she is now in a more remote area and this will continue for the rest of her journey if she keeps travelling along the direct line she appears to be on. I also think, because the area is more open, she is less likely to be seen, but I will keep the site informed of anything happening. Obviously, I cannot be certain this is Freddie but can only hope that it is. The posters have now started to be taken down in other areas where I am certain she is not. If anyone does want to continue with practical help, perhaps helping to take posters down would be good, as I coniunue to get calls from people about all sorts of things, including being offered another collie and a lost spaniel. If anyone is able to do this, please let me know and I can tell you the ares needing doing. Also, the walking is really good around Norland, Triangle and towards Cragg Vale, so a good pace to take your dogs if you still want to do some walking. Good to be able to make contact again. Thanks for staying with it.  RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could Freddie be making her way home I wonder? xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
As Freddie originally went missing about an hour's journey from home, how far would she have travelled to get to where she has hopefully been sighted recently?   It does seem she could be making her way home - how fantastic would that be!   Everything crossed here in France for a safe return, lovely girl...xx  
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Was really hoping to see Freddie in the blues - glad to see doglost running again! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fantastic DogLost is finally back on "air" after a long absence.  Very sad to see Freddie in the Dogs Lost column, was really hoping to see her name in the Dogs Reunited column, hoping this happens in the very near future now DogLost is up and running again.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have been in e-mail contact with Rachel whilst this site has been absent and she has told me of a few possible sightings in Rastrick, Elland and Stainland, thought I don't know if any of these have been confirmed so I think all other areas are still on alert.  Hopefully Rachel will give an update on this board over the weekend.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was really hoping that Freddie would have been captured by now, but good to see that her team are still online and will be able give us an update of the last 3 weeks .Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
So sorry to see Freddie is still missing, is she still being sighted?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bess 'n' Barney's Mum
Still watching, still hoping, please be safe Freddie...
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good to see doglost running again - have been wondering about Freddie x  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi I'm back. from Spain. Hoped to see that freddie was home. Love to you all who have been searching. can I helpLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Only just got back onto dog lost - took a while to find Freddie's thread - she is under south east - is that correct? Will print some new posters tomorrow at work and will head Horbury way on weds. Thinking about Freddie and hoping she's home soon Tracey  Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Just wanted to check log on is working as I have had trouble getting onto the site. Also and more importantly to say hope Freddie is home safely soon xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Ooooh nice to see this place is up and running again! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
is there any news on freddie not heard anything since the site has been down. liana x
Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh no I was so hoping Freddie would have been found when this site came back on. Just kept thinking about her and praying for her safe return. Please Freddie hurry home darling. Stay safe xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm unable to see the latest messages.  I hope we have some good news soon and that this little lady is still safe and well.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
catching up from Spain. I was so hoping that freddie was blue. The team in the area are amazing. Good luck to you all and love to rachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If this weekend is as warm as it has been, and if Freddie is still around Dalton Bank, then there will probably be some youngsters camping there overnight and having a bit of a barbecue. If so, I'll try to get the message to them to keep a watch out and to phone straight away if they spot her. If she's hungry the smell of freshly burned sausages might just attract her..... :))Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, This is my first post, although I have been following with interest. I live in Kirkheaton/Dalton. I keep horses and ride in kirkheaton and lepton areas and work at the Coal Mining Museum. I am out and about in most of the areas that Freddie has been spotted on a daily basis. I have fiends and collegues who ride and walk dogs in these areas also. We are all on the lookout for Freddie. I have posters in my van and in the tackroom window at work. Freddie where are you???Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could not post yesterday as the site was down by the time I got to it. No sightings yesterday but one man did contact me to say that he thinks he saw Freddie last Thursday evening in a field overlooking K/heaton. Dog was stood in the filed, alone, looking lost. Was able to offer a frontal description of the dog which resembled Freddie. Today went out replacing posters where needed and also following up a posible sighting which took place around 11am. Dog running along bottom end of Paul Lane, which is between Lepton and Emley. Could be Freddie, but not certain. Woam tried to get near the dog, but it would not let her. From the description, it definately was not Bobby. Also. had a call around 4.30 today from a woman who thought her brother had Freddie. Said he ws given the dog several weeks ago. Met her and went to see the dog. Whilst is was lovely, it was not Freddie, although she did kindly offer to let me have it. Thought Freddie might be put out by this so I declined the offer. Replaced more posters today, and tomorrow, will be putting out some flyers and walking Will in Higher Hopton area. Friday, I will be doing much the same, with flyers and walking Will. Missed the deadline for the advert in the H/field paper because I was busy following up the first sighting, but will get it in for next week. Kind regards RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
At Rachels suggestion ( she thinks Freddie may be moving back and forth) we have been on a long walk around Whitley Woods and surrounding areas. Sadly no sightings of Freddie. Hoping and praying for good news soon - will keep looking until she is found. Chris Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been back over Dalton Bank this morning then drove over to Bradley woods, which to me seems too far away from the recent sightings but spoke to some dog walkers and put some leaflets up. Hopefully word will spread in that area. I would imagine she will be finding this warm weather tough going and might lie low. My dogs have only been a short walk this morning and they are feeling too warm. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Walked the full Dalton Bank twice this morning - as I do every morning - and all the 'regulars' were very aware that Freddie was/had been in the area - and quite excited to be a part of the Freddie Hunt. If she's still in this area I'm sure there will be a very quick response. Forgot to say, One of the people I spoke to last night on New Hey Road knew all about Freddie from the posters around Waterloo, so sometimes it's not just the locals who read the posters and join in. Best wishes Rachel!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It must seem like a marathon Rachel BUT you have some great helpers and all reporting that people are very aware of Freddie which is fantastic. I am sure you are in the home straight now-or at least Freddie is-keep going and the hard work will pay off :-)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
With the warmer weather Freddie may need to stick closer to wwater more. She may also slow down a little. My dogs are finding the weather a bit hot for them and they sleep more when it is warmer. It will also bring more "good weather dog owners" out as well so should bring more sightings- Sometimes I wish I had dogs that only needed walking in good weather -) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Weather is forecast to be good all week = more people out and about = one Freddie not worried about getting cold & wet = one Freddie going home to a very tired Rachel! This has to be the week surely! :-)))Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are doing a terrific job Rachel, and what a fantastic bunch of people helping you. Stay strong and let's hope that this is the week!! Robina xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. As Tracey says earlier we have been out and about armed with posters and Traceys trusty staple gun! Have emailed the area covered to Rachel on the PM facility but suffice it to say Freddie won't get past the posters if she goes that way without being spotted. We met Rachels lovely little rescue boy when we met to get the posters. What a sweetie he was and clearly very fond of Rachel already! We did see a Tricoloured Border collie on our travels who lived next door to a school we postered. Traceys heart nearly stopped and I nearly fell over but it belonged at a house up a track. It was standing on the wall at it's home. It doesn't wander though so apart from this initial reaction from us we are confident that it would not be confused with Freddie. It didn't have so much white on it's chest and it's ears wern't pointy like Freddies. Its owner took a flyer though, as did some other lovely people who live on the edge of the woodland. Well it feels like we're closing in on her, if we can just get ahead of her between us she'll be home soon. Stay safe little pal. Can't wait to see you home with your Mum. Mags and Tracey XXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Furlover, I too believe the New Hey Road area is the place to look - there are some 'safe' crossing places for the M62 and a large pond afterwards where she can drink. The previous area is very dry. I've just got back from there - waited until it was too dark to see any more, then came home. I have spoken to the people who live in the area and they are all sympathetic and prepared to keep their eyes open for her. If we miss her here, then I believe we should target Greetland, Norland and the area in between next.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks yet again to those who have been out today. I have not done as much today as I had planned, so Tracey and Mags did some of this for me. Got a call early this morning about a dog in High Burton which was thought to be Freddie. It was very tired, mucky and nervous, but eventually they managed to catch him, finding that he had a large chain on his neck. Went over anyway as there are no services at the weekend/bank holidays to deal with stary dogs. Really is a lovely fellow, affectionate, although a little wary. Took him to my vets but he was not chipped. With the help of our Doglost area coordinator, managed to eventually get him over to a rescue center. Tomorrow, I will go back to the area found him in and check if anyone has a missing collie. Found it hard to take him to the centre. Made me think of Freddie all the more and also sorry for this boy. Will keep a check on him. Finished this arounf 5ish and then had a call about a sighting which may have been Freddie. However, when Penny A and I went to see the gentleman and spoke with him further, whilst the amrkimgs were similar, the behaviour of the dog was too friendly and confident. Also photos which we showed him of Freddie did not fully match the dog he had seen. Having said all this, I don't think we should put all our eggs in one basket and assume that the dog we have seen across Leeds Rd is Freddie. Not enough detail other than it is going in the right direction. I have put flyers in doors on Leeds Rd in the area of the sighting and also in the Industrial site across the road. (ICI). and M & T have posted far and wide over the main road. Because there is no certainty, it is still important to continue to cover the areas she has been sighted in previously, so walking dogs and talking to people in those areas is really important. I shall still be walking Will in those areas anyway. Again thanks to everyone for the ideas and the leg work and of course for the continued support. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
well done for trying any way Alien ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Out and about this afternoon. Met Rachel then covered a large area specifically targeted as possible Freddie terrain. Sadly no sighting but the word is most definately out in that area. I already emailed Calender earlier this week but recieved no reply. I therefore followed up with a phone call to the news desk. Unfortunately they have a policy not to cover lost dogs.They also told me Look North have the same kind of policy.I told them Freddie is not just any dog, she's a Very Special Dog and that it would make a great human interest story....one womans search for her beloved dog and how an ever growing number of total strangers had joined in the quest to find Freddie. Sadly they were still not interested !!! Shame on them !!! Had to give it a try though. Stay safe and well Freddie. Tracey and Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Kelly Chud
Can I ask something that may seem very strange to you all even though I havent actively been involved in tracking Freddie PLEASE concentrate around the NEW HEY ROAD AREA . !!!! Helen Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fromrecent sightings, and the speed at which she seems to be moving currently, I have a feeling that she might try to cross the M62 tonight - not literally (I hope!) but via one of the 4 main crossings - Junction 24 or Junction 25 roadways, or, more probably in my opinion, Fixby Road under the motorway or the footpath just above Fixby Road on New Hey Road. I've spoken to householders in the area and they seem very aware of Freddie's Journey. One lady, on Pinfold Lane, stopped my heart for a second when she said 'Oh! I've got her.' Sadly what she meant was that she already had a poster........ I'll try to go back and sit in the area later for a while, but can't honestly do all night :((Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Kelly Chud
Hi to all you people searching for Freddie What a brilliant job you are all doing ! I just wondered if you could get the story on Yorkshire Television - ie local news. It's the sort of thing they might run and to be honest it does remind me slightly of the Tamworth Two ( the two pigs who went on the run after escaping from the abbatoir. Freddie could be the Wakefield 1 It just seems that she is so close so often then does another "runner". If Yorks television ran it it would also alert people in the Yorkshire area to keep an eye out if she moves on into a newer area. It's just a thought but felt I should put it forward anyway. Good Luck and I so hope you get her in "the blue" Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Me, Deb and Bob the dog been out this morning around Dalton Bank everyone we spoke to aware of Freddie. I could'nt find Bradley Woods area but will go back tomorrow morning and have a drive/walk round.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out for walking for 4 hours with Molly(dog) and husband Dave. We tried to cover areas where Freddie has been sighted. We asked the Scout Camp in Bradley Woods to display a poster ( which they did) and we spoke to a tree surgeon who covers the woods in the area and he took a poster. Everyone was spoke to was aware of Freddie. We called in Dalton Bank Nature Reserve on the way home but no luck. Can help again this week. Chris Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am HD4 and i got a poster right at the beginning, don't know if the rest of the HD helpers did. Keep up the good work, football gala today otherwise we woudl have been walking Bradley woods way too. Will txt You Rachel when I can help so you can tell me where to go. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bet I can imagine the thoughts flying through your head when Tess disappeared out of site (phew!) smokenfluff or should I say antsinyapants? lol Seems you, Charlie and the dogs all had a good day and hopefully one of the fliers you gave out could be the one that makes a difference.. . . . Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Thanks Pam!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out since about 8.30am this morning. To start with it was quite damp, misty and wet. As the day wore on however it soon brightened up and the layers came off. Me, Charlie and the dogs have walked miles and miles and miles! I'm not kidding either. I think Tess's highlight of the day was chasing a black cat along a bridleway. Scared the living daylights out of me when she turned the corner in hot pursuit and did not return even after i called her! Charlie's highlight of the day was finding a helium balloon stuck high up in the tree which he just could not resist climbing up to get. Tess who is obsessed with anything round thought it would be great fun to chase it while Charlie held on to the ribbon. Whilst admiring the views high up on the hill/mountain at the nature reserve and getting my breath back we we all horrified to discover (including the dogs) we had sat on an ants nest. They were crawling all over us!!! What joy! Handed out quite a few flyers, to dog walkers and the like. Saw a few collies but sadly all with their owners. My highlight of the day...finishing a cold cup of coffee i'd bought earlier on in the day from Mcd's! Rachel i will text or P.M. you when i'm free next. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
gg I have passed your request on to admin x Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
ADMIN: any chance of following Malakai's suggestion of sending out emails to posters in the HD postcode area?? I think that Freddie is currently in the HD2 area but she is on the move so could all HD postcodes be emailed - or is that too many??? Thanks in advance GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know that originally we around the WF2/WF4 areas and beyond were emailed with Freddie's details but now that she has moved such a long way (in doggy miles you multiply by 7!) have helpers in the HD postcodes been alerted? It could help to recruit people up ahead of Freddie and get them postering in advance of her arrival as we always seem to be chasing her... just a thought. What with shows, club events etc. I'm not being much help, but if positive thoughts help, I'm sending bucket loads! Oh and Charlie..... I think you're great too :)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Myself Chris, Husband Dave and Molly the dog are planning a walk this afternoon to incorporate all the recent sighting areas. We drove around Dalton and the surrounding areas yesterday but obviously no luck. If you see a very short woman with bobbed hair, a tall dark haired man and a mainly black collie cross it will be us. Rachel is aware of our plans. If there is anything else we can do which might be of help, please get in touch. Lets hope today is the day. Chris Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
She's moving out of my known area now, so when I ghet home to help I will have to rely on others to direct me. I think we might need more posters in Rastrick - the way she is heading should take her under the M62 rather than across it - thank goodness! There is a corner shop at Fixby on the road past Bradley Crematorium - might be worth a poster there too?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a thought if Freddie is in the Bradley area maybe if she keeps going in a straight line she will make it to the woods near to the Asda. Does anyone live near the Asda?? Would be a good place to put posters either in the car park (trolley bays) or at the petrol station there.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Every night i read the posts to Charlie, it's a bit like a novel or a gripping story to him. When i got to the end of Rachel's post and i turned to look at Charlie, his face was beaming and bright red! I'll give you three guess where we will be going tomorrow! His suggestion not mine!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are all doing SO well and getting closer. Just a bit longer for success. Keep going and I feel sure all the hard work will pay off soon xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Around 12 people out today, some walking and finding areas Freddie could use, others posting and puttinf flyers through hundreds of doors. This has already produced some information today. Someone phoned to say she had seen Freddie at 6.30 last night on a road above Tandem. Her son said it had a blue collar on.This then leads to the area of the later sightings. A man said he saw a dog he thought was Freddie at 8.50 last night slightly further into Dalton and heading in a direction from east to west. Call late morning from a woman who thought she was Freddie across the Leeds Road in a large grassland area. The dog was looking round for food she felt. No people in sight. Call thid evening at 6.45 from someone who saw a dog they thought was Freddie in Bradley Woods. This is further on from Leeds Road. Would be great if this was Freddie, but not enough information to be certain. If it is however, it would indicate that she is moving faster which could be because of the nature of the area. Also, we had not sightings for ten days, time in which she could have been sorting herself out. Who knows! Anyway, will be back out again tomorrow. Have got fresh supplies of posters and flyers, thats to GG, so can meet anyone who needs any. Thanks so much to everyone today. This really has provided lots of information and public response. Special thanks to Charlie, who has been coming out regularly including today. Just had his 14th birthday. so happy birthday and lots of thanks to him. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been a lovely wet soggy but mild day. A bit of a catch 22 situation as it was too warm to wear a coat but without a coat i'd have been drenched! Done loads of flyers and met some very nice helpful people. Been out about 3 hours today and finished all the locations requested by Rachel.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Surely it can only be a matter of time now, you are so close. Katy in Norfolk was reunited today, so lets make it a double celebration for the Collie girls.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have been walking round some of the green areas in Dalton. Everywhere is really well postered. Everyone I spoke to has heard about Freddie. Have put a leaflet in The Black Horse and the pet shop in Dalton.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I feel you are so close now-keep up the good work praying she will be home very soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I feel you are so close now-keep up the good work praying she will be home very soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I feel you are so close now-keep up the good work praying she will be home very soon.-Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Been out this morning. Met Rachel, Penny and Jess and took 100 posters. They are up in the area. Will private email Rachel for exact locations. Come on Freddie girl. Saty safe and come home to your Mum. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
If anybody needs leaflets or posters - I have been keeping Rachel fully stocked so she should have plenty to give out, so contact her :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
FLYERS, FLYERS AND MORE FLYERS through letterboxes. The poster hater can't remove them surely! I don't have many left from yesterday so if anyone is about later this afternoon so i can get some more from you please give me a shout. I'll put our dinner in the slow cooker and see if i can seriously ressurrect my postwoman delivery days! Internet connection still playing up so Rachel or Penny text me if you need a hand.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not sure which woody bit near Waterloo you mean - there are a couple. One is on the left as you go towards Huddersfield, and will take her back up towards Lascelles Hall. The other on the right will take her towards Dalton alongside a beck/tiny stream. If only the dog hater hadn't taken all the posters down in this area!!!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just had a look on google earth for Waterloo Road. i can't believe how close we were today. How does this little girl remain so elusive!!! Ooooh she's such a clever minx!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Penny and Jessica out all, day mainly doing flyers.Also met people to hand out posters/flyers. A wide area has been covered. We all got back home around 6ish. About 6.30 we got four calls all sighting Freddie near to Waterloo Road. Went straight out and were able to get an insight into where she had been from the information recieved from the callers. The sightings all seemed very similar and were able to identify little sticky up ears, white on the feet of back legs and all white on the front. Small collie and thin. All were drivers but one did try to follow her and stayed out some time. Said he will be back out tomorrow. Would seem that she went up Waterloo Road and then went into a 'snicket'. When we checked, this led into a woodland. Inspite of this end of the town being built up, there are lots of grassy woodlands in which she could stay without being noticed. Will be back out in the morning to continue with flyers so I can be contacted on my mobile if needed. Intend walking Will later in the day towards early evening in the area. Thanks to everyone RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out and about in Kirkheaton this pm. Met Penny and Jess to get posters and away we went. Good coverage achieved.,,people very nice and very interested in Freddies plight. We felt confident that if she shows up again in Kirkheaton, the locals will ring Rachel. Everything crossed for good result soon. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Was out from mid-day-ish at Kirkheaton with my son and three crazy dogs! First stop was the chippy along New Road. Same road as the school. Sat outside watching my son eating his chips and curry sauce. With him fully charged for a mission for we headed off towards the nature reserve behind the new houses. It is very high up with fantastic views. It would seem to be a place for mountain bikes and the like. The dogs seemed to like it anyway. There are some wooden steps that head down towards an ICI factory. There is a small wooded area and very steep slopes. We walked along for a few hundred yards and the decided to head back up. Damm i knew i should have had some chips and curry sauce as i was left standing while my son flew back up the hill!!! We must have spent at least two hours walking around the nature reserve. Spoke to a couple of farmers who were really nice and surprised to hear that Freddie had been spotted so near by. When we got back to civilisation we headed back to the chippy which was now closed (boo hoo)!!! Bought some refreshments from a local shop and then delivered some flyers where the houses backed onto the nature reserve. It looks like a relatively new estate. Spoke to quite a few people who again were surprised to learn that Freddie was in the locality just the day before. All very helpful and showed real compassion about her welfare. Stopped off at the ice cream parlour on the way home. It was heaving in there and gridlock on the road outside. Got back home about 5pm. My 3 dogs are now comatose and knocking out the zeds!!!! My internet conection is being a bit silly at the mo it seems to be a hit and miss so Rachel i will text you before the weekend is out to carry on with the Freddie hunt.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone looked around the cricket club and bowling green? If you go further along this lane then there is a way (path) down towards Waterloo and the bottom of Kirkheaton. Alternatively, from here she might cut down the fields and come to the turkey farm at the bottom of the hill. Be aware that one of the people here has lanky tri-collie male that is usually with the owner but sometimes separate - but always fairly close to the buildings in the area. I still think Dalton Bank is a good bet - lots of places to hide too! - and wish I was at home to help. I also wish that when I get home on Monday I won't be needed as Freddie has found her mum by then!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sighting this morning seems good. Julie who made the sighting said that, the dog was small for a collie, dark in colour but had light colouring on it. Legs were white but grubby and that the dogs coat was rufflied as were its feet. She also said it had lanky legs.Feddies front legs are white and lanky as you can see on the picture above. Put up posters in area and also done some flyers and walking with Will. I am not around until later tomorrow as Will is in a competition.Penny A and Jessica, one of my daughters will be out in the morning doing flyers. Some people have already contacted me about what they can do over the weekend. Penny has asked me to say that if anyone wants flyers or posters and to know the areas needing doing, can she be contacted on mobile 07800872292 and she can meet up with you after 11.30am. She will also have details of where might be a good area to walk. Freddie does appear to be heading in the right direction for home, albeit slowly. This area is more built up and perhaps harder for Freddie to move through so getting as many flyers out as posible is really needed here. Thanks for all the support and mesages. Kind Regards RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just wish I was at home to help! Please be aware that if she has gone down through Dalton Bank Nature Reserve she may have crossed the road at the bottom into either the path going to Huddersfield Road (over the old railway line) or into the grounds of the chemical works, or up the hill into Dalton/Rawthorpe - you can see the fields I mean from Dalton Bank. She will be trying to find a way across the canal and the river, as well as across the railway line. Alternatively she may have headed uphill from the school and over the brow into Upper Heaton, then down the fields on either side of the road to Colne Bridge or to the Ha'penny Bridge along from the John Cotton works on the road to Mirfield. Best of luck everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
As this is such a recent sighting it might be worth doing some scenting in the area, also a nice Bar-b-que. Presume you have been told about what to do for both of these scenarios by the DL co-ordinators?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Spoke to Rachel and then spent a couple of hours ing leaflets thru letter boxes. Its very time consuming and i didn't really seem to get that many done, but every little helps i guess. I walked a footpath for about 30 mins along near the fields, gave out a few leaflets to dog walkers. Unfortunately i then had to leave due to a prior appointment.Come on Freddie !! Say safe and well. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are all doing so well. I saw the amount of posts on the front page and had to check in again to catch up. Owner if you want inspiration that your Freddie will come home go and search Merlin KT22 from the SE. I'm sure with all of you postering like mad and searching he will be caught soon. Good luck everyone. Sue xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel, After speaking this afternoon,walked round Dalton Nature Reserve and met a few peolple who were walking their dogs. They were all aware of missing Freddie. I gave one lady your phone number as she walks the area daily. Met more people on various footpaths on the out skirts of Kirkheaton, and again they knew about Freddie. Drove round the area for a couple of hours. Found various vantage points to scan with binoculars. Drove to Upper Hopton and Whitely, but again no sightings. You have all done such a fantastic job with the postering - everyone I spoke to knew about Freddie! It was so strange being on the ground instead of looking from a great height on Google Earth!! Robina xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Poster updated to include latest sighting !!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
the latest sighting today at KIRKHEATON is very promising and means Freddie has moved nearer to home ! Come on Freddie its time to let your Mum find you xx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can't believe it! I leave home (Kirkheaton) at 9.30am to visit my parents in the Midlands - and Freddie is sighted 10 minutes later about 100 yards from my home. If only I had been there! Dalton bank would be my best bet for her - best of luck to everyoen looking for her!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Found tri-colour bitch on Petsearch Found on Petsearch (no picture) 1036 30.04.08 Swadlincote South Derbyshire Collie Cross Female. Long coat. Tri colour. Wearing a tartan collar. Contact Burton Petsearch 01283 535622. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Really hope today is the day, come on Freddie xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Goodness gracious me! What have i missed!!!! Phone has been down for days, no internet access! GGGRRRR!!!!! Finaly get on line and there are so many posts to catch up on! I can't help but wonder if the person with a grudge over Freddie posters is the same person i happened to bump into a while back. Ah well their loss will be our gain when Freeddie comes home because they won't be invited to the doggie tea party! Come on baby girl. Tess, Molly & Penny are dribbling over these sausages now! Get your skates on and go home to your mum. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on FREDDIE SHOW YOURSELF AGAIN AND COME ON HOME SWEET HEART X X XLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hoping and praying for you........:-)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Great news - am at work at mo - but everything is crossed. Come on Freddie its time to come home! Tracey Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Great news! I will put another message on the Kirklees Council staff message board and e-mail the dog wardens when I get back to work. Hope you catch up with her soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Brilliant!! This is good timing for us all to go looking/postering over the bank holiday weekend :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sally Nicholson-Fisher
my stomach is churning with anticipation. I hope she's blue soon! good luckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Everything X'd!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
SIGHTING - I've just got off the phone to mum and she is pretty convinced that the sighting Penny A mentioned earlier is definately Freddie! What a relief after what seems like an age. She was spotted about an hour ago in Kirkheaton. The woman who saw her described Freddie well and said that she looked quite thin but that she saw a tag on her - always a good sign in my opinion. Mum is there now and Penny A is also on route, any other help in the area would be greatly appreciated. The place where she was spotted, near the achool, backs onto the surrounding moorland where Freddie has previously been sighted so this could make sense. I'll post with any more information as and when I get it. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I would just like to add that I agree with mum too. All our energy needs to be focused on finding Freddie and not getting angry with someone we neither know or can do anything about. The important thing is to follow mum's wishes and always keep in mind that getting Freddie home safe is her number one priority. Of course any posters taken down will be replaced and it is important for the complainer to remember that mum's resilience will never be broken. Thank you so much for all your support and love. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
From Penny A. Rachel has just had a phone call about a possible sighting near the school in Kirkheaton (Ryedale Street). She has gone to check this out.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I informed Rachel of a possible sighting of Freddie and have sent her the details on PM in order for her to decide if it could be Freddie. Have also emailed the person who made the sighting to ask for further clarification on the sighting. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was going to ignore that nasty person but have decided to send this quote as many dog lovers will know it and it has just been posted on "Creagans" site (West Highland White). If you do not feel something after reading it then there is no hope..."He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart".Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out and about tonight...spoken with Rachel so she knows where we have been. Suggest everyone contacts Rachel when they set out to help.This way she can ensure as wide a coverage as possible without people who may not understand our passion to find Freddie being undermined. We WILL find her if we stick together and coordinate our approach. Stay Safe Freddie girl. Mags & Traceyxx and a little woof of encouragement from Rufus, Polly, Jake & Ellie xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I couldn't believe what I was reading. Obviously not a dog owner and never had the love of a dog. You do have to feel for them as they will never know what we as dog lovers have had from owning a pet. Come on Freddie show yourself theres a good girl. Your Mum is waiting for you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostXenas Mum - Area Volunteer, Norfolk
We sufferred a coucil removing hundreds of posters within hours of them being put up and threats of being taken to court for flyposting. If your problem increases try asking churches to hand out flyers to their flock on Sunday most will also say a prayer for Freddie and I believe there is a special power when lots of people are thinking the same thing - I am not religious as such but it seemed so strange when Yiftaki (missing for 6 months) gave himself up just a few days after I targetted all the churches in our area - he wasn't even there but many miles away! Freddie is Micro-chipped and so SHE WILL BE FOUND! Come on Freddie now would be a good time :)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well said Lilyloo. E-mailing this person is a waste of time. I do hope that you find Freddie very soon. Good Luck to all the "Freddie Hunters" you are all doing a wonderful job, if I lived nearer I would join you.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Possible sighting a day or so ago has been e mailed to admin and forwarded to Jumanji to look into.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
FREDDIE IS OUR TARGET. Lets stay on course and not get distracted. Its Freddie thats important in all this. LETS FIND FREDDIE !! I for one will be out tonight placing more posters in strategic appropriate places. Any news on Freddie today ?? Come on Freddie girl. Stay safe and well. Tracey x I think Mags will be out as well tonight.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i agree,anger is no good to nobody,you will always fnd someone who does not agree,we are all here to find freddie,lets put out thoughts and energy to good use,it is a free country every one is entitle to their opinion,you guys are doing a wonderful job,am new to doglost and am simply amazed at the level of support that you people give to each other,carry on doing what you are doing to bring freddie home safe where she belongs,no matter what other people do ,thinks or say take care all of you and stay safexx mfranceLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a few people contact me about this today, so had to find a PC to express my thoughts. It seems to me that the frustration expressed by this person has little to do with Freddie, but perhaps more to do with their own emotional fragility. This person needs our compassion not our anger because of the reason they need to lash out in this way. We don't know anything about their experience of the world. I would ask that people don't respond to the email, let it go and lets continue to put our energy into getting Freddie home. The posters will of course go back up in appropriate places, not council property such as public lighting etc. My feeling is always that diplomacy is stronger than force and that calmness is is louder that rage. Doglost is an amazing organisation and we should do nothing that might damage its integrity. Everyone has been truly wonderful about Freddie. Please continue to help her. Thank you RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just ignore this man/woman, he/she obviously has no compassion & nothing better to do with his/her time. You are all doing such a great job so dont let him/her stop you. I just wish I could get over there to help in the search. Logging on every day & keeping my fingers & toes crossed for Freddies safe return, any day soon you will be on that reunited page Freddie. Come on Freddie, you will be amazed by the amount of new friends you have made xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh dear! I've just got back from putting up a load more posters and seen this thread. I thought it was the gusty wind that had torn off the old posters...there are a lot of them, so I suppose s/he might be getting sick of seeing the same picture and message. BUT as soon as Freddie is back, I promise I will remove all the posters I have put up - honest. And as she has been seen so recently in this area, it could end very soon if as many people as possible are aware and have a number to phone.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
At Doglost, we have received only a handful of complaints about posters, if they are justified (and some are) we immediately advise the owners and helpers on careful postering. Some people are passionate about their areas re litter etc. However, when someone normally complains they put their name to it and do not hide behind an anon email address and a pseudonym! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
May be it would be wise to pm about future plans for posters etc since no doubt this sad person gets his/her kicks out of upsetting people who actually volunteer and willingly give help to others. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
May be it would be wise to pm about future plans for posters etc since no doubt this sad person gets his/her kicks out of upsetting people who actually volunteer and willingly give help to others. Come on FREDDIELast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
May be it would be wise to pm about future plans for posters etc since no doubt this sad person gets his/her kicks out of upsetting people who actually volunteer and willingly give help to others. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry keep saying HE but who knows who this person is and what !!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
GEEKY GIRL AGREE WITH YOU ! We should not waste our time sending him emails but he should be explained to in a polite manner which he didn't use !!! But any normal person can see we are trying to do a good thing on here and he should understand, but he does not so by emailing him will do no good at all ! but like i said i am sure the user checks this site so he will see what we are doing for freddie, and he has no compasion for the owners and their dogs !! so let the user have their say and we will carry on what we on here do best ! So more posters and when they are taken down there will be more !! Stay safe Freddie x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Angry Lepton ::: Well where do you start ! We all have dogs on here and i would like to say that responsible dog owners pick up their mess and also their litter !!! Who do you think you are having ago at doglost we try to reunite dogs and are doing a great thing on here ! Makes me wonder if this is all a farce and you have freddie or someone you know has him !!! I work for a council and we take the posters down after so it is not litter, if they are left alone which you should do !! You must be very sad to do this to someone who has spent so much time and energy on finding their dog ! You should get a life and spend your time on tackling graffiti and other anti social behaviour and leave these posters alone as they are not doing no harm and will be taken down as soon as FREDDIE is home !!! You want to help with this world well start by doing something productive and not negative as this is not helping ! I am going to email this person and also i have put this on here as i bet he checks on here as he seems to go out of his way to attack doglost and the good they are doing !!! COME ON FREDDIE SHOW YOURSELF !!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I don't think we should be emailing this person at all. It would be best to ignore and spend time searching for Freddie rather than wasting time discussing this person. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and we must appreciate that not everybody likes dogs. However I also don't think the posters should be taken down and disposed of. At the end of the day the owners want Freddie home safely and that's what we're all about. I think the owner should keep up the good work and hopefully Freddie will make a safe return in the not too distant future. Surely a dog off the streets with a few posters around is better than them wandering around aimlessly and scaring the people that don't like dogs. Everyone in the area who has taken the time and effort to search for Freddie - don't give up hope. I truly hope he is home soon and keep up the fantastic work x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Howver much I don't agree with this persons point of view, I don't think that emailing them abusively will work or is right. If anything it may make them go out and search for posters to remove which will make things worse. Please could somebody email them and explain that Freddie is missing and that the owner dearly loves her and really missses her and that we are doing everythign possible to find Freddie and that this process involves putting up posters. If they keep taking the posters down we will need to put them back up which is such a waste our our time and theirs, let alone paper and packets wasting. I think that we have to respect everybodies points of view, I respect that not everybpdy likes dogs. In this way this person should respect our work and efforts by not taking the posters down. maybe we could explain to them that once Freddie is found (which may be quicker if they leave the posters up) then all posters will be removed. I really don't think that by emailing them in a harsh way will work so I think we shoudl stop it, it is not proactive and could lead to a bad name for doglost. Please could somebody email this person in a diplomatic way and explain the situation (I can't as I am at work). Thanks GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i have just emailed this (person)? and told them in no uncertain terms the kind of creature they are , Terry Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If this person doesnt like posters I wonder how they would feel about a megaphone to broadcast the fact that Freddie is missingLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sally Nicholson-Fisher
don't waste your time responding to the sad w*nker. just keep posteringLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Could this person just have politely asked that when Freddie is found please can someone take the posters down ??????????? I am sure people would be more than happy to do this. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Ooooo I had better not say what I am thinking. May get a serious telling off. Shame that this heartless person cannot use their time properly and help find this dog instead of hindering those who are trying. I hope one day they need help and no one is there for them!!!! My mind is working overtime on things I would like to do now!!! Ignore them you guys searching, they are not worthy of replies.. In fact if it was my dog I would contact the local press and let everyone know they have a Victor Meldrew around the area!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well, I have emailed this horrible person - nothing nasty, but hoping to shame 'him' a little. Come on Freddie, be seen! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi It never ceases to amaze me !! there are some lovely lovely people out there and then u get the likes of this person. What a miserable miserable person. How very sad of you to remove the posters. Rachel and her helpers have worked extremely hard in search of Freddie and you really should be ashamed of yourself !!!! very sad of u, very very sad !!!!! Shameful in fact !!!! TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What a very sad person, who has probably never lost any one that they love dearly, I sincerely hope that we all ignore this horrible person and continue in the search for our beloved Freddie who needs everyones help to get home. I am a believer in what goes around comes around and if this person ever needs help - they wont get it....Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
Email received at HQ with a complaint about Freddies posters......I wont bother responding personally, I will just leave it to you lovely people. QUOTE From: Angry Lepton [mailto:antiposterlepton@yahoo.com] Sent: Thu 5/1/2008 9:56 AM To: admin Subject: Posters ID=12961 It has taken a few days but these poster blighting our area have been ripped down and disposed of. Lepton, Fenay Bridge, Waterloo etc. It is ID=12961 Freddie and if they are put up again down they will come. It's bad enough with all the dog mess around without this other litter. We don't all like dogs. UNQUOTE cough cough Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a thought, although it has probably been arranged, but Flyers could be given out at the local Polling Stations, that would cover alot of people.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went out Monday night, parked at the Kayes arms and walked down the main road - put up a few more posters then walked cross country around the back of the kayes arms. I agree with other posters that as it has been a long time since a sighting we need to poster a wider area, and places where lots of people will see it. This week and weekend I am targetting horsey places, dog clubs, vets and schools at the Holmfirth side of huddersfield - so will do Newsome, Netherton, Honley, Berry Brow, Holmfirth, Farnley Tyas and castle Hill. The more of the public we can make aware the more eyes we will have looking and then when there is a sighting we cna focus in that area. Come on Freddie give us a clue! Tracey Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
As it is bank holiday this weekend - are there any events/gala's in the area that leaflets/posters could be taken to?? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello. Penny A posting as Rachel is out. This morning there was a telephone call from someone who saw a collie in her garden just over a week ago (she only saw a poster today, in Horbury I think). She'd not seen the collie before, nor seen it since. It could have been Freddie from her description.(slender and leggy). This was at Thornhill Edge/Thornhill Junction (at the Whitely end), where the houses overlook the fields towards Briestfield. Ties in with the sighting a week last Monday in the same area. After that I went to Marina, Springfield and Oakenshaw. All aware of Freddie and helpful. Then met Rachel and Brenda for coffee and distribution of posters. Rachel and I then went and put some posters up in Thornhill Edge and flyers through more doors in the same area until the rain got too heavy and we were soaking wet. Rachel is out with a friend (putting posters up in Skelmanthorpe if it's a bit drier). Penny A.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I started phoning all the kennels this morning and when I phoned Marina Penny A was already there checking to see if Freddie had been taken in. She will also be going to Springfield and Oakenshaw. I contacted the other kennels: Fleet, Cliffe, Ponderosa and Whitehall but none of them have Freddie or have any news. They have all promised to keep an eye out for her though. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel, I have asked Keelah our press officer to contact you to see if you need any assistance with press coverage. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I went back to HB two days ago and back to Woolley Edge yesterday. Checked all posters and replaced where needed. Will be putting more up at Thornhill going into Dewsbury. Sent emails with poster to Border Collie Rescue centres and advert will do in H/field paper on Thursday. Still sorting out all papers trying to get a story in about Freddie, but advert will also go into Wakefield paper. Am now starting to up posters in Skelmanthorpe and surrounding areas as this could be a next step from Emley. Meeting a friend tomorrow night and we will asort out posters for areas around Almondbury, but still need more putting out at Penistone and surroundings. At the moment, given the lack of sightings, I feel that all the surrounding areas from Whitely need covering. I am happy to meet anyone who needs posters tomorrow afternoon. A note of caution however. When putting up posters in Kirklees, think they are better put on the wooden telegraph poles or bus stops but not on the concrete lamp posts as I think the council are taking them off. Also they should not be put directly at traffic lights but a little further back. This allows stationary traffic to view them but without distracting any drivers. Thanks to everyone out today yet again. Hope someone sees Freddie soon RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just wondering if someone is still occasionally looking around Horbury Bridge area just in case she has gone back there?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Brenda, it wud be great if u could put up some posters. I think the more posters and leafleting the better just now. If Freddie has moved on a little or even if she is still around the area, people need to know who to ring if they see her and the only way they will is if we have lots and lots of posters. If u give Rachel a call i am sure she wud be happy to meet up with u to give u some posters.Thank u Tracey Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Tracey, I drove around Whitley Willows, Houses Hill, Gawthorpe Green and Lascelles Hall early today and spoke to some people who were out walking dogs. There are some posters there but we could do with more. I'm willing to put them up but my printer isn't working at present so I can't print any to take out. This is another old horse riding area of mine, so I know quite a lot of the tracks and paths that people use and where a poster might be a good reminder. BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on freddie show yourself. Still lots of posters about but think people are looking over them now has its been so long. is there any chance of re doing them? maybe adding a different photo, coloured paper? I know it will be alot more work putting them up but it will bring her to everyones attention again. Good luck and hurry home freddie xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just wondering if it is worth printing posters and flyers on coloured paper now to draw the eye? x good luck xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Given there have been no sightings i feel postering is the best option just now, the more public awareness the better and i think Rachel is right to cover all bases and add to posters in the area as well as broadening the areas she is postering. This however is very time consuming and a few hands on the job will make it easier and quicker. I have been out and about postering this morning. In all i have put up about 50 posters. I started at Dalton went to Fenay bridge, kirkburton, emley, flockton and kirkheaton and here are the roads i posted. Nettleton Rd, Crossley Lane,Albany Rd, Waterloo Rd, Far Dene, Town Gate, Moor Lane, Linfit Lane, Paul Lane, Haigh Lane flockton,Emley crossing, moor top lane, long lane then on to kirkheaton including new lane,bankfield lane, bankfield ave,outside the fish shop and inside post office window, shop lane and school lane where i ran out of posters. Some of the area would benefit from more posters eg kirkheaton as this backs onto fields she may use to move around in. I tried to target area where the most people will see the posters but some of the side streets and footpaths would also benefit from addtional posters. It was a beautiful morning and i did speak to several walkers, all who had seen the posters or knew about Freddie. I gave them small leaflets so they would have the number to hand.I spoke to Rachel as i was leaving but no positive sightings this morning. Fingers crossed she may come out this afternoon as its such a lovely day. Myself and Mags will be out again later in the week.Come on Freddie ....give us a little peak and show yourself !!! U little minx !! Stay safe and well. Tracey x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I have contacted the border collie breed notes person for Our Dogs Newspaper to put an update in as they ran Freddie's story a couple of weeks ago. Are there any similar papers with breed notes??? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent today revisiting areas which have previously been postered, including Woolley service station. Contacted rescue centres, police and Petwatch in case anyone contacts them with information. Walked in Briestfield area spending some time talking with farmers and will continue with this tomorrow. Will also contact Border Collie Rescue centres York, Sheffield, Leeds and Lincolnshire. This is the longest Freddie has not been seen so need to extend range in terms of information so will again spread the posters further, as this has given us so many results previously. Will continue walking in the area however, as she may still be there but keeping a low profile. You never know with a bright, but complex collie like Freddie. Thank you so much for the continued support and encouragement. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Your updated flyers are now available on the info centre xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Smaller posters have been updated and emailed to Yasa they may not be put on the Info Centre until tomorrow now. Good luck. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Details on Poster have been amended to show latest sightings and a request has been made for the small posters to be amendedLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
The Dewsbury Reporter and Mirfield Reporter newspapers cover Dewsbury, Thornhill, Mirfield, Briestfield etc. I tried using their "contact us" page to send them Freddie's story but it was returned as undeliverable. I think their deadline is either Monday or Tuesday for publication on a Friday. News tel no is 01924 468282, classified ads - 01924 469696 and display ads 01924 468282.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent alot of today getting more posters ready/updating each of them etc. ready for tomorrow. Also amaged to put information together to go in the H/field and Wakefield papers which we have emailed over. Will follow this up with phone calls. Putting in an advert with photo of Freddie which should be in paper on Thursday. Thanks Dogloopy for your offer of posting. Perhaps you could put some up in the area you live and surrounding areas. Already done some as far as Farnley. If you need any phone me and I will meet you as I have got quiet alot ready. Also good to know you are back JackiKat. Hope your cat is alright and safe. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
HI...Tracey and I have been out this afternoon. Met Rachel and got some more posters as we had used up most of ours yesterday. It seems to us that posters and leaflets are the way to go until we get another sighting. We put quite a lot more up at Cooper Bridge and then went up through Mirfield adding to the posters there. We went onto a housing estate at Upper Hopton that didn't have any posters and stuck a few on trees and lamposts. Then we went back to the Whitely, Grange Moor area and blitzed the roads around there just incase as Brenda said, Freddie is still in that area. A little boy came up to us and said "do you know that dog has been seen in Whitely"? Bless him..we said keep an eye out for her and tell your friends also. We also bumped into the man who lives at the cream coloured house near to Charlottes...he was out walking his dogs as we were postering the footpaths. He was a bit surprised to learn that we hadn't found Freddie yet. Anyway...lets hope for a sighting soon. It'll give us all a lift especially Rachel. Stay safe Freddie girl. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just got back from a couple of very wet and muddy hours around Whitley, rediscovering the footpaths and bridleways I used many years ago! Unfortunately, no sign of Freddie, though the area is plastered with posters and everyone I spoke to was aware of the search. The local clay pigeon shooters were in the area, so she might have been keeping her head down because of the bangs - and the rain. Hope other people might have more luck than I did. I don't know why but I still feel she is in the Howgate Beck area, moving, ironically, towards Charlotte's ice cream parlour. There, I've stuck my neck out, but I'll be a happy fool if she turns up somewhere else!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. A repeat of my post on 23.04. Is it possible to update the poster and flyers with the sightings on 21.04 in the Whitley/Grange Moor area? Otherwise it looks like Freddie hasn't been spotted since 11.04. Maybe the Netherton sighting could come off the poster now if there isn't enough room for the new info. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Freddie - where are you ! x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm going back up to Whitley to have another look around at about 11/12 today, if anyone wants to join me? BrendaLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
janet-who runs the oakenshawe kennels checked the \kirklees dogs retained by finder for us on Thurs- we found a tri-colour collie bitch- but she was four months old!! I'm awy for a while now,but I would suggest that we keep checking this- you phone the non- emergency police no and ask them to check the retained by finder data base, this is where people have found a dog and kept it safe, they can keep it for 3months,then it beomes theirs. sam the kirklees dog warden to whom i have spoken is also well aware of freddie and will watch all data of found dogs and phone Rachel as soon as she hears anything. Went to Oakenshawe kennels today for theor open ay to find an angel had been before me and stuck a flyer on all the cards- well doneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I noticed this morning that all the posters at Waterloo (bottom of Fenay Bridge area) have been removed from the traffic lights around Morrisons but there were still some in Morrisons car park. This evening we walked the path from Hopton mills up past New Hall farm, along the path about 200 yards past a house with stables where an all black dog came out to join us (very stocky, blue tag on its collar) then we went up the path that comes out opposite the Hare and Hounds. The farm at the end of that track has two dogs that were loose - a black and tan larger dog and a black and white collie, both bigger dogs than Freddie but they didn't leave the farm yard whilst we were there. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi rachel. I live at the Holmfirth side of Huddersfield. I think the wider area we poster, the more likely she is to be spotted and recognised. I am happy to travel to an area that you think needs doing, just let me know where has been done and where needs to be, I will do some Mon/Tue (when I have printed some more off at work - Sssshhhh!). Come on freddie, lets get you home to you Mum. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went out early morning to see if the dog which was seen yesterday morning turned up again. Waited from 7.30 until 9am but nothing doing. Still not certain about the sightings yesterday. Although after checking them out it does not appear to be a farm dog wondering free. It could have been Bobby, but as the dog was out at around 8.45 am then 5pm and them aroung 8ish in the evening, all in the same area, on border of Briestfield/Grange Moor. not sure what to think. What I know of Bobby is that he has a round but does not stay in the same place for most of the day. It is possible that Freddie has moved again and because of this Penny and I have bee posting wider, along with Mags and Tracey. Covered as far as Honley, Bradley Bar etc. Also covered old areas as she may have doubled back as JackiKat has stated. Refreshed old posters and added some others. Tomorrow I will be out walking with Will in the area for the afternoon. No point in doing another stake out until there is a positive sighting, so until then will carry on with posters. If anyone lives in areas where there are posters, I would be very grateful if you could just keep them looking as if we are still looking and replace old ones. Will be trying to get something in Hudderfield and Wakefield papers for the coming weekend. Thanks to everyone out today. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello . Tracey and I have been out this afternoon postering Cooper Bridge. Covered Dalton Road and the Dalton Bank nature reserve, taffic lights at Cooper Bridge itself (all over) Wood Lane at Cooper Bridge, Greenway Cycle path (by heaton Lodge), Bog Green, Spen Valley Greenway, Riverside garage (Art of Iron entrance), Yorkshire water entrance at Cooper Bridge, The old Mill Cooper Bridge and Huddersfield road (Cooper Bridge area. We spoke to Rachel so she knows what area we were in but posted details to avoid duplication of effort. Last night we were in the Grangemoor, Breistfield, Whitely area postering all the back lanes and quite a few footpaths. Liz was with us training her binnoculares on the surrounding fields and hedges and we bumped into a lady called Brenda who had been out looking. It seems postering is a good option just now until we get another definitive sighting of Freddie. Stay safe for your Mum little girl. We'll find you soon. Mags and Tracey xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent this afternoon driving around Whitley, Briestfield, Thornhill, Grange Moor and Horbury. No luck unfortunately. As of yet there have been no sightings today. Rachel and Penny have also been out all day and I'm sure will post on here later with info about how their day went, any plans for tomorrow and where the areas are that mum would like us to concentrate on now. I do know that they have started postering further afield again and have done as far as Kirkburton and Bradley Bar. Hopefully Freddie will show herself again very soon. It's a worry when we hear nothing for a few days like this but we also know that she is proving herself to be very resiliant under what must be tough circumstances. Thanks again to everyone for giving so much of their free time. Also I'll be sure to discuss contacting the police with mum, I had no idea that they had a list of dogs who are kept by the finder. Presumably this is only until the owner is found though? Penny LLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The lady at Oakenshaw knows about Freddie and is on the lookout. She says has anyone asked the police about the list of 'Dogs retained by the finder' . Maybe that would be an idea.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went around Middlestown, Horbury Bridge, Netherton and Midgely also this afternoon just in case that little minx did a U turn again as she has a tendency to do so. JLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I think we should focus on Whitley, Briestfield and up to Grange Moor. All quite close in proximity. Good luck!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Did a couple of circuits around Whitely and Briestfield late morning today. Can I just ask is this the main area we are still looking?. After check the other notes below I think it is. Thanks J xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am going to Oakenshaw today will pass on her poster to owner who is a friend of a friend. I will look at rescue dogs to see if I can see her there.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Plus Oakenshaw Kennels - Oakenshaw Grange, Doncaster Road, Wakefield , WF4 1SD. Tel 01924 863037. This is the new animal sanctuary that some people have also mentioned. Penny LLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Kelly Chud
Hi I just wanted to add Whitehall Dog Rescue on here too tel no 07831 421715 Brian Wheelhouse Address Cave Lane East Ardsley Wakefield . Good LuckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Are these latest sightings in the same area? Are there any stake-outs planned for this weekend? Please could someone PM me if you're not wanting to make it public.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Marina Kennels, Peace Pit, Huddersfield, HD2 Tel 01484 426407. Cliffe Kennels, Barnsley Road, Hoylandswaine, Sheffield S36 Tel 01226 762391. Fleet Kennels, Fleet Lane, Queensbury, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD13 Tel 01274 880408. Ponderosa kennels, Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater, Castleford, WF10 Tel 01977 552303 or 516713, Springfield Boarding Kennels & Cattery, 156 Wakefield Road, Flushdyke, Ossett, Wakefield WF5 Tel 01924 271028. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm away down here in London visiting my folks and i feel like i'm missing out on the Freddie hunt! I will certainly keep an eye on this page. Good luck everyone!xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Five cars out tonight with all strategically positioned. One possible sighting tonight which we are following up. Five other people saw a dog this morning all independently but in the same locality and a further closer sighting at around 5pm today. However we really need to check further if there were any other dogs in the area at the sam time who may have been on the loose. Talked to lots of really nice people this morning who are keeping their eyes open. Everyone of them new about Freddie. The dog mentioned by Pam T is one I have seen at New Hall Farm. It is different to Freddie. Short hair and stocky. Seems to be kept in a closed field near horses. Will be out very early in the morning. Thanks so much to everyone tonight. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Maura. I'll pick up the phone calls whilst you are away. How long will I need to do this for? Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I keep checking the list hoping Freddie has been found. Couldn't make today, hubby wasn't home in time to pick the kids up from school. Hopefully Freddie will be back with her mum this weekend but if not I shall be out again on Monday. Keep going everyone, lets hope tonights the night she is finally reunited with her mum. Fingers crossed here. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I can go to Oakenshawe tomorrow it's only 5 min away, but GG can you e-mail me a sheet of flyers so I can print them- I've used all mine. Contacted all kennels again today no joy. I am away for awhile now so could someone else pick up the kennel phoning for me please. All the numbers are on a post on April 12th. Thanks!! keep going gang. I'd love to meet you all when we have her safe!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a quick update to let everyone know that there have been several possible sightings of Freddie today. Mum and Penny are out now and will be following these up and will post later on tonight with more news. It's a relief to think that Freddie has been seen again after a few days of invisibility .... this is her pattern though of course. Mum and Penny have spent most of today continuing putting flyers through people's doors and generally infilling, replacing posters etc. For those of you who are joining the stakeout tonight - many thanks. For anyone who is interested in helping please contact Rachel on 07903 755050 by about 6.30pm and she'll let you know where to go. I've spoken to her about the open day at Oakenshaw Kennels tomorrow and she also feels that this could be a great place to distribute flyers. If anyone would like to help with this please also contact Rachel tomorrow morning. Many thanks once again. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a quick update to let everyone know that there have been several possible sightings of Freddie today. Mum and Penny are out now and will be following these up and will post later on tonight with more news. It's a relief to think that Freddie has been seen again after a few days of invisibility .... this is her pattern though of course. Mum and Penny have spent most of today continuing putting flyers through people's doors and generally infilling, replacing posters etc. For those of you who are joining the stakeout tonight - many thanks. For anyone who is interested in helping please contact Rachel on 07903 755050 by about 6.30pm and she'll let you know where to go. I've spoken to her about the open day at Oakenshaw Kennels tomorrow and she also feels that this could be a great place to distribute flyers. If anyone would like to help with this please also contact Rachel tomorrow morning. Many thanks once again. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, back after a bit of an absence for one reason and another - missing cats, poorly cars and injured animals. Funny you should mention husbands, mine is the same. He often says "Why would you want to look out for a complete stranger's dog". This is the same husband that takes part in the night-time vigils when he can mind you! I think because one day if this awful thing happened to us, that we would hope too that we would be inundated with offers from lovely people who just simply want to help. Driving to work every morning I keep trying to count all the Freddie posters I see and I lose count when I am in the 20s, traffic lights sometimes take priority and then I lose the number I was on! We will find Freddie one day, it is just a matter of time. J x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Lakeside Animal Sanctuary aka Oakenshaw Kennels at Wakefield are having an open day tomorrow 12-5 with stalls and demos. Would it be worth sending some posters and flyers there to be distributed?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've been there- yesterday 01924 863037- very helpful. janet was so supportive.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
My teenage son is much the same as Smokenfluff's. He is normally non-communicative but is keen to go on Freddie hunts and there isn't a day goes by when he doesn't ask about her. He's usually first to update me on any new sightings too as he keeps visiting this site. My younger two are also keen to hear of any news. As for my husband, he was very negative about this website to start with - "why would complete strangers want to help someone find their lost dog?" But now he's taking detours on his way home from work to visit Freddie sighting places - just in case. This little dog has certainly caught everyones' hearts.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
There is a new animal sanctury not long opened on the Doncaster road (A638) in Wakefield. I can't find their telephone number at the moment but if Freddie is found and there is no room at the inn at one kennel she may well be transported to here. It might be worth investigating.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Me and my son went to Back Lane at about 7.30pm this evening. After about 10 minutes of him fidgeting in the car he suddenly said "Why are we sitting here, we should be out looking for her." So off we go in to the woods just as the sun was setting. It really was lovely and peaceful. If there is one good thing about being a Freddie seeker and that's the quality time i get to spend with my teenage son. if any parent out there knows, trying to fit in with things they want to do in their spare time is tough. But my son absolutley loves going out looking for her. i'm sure he thinks he's on some sort of army survival mission. Tonight we didn't see Freddie, plenty of objects that make you look twice. dark tree stumps, black bin liners and all sorts of other things blowing in the wind! Then we saw the ginormous rabbits or are they hares? Wow they are as big as cats. We talk about all sorts of things while we are out but the same subject comes up every time. What we would do if we saw Freddie now! Truth is, in the cold light of day i'd do one thing but in reality i'd be a bag of nerves. Heart thumping and franticly looking for my mobi to call Rachel. Freddie if you have telepathic powers then it's time to go home to your mum, she is missing you desperately and Tess, Molly & Penny can't wait to meet you and they have a large bag of doggy sausages with your name written all over them.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
At New Hall Farm (entrance to the drive is on Hagg Lane opposite Boathouse Lane, name on the electric gate) there is a dog that is usually loose in the field with the horses and I think this might be a tri-colour collie, but from memory it is bigger and possibly shorter hair than Freddie. It tends to stay in the field immediately to the front left of the farm with the horses, though it does sometimes come down to the front hedge to see walkers or other dogs on the stoney footpath that goes around the back of the houses and mills at Woodbottom. Also, does anyone know if work to the bridleway up to Hagg Wood has started this week? I think the stoney track up from the waterfall into the woods is going to be closed whilst work is carried out - this will hamper access from the bottom end.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It's so encouraging that the public are being so responsive to Freddie's situation. Let's hope that there are more sightings this weekend. Wishing you all the very Best of Luck for the weekend. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No sightings again today. Spent the day putting out flyers, some posters and talking to lots of farmers in the area. Some of them were very kind and phoned other farmers to check what they knew about Freddie. Also checked out other dogs in the area such as farm dogs who may sometimes be on the loose....all useful information in terms of illimination. Walked with Will through woodlands and then met up with GG to just watch. Will be out tomorrow to continue putting out flyers. Thanks to those of you who have been in touch with me about meeting tomorrow night. Going to bed now so good night all. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, I am available Friday evening, will watch Freddie's site to see where people are meeting or will give you a ring if I am unsure. LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I'll join the stakeout tomorow night GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can i make a suggestion although i'm not sure how it can be achieved. Is it all feasible that some pointers could be added to the posters and flyers about what to do should a memeber of the public see Freddie. Most peoples first instict is to call her name, hold out a hand and walk towards her. We as searchers, volunteers or what ever we are called know the drill but joe public does not. Hence, as we have already seen countless times she is frightned off and isn't sighted again for days. If the poster or flyer can't be changed could it not be printed on the back? Just a thought!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi to all the Freddie gang. I'm a little bit concerned for people's safety, as anyone and everyone can see this board. If anyone is going to be out late/alone, it's probably best to keep info off this page and PM the relevant people.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nothing much to report today. No sightings over the past two days, which seems to be Freddies pattern when someone has tried to catch her. Interesting to see where she pops up and if it will be in the same place. JarvisCocker, have put posters down the lane you suggested. Tomorrow I will be staying out until about 5. as I intend taking Will to her class. She at least can have some normality in her life. She has started going back into the house every time I open the car door for her to get in. Will be out all day Friday and will be staying into the evening and sitting around watching. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in joining in and I will give details. Will also be out most of the weekend and will use this time, unless we get a sighting, to put flyers out. Thanks RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've been doing the kennels every couple of days. Will do them all tomorrow again. Didn't know about Oakenshaw so I'll add that to the list. Thaks Hoping for you Rachel. The fine weather may help us - more people dog walking- more sightingsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Just wondered if it is time to update the poster again. I think it would be worthwhile having the sightings in the Whitley/Grange Moor area on the 21/04. Could the Netherton sighting come off the poster now if there isn't enough room for the latest info? Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
If anybody is running out of posters: I gave Rachel quite alot last week so I would be surprised if these have been used up. Otherwise I have some available. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I think someone has been in touch with Marina kennels already but if they can catch Freddie they are better people than the Freddie squad from here - she is doing her best not to be caught at the moment. I put a poster up on the customer notice board at Morrisons and I noticed that posters had been put up on all the telegraph posts and traffic lights at Waterloo.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone contacted Marina Kennels in Huddersfield? This is where she is likely to be taken if found around Fenay Bridge. I have been walking Dalton Bank (near Kirkheaton) and telling the many dog walkers there about her, but there aren't any posters leading into the Nature Reserve itself - and my printer has been on the blink. It might also be worth putting up a poster at Morrisons at Fenay Beck if they will allow it.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for mentioning Oakenshaw Kennels. The telephone number is 01924 863037. I've phoned them just now and as soon as I described Freddie the man on the other end said 'Oh do you mean Freddie'. Apparently one of the men that works there was handed a poster whilst out walking recently so he took it back to the kennels and they have it up on display. They haven't seen Freddie but have promised to keep an eye out for her. They were really nice. Thanks. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone tried Oakenshaw kennels, Wakefield as this is now the place strays are taken? I am going to a fun day on Saturday and will take some posters about Freddie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
When I was postering yesterday I walked down Howroyd Lane on the left below the Woolpack Inn near Ice Cream Parlour, there is a Church, community centre, houses and Farms which back onto the fields and there were no posters up about Freddie, I only had flyers with me so if anybody is postering today it might be a good idea to put some up there . LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good idea GG - I think others have done it in the past, ie: 'camped up' somewhere, once you have an area pinpointed, to actually spend a night out, with the sardines. Mind you, Rachel must be absolutely worn out already! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rufipol: I think this idea might work!!! There have been sightings where the person who has seen her has called Freddie's name and she has advanced towards them. It does show that freddie is still responding to her name and still remembers it - some missing dogs appear to "forget" or not respond to their own name but I think Freddie is brighter than this :-) Sound does travel further on a night so it might be worth a try - just not too close to houses. The only slight problem may be that the area Freddie is in may still be too big for this to be effective so unless there was a sighting in an area very late at night then it might narrow the area where to "yodal". Good suggestion though!!!! I'm sure that Rachel will love the idea of getting up at that time of night :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
this is an edited post from Maura Healy.......................spent a few hours in briestfield and whiteley today, gave more flyers to my friend Judy who lives on briestfield lane. She and Paul have two dogs and know other dog people. Went to whiteley- what alovely place! everyone knew about F but I gave them flyers too. They need to be able to phone Rachel as soon as they see F. Spoke to two children 11 year olds and I gave them posters and they are looking out for her. They know you Rachel and want to help. She is sighted by them on the golf course. She is in an animal friendly place. It's a logical place for her to go from Floxton- safe with food sources and water. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel So sorry that Freddie is still at large. I did have one thought....When we were walking the woods behind Charlottes it was incredibley still and quiet at the weekend. If there is another sighting in this area do you think there would be any mileage in you and one other person (for safety)sitting somewhere in the middle of the patch (perhaps on the golf course) and softly calling Freddie...say about 2-4am when it will be really quiet. I know it would be a bit scary but your voice would carry so much further at night and there would be less distraction and threat to Freddie (I think she might see it that way). It's only a thought but desperate situations sometimes need extreme measures and you have tried so long and hard to find her...it may just work if you had no conversation other than to just call her over and over. Hope you are okay and I will join in the search again as soon as I get the interview out of the way. Take Care and come on Freddie girl..PLEASE come home to your Mum. Mags xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Today i spent a few hours postering, mainly resecuring, replacing or adding to posters in and around the grangemoor roundabout area, down to flockton then back to the roundabout and down to Huddersfield, then back down Liley lane past the Hare and Hounds pub as far as the traffic lights. There are still a couple of loose posters down just through the traffic lights but i could not replace them as i had run out. Maybe someone else might manage to do this if possible please.I also left several postaers with a very nice lady in a local shop. She wanted to take some to her stables.There are some kind and lovely people who are very concerned and who want to help anyway they can. At lunchtime I did meet Rachel for a cuppa at Charlottes.Its good to have a chat and Freddie sounds such a minx. Bless her. What a little character she is !!! Stay safe and well Freddie girl. You are doing a great job Rachel. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No sightings today. A fwe people have phoned from those who have previously seen Freddie, just checking on progress. Feel as if I have got to know some kind hearted people who are searchng for Freddie in a very quiet way. Spent the morning walking with Will and looking for possible areas where she might rest. Found a few posibilities and will continue to check these. In the afternoon, was joined by others, some walking and some posting and putting flyers through doors. Think that whil Freddie is still in this locality, flyers are the thing to focus on. Some people do not notice posters but will respond to a flyer. The best areas to do are those overlooking fields, woods and quiet areas. I do agree with what GG has said.Freddie is nervous of many dogs she does not know and I don't think she will go near someone with a dog, unless it is one she already knows and gets on with. Approaching her needs to be done very softly, soft voice. Looking at any dog who may feel under threat is not a good idea, so eye contact should not be made initially and keeping low rather than towering above her, as this is also less threatening. Whenever she has been chased, she seems to stay away from that place, so observation and trying to establish where she is going is probably the best way of making contact and getting her back. I know this seems to be taking a long time and can be frustrating, but she is in an allien world and has lost the things she relied on for comfort, food and physical contact. Freddie had always been a very tactile girl who loves cuddles and play. At the moment all that security is no longer there, so her reactions will naturally be different. She is not part of any pack, has nothing or no one to back her up when she feels threatened, so her behaviour at the moment is understandable. I really want to get her home, but I realise that it may take some time and the only real things which can be done are getting more people to be aware of her via talking, posting, flyers, quiet walking, and sitting around in cars or otherwise. I spent a good amount of time in Charlottes today, but I had as much chance of seeing her there as I did walking. I know how much everyone really wants to find her and how disappointing it is at the end of the day when there are no sightings. Its to avoid some of this that I focus on the practicalities. Other wise, I would get too low, then how could I help her. Everyone is helping so much and I feel that I have got to know many people who I am beginning to see as friends. I hope all this makes sense. Its my take on it anyway. Thanks RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Am back - unfortunately no sighting. Have put more posters up and called at equestrian places and farms I know round there. Spoken to a few horsey folk and asked them to just ring the number if they spot her rather than trying to catch her. Maura - it is difficult to say where to start looking, I have been round Gawthorpe, Lepton, Hopton, Whitely, Briestfield, Thornhill and everywhere inbetween. It all looks pretty well posted, so I think its just a case of looking for her. I have sat and watched through binoculars, but the area is so vast that you're always thinking that you're in the wrong spot. Come on freddie - give us a clue! TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
is anyone going out this evening? I'd like to do a couple of hours but don't know where to start. Could meet up at the Kaye's Arms if anyone is there at 7ishLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Dogloopy: Great that you can come out and help - all help is appreciated!!! I think that Freddie is a bit unsure of dogs that she does not know so you may not be able to get near to her if you have your dog with you. I have taken my dogs with me soemtimes as they needed a walk but on these occassions I did not go out expecting to catch Freddie only to possibly see her. I am not sure if Freddie has been sighted by anybody who had a dog with them - it might be worth considering that she will run away from any dogs so it might reduce your chances of seeing her if you have a dog with you. If you have the time then I think that to sit still and quite at a point that has really good views (and you have binoculars) then it is worth stopping still. Freddie seems so cunning that if she wants to she can slip right by you without you seeing her. It might be worth contacting Rachel to see where she thinks is the best place for you to go. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks GG - I am going looking at about 4pm and will take your points on board. Do you think she is more likely to come towards someone with a dog or is she more likely to keep away from a strange dog. Am quite happy to go trudging around with my own dog or equally sit in the car watching a tin of sardines. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Wow! That Geeky Girl can go on a bit!!! ..... erm GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I think that all of the suggestions made have been brilliant ideas so I thought that I should add some of my own - sorry if they contradict anybodies ideas but these are my thoughts based on the observations of Freddie that I have seen: 1) playing games & happy noises: I don't think that this would work with freddie as she has gone into survival mode so she is not interested in playing. If she was then I think she would have been spotted near playing fields and near to people but so far she seems to be avoiding people as much as possible. 2) BBQ's: As Freddie appears to be avoiding people then I doubt that the smell of food alone would bring Freddie in as she appears to be gathering her own food. Also, BBQ's tend to be quite social and noisy so may frighten her away (well my BBQ's get quite rowdy!!) so unless you are going to have a single person at a BBQ sitting still and quiet which may work then I would avoid this idea - until the party to celebrate her return!!!. 3) Leaving food out: as rachel has said - by all means take food out with you as the smell may draw her towards you. When going out looking I often sit in my car and watch a tin of sardines (as you all know!) in the hope that she might smell it and come for a takeaway. If you do this then take the food with you when you leave. I don't think that we should be leaving food around in various places as Rachel is trying to focus food on key areas to draw Freddie to these so if everybody leaves food around it migth make Freddie keep moving aroudn the area to find the food and so we won't be able to work out her pattern of movements. If only one feeding area is established then this will help with trapping 4) traps: to be able to use a trap we need to know definate places that Freddie visits. To do this we need to set up a feeding area i.e. one place that freddie visits to feed. We are not currently at this stage as she keeps moving around. 5) What to do when you see Freddie: previous sightings have indicated that Freddie will move towards people but not too close. Also, previosly people have either moved towards her or put an arm out which has made her run away. If you see Freddie don't move towards her at all, not even an arm, stay still, sit down, keep calm, give her food carefully without scaring her away. This process may take several hours so always be prepared to sit on a cold floor and get a numb bum!!!. 6) Sitting in a car is useful. Freddie has been seen by the roads and does ignore cars so it has been proven to work. i know that it is boring and does not feel like you are doing much but by sitting in an area with a good view and keeping quiet can be really useful (and you get to see all sorts of interesting things going on - especially at night!!). I hope that you find these suggestions useful. I am not an expert at all so please contradict me if you think I am wrong in any way :-) I think that we all agree that we are all trying our very hardest to get this little girlie home. Thanks and I hope to see you all around some time as I feel liek I am getting to know quite a few of you (even if you do think I am a bit weird :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
beardies in need
Why not try a Bar B Q and trap ?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could this be the Day! The Best of Luck from all of us in Spain.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Dog Loopy, I am available to search this afternoon for a couple of hours, I will have to bring my dog as I work in a morning and he will need a walk, if you like I could meet you at 2 at Charlottes Ice Cream Parlour, Whitley then we could give Rachel a ring and if there have been any sightings of Freddie today we could search in that area if not we could just roam the woods, I have a maroon Fiesta and a Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel, if you want to meet just post as I keep checking the site from work. LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent the early morning looking for places which Freddie might stay in and walking with Will at the same time. Later in the day had calls about a few sightings of Freddie today. Two early afternoon when she was seen in a garden. The woman notices her whilst driving, but stopped, went over to her and called her name. Initially she looked and moved forward slightly. As the woman began to move toward her, she moved away. The second sighting was in the same area with Freddie running down a lane very close to the first sighting. Both people described her as small, with white chest but looking very mucky. One saw a collar. Spent time walking the area and seeing where the footpaths near the sighting led. around 4ish while pyutting up some posters in the area, a woman stopped me saying that she had seen Freddie on Friday morning but decided it was not her because the posters seemed to show a black and white dog and the one she was had tan on it. As I was nearing home, had two calls one from a man in a van who had just seen a dog answering Freddies description going under a hedge between the Kaye Arms and Grange Moor R/A. Few minutes later a further call saying similar thing. Both drivers pursued her, along with a woman in a land rover but she had gone. There was a call at home around 8 this morning froma van driver saying he had seen a dog he thought might be Freddie running towards grange Moor from the same road. All these sightings do appear to have connection, in that the afyernoon sightings were in the lower Whitely/Briestfield areas. All these sightings are within a short distance across the fields. Will be out around 5.30 in the morning, but will be returning home at 4pm so am unable to meet anyone tomorrow night. So Dogloopy, I am not able to meet with you but can give you posters/ flyers if you want. Please ring me to talk about this if you still want to help as I am not sure if anyone else is out tomorrow night. I will be out other nightsthis week though. I have read what everyone is saying about how to take this forward and I think there are some good ideas, but I don't think that we have sufficient information to put them into practice yet.Still think we need more definate information about her timetable which may be getting closer. I would prefere to be certain than to jump in too soon. Yes, it is highly likely that by now she has, or is getting, the call of the wild. However, I firmly believe that the connection between Freddie and me is strong and will not be broken. Sooner or later she will be home and I will look as long as it takes. One thing i would like to ask of everyone is that, while it is good to keep some food with you, can this be kept in the event of seeing her. I am trying to establish putting food in one or two places so that she might return to them. this may lead to establishing a routine. Leaving food in too many places will be counter productive, or at least this is what I have been adviced. I am really gratefull for all the help that is being offered in getting Freddie back. The most precious thing which anyone can offer is their time and thier love, which so may of you have done over these weeks. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Rachel I'm back from Belfast and ready to join the search again. I can come out on tuesday afternoon/evening . I've read all the posts- how amazing that you have had such support from such a dedicated group- we all just want this little dog home and safe now. I'll ring you tomorrow unless you post some suggestions for where you need help on the forum and Raoul and I will come to help. She is so near now!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I'm sorry about the typo, I did a rushed message before heading back to work after my lunchbreak. The lady that I saw was really vague about the black dog she had seen and even though I gave her a good description of Freddie and how she compares with my own border collie she was unable to say if the dog she had seen was even a BC or if there was any colour other than black. She wouldn't have been able to give Rachel any more information or I would have asked her to ring. She now has a flyer and a better description so she will look out for Freddie in future. I think she lives in the houses at the top of the hill if you follow the road up from Hopton Mills past the cricket club. In hindsight I suppose I should have got more details from her (must carry a pen in future) but I really didn't feel that this information was enough to contact Rachel about.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out from about 9.15 this morning for a couple of hours with two friends. They went along Back Lane and i chose Mousehole lane. After a few hundred yards of thick ankle deep mud and slipping and sliding everywhere i came to a very hilly or should i say mountainous woodland. Golf course on my right and farm buildings to my left. walked a fair way along and came to nothing. A challenge and a half to get back up the hill. Met some golfers and horseriders handed out some flyers. All very nice polite and helpfull. Then i met a lady who was just finishing teaching her border collie agility in the adjoining field, near to where i left my car. I kindly asked her if she may or may not have seen Freddie and if she would like a flyer and her response was quite rude and abrupt. I carried on trying to be polite and still she was abusive. Telling me how her dog was a champion cup holder in something or other and how obedient she is, despite her dog jumping all over me and trying to get the dog treats from my pocket. I won't furnish you with her nasty, spitefull words but i would certainly air caution should you come across her. I walked away feeling quite upset by what she had said. Biting my lip. I wished now i had of given her an ear-full. I would say she's about 55 - 60 years of age, 5ft-ish tall, driving a white van that had other dogs out of sight in the back. That experience has made me more determined than ever to help out when ever and where ever i can to find Freddie. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi dogloopy Best to ring Rachel as she will know where your help will be best placed. Here's her mobile 07903 755050 . Just another thought i do recall some local people taking about a black dog called George (i think).He seemed well known. His owners allow him to roam about down near the mills. Unfortunately i do not know what breed he is but i'm sure if someone could ask a few locals then they would know all about him. Come on Freddie. Stay safe and well, hope your run in with the golfers has not sent u undercover !!! Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can someone please tell me who to get in touch with to help with search/postering. Will need to collect posters has mine has just packed in printing in colour. Am available Tuesday pm and evening. I live locally (huddersfield) and can travel to wherever is the best area to search - am I better without my own dog or with him. Is there a group of people meeting each day and then splitting up to search? Praying she is found soon. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Ha Ha Geekygirl lol. I think and hope its a typo lol............ PamT I have just spoken to Rachel and can you please be more specific which Mills the the sighting of the black dog was this morning Maybe you could phone Rachel with this info please. I have sent you a pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
PamT: Which woods??? Just so I know to avoid them if that lady is around :-) Hopefully a spelling error :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I've just been for a quick trip to the woods and met a lady who loves up above the mills. She said that she saw a black dog on its own in the fields behind her house this morning but she couldn't be sure that it was Freddie. I gave her a flyer and asked her to let Rachel know ASAP if she saw her again.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks Beardiesin need ! Have noted the number down for reference if and when Rachel needs a trap for Freddie and will pass on details to HO too !!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was just going to say that it might be an idea to stay in one spot and see others have posted the same. Wishing you lots of luck today and hoping that the weather is kinder than it is in the South West! xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You must be so frustrated Rachel, Knowing that she could be just minutes away but you cant quite get your hands on her is the worst feeling ever.I am in agreement about staying in the same spot that she has been seen most. Hopefully when she arrives back to her spot she will have a nice welcome, Mummy & Food! Really hope today is the day for your reunion. Good Luck Rachel & come on Freddie, Mummy is really missing you. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
beardies in need
Not sure if doglost have the 2 traps from Martyn yet. If not we have several about the country now. Think thats the only way you will get her now. Martyns number is 07815131164 hope this helps.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Sitting on edge of seat now. She must so close to being caught. I have to agree with coconuts. Play and laughter are more likely to attract her to you, searching & calling frightens them into hiding. The dogs that we know well and love unfortunately do change and go ferral. They are very clever at concealing themselves. They are extremely resourcful. I would further suggest that you put food down in the area she has had the most sightings. Somewhere quiet and the same time twice daily. Once you know she is coming for it, then would be the time to set a trap up. Does your local dog warden have a trap? Worth asking now. Good luck..Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was wondering the same as Robina about staying in the same spot Rachel, one where she is seen the most often. I think I'd have ago at that but you know her better than we do. It must only be time now until you bump into each other. How frustrating to be minutes away from her. Hope this week's the week. JoyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I?m sat here in Spain desperately trying to think of means and ways in which Freddie can be enticed into the open. I?m posting them on Freddies?s forum in the hope that my thoughts just might help in some way or at least be a help to any pending ideas. Does Freddie love playing ball. Is she responsive to the sound of a whistle (as I am not au fait with Flyball, is a whistle used ? ) Does Freddie do the flyball? If she does, what about finding an open area and playing with Will and trying to replicate the Flyball routine. Better still, if you could get some other Flyball members to join you, making lots of happy and flyball type noises! Possibly making time for a smelly barbecue also. It?s only a maybe, but is the searching for Freddie making her nervous. I would guess by now that one or more of you will have got pretty close to her in the last couple of days. Is the ?being hunted? feeling causing an already nervous and confused Freddie to run from what she may see as imminent danger! So if you were to try as suggested, Freddie , hopefully, would hear the happy and familiar noises, and most importantly, hear noises that in no way indicated pursuit! Would she then approach the area of playing and food, having the knowledge that you were making no attempt to approach her, or in Freddie?s state of mind capture her! Would this calm her mind enough to make her realise that what she could actually hear and see is the Love and the Safety that she has so desperately missed! If this were to be tried, you would probably need a couple of days and to be pretty sure that she is still in the area. Another option may be for Rachel to remain in the area that has had recent sightings, ing one spot, and staying there, allowing Freddie the opportunity to find Rachel ! I?m sure the rest of the ?Freddie Searchers? would take over the poster duties! Love to you all, Robina xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've enlisted the help of two of my dog fanatic friends and we'll be at the ice cream parlour tomorrow at around 9am! We'll have our mobi's, spare lead and pockets full of treats! Rachel i'm not the religious type and no offence to anyone who is but i'm really praying like crazy she's home soon! i can't even begin to imagine the torture you must be going through right now. Freddie is just a whisper away. I won't be bringing the bike as there wont now be enough room in the car with the extra people in it! Try and have a good night sleep & we'll see you tomorow! Take care xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
was out doing conservation work elsewhere in the district today. one of my colleages commented on a freddie poster that she thought she had been found. She's now aware freddie is still missing, and the area she is now in. We were working with a countryside ranger, so he knows now that the posters need to stay up. this wasnt in an area freddie seems to be in now ( was at anglers country park) but the more people aware the better. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
..sorry I meant SHE!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good Luck to all you "Freddie Hunters" - sounds as if he will be found soon. Sorry I can't help, but live too far away (South West).Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What a lovely bunch you sound,hope that in the next day or two you will find Freddie.Good luck you "Freddie Finders"!!!!! Will be logging on every evening after work(maybe at work if I can too) for the news we are waiting for -Freddie home at last! Eln mum to Rusty BLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Intention today was to do some walking with Will and to finish off puttings out flyers. However, got a call saying that Freddie had been seen again running across the golf course. Golfers tried to get her but couldn't. This was aroung 10ish. She had used the golf course to get onto a footpath and down into the woods. Penny A and I spent around over three hours walking in the woods, following lanes and footpaths. in the direction she had headed. Saw a few dogs with owners and other walkers and was able to give out a number of flyers. Some friends from flyball later arrived and also went walking through the woodland and around the golf course. We later went to post more flyers in some of the out of the way places with good views over the hills and fields where Freddie is. Doing this has so many highs and lows and very little of anything that could amount to normality. I am anxious for Freddie and missing her. I know she is a very fit little girl, used to lots of hill walking so this terrain will be easy for her, but what she is experiencing must still be hard. Tomorrow, I will be out early with Will and again walk the area and also look for places she could be hiding in. Will also try to put more flyers out. Not suer how long she may stay where she is so carrying on with this is necessary. The area Smokenstuff is talking about is at the bottom of Back Lane I think near to Willow Woods. It looks like a small farm which has been made into a few dwellings. Thanks to everyone for the hard work which is being put in, walking,doing flyers and posters and all ther moral support. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
COME ON FREDDIE TIME TO COME HOME !! SHOW YOURSELF X XLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
A sense of humor isn't required to be a Freedie seeker but my goodness it helps. I have a flat tyre on my car today so it's a good job i didn't make any plans to come over. Will get it fixed tomorow morning and will come straight through.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh! Silly me! Forgot to mention? Beatrix Potter? and ?Annie get your Sardines? !!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What a day you all had yesterday! It reads like some bizarre script from ?Lassie Come Home? starring the ?Carry On? gang attempting the ? Mission Impossible? in search of the ever elusive ?Scarlet Pimpernel ?, or should I say ?Freddie?! ? We seek him here, we seek him there.....?! You don?t think that she?s desperately trying to escape the smell of sardines?!!! But seriously, you are such a fantastic bunch! This must be such an agonizing time for dear Rachel. Having such wonderful and caring people around her, who give their all in her time of need, must give her such strength and resolve , and ultimately, a very loved and EXTREMELY well known pooch back into her arms! xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
If you look on multimap.co.uk and enter either Hagg Lane, Mirfield or Scopsley Lane, Whitley it will find the area on a map, then you can a Birds Eye View and follow the paths through the woods. The definition is quite good. It might help to locate the cottages . I don't know of any cottages in the middle of the woods but there are houses on Sands Lane, at WoodBottom and some up past the cricket club.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi All. Good luck today. I MUST do some prep fro my impending interview this afternoon, but my heart and what remains of my brain, will be with you all in the woods. Tracey, Liz and I have just done a walk with our doggies and our friend Jeans two. We are all stiff too after yesterday...walking very strangely and plenty of ooo's and ahhh's coming out as we went along!! Come on Freddie girl. Lets have you home and all Freddie hunters take care out there. Mags and Tracey xx P.S It's Liz's birthday today so it'd be a lovely pressie if Freddie was found. Happy Birthday Liz.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
While we were out yesterday smack bang in the middle of the woods we came across a row of cottages or one big house, not sure which. From there, there were about 3 tarmac footpaths leading in all different directions. Soon after ping flyers through the door and we had moved on was when Rachel had a phone call to say that someone living there had seen Freddie. It is that area i'm thinking of taking a bike. Just not sure how to access that area from the main road. It is accessible by car as we saw other cars parked up and another car arriving as we were leaving. I'm sure i've got a ramblers map lurking about upstairs somewhere, i'm going to dig iit out right now. Like everybody else i'm sure and most of all Rachel i've got the Freddie bug too. My brain is working overtime.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We fell foul of the barbed wire too GG and Neil has stiff legs today from that hill lol ! I'm not sure about the bike idea smokenfluff !! Its not the kind of terrain I would care to bike on although its obvious from tracks that other fitter beings can manage it ok ! I know it was enough for me just walking back up that hill lol !! I was'nt aware of the disused swimming pool and this is a potential danger all on the search should be made aware of. In the woods that are below the footpath leading from Scopsley Lane there is a an ancient track made of stone or large cobbles. This stops and to the right of it on a bend appears to be the remains of a dwelling. Just bits of wall left but a definate outline and a couple of broken stone sinks. At the front of this area I found a small slope that goes down to a small opening to maybe an old cellar. It looked the ideal place for a dog to hide and I sent Neil down to investigate lol He said he could see no signs that anything had been there but i could'nt manage to make him crawl inside and I thought he would do anything for me lol ! Good luck to all today ! x Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You lot are brilliant, wish I lived round your way - far more entertaining than anything on the telly! Seriously, looking for news at every opportunity - Smokenfluff - like the idea of a bike, wot about a pair of those boots with wheels under/a skateboard, or a spacehopper !!! x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is there any chance that we could arrange with Freddie that next time she is sighted she chooses a flatter area - my legs and bum are killing today!!! I don't do big hils!!!! :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have been following this avidly from afar and must say this is getting very addictive.What a great bunch of people you are,I hope that Freddie will be in the blue soon and you can all have a party to celebrate-wish i was there!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
How about next time we get a sighting that we already have all of the "strategic" points planned if she is seen in the woods and that the first few people go to these strategic points to watch the area to checkt that freddie does not "escape" then the next people go into the woods to search. It might still not work as these woods are really thick with lots of hiding places. Rachel: yes I was lost in the woods, the paths just disappear and although we did not cross any fences to get into the woods it would appear that the wood we were in was surrounded by barbed wire at the point of the path that we wanted to get to. I think Jarvis Cokcer did the same :-) Whilst walking through the woods we saw lots of doggy footprints but these could be from other mad people looking for freddie. Also, if I had known you were in getting ice cream I would have joined you - although probably best I didn't with wedding dress looming!!!!. I have to say: what a fabulous group of people on here - it is the doglost community spirit :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Just a warning - be aware that there is an old swimming pool in the wood behind (above) Sands Lane Nursing Home. It is mostly filled with mud, leaves, brambles etc, but in places the water is quite deep. There is a warning sign but no barriers of any kind. It is quite well concealed but easily stumbled upon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Yes - The very best of luck everyone ! I think you are all amazing ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji, I'm not surprised those rabbits were sitting on a wall watching you all. It must be the best entertainment they have had for ages, watching humans creeping round the woods losing and finding their dogs and each other or poised motionless for hours watching sardines. It sounds a bit like A Misummer Nights Dream, except for the sardines, with Freddie flitting around as elusive as a fairy. Good luck all for tomorrow. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Ok here's another one of my bird brain ideas! Not as bad as the fish stall one but here goes... I haven't sat on a bicyle for years and i mean YEARS!!!! How about i borrow my sons bike. I've got bags of room in the car to carry it and surely i can cover a vast amount of ground more than Freddie could! It's an adult bike so will be big enough for me, even though i'm only 5ft now! While we were in the woods today we saw a guy on his bike so it's not beyond the realms of possiblities, is it? Any one care to join me on the Tour De France erm i mean Whitley Woods. All offers of rubber rings for me to sit on afterwards would be greatly appreciated! -)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Busy day. Started by puting out flyers but got a call from a horserider who had just seen Freddie. Gave a good description and we were there in a few minutes but she had moved on. Around six people were on the scene quite quickly as we had been posting in the area. Soon followed by others, which resulted in the surrounding woodland having more people in it than rabbits. Slightly later I got a further call from a person in a house in the woodland who had seen Freddie shortly before. Unfortunaley, Smokenstuff, Chas and I had just come from there. Think she was moving through the woods to another area. I went over to the hillside above the Hare and Hounds which offers excellent views of the surrounding area. Also able to see many paths and lanes, which could be used by a little dog virtually unseen. However all I saw was a deer, a hare and GG who appeared to be lost in the woodland. Will be out again tomorrow with Will to continue the search. I would really like to thank everyone today. They could put any rapid response team to shame with the speed with which they all arrived. You are all wonderful. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Once Neil was home from work we drove over to Whitley arriving about 4 and called in at the Ice cream Parlour where we bumped into Rachel. After an ice cream we drove to the end of Scopsley Lane and then walked with our dogs along the path adjacent to the golf course and then cut back across the woods and went down the steep path that leads to the gates which lead to Hopton Mills. Wandered aroound Hopton for a while and then started the climb back up again and what a climb ! Think i need to get fitter lol We all seemto have criss crossed the area pretty well today and yes geekygirl are'nt there loads of rabbits around there ! Down by the cricket club a couple of them sat on a garden wall watching us from a safe distance ! very much like Beatrix Potters Peter Rabbit ! Well done and thankyou to all for their efforts today and Rachel you really are an inspiration to us all ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I spent a couple of hours in the woods with my kids and dog this afternoon too, starting at Hopton Mills and going up past the cricket club then up through the gate towards Whitley (what a hill!). We bumped into Catherine (from Rachel's flyball group) at the top, then we headed across the top of the golf course and down the side of Jordan Wood to Lady Wood returning to Wood Bottom via Steanard Lane. We also handed out a few flyers but most people knew all about Freddie anyway and were pleased to hear that she had been sighted today. It seemed that no telegraph pole and few trees remained without posters.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out and about all day, put posters up in Upper Hopton and Hopton Mills and left flyers at Hopton Mills cricket club they said that they new about Freddie but the flyers were handy to keep in there pockets in case they spotted her. We spoke to the lady at Calder Farm livery, she had seen Freddie that morning while riding her horse, she was very helpful and took flyers to give to all the local horse riders, we left flyers in the reception at the old peoples home near the Golf course ( we don't expect them to run around the woods looking for Freddie but their visitors might) We bumped into Mags and Tracey who were searching the woods at the bottom of the golf course, we were on our way home when we had a call that Freddie had been seen so we turned around and went back to the Ice Cream Parlour and searched in the woods, saw Rachel and Pam, Geeky Girl and her two gorgeous Border Collie.s, there were plenty of other people all searching, I hope that Freddie wasn't sat somewhere warm laughing at us as it was pretty cold today, good luck for tomorrow. Liz Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh what a nightmare of a day...Tracey and I have also been out for most of the day. Got home about 6ish. We walked in all the fields and woods below the golf course that runs at the back of Charlottes and down towards Mirfield for 2 hours and then we lost Traceys dog Jake. It took us an hour to find him but eventually he turned up in the wooded area by Woodlands Nursing home as though nothing had happened, we on the other hand were frantic!!. By now it was about 10 to 2 and Rachel called re the sighting. so we went back up to the woods behind the nursing home pinning posters to trees the whole way round. Our friend Liz and her husband Bernard had been out in Upper Hopton and down by the canal and posetered all around and handed leaflets out to the livery yard and golf club. They came back when we told them of the sighting and carried on looking. Tracey and I took part in the golfing tournament that was ongoing!! Every time we saw a team of golfers (and there were lots of them) we gave them a flyer. Then we went to the bottom of the wooded area towards Hopton and saw quite a few people walking dogs. They all knew about Freddie but most didn't have a flyer so we gave them some. Two really nice ladies who live down there are going to keep a vigil between them. WE then met Rachel and Penny at Charlottes. We just had to sample the baking as we hadn't had any food! Sitting in there looking across the area in which Freddie has been sighted is so frustrating. It doesn't seem feasible that she can keep evading us like she is doing. Bless her if she only knew how close her Mum is to her. Anyway, the search continues and one day someone will get a hold of her. Stay safe Freddie girl. We WILL see you soon. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm going to buy a pallet load of sardines and pilchards and set up a fish stall right next the ice cream parlour and instead of having binoculars wrapped around our necks how about having some smoked fish instead! The smell is sure to bring her running to her mum! -)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Just got back from walking in the fields and woods behind the ice cream parlour then through woods to the road at the other side and then back up to the golf course. No sign just loads of rabbits!!! I'm exhausted now - that hill just before the golf course is a killer!!! It might be worth keeping en eye on the houses near the ice cream parlour. There are lots of trailors that Freddie might sleep under. There was also a garden with lots of very dense low bushes that my dogs were very interested in but it did not appear to be a household with a dog so it could be the smel of Freddie that they were interested in. Also whilst stakign out last night the dogs near to this house kept barking every so often so she might have been around. Oh and yes if you have met me then you would probably say I am barking :-) I never knew before all of this how much fun you can have sat in a car watching a tin of sardines. I think everybody should try it. GG Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just walked back in the door. Been out about 5 hours today and it would seem we missed Freddie by about 10 minutes. I used to be 6ft, i'm probably about 5ft now. My son is like a ferret, goodness know where he gets his energy from. He just catapults himself over barbed wire fences! three lots of pilchards that i have placed just along by the ice cream palour have have all gone. Knowing we were all so close to finding Freddie today i must say it was really difficult to leave the area and come home. I really down know how Rachel does it, where does this woman get her inner strength from to carry on.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been out and rushed to log on when I got in. This sounds so promising :) I'm thinking blue!!! Just spoke to GG and she's lost in a woods somewhere and is requesting to be put on the site if she's not home in a week! She syas lots of people are now in the area searching. Oh and 1. I am not shifty, GG is! 2. I'm doing a diploma in sardine surveillance and 3. as a malamute owner I am not barking, I'm howling! Good luck all of you!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is really GOOD NEWS!!! This just might be the LUCKY DAY!!! Pam, thanks so much for the updates! The suspense is killing me! xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
The lane Freddie was SIGHTED at the end of a short time ago was SCOPSLEY LANE, Whitley near the Woolpack Inn. This lane leads to tracks and footpaths which follow on to woods and a golf course Also another sighting has come in of her of her a day or so ago in the garden of one of the houses near the Ice Cream Parlour at Whitely !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
thanks sadielady !!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Just had a call from Rachel to say Freddie has been SIGHTED 10 minutes ago at the end of a lane at the side of the Woolpack Inn at Whitley. The pesron that saw her was on horseback and said it was definately a tri colour border collie and that she was sniffing under bushes. Rachel is out there now !Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went to the Scrapyard at Cooper Bridge today and told them about Freddie and have left a flyer. Called at the Premier Inn (a bit further along from the scrappies) and spoke to receptionist there asked if she could let the rest of the staff know for when there out and about around the back of the Inn and left a flyer. Did a U turn and called at Marstons the cooked chicken shop. Chatted with a nice lady who actually lives in Middlestown with a daughter in Horbury who has seen all the posters already. I updated her with the latest sightings so she's going to talk to some of the customers who go have dogs and who go walking up in the area. Then met another lady outside who has horses in Upper Hopton who has been keeping a look out.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got everything crossed here for a lucky break this weekend - x - and by the way, you lot up there are barking !!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel, I am so, so pleased that there has been yet another sighting of Freddie! Your intuition of Freddie's movements is proving to be correct! I'm not sure who is the cleverest, you or Freddie!!! Smokenfluff, I see that you have emerged from under the duvet! Any computer skill tips that you may have received - Ahem! Could you pass them on please!!! Geeky Girl, Um, a shifty character who watches sardines!!! The mind boggles!! What am I missing out on here!! Good Luck to you all for the weekend! Rooting for you here in Spain! Robina XXXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll be at ice cream palour too tomorow at 10.30. My printer has ran out of ink so will need some flyers if anyone has some going spare. The posters i did have left i gave away to various people who had stopped to coax the alsation into the mans car. His father owns/runs a rescue place but i forgot to ask which one! Doh! Anyway i gave him a handfull, at least it gave him something to read while waiting for the rspca to turn up!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We drove out over and sat near the Hare and Hounds tonight untill it got dark and the went for a drive round Mirfield, Briestfield.Hopton,Whitley and Grange moor. During our drive we came across two shifty characters in a layby ............. it was Geeykgirl and accomplice lol Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, we will meet you at the Ice Cream Parlour at 10 30 and get some posters and leaflets and will poster and search where ever you want us to, Freddie needs to be home now, On a lighter tone I wonder if the Alsation has let the man in to his car yet that Smokenfluff postered about, makes me chuckle thinking about it, but hope the Alsation has found its owners. LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just had a phone call from a woman who saw Freddie yesterday morning near to Lepton between the White Horse and the cattery. Said dog looked scruffy, which the other sightings yesterday said. She noticed that the dog had alot of white on its front and all its legs. This sighting would fit the others in terms of time and direction. Only saw a poster tonight at the post office at Grange Moor. Works in the area so will keep watching. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent the morning going through the fields and woodland around Tanhouse Lane. Once you are in the fields there is a dip which then leads into a woodland where there are lots of paths. Going this way Freddie could get down to Cooper Bridge almost undetected. Put some food in the most likely spot she would eenter this area. Will ckeck it later. Also returned later and walked it again both times with Will. No sightings today, but I expected this. She seems to have a few days when she is seen followed by a few when she isn't. I am wondering if this is when she is going further afield searching other directions. Of course she may just be having a lie-in. Who knows! Anyway this does seem to be a bit of a pattern. I think the further the posting is done will help in this as posting so far has brought the sightings. Also, think it is time to start putting flyers through doors in surrounding areas. I know that Liz, Joy and Smokenstuff are asking about tomorrow. I will be at the Ice Cream Parlour at 10.30 to start delivering flyers, so if anyone wants to meet me there, I can give hand over posters/flyers (courtesy of GG)as needed and perhaps look at who is going where. I think others will be out a little later in the day. If this is not a good time for anyone, ring my mobile and I will arrange to meet you. Thanks to everyone. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Ahem....Can i ask a really silly question? Ive only just found the info centre with flyers of freddie on. When i went to print a sheet off the flyers were not squarely on the page. Half the info is missing etc! Being an absolute novice with computers can anyone tell me how i can remedy this! Please excuse me now, while i go and bury my head under the duvet too embarrassed to show my face!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
sadielady744 .........I have sent you a PM Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
edited message from Sadielady744 I have left a poster in local shop in Calder Road Mirfield and a Sandwich Shop on Huddersfield Road on the way out of Mirfield. I've given out a few more flyers to people in Morrisons Supermarket in Waterloo and I also managed to collar a couple of really nice Beat Bobbies in Fenay Bridge. They had just been reading all the Lost Posters. One of the coppers lives in Kirkburton and says will put the word about there. I also gave a Lost poster to the gentleman who owns the shetland ponies in the fields at Upper Hopton. He spends a lot of time up there sorting the fields at the moment. I'm working tomorrow morning and will some posters at the Three Nuns Pub and I'll try to get to the Scrapyard at Cooper Bridge and Marstons Chicken shop on Leeds Road at Bradley (this place always seems so busy). The premier lodge might also be a good place as it's next to the calder and hebble navigation canal which runs through cooper bridge to brighouse then upto Hebden Bridge then on to Todmorden(Freddies Home!!). So if Freddie comes down from the Hare and Hounds along Liley Lane to Upper Hopton/Top of Kirkheaton then s over the fields down the hill to Cooperbridge/ Bradley and finds the canal then she could make it home herself??? Do you think this is a possibility?? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
and I'm going with her, so I hope she doesn't spill them!!! Come on Freddie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rachel has now been fully stocked up with posters and leaflets. I'm going out soon to sit around near the Ice cream parlour and have an exciting evening of watching sardines :-) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi Rachel i see from your phone number youre from Rochdale area, i`m in whitworth just sending this to say if i can help in any way, transport etc or any way at all just give me a ring 07871 547342 you`ll find your baby soon i`m sure Terry Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went to ice cream parlour this morning at about 9.45am. Left a portion of pilchards in a laybay and another further along next to a quiet road. What with this windy weather the smell just may travel. Heres hoping! -)))) Walked and drove all round near the woolpack put some more posters up. Drove up to the Hare & Hound, went in to use the loo and a quick coffee. Told the bar staff about Freddie and they had never heard of her :-( However they have kindly put a poster of Freddie up in the foyer so everyone leaving can see her beautiful face! They are quite happy for searchers to park in there overflow car park. I left a poster her on my dashboard just incase they thought they thought my car had been abandoned at least they would know why i was there so to speak. We left there about 11.15am on foot put some more posters up and then i lost my sellotape! Went back to ice cream palour and then drove home about 12.40pm. On way home traffic ground to a halt as an alsation was loose on the road but as luck would have it i had a large bag of goodies in my pocket intended for Freddie. Other cars also stopped and a man managed to scoop him into an open door of his car. However once the dog was in the car he wouldn't let the man in and was giving him a nice smile! All in all a rather odd day. Come on Freddie you are so close to going home!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just to let Rachel know that someone wrote FOUND on the poster on Balk Lane, Netherton which prompted me to dash home & check the website yesterday hoping it was true. Must be someones idea of a sick joke. My friend Linda has taken it down. I checked others in the area and no others seem to have been de-faced. Still keeping eyes open & fingers crossed for good news. Yvonne.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just to let anyone know who is planning on looking for Freddie on Sat am so we don't duplicate efforts, we are still going to the Ice Cream parlour between 10.00 and 12.00 where she has been seen recently at these sort of times - it's a hard job but someone has to do it!! We will walk through the woods and around the area after this. Although we live in Wakefield and my husband works at Thornhill Lees, and half my family live in Mirfield we don't know the area between the parlour and Mirfield very well at all - so if anyone can PM me the best places to walk and look local to the parlour that would be helpful. Rachel - if you would prefer us to go somewhere else please let me know I think you have my number if not Maura will be able to get a message to me. Joy, Rob and JoeLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have printed some new posters of freddie still missing,will be handing out to all the mobile cafe,we pass from sheffield to kirby,along the dearne valley parkway,she will be home,keep up the wonderful work every one xx mfranceLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Relieved to hear of latest sightings - should the main poster be amended I wonder? x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Glad to hear that there has been some more sightings of Freddi and in the area people are looking, my husband and I are available for a few hours on Saturday we can poster or search or both, we will need to collect some posters from you, I will give you a ring before we set off and you can tell us where you would like us to go, if you have any sightings this afternoon I could come over and search , not being local it will take me 30 minutes to get there, you have my phone No, ring me if you need help this afternoon. Liz Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello. Have spoken to Rachel re tonights activities but promised to update page to avoid duplication of effort when others go out posting. Due to the most recent sightings we tried to cover the gaps between Fenay Bridge and Whitely. To do this we drove along Liley Lane to the roundabout and turned right. Took the first proper right turn from that road - Pinfold Lane - and did a big infil between. Roads covered were Pinfold Lane, Gawthorpe Green Lane, Botany Lane, Lane Side, Sands Lane, and then moved across the main Liley Lane to the Whitely area. Added a few more posters here and spoke to a man living next door to Charlottes Ice Cream parlour who promised to look out. He has a panoramic view of the area behind the parlour. Went down Clough Lane, Copsley Lane, and Jacksons Lane sticking posters up on footpaths, bridal ways, bus stops, trees and telegraph poles. Tracey met a lovely lady who took some small flyers and gave them to family and friends...she caught up with us sometime later and said she had distributed a few already. Stay safe and well Freddie girl. Come home soon. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I guessed that's what you meant. The two sightings are good news, lets hope for more in the next few days. I was down on the canal too today - walked along the island (very muddy) between the river and canal to the sewerage works, then back to the marina on the towpath. I accosted a couple of dog walkers and gave them handouts but I think that part of the path is pretty well postered now. I put a poster in the marina postbox on Monday but I don't know if they have displayed it. The boating community would be good people to look out for Freddie, especially the ones either living on boats or those travelling towards/from your end of the canal.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just re read what I have written. Sorry about spelling. Also meant to say thanks to Pam T, not thats Pam T. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Two sightings today. First was around 10.15 near the junction of Liley Lane and Tanhouse Lane at Whitley. Freddie wa seen in the field. Then had a further call this evening saying that they had seen Freddie between 10.30 and 11am at the Hare and Hounds which is across Lily Lane just below Tanhouse Lane. She was scavenging in bags outside the pub. Said she was dirty but but were sure it was Freddie. They also saw her collar. When I went up there this morning I asked aaround to check if any other dogs were loose but found no evidence of this. Also spoke to a local farmer who saw her a few days ago in a field at Higher Hopton. She was looking around her. Said she was mucky and wet. He had not been aware that a dog was missing. I will go out early in the morning and put some food out in the area and will check it early eveningas we have now had a few sightings in the same locality. Thats Pam T.I think that you are right about the direction Freddie could follow.I have been down the canal again with Will today and have now covered and scented up to Brighouse. As you say there is quite alot of open ground around Bradleyand I will cover this. Also thank you Dogloopy for offering to cover Netherton as I think this is also within her area.This is much appreciated. Mags and Tracey have phoned. They have posted a wide area between Fenay Bridge to the back of the Hare and Hounds. They are a wiz and should take up fly posting for a living.Will be collecting more posters from GG tomorrow to continue in ther locality adn get as much information out as possible. I know that a few people will be out at the week end doing flyers with me which I think is really needed now in view of the sightings. There are opther people who regularly talk with me and are out at some point most days looking for Freddie,but do not post up. I would also like them to know how much I value what they are doing also. Thanks again to everyone. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Such good news that there has been another sighting! Could someone tell me where Rachel lives? Robina xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
If she is heading towards home she could miss out Mirfield completely and go from Liley Lane towards the top of Kirkheaton and then down to Bradley where she could pick up the canal again. She could also get down to the canal from the top of Hopton down Northgate and onto Wood Lane. Each new sighting is reassuring even if it isn't the news that we want to hear.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I spoke t o Rachel a little while ago and she will be posting on here later this evening. There has been a sighting of Freddie in a field on Liley Lane, Whitley this morning around 10.30 ! Rachel will give more detail when she posts later on. Welcome aboard dogloopy ! Please do contact Rachel about postering ! Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Just to let you know: I am still around but I've been having internet problems so been unable to post. I'm keeping in touch with Rachel for any updates. Hopefully will resupply her with lots of posters tomorow so she can hand these out as needed. I think that lots of posters are needed at the moment!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi dogloopy, thanks for your offer of help. As Rachel is out and about she may not see your message til late. Can u call her on 07903 755050 and she will let u know where she would like some help. Thanks again, your help is greatly appreciated. The more people helping the better. Rachel is desperate to get her Freddie back. Come on Freddie stay safe and show yourself so we know where to consolidate our efforts. Mags and i will be out again tonight. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I live in Huddersfield (Netherton - not the same one as where she has been spotted) and will put posters up or go looking, just tell me which area to do. TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel, you are doing such a fantastic job in your search for dear Freddie. We are rooting for you all the way here in Spain. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel, I believe your theory is correct & if you stick to the same area all the time she will return there, this is what happened with Sasha anyway. I really wish she would appear whilst you are there as I am sure she would recognise you & allow herself to be caught. Good luck, I have everything crossed for Freddie's safe return, Cant wait to see her on the reunited page. Michele xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
An unbelievable effort by so many people which surely will find Freddie before too much longer - wishing you luck tomorrow xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel. Sorry we did not update page last night, we were both tied up once we got back from the Fenay Bridge postering session. We put up all of the 40 posters you gave us last night plus about 6 more we had in the car. Tracey did her traffic light thing at the major lights where there were pedestrian crossings and we covered Morrisons, most of the big pubs (postered the entrances) soccer city and the big health & leisure club on the same site. There are so many footpaths leading form the housed areas to the fields it's untrue...worse than HB and Middlestown! We were as strategic as we could be with what we had available but we need a couple of hundred posters up really. I'm going to try and get some more printed tomorrow and we'll spread them about. We saw lots of places where Freddie might venture for food without exposing herself to too many people but if we poster well and widely, someone will see her. Will try to help tomorrow...will ring you to confirm. Stay safe Freddie...we're gonna find you soon. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got back home tonight after staying in HB area since Monday morning. Saw Bobby a few times. He is quite different to Freddie with the exception that he also has prick ears. He is much taller with lots of black on him. Has some white on his face, but also white on his chest in a distinct V shape. He has a much bigger head and I think he is deaf which accounts for some of his behaviour. He does not have a screed look about him which Freddie seems to have, nor is he seen running. He appears more comfirtable with his environment. Freddie seems to spent alot of time running or trotting. She has been seen on kerbsides whilst Bobby seems to cross raods not being aware of traffic unless he sees it. He is a lovely dog, although cautious of people rather than frightened. A number of local people look out for him and feed him. Since the last sighting on Monday, spent alot of time posting in a wider area and walking in the area quiet extensively. I would like to that everyone who has also been inmvolved in this with me. The support has been wonderful. Yesterday I spent the afternoon walking the canal from Mirfield to the edge of Raventhorpe with Catherine, posting and scenting all the way. This included working along the river in the area. Today, started at 5.30 travelling all the area for any sightings and adding to posters. Then collected Will from we walked the canal from Leeds Road through Battyford and down to Mirfield and back, scenting and posting all the way. Tomorrow I will start walking the canal and double back up the river from Brighouse to Leeds Road doing the sam thing, again with Will. My intention is to walk the whole canal in sections so should have it all done by Sunday back to home. Penny and I have checked a map and all the definate sightings ( as far as we know anyway). Satrting at Woolley Edge, if Freddie followed a straight line home, all the sightings have been within a 2mile line either side of the direct line. This means that the widest extent of her travells have been Clayton Bridge,Highburton to one side and Horbury, Thornhill to the other.The central line goes through Midgley, Grange Moor, Kirkheaton. I double very much that she would go near into a large town but would skirt the edges of areas with housing. Looking at what she has been doing appears does not seem to be randon. She is travelling back and forth, keeping a base, until she is ready to move on. This is why I am travelling the canal in reverse, as I think she is never too far from it and its provides a good route back home. However I don't think the other side of the central line should be ignored as she may go that way and she is certainly testing it out. This is my theory anyway so I will stick with it. So far she does not seem to have tarvelled much more that 3 miles or so at a time but then returns to base which at the moment I think must be around Grange Moor to Briesfield/Whitley. I am trying to get stuff in papers also. I am really appreciative of all the help, the walking, riding, posting and talking with people.I could not have done any of thid without all the help that has been offered. So again, thank you all. Will speak tomorrow but will make it shorter. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
back in Yorks but working to deadlines wishing you well. Rachel and Freddie have phoned all kennels and reruited two friends - one already registered , one a dog lover owner in briestfield= Judy and Joy. Away again till Tuesday and will joinin if needed thenLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi - I have just had my account activated and hoped that there might be some good news about Freddie. Me, my husband and rescue dog live in Middlestown and we go out walking around Coxley, Sandy Lane, Whitley and Shelley. We also often visit Pugneys and we are on the lookout for Freddie all the time. We constantly mention Freddie to other dog walkers and pray that she will be found soon, safe and well. ChrissyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I sent Freddie's story to the Huddersfield Examiner last night and sent links to this page and to Freddie's poster. They may be in touch with Rachel or Dog Lost if they choose to follow it up.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know this may sound daft but it is just an idea/suggestion! Here goes......... is it worth collecting Willow's poo breaking it up into smaller pieces (using gloves of course) and his hair clippings and making a trail to a den where maybe some nice smelly food could be placed. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Pam ..... Rachel is the best person to tell you the differences betweeen Bobby and Freddie as she has seen Bobby in the flesh. What i do know is that he is just black and white. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Please could someone explain the differences between Freddie and Bobby (the BC roaming in Flockton) as this might minimise false sightings. My husband has suggested trying to find a willing local in Whitley/Flockton who might have an outbuilding where food, water and scented bedding could be left to see if Freddie could be enticed back to the same place at night. Would it be worth a try? Whilst postering on the Calder Valley Greenway this lunchtime I met a lady from Thornhill, on a bike pulling a trailer with 2 dogs in it and another one running alongside. She already knew about Freddie and had been looking out for her, but thought she was a he.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I log on every day & just keep hoping to see Freddie on the reunited page. I am very optimistic about the recent sightings. I really wish I could do more for you Rachel, but with full-time work & not knowing any of the area's that she has been sighted I feel helpless. She is definitely a smart dog. I have my fingers & toes crossed for freddie's safe return very soon, come on Freddie give up the chase now xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Small updated posters now ready on the info centre. Also the poster details have been amended with the latest sighting and to say STILL MISSING. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
An amazing team effort yesterday,as always! GOOD LUCK for today! Love from Spain xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got an update from Tracey this evening as soon as I left work. looks like you were right Rachel...she's on the move. Poster issued to Huddersfield staff today so they will keep looking whilst on their travels. Will be out tomorrow evening to help. Good luck tomorrow and stay safe Freddie. Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Fantastic team work on here, rooting for Freddie to be home soon. I've updated the smaller posters with the heading Still Missing and with the last sighting, emailed to Yasa to go on the Info Centre, these may not be available until later today now. Good luck everyone. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
This afternoon we drove round Grange Moor, Briestfield, Whitley and put posters up where required. Everyone we met out there is so very helpful and concerned. We put small posters in the houses in Briestfield and walked along some bridle ways in the valley of Briestfield which have a nice clean stream running along side them part of the way. Met a lady who had a possible sighting of Freddie on Saturday morning which I have informed Rachel of. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Penny A already posted so i'll not repeat but just wanted to say Rachel has started to add the words STILL to the poster so it says STILL MISSING. Its a good idea as even today whilst out looking i met a couple who thought Freddie must surely have been found. Of course i swiftly corrected them and they were keen to spread the word around Whitley and surrounding areas. Its amazing how many truly helpful people u meet. One lady said she would ring around all her dog walking friends as they regularly walk the wooded areas and another very nice local man walked with me for quite some time showing me where best to look. Come on Freddie. Stay safe and well. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
From Penny A. Rachel's not at home to-night so I'll put an update. This afternoon Rachel, Tracey, Jacki, Catherine walked the woodland between Whitley and the canal, and along the canal. Then this evening some people drove round and others parked in Whitley at various points and looked across the fields with binoculars. (I think at least seven cars) Unfortunately no sign of Freddie. Rachel drove round Briestland, lepton, the coal mining museum, Flockton. saw Bobby again. Possibly last night's sightings were also Bobby - similar time, dog in same place. (But previous ones possibly Freddie). Tomorrow morning rachel will be driving round the same areas, then later putting flyers out and walking the canal near Whitley going west as far as she has time for. The last few days lots of posters have been put up and we've had a lot of phone calls with news of freddie so that has been really encouraging. A big thank you (again) for everyone's time and energy and kindness.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We left Whitley at 9.00pm, sadly no sighting of Freddie. Drove back through Grange Moor and parked up outside the Church/School in Flockton. Had a walk up either side of the Church and School without any sighting of her.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I left Whitleyat 9pm but didn't see Freddie. I tried ringing Rachel a couple of times to say I was leaving but my mobile won't work in that area, it is a real black spot for signals. There are some loony drivers around there!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hope tonight is your night- you deserve it & what a fantastic team of 'Freddie Supporters' you have gained.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
OMG they will be out there now looking... pray she's ready to turn herself in, the monkeyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
All the luck in the world! x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hope you find her soon ,in the meantime-stay safe Freddie!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Stake-out tonight on Whitley Road - meet at Charlotte's Ice Cream Parlour at 7.30pm.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just emailed a poster to the small factory Camira Fabrics xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Back on the trail today after some car trouble! I followed the trail from Charlottes Ice Cream parlour and back again to Upper Hopton and followed the road down towards Mirfield and what I would call Lower Hopton. Got onto the Canal which looks just like the canal area around HB as it backs onto many industrial sites. Postered up around there. Came back towards the Lower Hopton area and went up a no-through road - Sands Lane. At the very top is Woodlands Nursing home which backs onto the woods behind Whitely and Thornhill Edge. There is a large livery stables there and I spoke to the lady who runs it. She walks her dogs in the woods every morning. She has put a poster up in her yard as many people are coming and going there. Also further down Sands road is Dewsbury Golf Club. I put a poster just at the gate so everyone coming and going will see Freddies face. I also went further on to the next turning which is Hagg Lane. This leads also to the back of this wood and a small factory Camira. There are about 4 bridle paths leading up from Haggs Lane. I would have gone up there this afternoon but my phone battery was almost dead and it would have just my luck to bump into Freddie without a working phone. I drove back through Briestfield and Grange Moor again. Can't come out this evening, but will be out again tomorrow. Jacki Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
These sightings of Freddie are excellent after a few days with no news, I wanted to jump in the car and come and search, unfortunately I am not good with directions and do not know how to get to the Ice cream parlour, I will get some instructions from my husband tonight and if needed I am free every afternoon, hopefully I will not be needed because she has been found today, fingers crossed LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This sounds so promising - hoping for some good news soon! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is such GOOD NEWS!!! PLEASE PLEASE Show yourself Freddie while Your Mum's there! Everything is crossed here in Spain! xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
These new sightings sound really good!!! I might be able to get out for a search tonight if I am home from work early enough. I would suggest a coordinated stake out tomorow night in the area but I am not available tomorow night. It might be worth anybody else that is available either tonight or tomorow night doing this while she is in the area. The more people out looking the better to increase the chances of seeing her. If you are avialable at all, please contact Rachel to see where you would be best looking. Good luck!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I put a poster up in Morrisons on Saturday morning and have put some up on the canal bank from the Pear Tree pub to John Cottons this morning.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
SIGHTING X 2 - mum has received a phone call from a woman who is positive that she saw Freddie at about 5.15pm on Friday 11th April in Fenay Bridge near Morrisons. She hasn't phoned until now as she has only just seen a poster. Also mum has received another call about 1 hour ago from someone who has seen Freddie this morning in the Whitely area close to Charlotte's Ice Cream Parlour - the same spot as last night's sighting. Freddie was walking on the pavement again looking frightened and she walked off towards the fields and woods nearby. Mum and Catherine are on their way there now so fingers crossed. Thanks. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
My husband put some poster up at Progress Ltd, Thornhill Lees Dewsbury it's quite a large employer around there and at the busy sandwich shop. He noticed 4 Freddie posters between Mitchells and Thornhill Lees. The new sightings are encouraging - come home soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on young lady time to give up the chase and go home if only you knew how much effort has gone into this for you! I am sure it will not be long now now GOOD LUCK you certainly all deserve it. Stay safe Freddie until they catch you darling xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wishing you all the very Best of Luck for today. Let's hope that yesterday's sightings lead to some positive new leads! Fingers crossed here in Spain! Robina xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wombwell links to many places via transpenine & network of bridlepaths. There are lots of hiding places & watering holes. If this is Freddie she is certainly covering some distance. She may be staying in the quieter more sheltered places though. It may be worth putting food nr the church sighting as she's been there more than once. Using children may be ideal as she appears not to fear them & children are naive into how much of a saga this is. If not already doing so carry a slip lead or put the clip end of the lead thru the handle. If anyone does get close enough it will be less easier to get het with slip than trying to grab a collar. You have done so much to get Freddie home I cannot believe she is still evading capture- apart from her been a collie & they always think they know best. She may be getting bored as well though now the novelty has worn off. Fingers crossed that these latest sightings get het home.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
FREDDIE may well be hiding in the church area as this is nice and quite place to be, a good search of the grounds if it has any lots of dogs will go to them for quite place to hide out. good luck I hope he will be there, and if so get some advise about scenting the area.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been following the story (like everyone else), surely the little monkey will be caught soon!! Come on Freddie, you poor mum must be physically and emotionally worn out.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
FURTHER SIGHTINGS ! Bumped again ! Near the church at Lepton, - the a633 in Wombwell, near the roundabout, and Charlottes ice cream parlour, Briestfield / whitely area. And then Flockton, near the church ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
my husband and i will be going to brieley kennel on tuesday to visit my dog in quarantine,we will go back to where we saw a border collie two weeks ago and has since put some posters up in wombwell,the collie we saw was on valley way,we will do every possible thing we can to help bring freddie back home,she has taken a place in our heartxxmfranceLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh Rachel I really do hope at least one of these sightings leads to Freddie being found. It sounds promising about people being to get quite near to her. Unfortunately I am back at work tomorrow and am working a 12 hour shift so will be unable to help but i'll get Freddies poster out to our staff reception areas in the morning for Wakefield and Huddersfield and ask them to keep an eye out for her whilst on their travels. If the search is still active on tuesday evening I have planned to meet Tracey and come over to help. Tracey and I cannot wait for the moment Freddie finds her Mum, we plan the reunion every time we go out searching - I'm sure all the helpers do!. Our friend Liz is also on the case now...we all wish for the very best for you both quickly. Hope you enjoyed your walk with Will...I'll save her a gravy bone or two fro the next time we see her!! Good luck Rachel - Stay safe Freddie and find your Mum. luv Mags xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Possible sightings of Freddie today.At lunch time had a call from a girl out riding her horse in Lepton. Thinks she saw Freddie near to the church. Said the dog was scruffy and was sniffing around the ground. She was able to touch the dog who then went away so lost sight of her. Further call from a man in Wombwell near the roundabout A633. Saw dog following him, but not getting too close. The dog came near enough for him to give it a sandwich which he had. It was at arms length but he could not get hold of it. It then ran away. There is a woodland on one side and a shopping park on the other with things like Comet there. He is part of an animal rescue organisation so is pursueing this. He could only really see black and brown as the dog was muddy but thought there was also some white. Finally, two sisters out walking their dog at 8.45 tonight saw a dog which they think was Freddie outside Charlottes Ice cream Parlour which is around Briestfield/Whitely area. We have had a sighting in this arae before about two weeks ago. Phone just gone again from a man in Flockton saying he has just seen a dog near the church. Could only see black with lots of which on its chest. Shortish fur and very thin, looking very sad and lonely. Said, has seen it around there a few times this week during the evenings. Pam is following up the Wombwell sighting and I will do the rest early morning tomorrow.He also said that his children have also seen the dog and it has allowed them to get near to it, which fits with the Lepton sighting. If it is Freddie maybe she feels less threatened by children. Lucy is going out now to check as she lives in the area. I will be out at dawn in the morning to follow these sightings up. Lets hope some or even one is Freddie. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have emailed posters to friends in Kirkburton.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I have just got back from postering in Hopton woods. I postered around Wood Bottom and stuck some flyers through the door at Camira (Hopton Mills), then went up into Hagg Wood, up to the golf course, down through the next woods and into Lady Wood, alongside the railway track then down towards the Ship pub. I stuck posters up in strategic places but someone had already beaten me to it at the Ship. We managed to give a few flyers out to dog walkers, cylclists and ramblers too. The Co-op in Mirfield town centre has got rid of its notice board and just has slots for cards so I folded some flyers up and put them in a few slots. I will do the canal bank from Ha'penny Bridge to the sewerage works and the end of the greenway tomorrow. (Staple guns are great on trees and telegraph poles). Rachel, I hope you managed to get some quality time with Will and feel refreshed.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Welcome aboard to all of you who have recently registered as helpers ! Also many thanks to all that are continuing to to help with postering, searching, offering new ideas and giving moral support ! We went out yesterday teatime and drove round Emley,Shelley, Kirkburton, Skelmanthorpe ,Scissett, Lower Cumberworth etc and put more posters up if we found an area lacking in them. We also went to the private lane in Kirkburton that led to the house Rambo was eventually found hiding up near to put a poster but someone had already put one up there ! If only Freddie would do the same as Rambo ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, I have a friend who lives in Mirfield and walks her dogs in and around that area. I will take her some flyers today to give to her dog walking friends just in case Freddie is heading in that direction. LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Rachel your drive, determination and dedication in finding Freddie WILL reap rewards. I think u really should have a bit of a break, u have worked nearly all day, every day and u must be exhausted. I think it will do Will and yourself good. I'm sure your heart and mind will be with Freddie willing her home. I will definately continue to help until Freddie is home safe and well. Mags will also help between work/family. Freddie seems to have got into our hearts and its our mission to find her !!!!Unfortunately we're not that local but if u get any sightings and need some help give me a call and i'll do my best to get there asap. If Mags is free she will come too. Stay safe and well Freddie and come home soon. Tracey & Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
just one other thought after reading the long and moving tale of the loss and finding of Rambo in our area- flockton etc- they tried late night BBQs with sausage etc to try to draw her. With posters and flyers they got more and more sightings as we did with Raoul and eventually she and her owner found each other. The BBQs might be even more enticing than the pilchards and might help encourage her to stay put if only to scavenge the food . is it worth trying to encourage her to limit her travelling so that we might sight her. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
Just to add... the mobile reception around Flockton, Grange Moor and Upper Hopton (southerly edge of Mirfield) is not particularly good so if you have problems contacting Rachel you may need to move position a little and try again.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Finally got home. Feels strange without Freddie here and its really hard to leave her behind to come home. It was lovely to see Will though. Not seen her since Wednesday morning. She just jumped in the car with when I arrived back. Spent the past few days posting further afield, given the lack og sightings. Freddie may just be lying low for a while which she has done before, or she may be shifting her position. I know that she is working a rough triangular shape and my understanding is that if she is on the move, she will still maintain a conatct with part of the original triangle. I have no evidence, but I just don't think she will go past ther motorway near the Navigation. So, I am working the areas outward towards Mirfield and beyond in one direction and Kirkburton, Shelley in the other direction. With both these routes, she can move and meet little or housing. I would be suprised if she went into a town like Huddersfield so both the directions I am looking at skirt round it. If she goes the Mirfield way, she can keep the canal in focus and going the other way she can reach open moorland, both things with which she is very familiar. However, if I am wrong or she misjudges it, she could end up in the Hope Valley where she was born. Freddie has a wide outrun so could work either of these ways. I think or at least hope she knows what she is doing. Another though is that there is another collie who has lived in the Flockton area for a few years and who is well fed by some of the local people. She may have latched onto him, just following his route. He is a dog she would not feel threatened by. I am saying this having seen him. Some people are still working the areas we have been doing for three weeks now and I think this is really important because she may still be there and just keeping out of the way which she has previously done. Or she may mainly be out very early morning and late at night. I intend still spending time in HB and also continuing as I have been this week. This covers all angles I hope. I am going to stay home tomorrow and take Will out for a long walk over the moors. I think she and I need to spend some time together. I will come over to HB if there is a sighting. Also need to sort out posters and other practicalities at home. as I don't know how long this will continue. We will get her home though. I never realised how loving and generous in heart people could be, which everyone involved in looking for Freddie has been. I know how much time and energy everyone has put into this and it has really helped me to keep focused. Thank you Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi - thought it was about time I registered rather than just avidly following progress! I'm Nic and I work with Rachel and Penny L. I've re-postered Silkstone this afternoon with updated posters - given possible sightings last week at Hoylandswaine & Thurlstone thought there's a chance she may head this way. Put posters up also on main A628 from Barnsley out towards Manchester at Silkstone Jet garage so hopefully these should be seen by lots of passing motorists. Also garage has put one up on their notice board. Went to Potting Shed garden centre and they've displayed a flyer in the ice-cream window which is a prominent place as it is right by the car park. Handed out flyers to several people walking their dogs. Will try to do more tomorrow. Just feel I must say what a FANTASTIC forum this is and how amazing it has been watching the commitment of all those involved, as well as seeing new people joining the hunt all the time. You are an inspiration. Keep up the amazing work and thank you. Nic xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I picked some posters up off Rachel this afternoon and will put them up tomorrow at Wood Bottom, Hagg Woods, up towards the golf course, Lady Woods and down by the Ship Inn in Mirfield. These woods connect Mirfield, Thornhill and Whitley so if Freddie has headed West they could be a possibility. On Monday and Tuesday I will try to get some up along the canal tow path through Mirfield and on the Calder Valley Greenway as it runs from Lower Hopton towards Battyeford by the railway line (sorry Rachel, I got mixed up with the Spen Valley Greenway which connects Dewsbury and Cleckheaton) .Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Tracey (Alien 4398) and I spent a while postering today. Spoke to Rachel to avoid repeating what others had already done. We went to Mitchells Camping and put posters inside the store next to the cash outs. We also put one on the doorway and then on the fence on the way out. While I was inside Tracey put a few small posters on the car windscreens. Then went up towards Thornhill and onto the estate and postered the entrances to Thornhill Science college and a few lamposts then went to the houses which back onto the fields where you can basically see pretty much the whole triangle from Horbury Bridge, across to Middlestown and up to Flockton and Emley. Here we postered lamposts and posted flyers through letterboxes. Spoke a few people, told Rachel about one particular conversation. We did find that everyone we spoke to knew about Freddie but many were surprised to hear that Freddie was still missing including the pet food man at the traffic lights at the bottom of Netherton Lane. sat at Engine Lane for a while and checked the back of the Horse and Jockey. Hoping for sighting soon. Stay safe Freddie. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
erm .... I think I meant walking. I hope there are not people waling in the area - it might scare her off!!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
If anybody is in the mood for phoning around, here are some suggestions: A list of several rambling groups in the area http://www.ramblersyorkshire.org/ or http://www.ramblingclubs.com/ramblingclubs.php/West_Yorkshire/70/2/ They might have people waling in the area that could look out for Freddie. I am sorry I have not been able to help today and I am working tomorow so won't be able to help. Good luck everybody!! I think it has to be postering lots so that we can get more sightings. GG Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, My husband and I have been to Lepton this afternoon and put up 20 posters, had a chat with a lady with a Border Collie who was very sympathetic and took some flyers to give to her dog walking friends, we then went to HB and walked by the river for a while scanning the countryside with binoculars, we have just had some good news Flo has been found, the owners daughter offered a reward and a local youth spotted her and gave chase he eventualy caught her, he did get a bite on the hand but hung on to her as he was determined to get his reward, the owners daughter has decided to keep her after all the Trauma, lets hope that Freddie is spotted soon and we know where to concentrate the search LizLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have phonesd all the kennels and will keep on doing so. Rachel- the story of Rambo lost in WF4 is worth reding she went to ground in Flockton and took weeks to find but the advice that builds up on how to approach her as she begins to be seen more frequently is excellent. You'll recignise the ares only too well. May well be worth seeing if we can recruit any of those people. pam was involved as ever- Pam you are an angel. Going down South for a few days for a funeral- will keep phoning kennels and loging in. Good luck- come on Freddie!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Jacky ......... we are stepping up on postering a little further afield now and widening our search. Rachel is out and about postering at the moment but will be going home today and will post on here later . Any help with posters would be greatly appreciated ! Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have just had problems with my car and I couldn't come out yesterday but should be out and about Sunday all day. It is difficult to think where to go next as this little girl is certainly dodging us all. It will happen, it is just a matter of time. JackiLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Everything crossed for this weekend! Come on Freddie show yourself!!! It's probably a yes, but have bus stops been posted? xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Pam T. Could you please phone Rachel with the details of CCC camping and I'm sure she can get flyers to them this weekend. Thanks. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
My husband was speaking to someone who works at CCC camping on Thursday and he was unaware. This is a big shop with a lot of visitors and is right in the middle of many of the sightings (bottom of Hostingley Lane). Do they have any posters?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have you been contacting Marina Kennels daily too. I know that Marina is miles away its just that the dog wardens taken dogs from all over the area to these kennels. From as far a field as Leeds! I work at a vets and if we get a stray dog in and if its not chipped or if we can't find the owner the dog warden will take and sometimes its Marina other times its Springfield.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Marina Kennels, Peace Pit, Huddersfield, HD2 Tel 01484 426407. Cliffe Kennels, Barnsley Road, Hoylandswaine, Sheffield S36 Tel 01226 762391. Fleet Kennels, Fleet Lane, Queensbury, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD13 Tel 01274 880408. Ponderosa kennels, Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater, Castleford, WF10 Tel 01977 552303 or 516713. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was just thinking - Rambo was lost and found in WF4 - I wonder if the Rambo group would help with Freddie? xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think Marina are in Huddersfield, but I don't have a number. It might also be worth contacting Fleet Kennels at Queensbury - I think they are responsible for Bradford strays, so unlikely but not unfeasible. Again, I don't have the numbers to hand. Sorry.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
yes I'll phone the kennels- have spoken evey othe day to Sprnigfield- they all know we are looking for Freddie. Where are Marina and Cliffe so I can phone them?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No sightings of Freddie today or this evening unfortunately. I think it would be a good idea to contact all the pounds tomorrow just to check that she hasn't been taken in at all. I will struggle to get much time to make calls tomorrow. Is there anyone would could phone Marina, Cliffe and Springfield kennels? Mum is out tonight and will make an early srat tomorrow as she is staying in HB. Any help tomorrow for further postering would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Rachel direct as she has no access to the internet for the next couple of days. I know that some people have tried to contact her about helping this weekend and she has said that she will phone you all tomorrow to co-ordinate work providing she has your numbers, if not just give her a call on her mobile. Many thanks. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Tracey and I hope to get across tomorrow for a couple of hours. Will ring Rachel if we can make it, for update and coordination. Can do some postering or stakeout...whatever is best. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
will help at the weekend in any way I canLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We did some postering further afield last night and did a fair amount in Lepton and a few In Kirkburton. We didn'nt notice any other Freddie posters in these areas so more are definately needed ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I've just got off the phone to mum and we've had a discussion about the possibility that Freddie may have moved further afield as she has not been sighted in her usual area since the early hours of Tuesday morning. In light of this mum has spent time today postering further afield on the far side of Emley, so in places such as Shelley and Lepton. However, help will be needed once more in terms of postering and putting flyers through doors in these new areas so any time given will be much appreciated, as always. Please contact Rachel on 07903 755050 to co-ordinate efforts. She is on her way back to HB now and will be out again this eveing for anyone interested in helping. I know that doing all this work for total strangers is hard but without all of your help finding Freddie would be a virtual impossibility. So thank you once again and please continue to give your time. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
will be going to brierley this afternoon,will put posters out from grenoside sheffield along dearne valley parkway to brierley gap,will also make the route pass wombwell on the way back will put some there as well,where i saw a border collie with a blue collar two weeks ago,anything we can do to help bring this little girl back home,we will do,its time to come home freddie xxx mfranceLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I sat at engine lane from 6am to 8am. Rachel went up towards emley. I met a man that was just finishing his night shift and he said that on his breaks during the night he had been driving around the areas she has been seen looking for her which is brilliant!!! I am hoping to get out later if my car is fixed. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Morning. Just to let you know that mum was going to be at Engine Lane this morning at about 6am and was going to stay for a few hours before heading off to do some more postering and leafletting around Flockton, Briestfield etc as well as talking to people as always. She is going to a school in Flockton where they have agreed to poster and also to their breakfast club who will hopefullly hand out flyers too. We now have 3 of the Wakefield dog wardens specifically looking out for Freddie, they are all aware of her movements and it would be great if they saw her as they have the equipment to capture her much more easily than we do. I know that there has been someone out in the early hours of the morning keeping an eye on the industrial unit in HB which is fantastic. After her foray in Flockton in the early hours of Tuesday morning it may be, as Pam suggested, that she is trying to steer clear of people however scary that may be for her. Rachel has definately been plotting Freddie's movements on a map and we can see that there has been a rough triangular area which she seems to be sticking too. This of course doesn't mean that she will continue to do so. I keep an eye out in Flockton early mornings as I am driving through to get to work in Barnsley and again on the way home. For some reason I feel that Flockton is the place although I could of course be totally wrong. It's so hard to second guess a dog like Freddie. I am so happy that she is showing such resiliance though, she has always been a greedy guts so finding food will be her priority and I think she will manage this well. She is a real softie at heart though and has surprised me by how well she appears to be coping, it just goes to show that you should never underestimate dogs...even little softies like Freddie! LIZ...your early morning help would be much appreciated, please could you contact mum on her mobile 07903 755050 and she can co-ordinate efforts with you for tomorrow morning. Many thanks once again and let's keep our fingers crossed for a successful weekend's hunting. Penny LLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i live too far away to help unfortunately. but i think its really great how everyone is helping to find her. i sincerely think you are all doing a great job. i just know Freddie will be home soon. good luck.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Dogs, especially Collies, are very clever and resilient little monkey's out on the loose. She is able to look after herself and will have good survival skills. They are, however, creatures of habit. She will know where to get her food from. She may also have more than one "den". Plot each sighting on a map then link them up, it will form a triangle. She will be within this. Look also at the days and times she has been seen, this is how you maybe able to forcast her arrival at a certain point and be there waiting. If you are putting food down, put it within the triangle and top it with pilchards. Dogs love them and will smell them from 2-3 miles away. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you get her home soon. judyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think that Freddie is a very clever lady. Her movements so far have shown that her survival instincts are telling her to stay under cover where possible, search for food at quiet times when possible and not to return to one place to often in order to avoid traps and ultimately capture! How about trying to get ahead of Freddie! So far this week she has covered the west side of the woodland , Horbury Bridge, Middlestown and Flockton. Will her survival instinct now take her to the East side? Midgley,Bretton, Netherton and even as far as Calder Grove. Looking at Google Earth there is a covered route that she would welcome from Coxley to Calder Grove. Concentrating on these areas in the next few days could be worth a shot. I also think that Horbury Bridge is again due a visit by Freddie. I think that there?s something there that is really attracting her . Maybe it's easy pickings of scraps and food. She may have encountered dangers on her last visit which caused her to ease off for a while. What are other people?s views on this? Is there a different take on this to consider? Lastly, can I just say that I really do believe that you WILL find Freddie. I think that your tireless efforts are truly magnificent. Robina xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
.......there are such lovely people.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi I have just registered with the site, I know of Rachel and Freddie from Kelrose Dog Club, I have been following her story and came over on Monday evening with Mags & Tracy to search for her. I think early morning might be a good time to search and I am available from the crack of dawn on Saterday morning, I have a good pair of binoculars to scan the countryside but as I don't know the area I would have to meet up with a local searcher, I know how to get to the Ship Inn. If you think that I may be of some help just give me a time to be there and who to meet, I am not bothered how early it is. Liz Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I think it would be a good idea to poster and flyer the place that you are all discussing. Rachel is staying in HB tonight and tomorrow night so that she is on hand at all times. Please contact her if you are able to be out and about. I spent some time around 7.30 - 8am this morning scouring Flockton and then about 4.30 - 5.30pm driving round Overton, Midllestown, Thornhill Edge, then up by the Coal Mining Museum and finally up to Grange Moor roundabout. Unfortunately no sightings. Mum had a call about 3.30pm today from a lady in Haigh who thinks she saw Freddie about 1 month ago being chased by a man. Rachel will follow this up and am sure will post more details about it later if she can. Penny LLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks so much for you response Liana and Fastfern. I was thinking that this may be a place that Freddie is visiting and as it is so concealed from the road, the " flyer response team" may have missed it! Has anyone posted there? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Coconuts - the buildings are private house now and it did used to be a livery yard. Its around where the colliery used to be and is known as Bulcliffe. Some of the paths leadonto South Lane at Netherton but at the Midgley end. From there Freddie could get through Stocksmoor Common to Bretton, Flockton etc. There are so many places that she could get to! Good Luck to everybody searching today - unfortunately I have to work until 10.30 but it's my last shift until Monday so I will keep doing what I can.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I know where you mean it used to be a livery farm its now houses. Earnshaws own all the wood its private. I think she could be using coxley wood to get between middlestown, netherton and HB. There is also a lane running just behind Mitchells that goes over fields and once you come to the end of that lane turn left and it brings you out at the fish shop at middlestown. Im free tom from around one if you need any more help. please let me know where you want me. My boss rides round all the above areas in and around the woods and she is constently looking out for her. Do people look on the coal board that runs from the navigation along to HB it also has an old railway line that goes on forever.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
.......Fastfern, do you know where I mean!?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
As you come out of Bretton towards Flockton, there's a large rounabout,turning right there , then carrying on until you come to trees on the left, I can see farms or buildings of some kind well set back behind the trees! These buildings are surrounded by woods which link to the 'arterial route' that was mentioned before. Also,I can see water within the woods. Does anybody know where I Mean? xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We are all thinking of you Rachel, here in Spain. Best of luck for today. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It's a relief to hear of the constant sightings, surely only a matter of time now x she does sound a streetwise little dog, thank goodness! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Didn't check in with Tracey re who was doing the update!! Never mind...twice is better than not at all!! My husband has just suggested something! If any of the helpers do get a sighting and have a camera phone or digital camera handy...take a quick pic (time permitting) so Rachel can have a look and be sure it's Freddie. Just a thought to rule out the couple of wandering Border Collies at Horbury and Flockton who keep getting mixed up with Freddie's sightingsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We joined tonights stakeout and sat at the end of Coxley Lane where a lot of footpaths converge. We didn't meet the reported ghost, but we did meet quite a few dog walkers and cyclists who all went home with flyers. Stayed put until dark and then went out up and down Coxley Lane, Sandy Lane, Low Lane, and all associated footpaths with posters. Left a poster in the Jet garage at the traffic lights at the bottom of Netherton Lane and checked on the traffic light posters at Middlestown. Tracey went off in pursuit of a moving object that we think was probably a bird but it was worth a shot. Will be out and about again as soon as we can. Freddie we WILL find you girl. Stay Safe. Mags & Tracey xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi Mags and i met Rachel and other Freddie hunters at the Ship inn. We then headed up Sandy Lane to Coxley Lane where we drove to the end of the road where the footpaths all meet. Great area for Freddie to pass through. Unfortunately some youths playing extremely loud music pulled in and stayed some time. Enough to scare anyone away !! i walked some footpaths whilst Mags sat in the car and endured the loud music !!!! We gave out leaflets to several dog walkers, all who seemed to have seen posters or heard about Freddie. All were keen to keep an eye out and promised to ring Rachel if they saw anything.When it drew dark we decided to put up more posters around coxley lane, sandy lane and several other roads in this area.Also left a poster at the local garage (jet i think) Unfortunately no signs of Freddie tonight !! Stay safe and well. Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. Tracey and Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Well done to all for a fantastic turn out ! Sorry we could'nt get there tonight but OH is on call. If Freddie wants to avoid people then venturing out in the early hours in areas like Flockton would normally ensure this especially on these colder evenings ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was working today and by one of those random chances met the partner of a dog warden for Kirklees. They live in Thornhill. i sent lots of flyers and the dog warden will now start her drive on Edge Lane and check out coxley woods HB the CMM and the Navigation. I have kept in touch with the dog pound in Ossett , Jago. they are looking out for her. How poignant was that encounter in Flockton! We know she's around and hunger may drive her to make herself more visible again. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
......... then back to Horbury Bridge.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Is Freddie doing the circuit!? Horbury Bridge then Middlestown and now Flockton. Therefore will her next target be Midgley or Netherton!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Goatwhisperer. The only tri colour BC I can find on the website for Hyndburn is one called Jaz: ref no 117/08/BLA. Is this the one you mean?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Just to let everyone know about today's activities. Mum has spent the day searching, postering and leafleting the area...mostly around HB, Thornhill and Whitley. Unfortunately no sightings today. However, Freddie was spoted yesterday morning in Flockton but again at 1.30AM (ie: the early hours of Tuesday morning) again in Flockton. She was seen by a man called Will who had been unable to sleep and had gone out to his local 24 hour supermarket. He said that Freddie was looking very frightened and had her tail between her legs. She was on the pavement but was pressed up very close to the wall so that she was as far away as possible from the road itself. He tried to reach out to get her but she managed to slip away. Although she has been seen in Flockton on several occasions now it is unusual for her to be out so late which may explain why she was looking so frightened. On the other hand, maybe she is often out this late it's just that no-one has ever seen here before as most of us are tucked up in bed by that time. It does however raise another dimension to the search for Freddie...is she out at this time because she knows that she won't bump into people?? Tonight's stakeout - although not resulting in a sighting - had a great turnout, nine cars in all. Thank you so much to everyone who has once again given up their time to help my mum find her precious Freddie. I know that she will turn up soon, it's just a matter of time and patience. The search will continue tomorrow with Rachel staying over at HB for the next couple of nights so if anyone can continue to give their time please phone her direct on 07903 755050 and she can co-ordinate efforts. Many thanks once again. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hi i know you have poss sightings of this girl but there is a tri colour collie bitch on hyndburn stray dogs in need . worth a look ! good luck! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I've just got back from todays stake out. Thankyou for everybody who came out to look for Freddie tonight, there were quite a few!! It really helps to have as many people as possible looking at the same time as we are able to cover more areas and increase our chances of seing Freddie. It is really good meeting new people and even meeting people that I haven't seen for years!! Everyone that turned up tonight is well and truely postered and leafleted - I handed out my supply. Thanks again!!!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
just got back from tonights look out saw nothing hope she is found soon just a thought rachel have you been to the dog pound at ossett? jane x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wishing you all good luck for this evening - wish I was there - but will be with you in spirit xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jago and anyone else who can make it to tonight's stakeout. Rachel will be outside the Ship Inn at Horbury Bridge tonight at 7pm. Discussion about who should go where will take place then. Many thanks. Penny L Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have yet again sent e.mails to Calendar and Look North, updating them on the amazing support and interest that Rachel's plight has generated. For those of you that are following this story: PLEASE e.mail them also. The more e.mails they get aboutn Freddie's story, the better chance we have of them listening! xxx P.S. When it rains in Spain, IT RAINS! Hope you are getting better weather there! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
where are people meeting tonight? and at what time? got one more school run to do then free jane Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good idea! Have contacted Victoria Turton again 375111- she's going to contact Rachel to follow up the story about how many of us are involved from Robina in Spain to the local scouts. She is really positive- let's hope she can get it in this week!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is it possible to contact the police helicopter group nearby- I doubt they could go out specifically for freddie but they might spot her whilst on a journey?? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I know that there is army cadets and air cadets in wakefield on George street there is also sea cadets down near the wharf in wakefiled as well. I think that there is cadet groups all around but I am not sure how to contact them. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Checked out the link you posted, Jacky. There's a Cadet Squadron 2388 based at Castleford. They are obviously a very professional outfit and welcome young people between the ages of 13 and 17. I would be very happy to contact them either by e.mail or phone, informing them of the amazing work that Doglost achieve, Rachel's plight and the incredible momentum that Freddie's 'escapades ' have generated! However, I feel that discussions between Rachel,Pam and the ' gang' should take place first, to ascertain how and when their help should be pursued. If we get a pattern of Freddie's "comings and goings," or an indication of where her base is, yet, we still haven't been able to catch the little monkey! Maybe that's the time to call in the 'The Big Boys' ! Please advise. Robina xxx What did you say about Merlin Mark 2 Jacky!! P.S. Maura- Could you contact the Wakefield Express and ask them if they would cover the story if Squadron 2388 agreed to help! I will ask the local tv links. I'm sure that Squadron 2388 would relish the chance to have publicity! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I did the usual suspects this morning between 6-7 before I got ready for work. No luck. I can't do this afternoon but I will be at the Ship tonight at 7pm. Jacki Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
terrific idea to use youth groups. I have phoned the Wakefied express again to see if they will run it now- once you have met and have a story of brave young scouts etc ready for them. Thurs is their deadline day so they will be very pressurised and will need phoning early. The reporter who knows all about Freddie is Victoria Turton. She has visited the site and seen the posts last week. The scouts now add a new and photogenic angle. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I'll be bringing the updated posters and flyers with me tonight if anybody wants any. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
http://www.locallife.co.uk/wakefield/youthgroups3.asp - This is a link I found earlier this morning, you beat me to it GG - there are about forty different local youth groups listed on this page. Would make a good story for the local paper wouldn't it? Good for the old 'community spirit' eh? xx good luck today xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
From Penny A. The scout leader rang this morning and I have arranged to take flyers over later today for them. Thanks GG and Robina for arranging this.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
did a good look round this morning. Full tour round the back of the mining museum and through the shelterd valley below it, then through Nell Gap lane up to Egde lane. Gave out flyers- a farmer who has binoculars is looking out for her. postered further along that lane where posters had run out. Flyered the little hamlet just where Middlestowm ends and Dewsbury begins. There's a smallholding there. One of the people in the cottges will tell the others and look out for us- she already had aflyer! Sorry not to come back with a sighting, rachel. Can't join you tonight because I'm working, but will check the site for news. Good luck!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Made contact with Group Scout Leader, Adrian Cooper and given him Rachel's mob number to discuss any help that he might be able to offer. Nice guy, he was very friendly and he has seen the posters. Who hasn't!! Well done, GG xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Birgitta Betz
I'm one of many following your amazing hunt for Freddie but too far away to give practical help - just wanted to say 'Good Luck' to all you fantastic people. Hope she's found very soon. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
GG - I can do that. xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Here's hoping that today is the day!! Good luck everybody! Robina xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Has anybody got in contact with the Horbury scout group - they have scouts cubs and beavers. These might be a good group to contact and ask if they could hand out leaflets to the kids or even ask the older groups to join in searching. I would offer to contact them but I am at work, is anybody else willing to contact them???. Contact details on http://www.horburyscouts.org.uk/index.html Group Scout Leader ? Adrian Cooper Mobile ? 07719 909622. There are also links to other scouting groups on this website as well. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
We'll be out tonight. If anybody is going and planning on sitting and watching a spot I would recommmend taking some smelly food like sardines to increase your chances of seeing her. Just don't spill it on yourself as you then have to sit in a car stinking of fish for several hours!!! Don't put your food too close to your car just in sight somewhere. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have just emailed the poster to the Mining Museum - asking them to display it in a prominent place x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel, sorry I won't be available Weds or Thurs evenings because of work but will continue to keep a lookout on a morning. No footprints in the sand yet at the stables but will leave it down. Good Luck. YvonneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you all for the amazing response in searching for Freddie Jones. Yesterday and today had a few false sightings including a dog in Notton with a limp and a soghting of two collies running together towards Whitely which Lucy spend some time in running after. However not Freddie. I think she will remain alone as she is not confident with dogs she does not know. Spent the morning from around 7.30 checking the eEngine lane area, talking with dog walkers using the paths in that area. Also sat for aroung 1.5 hours watching whilst Maura walked at Coxey. Checked Middlestown as today was bin day. Had to go to work around 11am and then returned in the afternoon. Went into Coxley woods and with JackiKat in CMM area. Had a call from Ross today re the sighting which has aalready been mentioned. Freddie was running in the fields behind the CMM. Ross and his partner went back out tonight as I came home. Tomorow I know that at least two/three people will be out early morning. I have to work but will be back out for the afternoon and evening. Will be staying in HB for the next few nights so that I can I can look for Freedie later into the evening and earlire mornings as I think she may often go out quite early say 6ish. I am aware that lots of paths lead from Thornhill through to Netherton, Middlestown and to HB.She has been sighted going over fileds and footpaths and I think uses the road only when necessary. Had a further call, tonight from someone who saw her last week near the Ship Inn going towards the river. So she seems to have a clearish routs. However we dont know how she makes her decisions about which route to take.On the plus side we are getting more sightings of her. At some point one of us is going to see her and I do think that being sighted so many times, she will be found. I do take Will out with me when what I am doing is suitable for her. I still have to consider her well being. I think that another night watch tomorrow, Wednesday would be good. I will be out tomorrow night and if anyone is able to join me I will wait at the Ship in at 7pm. to coordinate efforts. If anyone is coming with GG mind that she doesn't spill sardines down you. Again thank you all for this wonderful response to finding my little dog. My gratitute does not seem sufficient RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
we have been over to HB and sat in the car on the Industrial site for about an hour. Went on a drive round Middlestown, Overton,Flockton and Netherton and then back down to Coxley Valley. Whilst sitting near the brook another vehicle turned up and the lady smiled at us and asked if we were looking for Freddie LOL It was Lucy ! Come on Freddie show us where you are hiding ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
gave flyers to people at ossett dog training classes and met a fellow helper who trains dogs behind the mining museum, great to make connection. would it be worth trying to meet -as many of us as poss- to share ideas? Called into the navigation to ask- they confirmed the sighting at the weekend. Made sure they knew we were still looking. Posters there still ok. Going out Wed 7-30am to Croxley woods and will now include Thornhill Rd. Will also contact wakefield flyball team- based in Osset so they know we are looking and can help. your hard work will be rewarded Rachel ! It's a matter of time and luck and the more we look,the luckier we get!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I covered the outskirts of the Mining museum this afternoon. I went as far up the road to Denby Grange road, this is a dead end road with about 6 houses all with walled fences and electronic gates, but it backs onto a large wood. I also drove along Edge Road at Thornhill Edge. You can go right on and view all the opposing fields very clearly. I was going to wander around the cemetry at Middlestown but noticed a lady walking up a road from behind the garden centre. I drove right down this single track road and it leads past many pony stables and right down to the bottom to a equestrian centre. I met up with Rachel and we walked up and down here. We could see the back of the fields from the museum very clearly. I backed up on myself and went back thru Thornhill Edge and back again up Middlestown to Grange moor roundabout at the top. I had to go into Huddersfield later but on my way back came back again through MT and back thru Overton. I did notice how close the museum is to the road at Overton thru that little road by the Reindeer pub. It would be very easy to get back to the fields and back into Coxley wood. Sorry I can't be out again this evening. But back again tomorrow afternoon. I have seen loads of people out today doing their bit. All holding white pieces of paper with Freddies picture on, it is like we are some kind of 'clan' - all working towards the same goal. Brilliant! Jacki x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Reference the sighting of Freddie in fields behind the Mining Museum in Overton (next village to Middlestown). Freddie can easily get from Horbury Bridge to here without travelling on any main roads. If she crosses Hostingley Lane in Horbury Bridge she can travel over fields, cross Low Lane and come out on Thornhill Road in Middlestown on any of 3 paths, one at the bottom in Smithy Brook, one half way up Thornhill Road, Middlestown and one at the Cross Roads by the Little Bull pub in the centre of Middlestown. If she comes out on either of the two paths lower down on to Thornhill Road she can cross the road into Em-Royd, a large wooded, shrubbed area with a maize of paths. This area borders on to Middlestown, Thornhill Edge and Overton. At Overton she will have to cross Wood Lane into fields which go behind the Mining Museum at Overton. Em-Royd is our destination tonight.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good idea Jackie-will leave it to you to find out LOL!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Is there a group locally of older teenagers, say air cadets/rangers or similar that could help with staking out? xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
no show this morning, but lots of awareness of her being lost.Will contact Osset dog club and their collie owners to try to recruit more helpersLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I think handing out small flyers is a great way of getting the message out but agree with Jaspbenswood that supermarkets and petrol stations may not be able to help due to their organisational rules. However I am sure some of the smaller companies would and these are the places that the locals will frequent. We left some in a few small shops and pubs and I think we should do this again. Places like James Wilby's (back of Horse & Jockey) and the pubs in the area, plus the animal feed store on the industrial estate and the pet food store at the traffic lights at the bottom of Netherton Lane. Could also ask at the Gatehouse cafe. Tracey and I plan to come over tomorrow evening...are we doing a coordinated stakeout? If so what time are we meeting and where please? If someone could leave some small flyers around as above that would be great. Unfortunately it's a bit difficult for us to do that in the day time in the next couple of days as we are not local (although we feel as though we are now!!). Come on Freddie girl. Mags & Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a quick note to say i've updated the posters in the vets in horbury where i work so they look fresh and made sure no one can miss them! Also printed out a note to say That she IS still missing and if any one who thinks they have spotted Freddie, no matter how trivial it sounds to contact the mobile number on the poster. I hope this helps as i feel so helpless as i can't get out to search with work commitments! My thoughts are with you Rachel and i'm sure you'll have her in your arms soon. I will be in touch weds morn to see if i can be of any use to help you look as it's my day off!! Emma Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What have you got to loose by asking! RobinaxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
They may not go for that as staff are paid to do their job so may be a bit iffy bout asking them to hand out posters! However, you could ask if you can stand in the doorway handing posters to people as they come in/leave or put posters on the cars in the car park? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Another thought- what about giving flyers to petrol stations, newsagents and supermarkets, asking the assistants to issue them on every transaction.This way the public will have the info at hand when driving and walking the area! Robina xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Yes that one was a false sighting ............ however I just phoned Rachel to ensure she knew it was a false sighting and she has just had a caller contact her with a DEFINITE SIGHTING yesterday afternoon at 3pm running in a field at the back of the COAL MINING MUSEUM which lies on the far side of Middlestown. Now Freddie has been sighted here before in a garden so this is an area to watch. The man that sighted her is going back again today to see if he can see her again. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
False alarm-will let Jumanji update.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sighted just now at Dalton Lane -Jumanji ringing sighter for more precise point.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is turning into a "Merlin' mark 2 !! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Due to work we cant get there tomorrow but we will be going over at teatime today and staying till dark. If anyone else is going over tonight and wants to co-ordinate a search either pm me ( will be checking for them through the day up till 4 ish )or text/phone me 07960988339. We will definately be looking in the Water Lane /Coxley Valley area and also of course the Engine Lane area. Unless any other sightings come in today ! I have been thinking about the sighting on Sunday at 11.30 am. I had started to walk along from The Navigation at 11 am and crossed over via the river to the Industrial site around 11 .30/11.45 and then explored the wooded area and the footpath that runs under a bridge to the railway line. MY partner had arrived in HB just about 11.30 driving in from the Horbury direction and parked his car near the Sun pub and crossed over and walked towards the canal to walk to meet me along the canal path but then I phoned him to say I had changed from the agreed route so he turned round and walked back along the road and down Engine lane almost following in Freddies 'pawsteps'.In between all this the ever elusive Freddie had managed to slink through without being seen ! It just goes to show how this dog is getting around unnoticed by many ..........including those actively looking for her ! lol. But any of the helpers knowing the area and in particular the Industrial site which is just a maze of cut throughs and ramshackle buildings can see how she does it. So anyone wanting to look tonight please contact me so we can liase ! I would also like to agree with what GG has said that it is best NOT to call Freddies name out if you see her but to try and look like you are just out for a stroll and not that bothered about her at all and try not to make direct eye contact and if you are close to her crouch down and dont make any sudden movements. Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
P.S. Still sending e.mails to Calendar, Look north and Barnsley Chronicle.COME ON GUYS!!! You have the oppurtunity to broadcast an amazing story about Yorkshire folk's compassion, determination and good old community spirit. And, most importantly, help us get dear Freddie back into the arms of Rachel! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The general public have been fantastic, I,m sure you would all agree. Keeping them updated and vigilant is fundamental to finding Freddie. GG, your idea about changing the colour of the posters is excellent! I am rooting for you all so so much! Is it just me,or do others get that feeling that the search for Freddie is developing into something quite extraordinary!!! You WILL succeed. I know it ! Best of luck for today from Spain xxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What lovely people looking for Freddie - talk about dedication! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Updated flyers are now there for you ready to download and print. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
GG, I will update the smaller posters a.s.a.p. and forward to Yasa to up date them on the Info Centre. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is it possible to get the leaflets updated with the latest sightings so that the latest info can be given out?? Thanks GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Do you want to arrange another coordinated effort for Wednesday night - I think that I am free then. I think it best to work out strategic places and sit and watch these areas for a few hours and hopefully she will show herself. I have thought that as Freddie is being so elusive particularly towards us who are out actively searching that maybe she is avoiding us. Perhaps we are parking our cars up in obvious places that she knows is wrong or are we walking and calling her so she is hiding?? I would suggest when out walking just to walk with no calling or shouting and if sitting in a car then try to blend in - I mean park next to other cars that are already there not trying to cover your car with trees or camouflage LOL!! If anybody is out of posters or leaflets then let me knwo and I can print some and perhaps give them out tomorow night. I know that rachel now has plenty of posters that I gave her last night. If it would help to show that the search is still ongoing then I could print onto different coloured paper which might stand out as being new??? Jackicat: myself and malakai heard the metal clanking noise the other night and as it was very dark and late at night it was quite scary but it did keep us amused with what it could be (varying from ghosts to horsemen of the apocalypse or even a seance (sp!) ). GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello. Penny A replying. Rachel got in at 9 last night after a long day, and then has gone out this morning to meet up with Maura. She plans to get back early evening today and post about what searching/posting/leafletting could be done tomorrow. Yesterday Rachel was out in the same areas as everyone else, found more footpaths from Water Lane (that other people have been walking too). It is encouraging that there are so many people still looking, and new people joining. Also suggestions about places we could look at. I think the point about keeping it looking as though we are still actively looking is important, Mags. I got the same comment from someone on Sunday, that they assumed Freddie had been found. We have considered a trap, but I think we need a regular area that Freddie is feeding at before a trap could be used. A big thank you for all the help in looking for Freddie and talking to people, and also all the ideas of what to do/where to look. This evening will look at suggestions, see where may have been missed, make plans for next couple of days (let's hope we don't need them). Thank you to everyone for still being here. Penny A.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
just off for a 7.30am hunt with R. Will post when I returnLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
hurry safely home dear Freddie p.g.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi All. Just got back. Tracey, liz and I have been out since about 6pm. Walked by the river at HB and Liz scanned the adjoining fields with her binnoculars. We bumped into the cyclist and feel sure that the dog he saw at 11.30 yesterday was Freddie. He described her as very bedraggled and thin with pointy ears and moving quickley...the other dog that has been seen in this area is certainly not thin and it's not bedraggled either. The young man is out every day on his bike and will keep looking. Well tonight has been a mix of walking, scouring the fields and postering. It was probably us at Sandy lane!! We also went up Water lane and postered a bit up there (until we ran out of plastic wallets) there are a lot of footpaths leading from Sandy lane - water lane across to netherton lane and we tried to cover some of them. We also renewed some posters in middlestown and put some extras up. Tracey put one on every traffic light by the pedestrian boxes. A man said "havn't you found that dog yet"? to Tracey when she was postering...and as Tracey said it seems that it might be good to put some new ones up around the triangle, even in the areas where there are still a lot out, so that they look fresh and people realise that the search is still active. Well Freddie girl you are certainly keeping us on our toes...come home now and give your mum the rewards she deserves for her vigilance in looking for you. Stay safe Freddie. Mags, Tracey and Liz xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I put a poster up (one of the Large ones) at Wakefield Dog Club last Friday - its on the notice board as you come in the door & was still there this afternoon. Maybe it ought to be moved into the kitchen area though. Jago, will you be going to the club this week & if so can you move it please? Thanks, YvonneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
went passed the engine yards and the bingley arms towards netherton tonight but saw nothing sat for a while going down the big hill to look over the fields, on my way back at 9.15 saw a dog run across the road but it was a shepherd cross we stopped to try and catch it but it ran off has anybody a poster they can bring in to wakefield dog club at ossett it is only just over 5 mins away hope she is found soon Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bumped again due to further sighting and poster updated. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just back from covering Coxley wood again tonight. My husband parked in the middle in darkness and I walked from the HB end along water lane, up thru all the paths to Netherton and along the top path that looks down into the lake. We sat in the car in the dark for a while. We need hear a metal clanking several times , close to the warehouse type buildings. It kept repeating. However the engineer in my husband told me it was a vacumn in the sewer. We then went back into HB and did the usual circuit around the Horse and Jockey and back up to MT crossroads and home via Overton. I did see a lady posting posters in Sandy lane earlier while someone was waiting in car - we didn't have chance to say hello. So apologies whoever that was. Back out again tomorrow. J x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You are all doing such a fantastic job & everytime my phone beeps I'm expecting txt from Pam to say you've got her back. I'm following this every day & have spoken to Pam. I hve fingers & toes crossed for you & pray that Freddie is home soon, you have done so much to get her back & help that we have never seen the likes of before up this neck of the woods. Pam is a wonderful lady & her husband as well. They jumped on this whilst I was away & know the area from Rambo's exploits. You have been an inspiration to the many people following your story & your day for celebration is only round the cornerxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I put a message on the Kirklees Council staff intranet today and also e-mailed the Kirklees dog wardens who cover Thornhill, Grange Moor and Flockton and areas further North-West. Yesterday's sighting is encouraging. Hopefully it won't be long now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
FREDDIE SIGHTED ! Have just spoken to Rachel and helpers have reported to her that a cyclist saw Freddie yesterday (Sunday 6th) at around 11.30 am run down into Engine Lane at Horbury Bridge ! Several of us were quite near there around this time and it just goes to prove how this girl is dodging about ! Rachel is coming on to post later ths evening. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll be looking at 7.30 tomorrow- Tues. Will check on here and with Rachel to get any sightings, areas of focus tonight - any ideas welcome. We will do it!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome everyone new, the more people we have involved the better I am sure. I am sure Rachel would be delighted with extra feet on the ground. I checked Middlestown and the Thornhill Edge park again this afternoon with no sight. I then went back to the playing fields behind the Horse & Jockey where Freddie has been on several occasions in the afternoon - I carried on past the industrial site and along the back past the river and saw nothing. I also checked the canal either side of the Bingley Arms. After talking to Rachel this afternoon I went to Water Lane and Coxley wood after the sighting of Freddie's bum. I went right up to the back of the houses at Netherton and through to the other side leading up to the back of Middlestown. I agree I great place to hide. I shouted Freddie's name almost all afternoon. I hope that if she recognises her name she may start appearing to check if we are her mum. I would think Rachel will be organising another evening 'stake out' this week so anyone that can make themselves free in the evening I would suggest contact Rachel directly so she can decide the best strategy. Griffin I think Rachel has taken her other dog out several times and even left her own urine scent about - trying everything and anything! I am sure with the number of people following this up that we will get her soon. Good Luck all. Jacki Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Agree with Fastfern this definitely sounds like it is the Pheasant Farm and Stable Block just off Carr Lane in Middlestown. My husband, along with many other dog owners who are aware of Freddie's plight, frequently pass through this area. We are about to set off now along Carr Lane to Stoneycliffe Wood heading back to Duck Pond in Coxley Valley between Netherton and Middlestown. Hope someone gets lucky tonight!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Re posting from Griffin: I think that the trapping idea is well worth a shot!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
welcome Griffin ! YES I am SURE Rachel would welcome your kind offer of help.Please call her on the day and ask if she needs anywhere in particular covered. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks and welcome Griffen!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Every one! Ive just joined as i have been following the freddie story for the duration. I wanted to offer my help and support to Rachel. You WILL get her back Im sure you will! I work at the vets in the local area and have printed out the leaflets and we are ensuring every client leaves the building with one!! Also as im travelling to and from branches im scouring the area. But i would like to offer to come out on foot searching on weds afternoon/ evening if that will be of any use?? Also Just a couple of thoughts i've had - is it possible to bring your other dog out with you when you look round the areas of sightings, and have him make noise, as the smell and sound of him might encourage her out of hiding, You probably have tried everything but thought it was worth a mention, also have you considered a trap in the areas of sightings? If i can be of any help please dont hesitate to ring me on 07887 933210 Emma Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Mags, myself and Liz another member of Kelrose dog training will be heading out to HB around 5 ish to join Rachel and others in the search for Freddie.Come on Freddie.... Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have just spoken to Rachel and she is out and about looking for Freddie and postering a little further afield. Fastfern we have also looked on the old quarry wall on a couple of occasions. It was quite a bit muddier when we were there yesterday than it had been before and I tried to see if there was any concentration of small dog prints leading to the area but couldnt make any out. Hoping Rachel gets some luck with Freddie today ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have been around the Water Lane area this morning where a possible sighting of Freddies rear end was reported yesterday. There is an old quarry area with a sheer face but there are lots of crrevices & undergrowth where a dog could shelter. Have had a good poke around but nothing so far. I then walked through wood & into Netherton but will stay vigilant. I think the triangle are mentioned may be along near the pheasant farm which leads onto Carr Lane at Middlestown. There is a stable block there. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Pam - at the beginning of the search for Freddie you said that Rachel needed a lot of help and that more help would be wonderful! Well! You certainly got that! What a team! The determination and commitment of all of you in finding Freddie is sure to bring her home to Rachel and family very soon! Rachel and Penny - Stay strong. She's just a phone call away! It wont be long now! Freddie - COME ON SWEETHEART! We want to get that lovely little bottom of yours home!!! Good Luck to you all for tomorrow from Spain.xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I would just like to say thankyou to EVERYONE for all the efforts they are putting in in whatever way they can to help Rachel find her Freddie ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone called at the buildings up Hostingley Lane going towards Thornhill and also looking down on google between middlestown and Netherton there is a triangle of trees and in that triangle there looks to be some kennels or stables in a farm of some sort which could attract Freddie. Does anyone know where I mean please? It looks like you have to go up the main road towards middlestown and then double back to these woods.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Till dusk tonight walked from MT to Thornhill edge and upto the park across the road. On my way back walking down the valley to MT I noticed a public footpath just almost at the bottom of the valley. I walked along it and it leads to farmers fields of crops. It backs onto a small cottage. I carried on further and it kept going in the direction of HB, I could see the traffic going up to MT in the distance and the turkey farm to the left. This may be a route that Freddie takes from HB to MT. It avoids all the traffic and would make the route very quick as it cuts out the long route the road takes. I came back on the main road again and once over the bottom of the valley and going back up the hill to MT there is another single track on the left. I walked up that this and it turns into a bridleway. After about 500m it becomes a bridleway crossroads, the road straight ahead looks like it goes on to HB, the path to the left - looks like it leads to the other path I had only just walked on inbetween the crops. The bridleway right - leads right into the middle of the houses in MT. So this may be the route she takes from HB to MT. I thought intially she would go along the canal and up to the park at Thornhill edge and back down that hill, but if she cuts across the fields at HB can follow this bridletrack right upto MT and then come back that way without us ever seeing her on the road. I will try that path again tomorrow afternoon and follow it right along to HB. J Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Out at 7am today and staayed at the point of last sighting until around 9am. Had calls about three sightings of another collie which belongs to people on the main road just above Engine late. This dog is allowed to run loose so need to be aware that this dog id black with a half white face. Freddies facial markings are very even with which down the middle of her face and a small brown mark at either side of her mouth. She also has a small head for a collie. Spent the rest of the day checking out areas we have not posted before such as Edge Lane in Thornhill, and putting flyers through doors. Alsop posting slightly further afield inm places like Whitely. Home now. Stayed in HB since Friday so need to spend time with Will. Will be back out in the morning. Just responded to a message recieved on answerphone. This person says shw was walking in Coxley this morning, 8.30am and thinks she was Freddies back end going through a hedge on Water Lane, heading in the direction of the lower end of Netherton Lane. Says there is a direct footpath from there to Netheron Lane. Unfortunate that she did not use the mobile as I was so near. However Freddie has a lovely bottom so glad its still around. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am just back after 2 days away. I have just spoke to Rachel and she sounds exhausted and I believe she is going home to spend some time with her other dog. I am making sure my animals are okay and then I am going out about 6pm until dusk tonight. I am going to walk from Middlestown to Thornhill edge around that park at the top and back again If anyone else is out tonight wants to co-ordinate with me and we can keep this terrific effort we have going here. up my mobile no is 07729606600. About 3-4 weeks ago we didn't know each other yet the bond of animal friendship has brought us all together which I think is great, and we haven't finished our search yet until Freddie is found. Jacki x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry couldn't join you today> Is anyone going out 7-30am Tues if we still haven't got her?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have just got home after walking along the canal from The Navigation PUb to Horbury as far as the bridge at Baulk Lane and then walking along the ridge to cross the river and then searched the woodland and along to the Industrial site. There are just so many ways Freddie could be getting about this area whilst managing not to be seen by many people.We then walked to Middlestown alongside the brook in Coxley Vallley and took the footpath up to Netherton. Then back down Baulk Lane and over the canal and then over the ridge again to cross the river for another scout round the industrial site. We met two of Rachels friends on this last leg of our walk. Most people we met were aware about Freddie and said they were keeping a lookout and a lot of people took small posters from us. I think Freddie is just lying low after the sightings on Friday as this seems to be the pattern we have had with her.Several sightings and then it goes quiet for a while. Or she may go off exploring further afield. One thing for sure is that she has consistently returned to Horbury Bridge as the sightings there prove. Come on Freddie its time you were home xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Walking through Coxley Woods and Carr Lane area of Middlestown every day and asking people we meet but no sighting of Freddie. Last couple of days parking up in laybye at top of Storrs Hill Road (road leading from Horbury Bridge to Ossett). From here you can see views of Netherton, Middlestown, Thornhill Edge and Horbury Bridge, using binoculars to try and locate Freddie's hideout or movements without disturbing her. Sadly, no sighting of her. Will continue to look and ask anyone we see on our travels. Carrying a spare lead. tit bits and your 'phone no with us. Have been following the updates regularly and hope she will be found safe and well very soon. Chris Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Another thought! : Would a frightened and nervous dog, who quickly retreats when people approach, choose to bed down near inhabited areas where her escape would be serverely compromised, or would she choose to be somewhere that offers Shelter,quiet and most importantly easy means of escape!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thw woodland is a large area -Coxley & Stoneycliffe Wood. I walk my dogs in Stoneycliffe (top side near Earnshaws Woodyard) every weekday & no sightings so far. My hubby walks the length of Coxley as far as Overton at weekends & asks if anyone has seen Freddie. He says there were lots of people out this morning cos of the sunshine but no-one had seen her. We will keep asking and looking ourselves. I carry a spare collar, lead & treats in case I get lucky.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Looking at Google Earth from an aerial perspective, there is a stretch of woodland that goes from Horbury Bridge to Midgley. This woodland would bring welcome peace and shelter to a nervous and frightened dog. Is Freddie using this woodland as her base and as a main arterial route to get to the various housed areas for food? If this were to be the case, Horbury Bridge, Middlestown,Netherton and Midgley would be her obvious targets and these are the places where you have had most of the sightings of Freddie! Horbury Bridge would probably be Freddie's first choice in the search of food, as the woodland almost reaches the village ,therefore having the comfort of her cover for longer. Horbury Bridge is the Hotspot! Is it worth sweeping the woodland? RobinaxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
If you have this snow, she is likely to remain "holed" up today. They are clever little monkey's, know how to look after themselves. She wil not want to get wet & cold... Really rooting for you all. Good luck.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi,just off to poster and leaflet more around M.T. and H.B ,will take a walk along the canal and will go to the Horbury shunting yards,post back later Linda + JaneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi,just off to poster and leaflet more around M.T. and H.B ,will take a walk along the canal and will go to the Horbury shunting yards,post back later Linda + JaneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi,just off to poster and leaflet more around M.T. and H.B ,will take a walk along the canal and will go to the Horbury shunting yards,post back later Linda + JaneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Update. Mum and Penny have been out from about 7.00am until 9.30am this morning in all the places around HB that Freddie has frequented. Unfortunately no sightings as of yet. The day will be spent, as I said last night, postering and leafleting areas around HB, Middlestown, Thornhill and then further afield. There are posters which need replacing also. I'll post again with any further news throughout the day. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well done everyone.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just as a matter on interest has anyone had a look around the horbury shunting yards? Hope she is home with you soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Myself and GG sat and watched a tin of sardines until 9.30 but nobody seemed interested and sadly no sighting. We then drove around Middlestown, HB and up towards Thornhill. I do feel that staking out key places in areas she has been seen recently is the way to go, there are so many paths, fields and alleyways in the area it would be easy to miss her.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Just an update on tonights stakeout. Unfortunately there have been no sightings tonight or today although with the weather as it has been this is not necessarily surprising. Rachel has decided that the best course of action for tomorrow is to poster and leaflet on a wider scale. Her intention is to do Thornhill, Middlestown and then start further afield..perhaps out towards Whitley and beyond. Anyone who is available please please can you help. We feel so close to Freddie now that the wait is painful...especially for my mum who misses her so much. Please phone her on 07903 755050 with any availability you have and she can give you instruction about where needs doing. Many thanks to everyone who has been out tonight. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I just got home from tonight's stake-out. As of 8.30 there had been no sightings today. I stayed until 8.45 then had to leave. Freddie seems to have been following a fairly regular pattern so hopefully it won't be long now. Fingers crossed that Freddie goes blue soon, Rachel. Pam.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We are all rooting for you guys here in Spain! COME ON FREDDIE! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Pam, I think I know Fastfern, she used to have her horse next to mine, I know where her mother lives and may be able to contact her if necessary.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I so wish I was closer to help,everythings crossed that Freddie will be in the blue soon!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got in about an hour ago. Been running the triangel most of the afternoon...we were there when the false alarm occured and the response was really quick so that is encouraging for future sightings. Gave some more small leaflets to some children playing on their bikes in the industrila estate and also to a garage owner near the scrap yard on the industrial estate. Tracey had a chat to a man with an alsation who lives down there and he already had a leaflet...he carries it all the time bless him. He also said he went up to the pine shop yesterday after the sighting to have a look for Freddie so at least there are lots of people very close to the recent sighting areas who are constantly on the look out. It can't be long now. Rachel said she is staying at the Quarry Pub tonight and possibly next week if necessary so she is on the doorstep for the next sighting. Come on Freddie...your Mum is desperate to see you. Stay safe. Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Just to let everyone know that there have been no new sightings of Freddie at all today. There were a couple of false sightings earlier but apparently this is a black and white Collie who's owner regularly lets it out. It was very reassuring to know however, that the sightings resulted in 3 cars of people out looking for Freddie arriving on the scene very quickley. A couple of quick notes to various people - Thank you so much Maura for your kind offer of a bed for the night....you might be inundated with all manner of dog people before you know it! Pam T and Fastfern - welcome to the hunt and if you are available for either stakeout tonight or indeed any other times for general looking please contact Rachel on 07903 755050 as she can let you know where the best places to go looking are or of any sightings that may have been in your area. She is always the best person to ask direct for any news, info or advice on where to look. I've just spoken to Rachel and she has asked me to extend thanks once again to all those going out tonight - we have about 6 cars of watchers so far - and to rectify and earlier mistake. We are meeting at 7pm at the SHIP INN in HB and not the Sun Inn as previously stated. The pub is at the Netherton junction trafficlights in HB near to the canal. Anyone not knowing exactly where it is, please contact Rachel for directions. Thanks again and fingers crossed for a successful evening stakeout. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
rachel/penny.Can't join you till my husband is over the effect of his op. But we can offer bed and breakfast - charge 2 dog biscuits if that would help. We have a spare room and we are 15min from HB if you want to return from a night search and start with a dawn one. Phone me for postcode etc so you can see if we are any helpLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello - message from Rachel. She is out at the moment, alomg with a few other people looking round the river and canal, lanes and footpaths. She says that anyone wanting to help this evening can contact her by phone, or meet at the carpark next to the Sun Inn at Horbury Bridge at 7pm. Many thanks.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hoping for some good news this weekend. Wish I was nearer! Husband refusing to drive from Glos. to Wakefield - Meanie ! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome Fastfern!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Fastfern ................... does Rachel or anyone else have your phone number ? They plan to stake out different areas tonight so if you can help please let someone know so that the best coverage is given. We need as many people in different places as possible but it could be just as good for you to watch your stables if something is taking the food as we need to know if its a possiblity its Freddie ! If you want me to PM me your contact details I can pass them on or else make direct contact yourself. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have just joined the forum but have been keeping eyes open for Freddie since she went missing. Can anyone let me know if people are meeting tonight to look for her and if so where and at what time?The cats food at the stables has started to disappear so willleave a stable door open and some food down. It may be a fox but you never know!! The stables are at Netherton. YvonneLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Went over to look for Freddie last night and started in Middlestown by parking by Coxley brook and walking three of the footpaths there. The one straight up the slope got us to Netherton in no time so can imagine How quickly Freddie can get about if as I suspect she uses these pathways sometimes. Lastly followed the lowest path which runs next to the brook and followed it through to houses and the walked the short distance to HB. Checked all round the industrial site and over the road all round the Horse and Jockey Pub area. Around 9 we finished off by a drive back through Middlestown,Flockton Netherton and then HB before heading home. Spoke to Rachel who was still out looking but about to head off to where she was staying to get a good nights rest before another day of searching today ! Good luck to all going out to look for Freddie today and hoping this girl goes home today ! Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Paul Regan
I've just joined DogLost after my trainer told us all about Freddie last night at Courteous Canines, though I saw her poster in Mirfield at Easter. I have Rachel's number in my phone now and will keep an eye open. I hope Freddie is home very soon now. Pam.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi went to help Rachel look for Freddie this afternoon. Walked the river along by the builders merchants and stone yard. Its a bit rough going as there is no real path but probably great for Freddie to walk along. Got to the part where the canal meets the river and there are a set of locks. i then walked furter along the canal just past some more locks where i met a barge owner who said he had seen nothing further up. I decided to walk back down the canal side to HB. Sadly no signs of Freddie. I then spoke to Rachel who was out with 3 other people. Rachel asked if i would sit opposite Naylors at quarry hill and watch out. This i did for about an hour and half. No Freddie. I then had to leave but Rachel and her friends will continue this evening. Rachel was going to be staying at a local hotel tonight in the hopes that she will be close by should there be anymore sightings in the gardens. Stay safe and well Freddie. Good luck Rachel. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
wishing everyone the best of luck,have been constantly reading the post and remain positive that it is just a matter of time before freddie is safely home.come home freddie,we are all waiting for you xx mfrance & johnLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was talking to my postman this morning, he has been watching out for Freddie and will keep looking out for her. His round is in Netherton but he lives at Horbury Bridge. He has also told his father to look out for her because he walks his dog in the Horbury Bridge area. If he sees Freddie, he is going to phone the number on the posters.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just wanted to wish eveyone good luck for this evening - I expect to see Freddie in the blue everytime I look x wish I was nearer but also in the South West!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck tonight- she is so near.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Just about to head out over to HB area and will stake out an area when we get there have spoken to Rachel and will speak with GG to make sure we are watching different areas ! Come on Freddie everyone is tryting to help you get back to your family xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi guys, I just did a couple of hours this afternoon along the canal in HB before I go away on a pre-arranged weekend. Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK for this evening and for tomorrow, I am convinced she is a pat away from going home. One idea I thought of was to put some dog food around in these areas she goes to. If she gets the idea there is food, she will go back. She may also sit and watch someone put food out. Is that feasbile without the rats getting it? The park at the top of Thornhill edge is a very good hiding place. There are many bushes at the bottom that would be great shelter and she would be quite dry all night there. Best wishes JackiLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jayne - HB does stand for Horbury Bridge. To be honest this isn't Freddie's family's area either. We live about 22 miles away as the crow flies and so it's rather a trek for us and Freddie is a long way from her home. She's worth every minute though. I feel like we're getting close too...I've never had any doubt that we would get her home. You always have to remain positive and the help that Rachel is getting from everyone really helps with this. Linda, thanks for your help today. HB seems to be the hotspot right now so any time you can spend there is much appreciated. Many thanks. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck to everyone in their hunt for Freddie. Wish I could help but I'm way down in the South West.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi ,spent the morning putting out more flyers and chatting to everyone I passed,especially dog walkers,went all around Middlestown and HB,everyone was so lovely and helpfull ,walked along canal and popped into riverside cafes ect (already flyers there!) not long now i'm sure! Linda xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jayne - I think it is Horbury Bridge xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
What does HB stand for please?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
You sound so close to getting her home, I really hope today is the day that she comes home safely. Wish I could do more for you but I am back at work now & dont have a clue where you are talking about. I have my fingers & toes crossed for freddie's safe return xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So to clear things up. There have been 3 sightings today. 9.00am in a garden in Middlestown. 9.30am in HB by John the pine shop owner (outside his shop and then in a nearby garden). 10.20am again in HB in the Quarry Hill area. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is the pine shop sighting in hB or Middelstown??? I'm confused. I'm stuck at work and can't leave just yet but I'll try and leave early to come and help (but I might not be there until about 4:30) GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This is such good news ! COME ON FREDDIE! Must get loads of flyers with Rachel's mob number printed to houses in HB . A quick response will clinch it!!! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Teddy's mum. We have definately advised anyone approaching her to make themselves as small as possible so that Freddie doesn't feel threatened and to keep some food on them at all times as something to lure her with. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Just thought of something else. If the shop owner sees her again, he could lay down, so he is below her height ( they dont feel threatened then) offer her some food, she will probably come forward to take it. It is a good way of building her trust. She will then definately return.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
This is wonderful news. Get some food down now, either by this guys shop or in or near the garden. She will keep coming back. Top the food with pilchards, smell will travel for about 3 miles. Dogs cannot resist. Good luck, sitting on edge of my seat now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
you are so close now. how about carrying strong smelling food like Geeky Girl's fish and chips! Going out to work now but will be back at 1.30- 2.30 unless called to hospital, so please phone me if I can help by posting messages. stick with it and she will be home soon. plus Penny you are a wonderful daughter. My sons helped me so much when R was lost but it was over quickly- they would have kept on I know- but you are walking the talk. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
SIGHTING - Rachel has just phoned me again with an update and it seems that a woman saw Freddie at about 9am this morning in a garden in Middlestown. Again she was just sitting there. It seems clear that she is trying to look for food and perhaps being a bit more daring in terms of aaproaching people's homes during daylight hours. John, the man from the pine shop said that Freddie looked as though she was going to try and enter his shop but was frightened when a customer left through the door. John took a step towards her and that was when she backed off although she didn't run away and went off to sit in this nearby garden for about 40 minutes. He will keep an eye out for her again as he too is a dog lover. Rachel has asked that if anyone is around today can they possibly help at all. Please contact her on her mobile if you can. Thanks. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Re last post - I mean that Freddie was in the garden NOT the man watching her! It seems that she was just sitting there for a while though. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
SIGHTING - Rachel has phoned me and asked me to post that there was a sighting of Freddie at 9.30am this morning in HB at the top of Engine Lane in the Quarry Hill area. She was seen by a man who works in a pine shop nearby, apparently he was watching her for some time in a nearby garden and although he did try to approach her once she appeared frightened so he backed away. He continued to watch her for a while longer though. She was then also spotted again at about 10.20am in the same area. Rachel, Penny and Lisa are in the area now looking for her but as of yet they have had no more sightings. I'll post again with any updates throughout the day. Thanks. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry I can't help at the moment. My husband is having an op today. Good luck to you all. Will join you as soon as I can. You are so close now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Yes I know which bit you mean GC. We postered there but the ground I mean is actually at the end of some units behind the field at the back of the Horse and Jockey. You have to go through some massive gates to the right of Wileys and follow the units as far as you can go. It's really desolate in the evening. Not sure about daytime but the other thing is it is all so near to the river so would might suit Freddie as a hidey hole.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks GG for being available tomorrow. Just on my way out so will post later. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I think that the ginnel (snicket for southerners) that I mentioned from the end of the housing estate opposite the industrial estate at HB goes to the rough ground that Rufipool mentions behind the ship inn. I did notice whilst driving around this housing estate that about half way through there is a stream with small woodlands and paths. I am not sure how far these paths go. There were quite a number of kids playing here when we passed. I'm up for looking Saturday night. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. We walked by the river by the scrap yard for about 45 minutes and then looked around the industrial estate and in the housing estate on the opposite side of the main road from the industrial estate. went over behind the Horse and Jockey and tidied up some posters we had left a few days ago. There is a builders merchants called Wileys back there which Tracey left a leaflet in last week but to the right of Wileys there is an industrial unit type area with really rough ground at the end of it...perfect for Freddie to hide in and we thought very few people would be around. Perhaps this is where she goes when not behind the Horse and Jockey as the small field behind the pub backs onto this area? Went back to the industrial estate and sat with lights out. We saw several people around who looked as though they were on a mission...we thought looking for our Freddie. It's wierd but you can almost feel her presence when you sit in and around HB. Good Luck tomorrow Rachel. we'll try and help over the weekend. Stay safe Freddie Mags and Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Re: Posting April 3rd 22:06 - It's Ballfield Lane, KEXBOROUGH! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Two sightings of Freddie as already mentioned. one at 3pm amd the second sometime after 5.30pm. Penny, Jacki and I did aroung two hours searching thre area shortly after the first sighting but nothing came up. We did think that maybe she had somehow turned back on herself in HB as from the decsription offered by Naylors, she appeared to be coming from the Thornhill direction. The second sighting did indicate that she had doubled back. Both sightings said that she was running fast and appeared to be panting. Jacki spoke with some boys at the back of the Jockey and Horse pub and they said they had seen Freddie arond 4ish and had also seen her there for the previous three or four days. On searching we realsied that she could get back up to Thornhill using a track which led onto the river. From her she could easily get up to Thornhill pretty much keeping out of sight. By 7.30 we had six cars all staked out in different areas including Thornhill, the Ind Est, the Jockey pub and Middlestown. Did this until 9.30. She has only once been seen out just after 9.30 previously. Two watchers have discovered footpaths which would appear to go from the river, through Thornhill anf then via Middlestown to New Hall and Flockton. Tomorrow myself and Lisa will be meeting at 12pm to follow the paths and then to stay in the area where Freddie has been seen by the children playing. I think another stake out as suggested by GG would be a good idea. Any helpers for Saturday night would be really appreciated. I will be in the car park at the Ship Inn at 7pm or I can be contacted on my mobile. I will follow up the newsagents in Mapplewell tomorrow. Thanks to Robina for arranging this. Thanks to everyone for helping today, not just this evening, but also those people out during the day posting. I believe that we now have 12 posters in the prison and staff going out during their luch breaks looking for Freddie. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Yes the small posters are excellent to place in your car window and we have one in ours ! People do tend to stop and read it out of curiosity ! Newsagents are a good idea Coconuts ! PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks for the note Penny. Haven't been able to get in contact with Rachel. So I have Spoken again with Neil and Dawn, the owners of the Newsagents , 13, Towngate Mapplewell. If someone delivers 500 fliers they will happily distribute them. Neil told me to phone him if there's a sighting in his area and he will happily go and search. So, it's all set up if you were to take up the offer. By the way, the people are very friendly at the Post Office/Newsagents on Ballfield Lane - if one of you were to approach them, I'm sure they would be accomadating. I know that they cover Bretton. COME ON FREDDIE! WE WANT YOU HOME! Robina X Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry this has taken a while but my internet has been playing up so I couldn't get on. We had a sighting in HB at 3pm today as Pam has posted. Rachel and I went straight there along with Jacki but unfortunately had no sight of Freddie. We checked in the industrial estate and down several roads off the main Quarry Hill road. She was on the opposite side of the pavement from the ind est and we thought it unlikely that she would cross the road to get back onto the canal bank for example as the road was really busy. Nonetheless Rachel and I also went back to Netherton searching the surrounding area. At 5.50pm there was another sighting in Thornhill at the Thornhill end of Smithie Brook and the lady who phoned seemed pretty sure that Freddie was heading towards the Rectory Park although she did say that there were a number of housing areas there and that she could have ducked down any number of roads into one of these areas. Rachel and I were not in the area at the time but thanks to GG who went straight there. In response to your comment GG about the runner, Rachel and I discussed this and both think it highly unlikely that Freddie would follow a stranger. Rather she will be doing everything she can to stay out of the way of people especially after her near capture on Sat night. I think the idea of posters in cars is great and if everyone could do that it may help to raise even more awareness. Robina - I think you should call Rachel on 07903 755050 about the possibillity of leaflets in newspapers. This would be a great way of reaching a wide audience and we never know where Freddie might show up next. Thanks again to all who have been and are still out tonight. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Just thought - the sighting in HB earlier if she had gone into the housing estate opposite the industrial estate and continued all the way through then there is a ginnel at the end that goes through to the road that heads up to "Hollywood". Sorry but I don't know the name of this place but it is where Hollywood is written on a cliff. There are some hiding places around there. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I got a text saying Freddie had been spotted and left work immediately and went looking. We drove around the area for quite a while. Racheal rang me to say that a lady had seen Freddie on her own on Smithy Brook heading towards the park in Thornhill. We were there within a couple of minutes but Freddie was not there. I spoke to a man in his garden and he said a man had just run past and a border collie was running after him. On the way to the area just around the corner we had passed a man running but he did not have a dog. Was this the same runner and it was her chasing him?? Or was the runner I saw a different runner??? I'm not sure that it sounds like Freddie. The man in the garden said that it was not Freddie that he had seen (after looking at a picture). I think that she will head back towards HB and Netherton later tonight so if anybody is going out then park up on the main roads and you might just spot her. Good luck!! GG Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
thanks Rufipol xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Going over now. Will head towards HB and ring Rachel when we get there. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
FReddie has been SIGHTED today around 3pm in HORBURY BRIDGE. She was running very fast on the pavement on the opposite side of the road to the Industrial estate just past Naylors and in the direction of Horbury but may have taken a side turning from the main road. Owners are there now and a colleague of my partners was in the area at that time and he drove round but saw no sign of her. Anyone helpers that are able please can you go out to look for her. Many thanks Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
If anybody needs any posters or leaflets printing then just let me know. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
yes good idea for posters in our cars and a co-ordinated stake out where we stay put. I also was advised to keep my engine running- Raoul knows it- but it's contextualised by the way I drive down the adjacent lanes. Still it's a familiar and welcome noise. My husband goes in for an op on Fri so am not able to commit to times till I see how he isLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have been speaking to the Newsagents In Mapplewell who cover an extensive area delivering newspapers. They have very kindly agreed to deliver flyers in the area. If interested, who should I phone to organise!?RobinaXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was thinking the same thing last night about the car noise, Jacky. The poster in the car works a treat as well! We used them when searching for Toby in the side and back windows! They certainly turned heads which in turn gets the word around! Love to you all from Spain XLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thinking on - have you got enough helpers on the ground to do a 'stake out' one evening so that all area is covered? Would have to be done very quietly so as not to frighten Freddie - the other thing I thought was that most dogs recognise their owner's car engine noise - so if the owner is ever parked up, to leave the engine running? xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Some good ideas in today's postings - how about all having a poster on one of your car windows? Also, each helper concentrating on one particular area sounds good - I don't know your area at all, is the triangle enclosing a large amount of ground? Watching everyday and everything crossed - sounds as though Freddie is a streetwise-girl! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
For some reason my internet died last nitgh so I couldn't post here. We travelled aroudn all of the areas that she has been seen - middlestown, netherton, horbury bridge, flockton, haigh, woollley, bretton, hall green. We even went and got fish and chips and ate in the car looking out - Freddie was obviously not in the mood for fish and chips last night :-) I like the idea of us all out searching and driving by each other without noticing. I would suggest soem kind of identifier on our cars but then Freddie would see it and hide even more LOL!! Should we think about some kind of coordinated effort over the weekend again??? Possibly as simple as assign particular areas for people to focus on instead of us all trying to cover this huge area??? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Too far away to be of any practical help. I have been following Freddies progress, as a BC lover/owner. Reading these last few posts made clues come up and hit me. You have already identified a triangle with her sightings. She will have a den/dens (yes sometimes more than one), within this triangle. This would be a good area to walk, look & listen. Also, find the pattern of her behaviour. ie when was she last seen at such and such a place, was she in that place last week, same day, etc. what were the times. Is there anything nearby these sightings to remind her of home, if so she will return. Such creatures of habit! I wish you all the luck in the world and pray she is found soon..judyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi Rachel Mags and i hope to join you tomorrow late afternoon/early evening. Will ring you when in the area. Have been tied up a bit this week but have been keeping a close eye on Freddie's page. Fingers crossed we will catch up with her soon. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Everyone, I started out at dusk again and did two circuits of West Bretton, Haigh and the back of the Services. I sat at the services in the dark for about half an hour but didn't see anything. After this I did a couple of circuits of Netherton, Horbury Bridge and back up to Middlestown Traffic lights and back through Overton and again through Flockton. Still no sign. We must be all passing each other in the road! I think everyone is doing a great job keeping up the vigils, we will spot her sometime. I have been replacing some of the shabby posters around Netherton & Midgeley. The ones around Bretton are still up and stilll one or two up the Haigh road. Try again tomorrow.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Checked this morning in Bretton as there are two other collies in the area around the new build which is near to where Freddie was seen this morning. However, both these dogs are different to her. Spoke again to the woman who saw her and she was clear that the dog was just a little bigger than a rough collie and had some brown on it. Also had a further call in the afternoon saying that she had been seen at around 12.30pm going up Haigh Lane in Haight village from heading away from the motorway end. Jacki and I spent some time going around the area. I am not so sure she will actually go to the service atation although she may spend time nearish to it. Reason- horses in the field above the services and on some days, gunfire can be heard. Went there today and will do so again tomorrow. Manged to get tthroufg to the people who phoned while I was in HB last night. They said that they saw a dog they felt was Freddie at 8pm last night going up the road from Middlestown to Flockton. She was trotting up the grass path on the opposite side across from Newall Prison. Tracy, one of the women said they saw Freddie from the left side. She had a white neck and was white shoulder. Spot on. Her rough comes completely over her left side but not the right and covers part of her shoulder. On Saturday night she was een coming from the Flockton side of Middlestown when she was seen by the boys. I am just glad to get as ighting of her still in the area. If this is all correct, then Freddie is doing a triangle covering HB, taking in Middlestown, to Flockton or just beyond and down to Bretton and across again. I think that if Freddie is spotted, she needs to be iether watched to see where she is going or apprached with caution. No noise, just calmness, a quiet voice saying her name and having a little messy food. Paul suggested that it might be good to have a camera if pos so I can identify her. Paul is the one getting into Newall prison with posters, not sure how but well done Paul. I will be out tomorrow daytime firstly driving the whole area and then walking the length of the canal with Will from the Navigation to the Dewsbury boundary. Thats to everyone. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
This evening my OH has been out driving round Woolley, Haigh ,W Bretton and Netherton. For a while he sat on one of the view points at Netherton and watched across the fields that lead down to the canal. He also drove and had a look in the area near the exit from the services she first went missing from on his journey out and on return trip just in case she is heading back there ! I just asked him if he noticed if many posters were still up there in the area around Woolley Edge and to be honest he wasnt sure as he was too busy looking out for Freddie but we drove there a few days ago and I thought there were still a lot still up then but it may be someone checking. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The Wakefield express will put info in the Horbury and netherton pages on Fri but won't do a big feature . Phoned the kennels at the top of Jubb lane. Very sympathetic owner- looking out for her- I stressed colour and condition- often gets strys drawn by the barking from the dogs in the kennels and the smell,of food etc. There is a local farm collie who wanders up that way- not the one who sits on the roof of the house at the entrance to the sculpt park nearest bretton village. . The guy at the kennels knows this one well. His no is 01924 830522. He's has 2 phone calls from us already so suggest that we don't phone him again unless we have to- he will tell us anything he sees and has all our numbersLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I'm coming home from work early to go looking GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I will wander around Bretton, the services andNetherton this afternoon. I am printing out new posters so will put more up. J Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I agree with Maura that freddie could be heading back to Woolley - are the posters still up in this area? Is it worth having updated posters put up around here?? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
The yorkshire post last week briefly mentioned Freddie. I think that Maura is still trying to get the yorkshire post or Wakefield express to run something but I am not sure of her progress. I don't have the numbers with me for local columns in the wakefield express, some are listed in my post on 19th (below). Is there a rambling group in the area that could be contacted. Also, are the guides/scouts back from easter holidays now, could they be notified - I knwo that the one in newmillerdam is a bit out of the way but lots travel to there, also is there any groups in the area that we could contact???Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
followed up rachel's sighting and went to Bretton. WE THOUGHT WE GOT LUCKY!A man showed us a photo he had just taken of a collie perched on a roof at the entrance to the sculpture park- not the M1 side, the Huddersfield side. Turns out this is a local dog who has done this since she was a puppy. This dog is black and white, stocky and sleek and wanders at will. So when we get sightings we need to rule it out. The owner is Anna and the locals know the dog well. The sighting Rachel had reported this morning was ot a small thin dog- that's our girl! She's somewhere in the Flockton, bretton,Netherton triangle. bretton is v. near the back entrance to Woolley Service station- could she be working her way back. When we lost Raoul we were advised that this was a likely strategy- return to where you got lost and hope! Could help again Friday. love M Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've contacted Ridings FM and Gareth the mid morning presenter is going to make announcements about Freddie and her most recent sightings throughout his broadcast. I've also asked him to let other presenters today know as well so that they too can put out announcements. They have been great at Ridings as this is the 2nd time I've asked them to make announcements, the first being just after Freddie had gone missing. Does anyone know if anything has come of Maura's quest to get something into the Yorkshire Post? Also do we know who covers the areas of Flockton, Bretton etc for the Wakefield Express (if they come under Wakefield...sorry am not from the area) as we had 3 pieces in last weeks edition. Obviously it is now too late for this Friday but I can contact the relevant people for next Friday if needed. Thanks. Penny. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I'll go out searching the area tonight. I know that it has already been said but I think it is really important to highlight that if Freddie is seen not to try and trap her as she is very scared and will escape and this seems to make her move areas which is making the hunt harder. I think the most important thing is to phone Rachel and keep your distance. if this is not possible then approach very carefully, preferably out in the open so Freddie does not feel trapped. I'm not sure about the idea of recording a dog bark as when you record peoples voices the tape makes them sound different so would probably be the same. I guess that the area has been postered - has canon hall been postered as lots of people visit there??. I'm stuck at work at the moment so can't help. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm so pleased that there are more sightings - and right next to where I live in Bretton! I so wish that I was there to help you! I shall phone my neighbour and ask them to pass the word around. Rachel, is it worth recording the balk of your other dog and playing it in the areas that she's been spotted. The helpers are giving you such amazing support... what a terrific bunch of people! The efforts of all of you are to be commended! The best of luck for today from Spain! Love Robina X Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Stayed in the area until almost 4am last night but nothing of Freddie. However, when I got gome there was a message from someone who had seen Freddie on the Flockton/Overton rd.about 8.30ish last night. Still trying to follow this up. Also a call at 7.15 this morning from a woman going to work saying she had just seen Freddie at the r/about in Bretton on the Huddersfiiel road heading tyowards Midgley. Said she looked thin and unkept. She disappeared near the new building taking place there. Will contact Maura who is in the area. I'm also on my way. Paul is going to give information to New Hall Prison today/ 600 wardens and staff. Thanks to everyone out last night. I am at least happy that she has been sighted, as nothing since Middlestown on Saturday which has been a worry. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
well done Maura ........ good to know you will be checking with the kennels at W Bretton ! you must have been posting at the same time as me lol. With Freddie travelling around like she is Springfield Kennels are not the only pound she could be taken to. Marina kennels, Huddersfield and Cliffe kennels Hoyalandswaine are just as likely. Not so likely but possible are Mount Pleasant at hampole. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We went out last night and drove round Netherton, Flockton,Horbury and Horbury Bridge. Also sat for sometime looking across the countryside down to the canal in the hope of a glimpse of Freddie. Anyone kindly going out today may i suggest you look for her where ever she has already been sighted ............. just go where your 'hunch ' takes you ! It may be lucky ! Or maybe further afield and also carefully check out any potential hiding places but do PLEASE procede with caution when doing so as this girl is already frightened and we dont want to make matters worse. If Maura read this before she sets out for Bretton Park maybe she could check with the kennels Mugsy has mentioned in her post just in case they have'nt been informed. Many thanks Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
setting off for bretton. will call into kennels- I know them- and leave details. have rung Springfield kennels -no news- will do village and visitors centreLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Rachel..so sorry Freddie is not home yet. I am thinking of you and her all the time...it's frustrating having to be at work but needs must. Will try an evening stake out with Tracey...probabley Thursday evening. Will ring you for advice when in the area. Good luck and take care both Rachel and Freddie x Mags Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, I have just got registered but have been tracking your story from the beginning and I have been looking out for freddie every day as I live in Hall Green. Just a thought - has anyone tried ringing the radio stations such as Ridings FM, Radio Aire, Galaxy? Alot of people listen to radios in cars, workplaces etc and this would cover a large area and alot of people. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
i am available to help tomorrow afternoon/evening. will drive to, and take a walk around, some of the sites. if theres anywhere in particular you would like me to be, or if anyone wants to meet up to 'sweep' an area please call me on 07846130154. janetLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Has anyone been to Bretton Country Park Kennels? It is the other side of Bretton Park in what used to be the Lodge for that gate. I have been going up and down Netherton Lane and round Horbury Bridge quite a bit these paste few days because of dogs going to the vets. Sorry I can't help, one dog is going in for an operation on his spine tomorrow.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll stake out Middlestown crossroads tonight. I'll patrol up and down all the ajoining lanes between 9-10pm. J Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll do Bretton tomorrow Rachel. I'll drive round the village and walk round the sculpture park giving out flyers. Ring me if you want me to do anything different. your dedication to freddie is wonderful. You will find her!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had three false sightings reported today in Barnsley, Flockton and Emley, but no Freddie. Been to Hoyland swaine and posted including onto the Peniston road. Called into Cliffe Kennels while I was there. Been around Skelmanthorpe, Kirkburton, Shelley and Elmley. Walked up the canal on the Thornhill side for about two miles posting and talking and came back along the river. Finished at about 8,45 and then went to investigate the final false dog at Emley. Not seen Freddie for two days and I think she may be fearful as a result of her experience at Middlestown and now keeping low. I have to work in York in the morning so will be in HB sometime in the afternoon. Need to go home for Will, my other dog first as I will be staying out at HB for the until the early hours. I know some people have asked what they can do tomorrow. I can only say more of the same. She could be anywhere. Driving on the roads is good as is walking the canals and fields. I do think that searching any outbuildings or anywhere she could hide might also be a thought. Doing some of the places we have not been near for a while such as Bretton, Thornhill, Hall Green could be a thought. Although she is doing a bit of travelling, I think she is near by. Thanks to everyone, including those of you who are phoning me regularly for a chat. Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We have been out this evening and walked the canal from HB towards the Navigation Pub and on the return diverted via pathways and bridges to the river and walked back through the industrial site. By now it was dark and we drove round for about an hour round Middlestown, Flockton, and Netherton finishing up at Calder Grove. No sign of her I'm afraid. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spent a good deal of time this afternoon at Navigation Calder Grove canal, and then along the canal from HB right up to the 2nd bridge that crosses the canal which is a riveted cast iron bridge. This has a road that crosses it that would lead to the back end of Netherton a good escape route around. I saw lots of people walking and on bikes and quite a few moving barges, not one had sighted her - which makes this a very busy thoroughfare now the weather is improved. I didn't see a soul on the same route when it was pouring down. So I guess where are people we don't see Freddie. I think because the barge is beached on the canalside at the Navigation it is stopping Freddie from following the canal onto Calderdale this maybe why she is going around in circles herself. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I think that is a very good idea, we have been out quite a number of times driving and my husband has walked all the way down and round the canal from Denby Dale to Netherton and nothing at all. I contacted Rachel a few days ago via phone (Liana) but we couldn't find her, we are available tonight from 6.30 though if you need us to do anything, if so could you please contact my husband on 07912160749 as i am at work until 6 todayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If this coould be done that would be great. Just leaving work now to get back to HB. Got mobile if needed. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is it worth getting emails sent out to helpers in the area she is heading towards?? I'll keep driving around the area, I am not too familiar with areas beyond Middlestown and Netherton though. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry my previous posting came up three times. It would not send the first two times or so I thought. Thank you for the sound advice and offers of help. Had a phone call this morning from a woman near . Her daughter told her this morning that she and her dad saw Freddie on Haige lane in Hoylandswaine on Saturday night around 8ish. She was crossing the lane and stopped in front of their car and then ran into the bushes at the side of the lane. Will go this afternoon to the area to hand out information. She could easily have come from there prior to being seen in Middlestown. The time is right and fits the directions she has previously been seen in. Think it is now important to get information out further afield again, although there is some in Peniston. Think Ingbirthworthand along this road needs doing. Also all surrounding areas from Middlestown. She appears to be staying on that side of the motorway. I will be staying out again onn Tuesday night in the area. Could do with more help along Calder canal and river and also driving slowly around roads and lanes in the areas she has been in. all the way down to the edge of Huddersfield , Dewsbury Darton. She may be trying to find a psth home which would take her along either the canal as I live at the side of the Calder canal and river or over the moors. Under usual circumstances she could do this easily, but I think she is uncertain, goes so far and then back to base. I will now scent all main areas she has been in on a regular basis. Thanks for all the help and support. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Got everything crossed for you today- expecting to see Freddie in the blue everytime I look! xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel has left urine as a scent already and did so in in the place in Netherton where Freddie was sighted in a garden back on the 22nd March and also left an article of clothing. It is hard to know where the 'key' areas to scent are when we have a situation like this one with sightings all over the area but we do have certain areas she has been seen in several times. We do think however that she is using maybe more than one place as a hideout and in different areas which accounts for sightings all over the place. We will get this girl back its just a matter of the right place at the right time. I do urge anyone that sights Freddie to ring Rachel in the first instance and then just observe where she goes or try to follow her at a safe distance. Please do not make any sudden movements or gestures as she is a frightened dog and will just run off if you do. Good luck Rachel and anyone helping today xxxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
phoned Springfield kennels- no news. Will come to help on Tues if she's still out there!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
We went out driving around last night around the Middlestown, Netherton Flockton, Horbury Bridge Area, no sightings. I'll print some of the new posters out. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Another busy day that you have all had! You must be exhausted both mentally and physically! Let's hope that tomorrow will be the day! Rachel, it's only a matter of time before you'll be hugging the 'Little Monkey'! He really is giving you the run-around! I have posted the story of Freddie to ITV Calendar News. I thought it was worth a try. Goodnight and Godbless. Fingers crossed for tomorrow! xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel,am available every eve except wed,or early morns,let me know where you think it might be best to be, Lindaxx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Rachel Just seen another post for Sasha bd6 suggesting the owner lay a trail of their own diluted urine to key areas where there is safe shelter and close to places where she has been sighted. Then in the sheltered area place an old sweatshirt with some of the owners urine on. Maybe this could be done at a few of the places Freddie was spotted ( near the mast at Flockton and somewhere near the scrapyard in the industrial estate are places that come to mind) and then if you had a few people they could sit in their cars and watch for her. I realise you may have already recieved such information and that its perhaps easier said than done. I will try come help in the afternoon/evening a couple of days this week in between running my business. Good luck over the next few days. Stay safe and well Freddie. My thoughts are with you. Tracey x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, no show I am afraid. Went backwards and forwards around Middlestown traffic lights - the fish and chip shop was shut tonight - that may have attracted her last night. Went back down to Horbury Bridge around by the canal, back up Sandy Lane twice and off to Long lane. Again back up to Grange Moor roundabout and through Flockton. This was all between 10pm 10.45. It was a much milder night with no rain or much wind - so I did expect to see something. JLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Freddie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Bumped up due to sightings and poster updated. You are so close now. Stay safe Freddie x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just got backl and read the other postings. Thank you Jacikak for tonight. I really appreciate this as she has been seen a number of times at night. I stayed in the area until the early hours on Saturday night so trying to get a decent sleep tonight. Will be out again inthe afternoon tomorrow and stay until mid evening. I will be staying into the early hours again on Tuesday night. Am trybig to local a definitive place where she might go. I cannot see the benefit of using a trap or such until this has been established.Today alot of people were out including about eight people from the Greetland Grasshoppers flyball team and from my place of work. Posters place further afield today along with talking with people and handing out flyers. Also walking both sides of the canal towards the Navigation and towards Thornton. This has been done about three times today. I have spent time scouting around barns etc However no sightings Met quite alot of local people all out looking for Freddie. I feel that I know and am warmed by their generous hearts towards this little dog. I think she will be frightened now and approaching her needs to be done with the some caution. I know I will get her back but hope it is soon. Thinking of her fending for herself is hard. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just got backl and read the other postings. Thank you Jacikak for tonight. I really appreciate this as she has been seen a number of times at night. I stayed in the area until the early hours on Saturday night so trying to get a decent sleep tonight. Will be out again inthe afternoon tomorrow and stay until mid evening. I will be staying into the early hours again on Tuesday night. Am trybig to local a definitive place where she might go. I cannot see the benefit of using a trap or such until this has been established.Today alot of people were out including about eight people from the Greetland Grasshoppers flyball team and from my place of work. Posters place further afield today along with talking with people and handing out flyers. Also walking both sides of the canal towards the Navigation and towards Thornton. This has been done about three times today. I have spent time scouting around barns etc However no sightings Met quite alot of local people all out looking for Freddie. I feel that I know and am warmed by their generous hearts towards this little dog. I think she will be frightened now and approaching her needs to be done with the some caution. I know I will get her back but hope it is soon. Thinking of her fending for herself is hard. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please Freddie, show yourself to all these folks who are searching for you .. I am way down south, but am really routing for you to be found safe and well NOW!!!! ShirleyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If I can talk my husband into ping me off at Middlestown tonight, I can patrol on foot between Middlestown Traffic lights and Overton this evening from 9pm-10pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This must be so frustrating for you that she's evading you but at least she is been seen regularly. Please do not attempt to catch her, sit/kneel down-don't look at her & talk softly, you will need to discover what makes her 'click' to realising who you are- THEN she will probably bounce all over you. Mobile phones/walky talkies are brilliant, Pam & I both now have them. You have been so devoted to Freddie it really will be only a matter of right time & place before she is back with you. Well Done to all of you for your hard work & team spirit- it is what gets the dogs back & Freddie is the only one still to go home. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I am literally 5 mins from most of these sightings. I can also sit around in my car any evening if req'd.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sorry that the promising sighting hasn't got her home. Working Mon ,but could come if you needed me urgently. She's there ,alive and surviving- a smart dog! It's just a matter of time.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Tracey and I thought about a similar plan as the one suggested by Jacky-uk. It does seem that the worst thing we could do is try to chase Freddie. I am really limited now Rachel as I am back at work but will be working in Rotherham tomorrow afternoon and will come off the motorway and scout round the area on my way home. Tracey and I actually live in Bradford so it takes us about 40 minutes to get to the heart of 'Freddie land' which limits our effectiveness to close in quickley after a sighting. We will come over though and watch for a while if it is decided to adopt Jacky-uk's suggestion...perhaps at dusk?? Thinking of you all today....good luck Mags xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thinking of you all so much! Your tireless efforts are sure to reap rewards! xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Freddie give yourself up today and go home darling. Wishing you all out there the very best of luck you so desrve it.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I don't know your area at all, and so can't judge the distances, but would it be possible to get half a dozen people to watch the area, each in a different spot with mobiles at the ready? Maybe at dusk or early morning - sounds as though she is nervous, so would have to be done very unobtrusively x would it be possible to park-up and watch?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
From 7am (new time) I checked Middlestown traffic lights and went right up to Grange Moor roundabout and back through Flockton and back to Middlestown. Back down again to HBridge and checked the canal side. Then went back to the Navigation at CG, walked up and down between the two locks. Went then back up through Netherton, back up to Middlestown and then back through Overton and Flockton again. Sorry no sightings. Wonder if she is now so scared is staying put during the day and only coming at night to find food. Will go out this evening after 9pm the same routes this evening unless someone wants me to go anywhere else this evening.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sighting of Freddie at 9.40pm at the traffic lights in Middlestown. She was coming from the Flockton direcction. She ran up a dead end and was followed by two boys, but unfortunately managed to get away from them through a snicket in the fence. The boys did well, especially as a man watching this in the house opposite, did nothing to help them. They carried on looking for some time but could not see her. I feel their efforts deserve to be commended. Will start again tomorrow. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
god advice on appoching her. ihope we have dry weather on sun so she comes out.can't be with you but wish you luckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, this is Penny, Rachel's daughter and she has asked me to post on her behalf this evening. Basically there have been no sightings of Freddie at all today unfortunately but many thanks to all those who came out to help. The areas covered today have been along the canal path from the Navigation as far as Thornhill, Horbury and Horbury Bridge and Pugneys. Rachel will be out again tomorrow and would appreciate all the help she can get...for those who don't know her contact number it is 07903 755050 where she can let you know how your time and help can be best utilised. I think the plan of action tomorrow will be much the same although Rachel has suggested that it may also be worth postering slightly further afield than Flockton as well as continuing to look around the industrial estate, Horbury Bridge, the canal, woods and Navigation area although generally just in any open space is a good idea as it may be more likely that Freddie would feel safer approaching strangers in an open space where she didn't feel hemmed in at all. Having said that it is worth remembering that she is a pretty timid girl even though she loves people and that if she is spotted, crouching or kneeling down with arms open and a gentle voice is going to be the best way to get her to approach. Many thanks again to all those who have given up thier time today. Let's keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow, we just want Freddie home. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
From 3.30 this afternoon I walked from the Navigation at CG. If Freddie got to the Navigation she would have had to surely cross over the lockgates? Would a scared dog do that? Anyway if she does get to the Navigation she can't get much further, there is a locked gate to the pub and a beached barge is blocking the path further. So I walked over the lockgates and went right on to the underpassage of the motorway. No sign. I then went back to HB and walked the length of the canal from where the chickens and geese are past the Bingley Arms and right on. I checked out the Anglers car park and then went right on to the next bridge that crosses the canal. Still no sign. Mind you this was in the pouring rain and if was a dog I wouldn't be out in it either. One blessing is that it is forecast better weather tomorrow. I am usually up very early so I may try HB canal again. I left a few lumps of cooked chicken meat on a wooden stake halfway up the wall underneath the canal bridge where it is covered. The rats won't be able to reach it, but a hungry dog on it's hind legs could. I'll go and see it is still there tomorrow. JackiLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
We walked the route from Netherton down to the canal then along to the navigation then back up through some woods to blacker lane. No sightings today but handed out leaflets to anybody in the area that I saw. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Errr, hope this don't sound like a dumb question :-( Have the NCDL been contacted? Someone has just offered me that suggestion you see! Is there one local to here?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
spent a couple of hours along the river starting from the Swan and Cygnet. Good area to keep an eye on- few peolpe know you can walk here so it's peaceful and there are lots of highly observant bird watches! Rachel is doing a fantastic job! . I'll phone the local kennels for lost dogs daily- it's on jct 40 of the M1.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've just checked out the missing Border Collie on the Missing Pet Register and it appears to be the one in Croydon which we found about last week. This, of course, was not Freddie as she was not microchipped and I believe that the said Collie has been reunited with her owner already. Stephanie, I'm sure your help will be appreciated. Rachel will be posting later on tonight and will let you know how she would like your help. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I haven't been an active helper as such with regard to Freddie but it hasn't stopped me looking when i'm out with my dogs. I've just posted a message on Wakefield freecycle cafe http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freecycle_wakefield_cafe/message/1536 I'm going to the Yorkshire sculpture park tomorrow and will keep an eye out. Next week i'm free also is there anyone out there i could link up with? I'm free from Tuesday 9am-ish til 2pm-ish if that's any good? Stephanie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
BORDER COLLIE FOUND ON MISSING PET REGISTER CONTACT OF FINDER Su-Ann Stanley 07762806441Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have been checking the Emley, Flockton and Middlestown routes for some days now. The collie at Flockton is a different dog I am sure. I will go now and park at the Nav at CG and walk around there. Good everyone. Jacki Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have sent an e.mail to look.north@bbc.co.uk detailing the plight of Rachel and Freddie. You never know, something might come of it! If I can help in any other way let me know. Robina xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just given my friends dad a lost poster of Freddie. He's a member of the Barge club in Mirfield and he's gonna mention it to everyone there tonight. Hopefully this will help as she does seem to follow on down by the waterside.. she when everyones out on the barges they will keep an eye out. Been to the petshop at Birstall today but they already had a Poster. The owners are going keep an eye out where they live. l spoke to a colleague this morning and I updated her about the Navigation sighting. She says she'll try and get down there with the kids, a squeeky toy,dog treats!! and a lead!! today or tomorrow. Come on Freddie show yourself :-)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Good luck today everyone !! Good to see you are following the story COCONUTS ! Iwas involved in the search for Little Toby and remember it so well.We went to the groomers that you use to tell them about Freddie and they were very helpful and took lots of flyers from us and said they would pass the word around about Freddie.Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rachel: we had been discussing the same thoughts this morning. We think that she is using the industrial estate as a cut through and a scavenging place. I think that she is staying somewhere between the river/canal and netherton or flockton. This is quite a big area!! I agree that the road that you mentioned plays a big part in her movements so stay put in that area and keep looking. We are going out this morning to walk between netherton and navigation. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I would just like to say that I think that you are all doing such an amazing job in searching for Freddie! Our dog Toby went missing last year and thanks to Dog Lost he was found safe and well. I live in Bretton, yet at the moment I am in Spain. It is so frustrating not being there to help! I'm thinking of you so much Rachel, and wishing Freddie home soon. I had a thought tonight, which I would like to share with you. When Toby went missing he based himself in a wood next to a lake. Just like Freddie, we would have sightings during day- light then, we think, he would return to the relative safety of the wood at night. I think that the water played an important part in his choice of refuge - probably the dog survival instinct takes over, and water is fundamental to their survival. Having looked on Google Earth to track Freddie's movements,I noticed that there is a definite triangle formed by Netherton,Horbury and Caldergrove. Within that triangle I can see only one area that mirrors Toby's choice of refuge - to the west of the M1 is the lower lake of Pugneys which is bordered by dense trees. Is it worth staking out this area at early morning and late afternoon ? Maybe checking the area for signs of Freddie's presence or leaving food and such like, it might be worth a shot! Rachel, God bless. And Freddie, come on sweetheart, show yourself, your mum needs a big cuddle! To all the helpers and to Dog Lost, your compassion and devotion to the well being of 'man's best friend' is truly humbling. Love to you all Robina x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Calendar News could be a good way of getting Freddies staory around the area. But not sure how you go about seeing if they would be interested in the story but I'm sure they would be!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck today team!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
YES please Maura if you CAN get any press coverage for Freddie it would be wonderful ! Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Could it be smelly clothes, scenting, food, and TRAP time?? B est of luck, can't be long now!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Went to Flockton after walking the canal and river this afternoon. Spoke with the woman who feeds the tray collie and she says she has not seen him all week. Both Flockton sightings were mid evening. The man who saw her on Thursday morning feels sure it was Freddie and this was around 5.30am. ataried to work out the route she may have taken. To get from Netherton to Flockton would take her maybe ten minutes, but I think she may have travelled further than this given the amount of time she was out. Got back to HB at 3,30 and recieved a call about her being on seen between the lower and upper locks near the Navigation. A good description was given including the distinct white mark down her nose and her prick ears. I was told she appears confused, tail hanging low, looking at the water side. Not sure waht time she got up this morning as I was in the industrial site at 5.30am and stayed until around 7.15.Only explanation I can think of is that she either stayed in her hiding place was the weather was quite bad or she was not in the site. My thinking is now this. She is not in the site but uses it regularly to get to other places. This would explain why there have been so many sightings on certain days and none on others. She spends some time there looking for scraps but thats all. She may actually be soemwhere in between Netherton and the site, on the other side of the canal and so some days goes out from there such as Flockton and today, which she could do without being seen unless they were strategically placed. She appears to do the same or similar path for about two days and then tries something else. I think she she trying to find a way out of where she is but not sure how. She is frightened and confused but does seem to have some routine. Freddie is is a nervous little soul until she feels secure which she is when she is with Will and I and with her safety net. The other side of Freddie is that she is a very brave little girl and has determination and will keep trying to deal with her situation. Tomorrow I think if anyone has the time the jobs to be done are to work the length of the canal and river to Thornhill on one side and past the Nvigation on the other. Also to go to Pugneys and work back to the Navigation. Also if time to search out barns, pigeon lofts, stables, sheds and other such places of shelter. I don't think she is sheltering fare away. I will get back to HB around mid morning and will stay on the river from the bridge coming down from Netherton and then work up to the Navigation and stay there. The efforts of all those involved today is really appreciated, as is the encouragement and words of support. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thankyou so much to everyone that has been out helping Rachel today ! You have ALL been so supportive ! When I spoke to GG this afternoon and learnt there had recently been a sighting I was keeping everything crossed that today would be the day Freddie would go home ! I am down in Kent this weekend but thinking of Rachel and Freddie and hoping this girl lets her Mum find her asap xx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jonty. Thank you for your comments and encouraging words. We have a fantastic team working in this area, and I'm sure, like you say, it will only be a short time now before Freddie is home. Also, thank you so much for all you are doing to assist in the search. It is much appreciated. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi All - Malakai you asked for further information about the Navigation sighting. It came about 3.35..Tracey and I were in Flocton and rang Rachel to say we were going home and she was running up the riverside. She had just received a call regarding a sighting. We drove to the Navigation straight away..arrived about 20 minutes after the sighting. We went to the spot where the river meets the canal as Rachel had mentioned this but there was no sign. Eventually it became clear that Freddie had been spotted by some people on a barge. Rachel said they decribed her to the letter. They described her as being on the river side of the Navigation in a field between the low lock and the high lock. Rachel walked the length of the river and met Tracey half way..no sign. I waited by the bridge over the river near the scrap yard incase Freddie crossed there and Rachels daughter and Penny walked in the same area. We assume that she might have been making her way back to the industrial estate. I left leaflets in the Navigation earlier in the week and the landlady rang Rachel to say that they will continue to search for Freddie. It does seem that she keeps returning to the waterside and/or the industrial estate. Posters are all over Quarry Hill and beyond now. We posted lots more today and Maura (Raouls Mum) has put them all over Flockton as well as handing out leaflets and chatting to people. Freddie we are so close it's unbelievable...come on girl give your poor Mum a rest...let us find you x Mags & Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
This little lady certainly hasn't decided she's had enough yet & it's so frustrating for you I know. She WILL be making a route by now & it's fantastic the amount of posters that have been put up. I know Pam's away this weekend but I'm back from hols & been kept up to speed by Pam. You have such a dedicated team of helpers it's wonderful to see & you all derserve the rewards for all your hard work. Will be around late tomorrow as Sat is my dog walking day at the rescue,once I've sorted out my menagerie. Or Sunday if you need more help.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Come on Freedie darling time to give yourself up and go home. Stay safe until you are found xxxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can we have more details about the sighting at the Navigation? Which direction was she going in?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I would just like to give praise to the dedicated people who have been out distributing and placing the missing adverts. You have done a fantastic job. Wherever you go around South Wakefield you will see a poster. I spoke to my son today who lives in Netherton and he has had a poster put thro his door. As I drive around, as i do alot, I am conciously looking down the side streets, into the fields and any similar areas where Freddie may be. We will walk the canal at calder Grove towards Dewsbury over the weekend. I am particularly impressed that posters have been left near schools. If someone is 'looking after' her, then children are a major source of passing information and hopefully staff will pick up on it. With the tremendous amount of input that the search is generating, I am sure it is only a matter of time before Frddie is found. Jonty. West BrettonLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Well I have just go back. We were so close from the sighting but she just disappeared again. We searched all around HB but no sign. We will be out again tomorow. Maura: I think that any press is good to get the message out and people phoning in sightings. Freddie is mentioned in the Yorkshire Post in the RAOUL article. The wakefield express also mentions her in the community articles. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
all the luck in the world to you all.following your story everyday and you seem so near now...stay positive and wish we were all nearer to help you xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sighted with in the last hour at the navigation pub between the Canal and the river. The navigation pub is near Calder Grove.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I got positive sightings in Flockton. A guy who lives at 10 parkside saw her on Thurs morning- bedraggled- and most significantly tri coloured- not the black and white collie who is often lost round there- and is deaf. The postman is looking out for her now and the post van driver- both have taken flyers. Lyn and Paul who are helpers have been in the area and I gave them flyers and posters. They will login to the site and download some more. Talking to people and giving them flyers was more effective than postering. most people had seen flyers. I went into all the shops and left posters, but talked the story too. There is a stray colie there who is fed- near the church and Rachel has met the woman who feeds him- could freddie join him?The Yorkshire post wouldpossibly do another story- on Freddie- if we wanted it. what do we think?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello owner! Maybe you should go to the place that she is regularly seen and leave a bowl of her favourite food out and then check it in the morning? If the food has been touched then it's possible that Freddie has found it and eaten it. You could also leave a scent trail with one of her toys/blankets etc. and stand at the end of it and then maybe she could follow it and find you? I don't know if this would actually work but you can still give it a try! Meanwhile, put lots of posters up around the places where she has been sighted and hope for the best! Good luck!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
We will shortly be heading to the flockton / horbury area for a few hours to help. Will ring Rachel for an update when we are nearer. Tracey and Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks so much Maura, geekygirl and all other helpers braving the weather in the search for dear Freddie today. I wish you good luck today and am sending positive thoughts your way xx Pam ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
See p13 in Yorks post today for story about Raoul and you amazing people- features the web site and Freddie. Going to Flockton and New Hall to poster and flyer this lunchtime. rachel will go at dusk to see if Freddie emerges. Raoul sought open fields and bedded down in a field of oil seed rape when he was lost- most sightings of him were in fields. Freddie may be needing cover on a day like this. Rachel is in Thornhill/ Osset and I'm in more open countryLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie is mentioned in todays Yorkshire Post.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Rachel has just rung. She's suggesting that as the rain is forecast to ease off this afternoon, that might be a better time to look, assuming that Freddie may be sheltering somewhere now. Rachel made suggestions on her post last night about places to put up posters, and checking ones that are a bit worn by the weather. Or check with her with any other suggestions. Many thanks. PennyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I am available at about 4:30 today to going out looking. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel, Tracey and I will be able to help for a couple of hours after lunch tomorrow. We will ring you when we get to the area. If there is a sighting earlier please ring either of our mobiles and we will get there asap. Hope for good news tomorrow. Come on Freddie we need to see you. Mags & Tracey xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Phone call this evening from someone sighting Freddie in Flockton again. If this her, she is out mid evening. However, this dog is clearly not willing to get too near people. Freddie was seen yesterday in the industrial site at 6am. She was also seen on Tuesday at 1.30/2pm between the lower part of HB and Mitchells Caravans. I think that on the days she is not seen she is either leaving the site via another route, is going very early or has somewhere else to stay. Alot of sightings have been on kerbsides. So I would suggest that posting a little further afield might be needed, for example further than Middlestown and around New Hall. Also walking alone the full length of the river and the canal.Checking sightings with bus drivers, Going into shops and talking more with people in each unit on all the industrial site and the railway station area. Tomorrow I will be going to the site for 6am and will wait in the area she has been seen. In the evening I will also wait at one of the entrances to the site from aroung 6pm until 7pm Two other people will cover one of the other entrances, but if there are any others able to give an hour to cover the daytime could do any of the above. I certainly think walking the river and canal might be useful and also going beyond this to Pugneys aas the river links to it. I will be at the Gatehouse cafe at the lower end of the site at 10am tomorrow so can be contacted then. Thank you all Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I cannot believe this little monkey is playing hide & seek still. With all the people i was sure she 'd be home by now. I'm available Sat Pm/Sunday if still not home but will liase with Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all, It's my day off tomorrow and was gonna have a drive out to Flockton to see if could see Freddie. What part of Flockton was she seen?? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I expect Rachel to post later on with an update about the paw prints etc. She did receive another SIGHTING today from someone who saw her yesterday morning around 6 am on the Industrial site in Horbury. However we also think she was sighted much later in the day at FLockton. This is possible as a dog can cover a lot of distance across country. I also think its possible she may have a couple of 'places of refuge' so may not always turn up in Horbury Bridge but I do think from all the sightings that this is her main base. WE have been over to Horbury Bridge, Netherton and Flockton today. Spent a lot of time investigating the Industrial site......... so many places she could hold up in !! We finished the night back at the Industrial sight and sat in the car until darkness decended hoping we would spot Freddie heading for her hiding place but no luck just a few rabbits scampering about. We drove back home via Wooley Edge from where she first went missing and her posters are still there. Good luck tomorrow Rachel xxCome on Freddie please let yorself be found xxx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Could not help today but did put a couple of posters at Oakwell Hall in Birstall. It's a long shot but dog walkers walk all over the region and the more people who know the better. My neighbour called another friend of hers in Flockton. He already knew about Freddie as he had seen it in his local farm shop which is really good news. He knew her by name....asked if it was Freddie she was looking for.The word is definately spreading !!!! We may not have been there today but still thinking about Freddie and willing her to come home soon. Stay safe. Tracey and Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Unless anything changes then I think that we have to assess this again. Either: she is still in the area but has kept low for the past few days (maybe due to the rain) in which case tomorow we focus on the industrial estate at Horbury Bridge and Netherton or we think about that she has moved. If she has moved then tomorow we should spread out a bit more and drive around in the hope of asking more people and looking for her. Maybe focus more towards Flockton. Any suggestions??? Maura, it would be good to get extra people involved. I am available late afternoon tomorow. Although from the weather forcast it might not be the best of days to spot her with the rain. Rachel: was there anything from the sand?? GG Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
sounds like Freddie is out there and not too far away. I can spend time there tomorrow, but don't know where you've been. call me or reply on here if I can helpLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Rachel: I am not sure that I can come out again tonight. If you get any sightings then phone my mobile straight away and I shall come straight out. I am available tomorow night. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
So sorry you had no luck today Rachel. The dog at Flockton could very well be Freddie and she may be travelling across fields from place to place which would account for no sightings in Horbury bridge today. I still think that there have been enough sightings of her around Horbury Bridge to think has found some safe places to hide there and she may be using them as a base to return to after going eleswhere. Rambo the German Shepherd missing in the same area last year was doing much the same. We will be over to help tomorrow most probably later afternoon but will phone you to see if there are any special plans. I am at work till lunchtime. Ring Neil if you need any help during the day ! Come on Freddie its time to come home xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi rachel i have rang my friend again. she will speak to her daughter in the morning and see if she can shed any light on this other dog. hopefully then we might beable to decipher if it was a definate sighting of Freddie in flockton. I will let u know as soon as she gets back to me. Try get some rest. Tracey x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
So glad the old collie has fallen on his feet. This is what happens if you blitz an area searching for one dog, you turn up all the waifs and strays as well and sometimes find other lost ones. Hope tomorrow brings more sightings of Freddie.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Tracey. Might your friend also know anything about the other collie in the woods. For example, if it is there, is it big, small, fat, thin etc. This information may be of use in working out if it was Freddie, even though it does sound like her. Thanks RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi i have just rung my friend whose daughter lives in a farmhouse at Flockton. She will alert her and ask her to spread the messsage and keep her eyes peeled. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
No sighting of Freddie in the Horbury Bridge area today. Found two other people who have seen her over the weekend, but did not realise she was missing. about eight of us spent alot of time around 5.30/7pm looking around the indudtrial units. However, about ten minutes ago I recieved a phone call from Mark who feels he has seen Freddie in Flockton. Says she looked very thin, unkept and frightened, She would not go near him. Not sure what to do! She could have got from Horbury to Flockton over fields. This is no real distance. Just spoken to him again and he has been back out to lokk for her but no sign, Thinks she has headed back over the fields. Will check at Horbury early in the morning and then go over to Flockton if no sign. If this is her( he said the dog looked like the one on the poster), she may be trying to find a direction home or just a trip out from a base at Horbury Bridge. Or it may be a different dog as when we were in Flockton last Monday a few people in a local shop said that there was a collie living to the north of Flockton in a wood which was being fed by someone. This dog had apparently been a farmers. Will go to the shop again tomorrow and check details on this dog. Thanks to everyone who has spent the early evening in the damp going through an industrial estate. Will report back on what I find. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi re jack....sorry its not the dog from scotland. he's microchipped and is local to cleckheaton bradford area.thank uLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi just a short note. whilst mags and i were out we walked a small section along the river and right at the far back past the scrap yard near to a bridge. Rachel had already postered the area earlier but going over the same area at different times may just help catch up with freddie. re the dog found in my neighbours garden....the neighbours have taken him in. he's an old boy of 13. his current owner said he's been missing 2 days and she is not bothered about taking him back !!!!! nor had she reported him missing !! Sue Tozer our friend who runs a dog rescue will help find a home for him but i have a feeling his rescuers r rather smitten and may keep him. they have fed watered and blow dried his fur with the hair dryer !! bless.he really is a lovely old boy. He will have really fallen lucky if they keep him. lovely people !! anyway freddie we will be out again looking for u. keep safe. Tracey xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
There is a posting on the 28/12/07 about a Border Collie dog named Jack missing from Scotland. He is microchipped and tagged. Lets hope it has a happy ending.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi All, Been out and about most of today accompanied by Emily (my grandaughter). Met up with Rachel this morning at Horbury and posted more leaflets in the area. Drove and walked around the industrial estate and kept looking at the back of the cafe incase the smells had attracted Freddie. There are so many hidey holes it's untrue. we went up to Netherton a few times also just incase she had made her way back up there and then postered up the top end of Quarry Hill and in the housing estate at the far side of Horbury bridge (above and backwards form the Quarry Hill Pub)...we were really disappointed that there were no new sightings today but Rachel thought the wet weather may curtail Freddies activities. Rachel and quite a few other helpers are staking out the industrial estate and the footpaths around it this evening and Rachel said she will update when she gets home. Tracey (alien 4398) will update the bits i've missed later on as believe it or not her elderely neighbour has just rung to say that an old looking border collie male has been found in a poor state at in their garden. He has a tag saying his name is Jack if this rings any bells with anyone and a friend of ours who runs a dog rescue team has just gone to scan him as he is wearing a microchip tag. If we have no luck she will post his details on the site in a while. Anyway our thoughts are willing Freddie to find her Mum tonight. Come on Freddie girl...love Mags, Tracey and Emily xxxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Maura, This is Rachel's daughter Penny. I'm sure Rachel would be grateful of any more help she can get.....everyone is welcome. I've tried to phone you but I think you have typed 1 number short so therefore I can't get through. Please phone Rachel direct on 07903 755050 and she will let you know what help she needs and where she needs it. Certainly if we have not found Freddie by the weekend your help then would also be greatly appreciated. Rachel is in Horbury right now so try her asap. Many thanks. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
This is a message from my Dad: "Was in Horbury Bridge area between 7.45 and 10.00 this morning .No sightings. One man claims to have seen her 3 times on Monday/Tuesday on the top footpath?. up the hill past Decomak and 100yards on the right. 2 of the sightings were early morning and one at mid-day. Been to 3 different Industrial estates ?left leaflets in all the units .Did not fully cover the estate behind the Horse and Jockey?.ran out of leaflets. Could not get access to a large car scrap yard, but a man I met knows the owner and he will try to arrange a search of the cars." I am available from about 5pm to 5:30 today but it won't be long before it gets dark. I like Malakai's idea of lots of people stakign out the area at dusk to spot where she is going to ground on a night. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
please phone me straight away to see if I can join you. working Thursday but could reorganise.0784147391 Raouls owner. He is fine- one sore paw to show for his troubles.We owe you all! please let me know how you want to use me. GG aka the saint has given us posters and flyers we will put them up on our walks.Could go to netherton/ horbury Friday or saturday if that helpsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi tracey and mags setting off now but will take us about 45 mins or so to get there. we will ring rachel when we r nearly there. come on freddie !!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I went to Hutchies foods earlier and met a man looking for Freddie, he said he had been denied access to the scrap yard by a lady. He went in with me and we were talking about Freddie, they didn't know about her, he is going to try and see the owner of the scrap yard later today, if he doesn't he will phone him this evening to ask if we can have access to the yard to look for any evidence that Freddie has been there or better still, find Freddie there. I went back with some big posters for them to put up and he is taking one to the owner of the scrap yard.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji, the whole family is out. GG, her fiance, her Mum and Dad, her Nan and me - her Auntie! GG, sorry I don't have your work details at home. If you're free this evening, pick me up and we'll park next to that Slazenger office and stake out. We can see clearly across the estate to the road from there and will see her if she comes past again. Perhaps we can then keep her in sight and if Rachel is up on the towpath (weather permitting) she can meet her head on?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I am at work again today but if you get any sightings then phone me ASAP and I'll get people out again to where she is spotted. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks so much to ALL who went out to help today when the sighting came in and especially to GG who acted so promptly after my phone call! GG you must get your Dad to register as a helper too now as from what i hear he has been very helpful ! You have all been so supportive to Rachel ! Come on Freddie your Mum is close by now so let her find you xxx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Something I forgot to add, although Freddie loves squeeky toys, balls etc, in this situation, I do not think that whistles or noisy things will really encourage her. I feel that she will respond better to gentleness and a quiet voice. She may well shy away from people so going with caution is best. If she will come great, but if not keep her in sight and call me. Thanks to everyone. I am really grateful for all the support. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Had a call from Simon. He said that he had seen Freddie about ten minutes earlier , 11.55am. He had to go home to find my number before he could phone. Said she was heading up the raod around the Quarry Hill area and was on the canal side of the raod on the kerbside. She was running and looked as if she had been out for some days. He went back out to continue to look for her. Neil was also in the area working and also went out. Between them they seemed to have covered a number of the side roads of along Quarry Hill. Dave, another generous soul, was out and he spoke to a woman in a shop at Quarry Hill and she confirmed that she has seen Freddie around the same time heading in the same direction. Other people joined in during the afternoon, posting walking the canal side and talking with passers. Had a second phone call from Daniel just before 6pm saying he had seen Freddie two minutes earlier going down Quarry Hill on the same side she had gone up. He drove past in order to turn his car around and she disappeared. She appeared to turn left into an inductial site. Got there ten minutes later and was shortly followed by GG but no sight of her. From this site, there is access across the river and the canal, so Freddie could get up to Netherton in five/ten minutes but by continuing on the canal or river she could also get to other areas such as Puggnies. Gillian, a woman from Netherton says that for the last few nights, her dogs have been barking so she thinks something is outside. She lives in the immediate area that Freddie was sighted in Netherton. Tomorrow, I will call to see her to see if she can put some sand at the back of her land with some food on it. This will hopefully determine if Freddie is going there or something else is. GG came up with this one. Will be going back there tomorrow talking with more people, posting where needed and looking for potenial areas Freddie might visit. Freddie is a complex liitle character. She really likes people and dogs she knows, but is nervous of dogs she does not know. She is very playful, hyperactive would describe her well and is at her happiest when she is kept stimulated both mentally and physically. Think at the moment, she will be nervous and might not want to go to anyone. Hopefully with more sightings we can work out what she is doing. The house feels empty without her. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It was just slightly frustrating because I'd been out around the Horbury Bridge area this afternoon, then when GG got home, we went back out and we'd been in the industrial estate doing a thorough search, then left to go up to Netherton and that's when the sighting happened. We were back there within 5-10 minutes but obviously too late. We did hand some leaflets to the cabbies on the industrial estate and caught the manager of the slazenger offices as he locked up. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
As you now have an idea of her area it may be good to scent the two areas, find some where a bit sheltered & leave sock or something that hasn't been washed. If she stays in the area it ill make it easier to plot her journey enough to get ahead of her. It's good to see so many people helping to get her home & as I lost my wonderful collie companion of 11 yrs to ill health I know how desperate you are to get her home safe. Fingers crossed that tomorrow brings you good news.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Tracey and I left a few posters on the industrial estate so if she's still there at least people know of her. we were there about 3.30pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Freddie was spotted again later this afternoon in the industrial area just off horbury bridge (behind a cafe near to the pet food place). Rachel will hopefully add the details. It was getting dark so we couldn't find her but it shows that she is staying in the area. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Tracey and I have just got home having been out in the Horbury Bridge area this afternoon. We wwent to NewMillerdam first and handed out about 70 leaflets...some to people living in Horbury. When Rachel told us of the new sightings we went over to Horbury. Rachel was there too with Willow and another lady and between us and some other helpers we covered the area in posters. We went right up Quarry Hill where Freddie was seen and left posters in the health centre and the community centre as well as on sveral lamp posts. We then went up to Netherton again and when you stand on the stile at the top of Blacker Lane you can see the route clearly between Horbury and South Lane at Netherton where Freddie was seen on Saturday. We are now convinced that she is running the area. I will leave it here as Tracey (alien 4398 has just text me that she has posted as well) Getting really hopeful now Mags & Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
please let me know how I can help. Raoul is back and I want to help youLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi Been out again searching fo Freddie. Mags and i went to Newmillar dam, posted leaflets on all the car windscreens then walked the dogs around the dam. We gave out leaflets as we went. We then decided to call Rachel for an update. She told us of the sighting at Quarry Hill, Horbury and asked if we would poster the main road. We did this then drove to the local GP surgery and community centre placing leaflets as we went. We then drove near where the sailing club is and put up posters in that area. Following this we met Rachel who had had 2 sightings that day in the same area of horbury and very close together. Rachel and a friend were heading to the canal to walk and we continued with the posters. We drove back through Netherton all the while keeping our eyes peeled. We stopped at the very back of south lane overlooking the fields and scanned the fields for signs of her.We then drove down to the canal at Horbury and walked a small section where we posted leaflets along where the barges were and placed a poster on the lock gates. Mags went in The Navigation pub and they kindly placed the leaflet very prominently on the door.They also took several leaflets to give out to the many walkers whom they said frequented the pub. We then had to leave to come home. Fingers crossed we may be closing in on Freddie. Stay safe and well for your mum. Tracey and Mags xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Ladies!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Will ring our vet branch calder vets Horbury for them to keep an eye out and let them know she's back in the area again. I've also given our vet supplies Delivery driver a leaflet of Freddie. He delivers all round Horbury, Dewsbury Mirfield, Wakefield, Penistone Denby Dale areas he says he'll keep an eye out he's gonna let the other delivery drivers know too. Hope you catch her soonLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Can i just ask about Freddie herself, is there anything specific that I could say/whistle/offer if I see her. She is obviously being elusive at the mo - but is she normally a shy/worried dog? I hope that she is managing to look after herself well. Have you put a leaflet at Hutchinsons animal feeds at horbury Bridge? I am sure Steve would be happy to put one on the notice board.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi all I have been following this story closely but my account was only acctivated this morning. Little freddie has gone and gotten herself lost on my stomping ground, so I am keeping my eyes peeled for her, I live near low moor lane and my children go to Dane royd (there are posters everywhere over here). I walk my dogs in all the woods near me. The services that she went missing from is next door to the livery yard that I used to keep my horse at (Mark the yard owner will keep an eye out for her for sure). I now keep my horse at a yard near West Bretton, so I walk my dogs up there too and I ride all over that area - stocksmoor common, south lane, netherton, newhall, bretton park. and I drive from hall green over the motorway bridge 4 times a day to get to the yard. I bumped into a friend of the owner yesterday in the woods at the back of my livery yard (near west bretton) - lovely lady saw me riding with my 2 dogs running along beside, we talked and she mentioned the sighting in Netherton - so i told all my friends at the yard to keep and eye out when hacking out, then went home and phoned a friend who lives in netherton with her dog and also my dog sitter who also lives in Netherton - she walks in the woods there about 4 times a day!!! I will take a spare lead out with me on walks and hacks - fingers crossed. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
SIGHTING around 12pm TODAY at HORBURY BRIDGE running fast over the railway bridge towards HORBURY. Owner is there looking for her and the man that saw her is helping. MY OH has gone out too but is at work so wont be able to stay long. I have alerted helper Geekygirl and she is trying to contact family who live nearby to go out and look for Freddie. Anyone else in the area PLEASE can you go out there to help Rachel.Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Come on show your self Freddie!!! Remeber if anybody needs any posters or leaflets just let me know, I'll keep printing until she returns. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I spoke to Rachel this afternoon was so disapointed to hear there had been no more sightings of Freddie. We drove over to Netherton just after 5pm when my OH got home from work. We drove round there for a while and then walked our dogs along a muddy track beyond the Black Bull Inn. Drove around West bretton and over to Woolley Edge just hoping we might catch a glimpse of her. Rachel I did remember you telling me it would be Freddies 4th Birthday this Easter weekend and I have been thinking of her so much but then you are both never far from my thoughts at any time xx I do so hope you get some more sightings of her tomorrow your efforts to find Freddie have been exceptional. xx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Today is Freddies 4th. birthday. Wherever she is I am thinking of her and hoping she is safe from harm. No sighting of her, but not for the want of trying. Around 18 people have been out today. Together we covered everywhere from Netherton Flockton, Shelley, Kirkburton, Clayton West, Scissett, Kettlewell, Middlestown, Bretton,Emley,Cawthorne, in all around a 5 mile radius from Netherton. Posters, flyers and talking with people. Driven, walked through fields, checked outbuildings, farms and gardens. Lots of other people have been keeping a watchful eye, even Jim, who first spotted her and Alan, the bus driver. Peoples generosity of heart is truly amazing. It was hard to come home tonight, to leave her on her own. Some of you will know Freddie personally and the little devil she can be, but will also know how loving she is. Thank you all for your kindness. Hopefully, the next days will bring good news. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi All..Not much to report today really. Spent most of our time in Netherton and Middlestown. Walked some woods behind Netherton Village Hall and met some really nice people, two young men helped us to rescue our dog Rufus from a mud pond! They also took some leaflets to hand out and we met a good few other people who were equally responsive and promised to look out for Freddie. Most people had seen the posters atound the area. We also drove to a few farms and left flyers. We did go down a very narrow road and ended up by Newhall Prision, there were no posters there so we put some up and met some horse riders who also took leaflets. They said an alsation who had been missing in the area had been found in the valley we were in so lets hope it's a good omen. We did bump into some other people in a car who were looking for Freddie...thought they might have been CG's Mum and Dad?. Will try and help again tomorrow. Keep your spirits up Rachel...and freddie come on girl, lets have you home now x Mags & Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Any news from today? I'm sorry I couldn't join you. My parents were out looking and I think that they met up with rachel at the black Bull Pub. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on freddie come on home sweet heart xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Congratulations to those that have posted in the Netherton area, everwhere I look I see Freddie, even looking out of my window.[G] lots of people walk round this area as well as ride horses.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I have got lots of the updated posters and leaflets printed out if anybody needs any. I'll be going out this afternoon for a drive around to look for freddie and Raoul. My parents are walking around the Netherton area looking for Freddie. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
wakey woman .........its good to see you on board ! Please stay with us as a helper because when a dog does go missing we need all the help possible !! Also have you seen Raoul the Spanish Water Dog WF2 who went missing yesterday at NEWMILLERDAM ? Please keep a look out for him too ! I am not sure if Freddies owners have postered the sculpture park and will check with them about this. It would be a very good place to target today with smaller posters to hand out to walkers especially as the weather is looking a little better and there may be more people out and about. Hoping so much Freddie is found today xx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Wakey woman!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
have been following freddies story for a few days now. did a long walk around netherton and surrounding woods yesterday. eyes peeled, but no sign of her. just really wanted her owner to know that there must be lots more people like me who were nothing to do with doglost, but who are trying to do their bit to get freddie home. Wonder if it is worth postering at West Yorkshire Sculpture Park. its not a million miles away, and will get people driving through the area to it this bank holidayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Done. On the info centre now xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
I've updated the smaller posters now and emailed to Yasa to go on the Info Centre. You are doing brilliantly in the search for Freddie, rooting for her to move into the blue soon. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I have just had to my last message listing Freddies sightings as when I read it again I realised I had made a mistake so here they are again ....................... Just to recap ..............sightings of Freddie were FRIDAY 21st by a bus driver and she was heading out of Scissett towards Skelmanthorpe but he does not remember what time as he did several runs there that day. Then on SATURDAY 22nd at NETHERTON she was sighted at around 1.45pm /1.50 pm by a family who saw someone stop their car and try to catch her. Then she was sighted again in South Lane NETHERTON at 2pm in someones garden. Pam x ................... Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'll keep it brief as several of you have posted already today. The majority of Netherton has been postered and leafleted today....we must have done nearly all the houses there. I was told by another man that he thought he saw Freddie on Friday by the mini roundabout in Netherton. However he was pretty vague re times etc but considering other sightings in the area it is a possibility. In terms of tomorrow, a few family members cannot make it but I know that several of my mum's flyball friends will be joining the search. If anyone else can be there to help please contact Rachel on her mobile tomorrow and she will let you know what plans are for the day. As Rachel has stayed in the area tonight she will be out looking for Freddie this evening in the hope that she will show herself whilst it is quiet. On a more personal note, I too would like to add my thanks for everyones support. I know this has been of huge comfort to my mum and it keeps all our hopes up that Freddie will be home where she belongs very soon. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Thanks Pam, I need things writing very plainly :-) Maybe we should try and look out for her around this time if she is awake at this time .... will she have sleeping patterns? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Oh dear team we have another dog out in the same area-check Raol-just put on site.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Jumanji & everyone who's been dealing with trying to get Freddie home. Literaly just got back from Scotland & no internet so behind at the minute. I know Jumanji will have given you advice on scenting & tracking, it does seem that she is now in a better area. Funny how this is Rambo's previous area & Pam got to know it well over her month missing. Good to see lots of helpers as well- you are all doing the right things & collies are resiliant & far too clever for their own good. Fingers crossed that she tracks back to the garden & realises why all the food & smells have been left out for her.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I couldn't help this morning as I had a show to go to with my dogs but whilst there I put out the leaflets. I also gave lots of leaflets to one of the trainers from Wkaefield Dog Training Club so she will take these back to the club. On our way home we got the news about the sighting so my family were sent out looking, we joined in as soon as we arrived. We drove around Netherton, Emley, gave a poster to the stables in middlestown I think it is bank farm (down a very windy long road)??? My Nan lives in Netherton so will keep a watch out. Also her friends will go walking tonight around the area in the hope of spotting her. All of these sightings must mean we are so close!!! Could you give a round up of the sightings and times - there might be a pattern? Is she being seen at a particular time of day so that we can focus on this time?? The bus driver spotting her gave me an idea that coudl we give the bus drivers in the area a leaflet each - maybe at their depot as they drive the area alot? Whilst out looking on South Lane for Freddie this afternoon my Dad did spot a collie with a blue collar on in a garden with lots of other collies. He spoke to the owner (in case this dog had caused all of the sightings) who said they had been away and only just got back so it can't have been this dog (which is not a tri). Can the posters and leaflets be updated with these new sightings, I can print out more first thing tomorow and it would be really good to have this information on it. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Have Freddies owners thought of putting a story in the Huddersfield Examiner newspaper (covers Scisset, Skelmanthorpe etc) or any other local paper that covers where Freddie has been sighted??Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well done ladies!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
Hi there here is our update for today. This morning we headed to Brighouse where we put up posters at tesco and sainsburys. We then walked a stretch of the canal where we met some barge owners heading towards Mirfield. They were more than happy to keep their eyes peeled for Freddie. Also taped posters to the locks so that passing barges would be aware. We then headed to Judy Woods where we put up posters at several entrances to the woods and gave out leaflets to dog walkers. On our way home we went through Norwood Green and placed a few more posters in prominent places. On the way home Mags cornered one of her friends who was out riding her horse and she will put a poster at the stables. When i arrived home and looked at the boards and saw the recent sighting info i was extremely excited and rang Mags. She hadn't even gotten home from ping me and had something planned for this afternoon. She quickly re-organised and within about 45mins we were out again heading to Netherton. Mags mum came with us to see if she could spot her from the car window as we were driving along. We met Rachel at the Black Bull pub and whilst we were making a plan of action she recieved the call about the sighting near Skelmanthorpe on Friday (already mentioned in an earlier posting). Rachel had several family members helping and they had already done some leaflet s throughout Netherton and were looking in several wooded areas near where Freddie had been sighted the previous day.It was decided we would drive to Middletown, placing posters on lamp posts/trees and ping some through letter boxes. Any people we met along the way were given leaflet to take home. We passed through Overton stopping with leaflets, left one in the local pub The Reindeer Inn and also a local shop. We then headed along the Clayton West / Skelmanthorpe Rd constantly looking and hoping for a sighting of Freddie. We also drove through Emley, again placing posters as we went. We had no sighting of Freddie but many many people were extremely responsive and would keep a look out for her. Finally we had to head off home due to prior commitments. Rachel asked me to let people know what everyone had been doing today as she will be staying at the Wooley Travel Lodge again tonight and will be unable to post. Its fabulous news to have the recent sightings and must give Rachal a boost after so many days without any signs of her. Lets hope she stays safe and is home very soon. Come on Freddie !!!!! XXX Tracey and MagsLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
thanks Sadielady ! freddie may well travel back that way again so we need as many people as possible on the lookout for her !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
A friend of mine lives in Skelmanthorpe. So will get her and the kids on the lookout for Freddie there. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Great news about sightings - come on Freddie!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
The help that people are prepared to offer complete strangers on this site never ceases to amaze me, it certainly restores your faith in human kind, keep up the good work everyone, I'm keeping my fingers crossed here, good luck xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Well done everyone up there. All fingers crossed here. XLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Forgot to add the owner has scented and left a little food in the garden Freddie was seen in yesterday Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Just had another call from Freddies owner. There has been another sighting of Freddie but this was on FRIDAY 21st. A bus driver saw her heading from SCISSETT towards SKELMANTHORPE. He is not sure of the time he saw her as he made a few runs through there that day. As well as the 2 sightings in Netherton there was also a sighting of a motorist who had stopped and was trying to coax her in Netherton but she was seen again after this so we know he didnt catch her. So a pattern is beginning to emerge and I am so delighted Rachel is getting these sightings as she and friends/ family and doglost helpers have worked so hard ! Rachel tells me more people have turned up to help including an owner of one of our reunited dogs ! Just wish i was out there too today but have to console myself with answering the phone but I can tell you my mind cant concentrate on anything else today but Freddie ! pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Sightings..Brilliant..As well as putting smelly food down it might be time to start scenting in the area that Freddie has been spotted.This can help to keep them in one area , often in a triangle ,which can start to close the net so to speak ,leading to perhaps trapping if need be. Good luck. Come on Freddie,time to go home now.XXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Ask the lady whose garden she was seen in if you can put food down regularly, top it with pilchards. If you can keep her there, you will get her home. Good luck.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
rachel...watching your story and wish we were close enough to help. we have everything crossed here that these new sightings lead to freddie being reunited. good luckLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Valgrays................thanks so much for all your help and concern. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel, Freddies owner has just called and said someone else saw her at 2 pm yesterday in the same area of NETHERTON which is on fields backing onto the South Lane area. Come on Freddie let your Mum find you today !! Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
valgrays border collie rescue
I was so sorry that the little tri bitch down here in Surrey was not your little girl, but i truly hope and pray that this new sighting brings fresh hope and she is home with you very soon. i have circulated her picture to all the rescue centre's and services i know near to your area. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Freddies owner has had a call from a lady in NETHERTON who thinks she saw Freddie in her garden yesterday afternoon (22nd March). She was looking very thin and bedraggled. Please anyone in that area can you look out for her. We have done quite a bit of postering there but more need to go up now ! Owner and friends are on their way there but any other helpers greatly appreciated. To think we drove round Netherton several times yesterday !!I cant get there today myself as no transport but will be checking on here regularly for any updates and if anyone needs any more info send me a pm. Rachel freddies owner will be updating me if any further developements ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
POSSIBLE SIGHTING. Freddie has possibly been seen in NETHERTON yesterday. We are heading there now and Rachel is also on her way back from Carlton Towers. Unsure of full details yet until we see Rachel there. Please contact me for more details. If she has been seen there the more people the better. Penny 07947 432478. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Penny again. I agree it's good that posters are going further afield. I forgot to say that friemds went round Emley Moor/Flockton on Friday. They talked to lots of people out walking. Yesterday they were going to Kirkheaten/Hopton. . Also, Elland to Norton will be postered on Monday. A wide swathe between Woolley Edge heading towards home has been done, which is heartening. Also posters were taken to Selby game fair on Saturday. We drove round a bit yesterday evening and posters still up and in good condition (thank you whoever is keeping an eye on them). There's huge amount of support in trying to find Freddie. A big thank you to everyone who is helping. I talked to Rachel last night and we are going to go to South Hindley tomorrow too, and maybe Brierley. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Mags and Tracey .......... I think there is nothing to lose but only to gain from posting further afield as you suggest. With no more sightings we have no idea where she is and from what i hear of her she is a canny little dog and may well try to get home so it makes sense to try and poster towards home. Rachel says she has informed all dog wardens for areas she could cross if trying to make her way home and we also need to constantly check all pounds she could pass through. Your idea of putting leaflets on cars in Asda car park was very good one as people travel there from all directions. Someone we know told us they got one on their car! Thanks to everyone for all the help they have given in the search for dear Freddie xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello. I am posting obo Rachel, as she is away overnight. We had a phone call saying that a collie, likely to be Freddie, was in a collie rescue place. Phone calls and sorting that out took time, and it wasn't Freddie, the kennels were in Surrey. Disappointing. Anyhow, we got out and did some postering round netherton and Painthorpe, and a few of us are going out tomorrow to poster Royston,Staincross, Mapplewell. Rachel is staying in the travelodge at the Woolley Edge services and getting up early in the morning to drive round the back roads before heading off to Carlton. Thanks for everyone's help again today. PennyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. Here's our update for today. We went to Woolley edge first just incase Freddie had done a return trip. There were a few people there with dogs but no sign of her. We then went up the no entry road (asked permission first!) to look at the back of the services. We decided to walk into the bit of woodland behind the service station until a man came running up to tell us we were likely to be shot if kept on that particular route - we had walked into the line of fire in the shooting club!!. We did however get the chance to talk to him about Freddie and he said he would ask the members to look out for her. After that we drove down a very narrow road towards Crigglestone...there were some posters there already but we did give a couple of dog walkers some leaflets. Next to Crigglestone itself, we met quite a few people here and handed them leaflets, some were asking more about Freddie and one couple said we had caught them at Newmillerdam the day before. Then we went back to Newmillerdam...most of the people we met were different people than yesterday and we distributed about 30 leaflets by hand and another 50 or so on car windscreens... even managed to get some Barnsley people to take leaflets. We have a nagging feeling that Freddie could be heading homeward (she is such a clever little dog), so unless there are any newly reported sightings in the Wakefield area, we are definately going to poster the Brighouse/Shelf/Halifax area tomorrow....even if Freddie isn't there at the moment it will widen the geographical awareness of her plight...plus lots of dog walkers are like us and walk in many different places. I have a friend who lives at Lockwood in Huddersfield and she will aslo keep an eye out and pass the message to her friends. Hoping for better news tomorrow x Mags & Tracey Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We drove out to Cliffe kennels today to check Freddie DEFINATELY was'nt there. Then went To Horbury bridge and walked a distance in both directions along the canal path. There are still plenty of posters up there and we re attached a few that were coming adrift after the battering the weather has given them. Drove around Netherton, Midgely and put some more posters up. Then drove round Calder Grove, Hall Geen and Kettlethorpe. Have spoken to Rachel, Freddies owner today and she had a report of a Tri colour Border collie being handed into a collie rescue. We checked this report out and it was definately NOT Freddie but a much older dog who has since been reclaimed. Rachel said it will be Freddies 4th birthday either tomorrow or Monday so lets all have special thoughts of her on her birthday and will her to be found soon xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Rachel, rooting for Freddie to be back home with you soon. Excellent support from everyone who is helping with the search for her, well done. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just been over to Pugneys Park with our dogs. Gave a few of the doglost posters to some of the dog walker there and asked them to keep an eye out for her. Fingers crossed.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
We have just walked the fields behind hall green up to the edge of seckar woods then across to the woods near the nursery then back along stoney lane. No sign of Freddie. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Freddie went missing from the service station at around 12pm on Friday 14th and was seen running into the farm at the side of the woodland above the service station around 10/15 minutes later. so I was about ten minutes behind her at that point. I asked people at the farm but they had not seen her. Went through the woods and the footpath along the side of the woods but no sighting. Then walked up the road from the farm to the viewing point at the top and turned left along the woodland lane but still no sighting. Stayed in the area until around 7.30pm walking, driving around the whole area and also then returning to tha service station in case she returned. Went back early next morning but still nothing. The call from Mr Thompson which I got yesterday stated that he had seen Freddie around 7.15am as he was driving to sort out his horses. Says she was running quickly on the road towards Horbury, looking frightened. The other sighting from Mr Smith stated that he was Freddie later the same day, Saturday 15th. sometime between 9.30 and later in the morning. Could not be specific as he was going back and forth all morning. Again she was looking distressed and had a brown dog chasing her. At this point she was not running but was walking quickly. She was heading from Low Moor Lane onto Stoney Lane and was seen heading towards the school. He thought she might be heading for Newmillar but could have easily turned into the woods behind. In both cases she was on the kerbside. I cannot work out from this what she was doing. Maybe she was trying to orientate herself. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi there, Just to let you know that I have just put your missing poster on our noticeboard at work (Calder Vets Mirfield) I'll also print off some more and send to all our other branches around west yorks. I'm sure you've rung the dog wardens already but just in case I've leave you a few numbers to call one is the dog warden that covers west yorks 01484 226883. Any dogs picked up by them will usually be taken to Marina Kennels in Hudds 01484 426407 or in your case would probably be Springfield Kennels in Ossett I think?? 01924 271028. Ring these kennels every day as they have lots of dogs on a daily basis brought in. Hope this helps. I'm also going to Pugneys park on Sunday I take a couple of posters there to hand out to all the dog walkers too. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
What are the timings of the sightings? She disappeared on Friday 14th March from Woolley edge services - at what time? She was seen at the farm behind the services 30 minutes later. She was seen on Saturday 15th March at Stoney Lane, Hall Green, near Dane Royd School thought to be heading towards NewMillerdam. Do we know a more detailed time than morning? When was she seen at Horbury bridge? I'm just trying to fit it all together to work out a pattern. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks folks for the offer but I'm busy at events with our dogs today,tomorrow and Monday so you might as well keep them and GG can some into me when she can.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
If anyone needs anymore flyers or posters, I have loads. GG very kindly gave me masses. I will be taking lots to Selby game fair on Sunday but still have plenty to spare. Can arrange to meet anyone who needs some anytime tomorrow. Thanks RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Wirral & Chester
hi Rachel, Personally i think she could easily travel this distance in a very short space of time, especially if as he said she seemed frightened and was moving quickly. my own dog can cover alot of ground in a very short time and freddie is a fit young dog too. Mags and myself will be out again tomorrow looking and handing out more leaflets. I also emailed a friend of mine who fishes the area and knows alot of people around and about. He will spread the word too. Keep your chin up and stay positive. U and Freddie r in my thoughts. Tracey x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just a thought. From Woolley Edge services to Horbury Bridge by road is six miles. Could Freddie have done this by 7.15. It gets light around 6.30am. I am wondering if this was a sighting. Spoke with Mr Thompson again and he said that initially he though the dog might belong to a woman he sees walking each day, but the dog was on its own. I will try to talk with him again tomorrow to get more clarification. if it was her it might be that she was trying to get home but got frightened by the main road and went back on herself. Any thoughts. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Malakai.......... if you need any posters before Tuesday we could let you have some of the ones GG gave us. Let me know if you want any ! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We set off for Wintersett reservoir this morning and on the way did some posters at Havercroft and Ryhill. The groomers at Havercroft also took some leaflets from us to pass on. At Wintersett we met up with Geekgirl who was handing out leaflets to walkers and took over from her. The we walked into Haw woods and handed out leaflets there. Later we went over to Calder Grove and put two posters up near the Kingfisher Fish and chip restaurant. Once we heard about the sighting at Horbury Bridge we set off in that direction and did a couple of posters there but could see a fair were already done so drove on up to Netherton and got some up there but unfortunately ran out of posters. On our way home we collected some of Geekygirls spare posters which we will use tomorrow ! Pam x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
OK, no probs. I'm out over the weekend so Tuesday is good :) Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
The golf course may not be as well covered this weekend as they only work a few hours early morning. I don't think that Pledwick has been postered yet. I only have about 10 A4 posters left. I have got lots of the 1/4 A4 size leaflets and 1/3 A4 size which could be used as posters but the plastic wallets don't fit these well. I can't print any more until I am back at work on Tuesday. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
One thing GG hasn't said is that we have the Woodthorpe Golf course covered by one of the groundkeepers. This is bordered by Pledwick Lane, Chevet Lane and Hill Top Road above NewMillerdam. If she turns up on the course, we'll know about it :) GG, have you done the area around your Mum's? That's one area they won't have to worry about then. Oh and if you can do me some posters and post them through the door? My printer's given up the ghost :(Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Just got home and managed to get in tough with Mr Thompson who saw Freddie.Unfortunately, things seem more confusing as he is very clear that he was Freedie, who seemed frightened, running quickly at 7.15 in the morning from Horbury Bridge in the direction of Horbury along the main road in the Wakefield direction. However, later that morning, as we know, she was sighted at Hall Green going in the direction of Newmiller/ Seckar. On Friday she may well have run from the woods at the back of the service station to the top of the road above. Looks like she may then have crossed the bridge over the motorway staying on this top road and then up to Horbury Bridge. She may have rested in Bull Cliff woods or Stonycliffe woods overnight and then onto HB the next morning. Time wise this would fit in with a return via Low Moor Lane to Hall Green. but not running as fast. Any ideas what next. Might this be part of a triange or just chaos. This little girl seems frightened. Think tomorrow, Penny and I will focus in the area around Durkar , Brooklands Farm , Milnthorpe and Woolgreaves. Any other thoughts about what she might be doing. Thanks to everyone for such long and hard work today. Rachel Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks! You have all been such stars!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi here's our update for today. We have been out since about 11.00am. Started at Bretton Park where we handed out about 120 leaflets (leaflets are Traceys idea..they are A5 sized and people can take them away so they have Rachels contact details to hand). People were very helpful and genuinely concerned. We put some under car windscreen wipers also. Then we went to NewMillerdam and spent about three hours walking up in the woods. Postered a few trees (but not too many!) and put leaflets under every car windscreen we could find. Even those parked on the road!! Also spoke to loads of people, many offering words of support and encouragement for Rachel. We then went back to the carpark and caught the next batch of windscreens!! As we drove past ASDA we thought that it was a good idea to catch a few more windscreens and speak to some of the shoppers then went into the store to get warm! Rachel called then, to say that there had been a sighting at Horbury along the canal side so Rachel went there and we went off in the Hopton direction. There were some posters already en route to Hopton but when we got there we postered the village green and the telegraph poles at the entrance to the local walkways. Because Rachel had told us about the canal we went down to the canal path at Mirfield in the hope that Freddie is homeward bound and may use the canal to guide her. Here we managed to poster a good few spots and even put some along the canal path itself. We spoke to some barge owners who put a pile of our leaflets in the boathouse for visitors and barge owners to see. Then it got dark so we came home. We really feel that it might be worth focusing on the area between where Freddie was last seen and Brighouse/Halifax so that's what we will do tomorrow. We will hand out as many leaflets as we can. Sunday might be difficult for us but we will be out and about again on Monday. If anyone has any ideas of where best to concentrate our efforts please let us know. Mags & Tracey xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on FREDDIE show yourself and come home soon x x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
POSSIBLE SIGHTING: HORBURY BRIDGE. Rachel will add more details when she gets back home tonight. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Well done GG thats wonderful ! We are setting of now for Wintersett/ Anglers as we want to hit the afternoon walkers but may stop off on route to do some postering if we see an area that hasnt been done already. xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Well I went out early this morning and have spent the last 4 hours around seckar woods area. I only saw three people the whole time, not many people visit here and it is such a big area with not many paths. Last night whilst I was there I left some very smelly food down near the pond bit, it was still there this morning which is a bit disapointing that not even the foxes have taken it (unless my cooking is that bad). I have left some sausages today up at the top end near the heather bits (near the steep wooden stairs) so I'll go back later to see if it is still there. I'm not sure what it will prove if it goes as it could be foxes or another dog. I did wait around with the sausage for quite a while but saw nothing. I'll have some breakfast and then head out again. GG Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Mags and Tracey, will phone your mobile in morning Thanks RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Rachel We'll do newmillerdam then. Will take some flyers with us. We did wonder if Freddie might be wandering homeward in which case Crows Nest Park at Dewsbury could be en route. We will call in there with flyers also. We will ring you sometime tomorrow morning to let you know how we are getting on Mags and Tracey xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Sorry to be so late, not long home.Done more posting today and talking to people/giving flyers. Wlked in Seckar woods around dusk but nothing. Tomorrow, perhaps Mags and Tracey could walk around Nremillar Dam which is mostlt flat even ground and hand out flyers. Reasonong here is that hopefully more people will be out. Also many will have cars which means they may have travelled a bit further. Lots of people from Barnsley go there. Three of us tomorrow will spend time firstly going round Pugneys and then go over to the Netherton area where there seems to be quite alot of woodland such as Stoncliffe woods and then work towards Bretton. Some friends will post up Flockton and Emley. My daughter and son in law will be going out later and walking through Seckar woods in the early evening. Each day, I am ending back at the woodland above the servcie station just in case. I wondered if doing Cawthorne /High wood/Deffer wood might also be a place to trawl at some point if looking at the fact that this is a rough circle of Woolley. Will see how far I can get. Thanks to you all yet again and also to you two from Kelrose. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
HI Rufipol and welcome ! We are going out tomorrow but will be for the most part by reservoirs so not where you want to be with your dogs ! I have taken note of your number and will text you ours shortly. If you dont manage to get hold of Rachel by tomorrow for directions then feel free to contact us. However we wont be able to make a very early start as Neil is on call out tonight so may need to lay in for a while tomorrow. PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi Could someone suggest an area that we might walk in to help please. We know Rachel and Freddie from our dog training club but we are not familiar with the area you are referring to at all. Perhaps we could meet someone and set off in a similar but wider area. We will have four dogs with us so the area would need to be safe and preferrably not near fishing waters as two of the dogs love to swim. We could get there anytime after 9.30. If anyone is able to meet us please call 07919596852. ThanksLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
GG you are such a star !! Its excellent if you can get to secker woods that early as dogs in hiding often venture out at dusk and very early morning. Rachel has done a few posters at Wintersett and we are going there tomorrow to hand out flyers. The rangers at the res will only tolerate posters for a few days before taking them down and wont be tolerant at all if we plaster posters there so handing out flyers and a few strategically placed posters are a good option.If you can target Haw Park Woods as well that would be brilliant !! We cant get out as early as yourself as my other half is on call tonight and the time he gets up in the moring is dependent on how much he is called out tonight !! However we will certainly be at Wintersett/ Anglers by later morning. Send me a text or phone me if you are around the area then !Pam xx Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I have got lots and lots of posters and leaflets ready. I am going out about 6am to walk around secker woods. Is anybody doing the haw park woods area near to Anglers/Wintersett?? If you are going to Wintersett tomorow I might by and see if you are around - you might need some of these posters/leaflets. GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Rachel is still travelling back from searching/ postering for Freddie. She will make a post here once she gats home and sorted. As Rachel is still on the road and we have not been able to make a plan as such can i ask that anyone who is kindly planning to go out to help tomorrow let us know on here which places they would like to poster or hand out flyers. As we have no more sighting of Freddie its any ones guess where she may be. We intend to go out to Wintersett/ Anglers reservoirs tomorrow and hand out flyers to dog walkers and hikers and will poster in Walton and Ryehill and possibly into Royston if time. It would be good if someone can poster along the Canal walk from Notton Bridge, royston to old Royston and along any of the Trans Pennine Trail. Really anywhere within the triangle bordered by Barnsley Road and Lee Lane would be good to cover. Many thanks xx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hello Rachel We go to Kelrose and know of you and Freddie. We are both wanting to help in anyway we can. We have put a few posters up and would be willing to join in a walk on friday if one is arranged. Would need directions and also to understand the terrain of the planned route (bad leg!!) Will keep an eye on the site and and we hear nothing by 9.00pm ish will give you a call for an update. Thinking of you and hoping we can help to find Freddie Mags & Tracey x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Is there a plan for tomorrow?? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I've contacted the columnists listed by GG with the exception of Cath Devlin who doesn't seem to be home, and all so far have agreed to run a piece in their column for next Friday (28th March). It was too late for tomorrrow as the deadline was Tuesday. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I will contact Rachel early tomorrow evening and see whereabouts they have got to with posters etc during the day. We need to organise who is going to do what and where on Friday and Saturday so we dont double up in one area. As Rachel says with no more sightings of Freddie we need to widen our postering in case she has travelled further afield but have to bear in mind she could have doubled back on herself ! Newmillerdam will be very busy with people over the weekend and will be a good place to hand out flyers which Rachel thinks one of her daughters may do. We can help on both Friday and Saturday and will definately go out to Ryehill/Wintersett Res on one of those days and poster where we can and hand out flyers. When postering in the country parks please be thoughtful where you poster or they will only be taken down by the wardens. The idea of a barbecue is good and one that we often suggest, however we really need more sightings of Freddie within an area before we can use bbq's to tempt her out. Freddies owner or myself will post on this page tomorrow night where we need coverage on Friday/Saturday . Any willing helpers for the weekend please check back here tomorrow evening or Friday morning to see where we need covering and then let us know which you will do. GG i have suggested to Rachel that she contacts that yard with the lorries at the back of Newmillerdam. You are right it does seem to have a lot of land but we dont know what it actually does either ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Poster has been updated to say CASH REWARD. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been handinmg out flyers to people today etc. No further sightings of Freddie. I know there are lots of posibilities about what she is doing but I think getting wider coverage is important incase she has moved out of the area. Have contacted the scout hut but it is not being used over the holiday period. Am in regular contact with police and dog wardens in Barnsley and Wakefield and also all the rescue kennels they use but nothing. Checked with highways nothing. Have got number for railways so will do that tomorrow. Spoke with Sharne today and she is trying to get soemthing in the local press. However, will try to contact all the contacts which you,GG, have mentioned. now got a list of vets, parlors, taxi's kennels and rescue centres for Wakefiel, Barnsley, Leeds and also working on Huddersfield. Tomorrow, will visit all the major ones with posters and phone others to see if they will take a poster. so widening the area of information. Would be keep to do as you suggested,GG, on Friday and I hope that Five of my failiy will be able to do this and work locally in case she is still in the locality. Also flyers in all the local country parks etc oover rest of weekens, Pugneys, Newmiller, Wintersett and Cower just talking to people. If Freddie has moved, this is one way og getting infoprmation further out. On Sunday, my failiy will be out searching still but I will be at Carlton Towers as Will, my other collie is in a flyball competition. Thought this would be a good opportunity to put up posters and flyers. Do you want me to do something, say a combined flyer which will also provide information for othetr missing dogs locally. Can someone let me know and I can start getting materials together. Again thanks for all your support and suggestions. It is keeping me going. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi. I've contacted John Dalton, the deputy commissioner of the Scouting Association for the Wakefield area and unfortunatley all the associations are closed down for the next 2 weeks for the school Easter holidays. This means that no-one will be out and about but he has said that there is a green notice board outside the hut and that we are welcome to put a poster up on it if we want to. Could somebody do that please? I'm not actually from the area but am a family member of Rachel's and so am unsure of where the hut actually is. Thanks. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Wakefield Express have local columns (community news) in here that if you are in time they might add a note about Freddie for Friday's edition. These are the local people who write the columns: Hazel Chowcat for Crigglestone, West Bretton and Newmillerdam 01924 253575. Normal Hazell for Sandal 01924 250311. Cynthia Dickinson for Ryhill, Havercroft, Walton, Notton 0845 4582568. Cath Devlin for Hall Green, Kettlethorpe, Calder Grove 01924 242367. Even if there is a note in each section it doesn't matter - I only read my own local area so is probably best in more than one GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hi, As you will know the M1 services are just in the West Yorks area. If you havent already, contact West Yorks Police 0845 6060606 ask for Wood St front office. They will give you details of all the kennels they use for found dogs. Then try South Yorks police 01142 202020 ask for Penistone police station and ask them likewise. Then ring the kennels. I know Freddie is chipped, and so are our two dogs, but the number of times the scanner doesnt pick their chips up is surprising. We walk our dogs all around West Bretton and the park and will keep a look out for her. Have you tried The Wakefield Express newspaper to see if they will run you an article? JontyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I know that there is a scout hut right next to newmillerdam that has cubs, scouts, brownies, guides and ventures go there. Is it worth trying to get help from these guys? I'm not sure how though? mIght be worth at least letting them know. BBQ sounds good maybe at the top end of the woods, there is already several pubs and an italian at the dam bit which I would assume are smelly?? Have the company that are in the woods been contacted? I'm not sure what they do but there is alot of crates and trucks there. and it goes quite far in to the woods from Barnsley Road. I assume that all of the surrounding police/council/dog wardens/rescue centres have been notified not just Barnsley and Wakefield? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
beardies in need
If its thought hes in the woods, would a Bar B Q work with lots of garlick sausagesthis has worked in the past and also perhaps someone could man a trap in there. Hope hes found safe soon.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I will be out on Friday along with all the family so think coordinated effort sounds good. Two people from my work have put posters in Bretton park and surrounding areas. Also few posters in Royston and Mapplewell. I will post up tonight how things have gone today while I am out with Will my other collie. Thanks to you all for such kindness. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
How about some kind of coordinated effort on Friday? My thoughts are that newmiller dam and seckar woods are so big an area that even if we each went walking through we might not spot her. My suggestion is that even though we have postered the area, that we get enough people to cover each entry/exit to newmiller dam and secker woods and give them handouts but state that we just need to be told of a sighting and even ask people as they come out of the woods if they have seen her. Maybe people think that they should only phone if they actually find her and that we don't need to know if they have just seen her. I think that we need to find out if she is still in the area so by asking people if they have seen her over a few hours then hopefully we will have covered enough people to have virtually covered the whole woods (if that makes sense?). It's only a suggestion...... GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Hi Rachel, sorry you have had no more sightings of Freddie but please dont be disheartened. She may well just be keeping away from people and if it was her also sighted in the Secker Woods area there is plenty of countryside around there for her to do just that. This would account for just the one sighting and then no more. After stumbling into a poplulated area like Hall Green she may well be avoiding doing the same again! Due to late finishes at work we are not able to do much again until Friday and Saturday. We will be available to help you on both those days. We may need to broaden our postering further afield if we have had no more sightings of her by then. Come on Freddie its time to show yourself ! xx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Spoke with John, the man who saw Freddie on Saturday, He is certain that it was her. Talked about noticing her gangly legs which she does have. He is keeping a look out. Went early this morning to the dam and around the smaller lanes. Saw lots of people who have all noticed the posters but no further sightings. Put flyers through doors in the Hall Green area and will continue tomorrow. My daughter contacted Radio Dearne and Ridings and they both gave announcements. Radio Leeds also contacted me to talk on rasdio about Freddie. Can anyone tell me is this a usual experience, one sighting then nothing. I'm not sure what is the best thing to do.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
It is Selby Game Fair at Carlton Towers this weekend - 21/22/23/24 March - very popular with lots of dog people from a wide area - it must be worth getting some posters there or a stand with all the missing dogs on or something. Doglost admin may be able to advise best approach. Got these contact details of a flyer through our door. It is a SGF Ltd Organised Event - Tel: 01205 871354 / Mobile 07970 489605. For Trader Booking please visit their website - www.selbygamefair.co.uk. Am absolutely snowed under at work this week and have printer probs but would be available Fri am (good Friday) if any help needed to hand out flyers/posters at the event. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please see my suggestions for this w/e on Lucy the lurcher's pageLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I have today taken a list of all the dogs missing in the Yorkshire area and emailed the list to YEP & YP, Calendar, Look North, Radio Leeds and the Paul O Grady Show (thank you to hopeithelps for this suggestion). 32 dogs missing since 1st Feb 2008!!!! I am hoping that by lisiting them all individually it will make them sit up and take notice. If we all do the same hopefully we can get someone to take notice!!!!!!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Pam, going out first thing this morning and will poster as suggested by Neil. Am then going onto Wood Lane with my other dog Will. There is a disused railway track which now seems to be a path for walkers. This goes under the A61 into the woods around the top end of the dams. Will then go further down the A61 towards Royston. I will check the wood near the service station daily just in case/you never know. Thanks also to Malakai and GG. Its heartening to know what you are doing for Freddie. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Welcome Rachel its lovely to see you posting on site !!!We have been out tonight and walked a triangle on the low side of the Dam.....along the football and cricket fields by the ford in Slack Lane, Barnsley Road and School Hill. Drove round for sometime around Hall Green, Crigglestone Painthorpe, Newmillerdam and stopped dog walkers and handed them flyers. Early evening in that area is a good time to catch dog walkers !! Malakai its so good to have another helper on board and excellent you are local to Newmillerdam so we know we have someone local keeping an eye out for Freddie. Rachel, Neil suggests you poster along Crigglestone High Street, and Stanbridge Lane, Kettlethorpe if you have'nt done them already. we got some more posters up tonight but time ran out on us before we could get all done that we wanted to. Good luck with your search tomorrow X PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Presuming that Freddie has headed in the direction of Newmillerdam: what is around here??? I know that Sandal and Notton border it, what is beyond? Is it heading out towards Angleys Country Park/Wintersett and the woods around it (is it called haw park woods????). I don't know beyond Newmillerdam. Hopefully if she did go in this direction she will stay in the woods and be spotted by the many dog walkers that visit the woods. We have looked around Wooley, the edges of newmillerdam woods and through notton and hall green today. GG xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Would just like to thank you all for being so generous with your energy and time in trying to locate Freddie. Four of us have been out again today. Went around Hall Green and through to the Dam. Thanks for all the posters which someone has put up in that area. I don't take any of this for granted. Have been putting flyers door to door and will continue this each day for the rest of this week. About 80% of people we saw had seen the posters. My daughter went in Secker woods and was told by a man walking his dog that he saw a small collie in the wood on Saturday afternoon. but could not be certain if it was Freddie or not. I will return to the wood tomorrow. Again than you all. RachelLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Joan!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I was out with Geeky Girl. We postered the Dam Inn, the car park and the main entrances to the Dam as well as around the Hall Green area, we were working on the geographical direction she would likely go. I live 5 minutes from the dam and I'm off work for a fortnight, so will keep my eyes peeled and take the pooches around the dam more. If I can help at all to follow up sightings, let me know. JoanLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on FREDDIE show yourself sweetie xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner your account has been activated. Please update us.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Geekygirl .......... I have sent you a pmLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Owners just called to say there was a possible sighting of Freddie on Saturday morning in Stoney Lane, Hall Green, near Dane Royd School. She was thought to be heading towards NewMillerdam and looked nervous. Owners going out there to poster tomorrow x xPamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Jumanji: I think the other doglost person that the owner met was me. I really feel for this lady, she was visibly distraught. GG xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
In an early post I did say that Freddie ran off from the SOUTHBOUND services but as Geekygirl says it would be so easy for her to run over the small bridge to the northbound side of the M1.The owner is aware of this and is going to poster on this side too, probably tomorrow. We did a little postering on the northbound side and also some small posters through doors. We have been out for over five hours today postering, telling walkers etc. We also went on an extensive walk through woodland atthe junction gallows lane and water lane. The owner was out in force today with several others postering and searching. They really deserve to get some news of Freddie after all their hard work. We met up with them twice during the day and they have worked their socks off looking for Freddie !! I think the owners informed the livery stables and gave them a poster. We also postered into parts of Staincross and left a poster with the Driving Range where many people come to from all areas. If she has not gone to ground but kept running we need to widen our postering considerably ! Come on Freddie show yourself ! Pam xx Geekygirl its good to have you helping ! Thanks for what you have done today. The owner told me she met another doglost helper today !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Well we have just been out for three hours calling and posting. The immediate vicinity around the southbound side of the services are well postered. We did not look at the northbound side of the M1, it is possible that she could have got across as there is a big bridge right next to the services. We met up with the owner, she says that she ran up to the woods from the services, was seen within 30 minutes of going mising at the farm drectly behind the services. The owner has placed bedding and coats at the sevices to entise freddie out. This is a collie and in a few days could have got quite far so maybe we need to start looking a bit further. I posted as far as the beginning of hall green, crigglestone and newmiller dam woods. Any more ideas??? Geeky GirlLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
come on FREDDIE be safe and show yourself and come home soon x xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks, Jayne, that is good to know. I'm told it's rabbit city around there.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner said she ran up the hill towards the woods-away from the motorway.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
We went out looking last night and I had a quick look on the way to work this morning. I'll be going out postering and looking soon but can I ask a few questions first. I presume she ran to the southbound side of the motorway but which direction - was it up over the hill at the back of the services or up towards the lodge? I can see that main routes of haigh, hall green and kettlethorpe has been postered. I'll try and get around the off-track routes a bit. Has anybody postered woolley vilage? I didn't see any posters as the services as I drove through, is there any here? Have the local vets, police, wardens, etc been informed. Also, I knwo it is not something that we want to think about but has the local highways agency been asked as there are a few busy roads around. Also, there is a railway track very close to where she ran. Hope she is found soon XXXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The paintball people may be at Woolley Edge Farm today, this is the farm next to the south bound services. I have tried to phone the farm but no answer.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Please can someone confirm which side of the M1 Freddie ran off from? I've just been talking to local helper mugsy who will be calling a nearby livery yard and asking them to get the word around local riders. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
The posters are now on the info centre, left hand side above Dolly's Directive logo. Please download and print. Use these for your handouts and for posting through doors. Good luck finding Freddie xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Smaller posters now done for Freddie and emailed to Yasa to go on the Info Centre. Hope they help in the search for her and she is in the blue soon. Good luck. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
We have been out to look for Freddie and walked a stretch of land opposite the exit road from the motorway services. Whilst there we met her owner who had come to search for her. There has been one sighting of Freddie which was quite soon after she ran off. Whilst talking to the owner the man who had seen Freddie came along walking his dog and said he had not seen her since.This lady REALLY needs some help with postering etc as she does not live locally and i estimate she has a 1 hours drive to get here each time and the area is not familiar to her. Its a very rural area Freddie has run off in but bordered by some busy roads. We are going back out there again tomorrow with some posters and have told the owner the areas we will poster in. Any other help would be wonderful ! Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Over 130 posters e mailed out to local helpers.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
have just spoken to owners and they are going to get a photo in to side tonight hopefully. Also Freddie ran off from the Southbound side of the motorway. Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Got the message about Freddie from Jayne and were about to set off to walk our dogs so will go over to this area to walk them now and see if we can get any sightings or news from walkers about Freddie. Would have taken posters if photo was on site but if one is sent through by tomorrow we can go back over there to do some postering then. Come on Freddie show yourself !!! Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner can be contacted on 01706 813893 or 07903 755050. Awaiting photo.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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