Stolen: Brown/white And Grey Tibetan Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 134463
  • Status Stolen
  • Registered 15 Sep 2018
  • Gender & Breed Female Tibetan Terrier (Spayed)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Brown/white and grey
  • Marks & Scars Scar on tummy where she has been spayed
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Investigating Force Thames Valley Police
  • Date Lost 15 Sep 2018
  • Where Lost North Leigh, Oxfordshire OX29(Tilly lives in Long Hanborough - she was on her walk, got spooked and ran to Northleigh)
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area OX29
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Despite months of extensive searching & actions to locate Tilly, there is still no sign of her, it is now presumed that she has been stolen & this has been reported to the Police, any information on her whereabouts can be provided directly to TVP quoting URN 332151018
  • Listed By Victoria
  • Views 37647
  • Alerts Sent 150


Sightings and Information

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Juliet thank you but I can see this dog is not Tilly, he or she is too small, but thank you, it is appreciated. x

Hope that link works - it's a post on Facebook on Stolen Dogs UK - it's a bit of a long shot but worth checking out.
So sad. Someone must know where Tilly went 🤞
Made post for Long lost/stolen dogs x
TILLY 'Celebrated' her 3rd #UNhappyAnniversary last month 😟 #StillMissing
Thank you TJ - I have seen this post, unfortunately that dog isnt Tilly but thank you for letting me know, much appreciated
Please see this found
Thank you Jayne, I have e mailed her but I think the post she is referring to is a dog that is an Ottoburn?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Victoria have sent you contact details as Shirley may not have seen your response.
Shirley - I'm sorry I cannot see what this post is apart from a missing Ottoburn which isnt Tilly. Is that the correct FB post that I can see?

On. Face bookLast edited: 2021-04-12 18:53:00 by Shirley
Jenkins- thank you, but unfortunately that dog isn't Tilly. Thank you again and to Barrowmolly also x
DogLostSandra Watt
Victoria ..yes that is the dog that barrowmolly is referring to.
Barrowmolly- do you mean this link?
Barrowmolly - if you mean the poor dog on Dogs Trust Ireland FB page, unfortunately that isn't Tilly. Its the wrong colouring, but thank you. Its very much appreciated.
Ther is a dog on the found in the pound site Irish pets lost and found has posted what looks like a tibetan terrier wandering around the streets very scruffy looks like it has been out in the streets for a while. The site is in face book its been found in Dublin. In the Irish pets lost and found Last edited: 2021-01-24 21:50:22 by barrowmolly
L. Roberts- thank you but not Tilly. but thank you x

Just in case xx
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly’s appeal appeared in The Sun online
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Just in caase please check this found dog
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly featured in Bank Holiday Monday’s Daily Star. Double, centre page spread
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly's story has appeared in the Bucks Free Press
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly's story has appeared in the Oxford Mail - in print and online
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly's story received National coverage both online and in press thanks to the Daily Express
DogLostScruffy Dog - Central Team Volunteer
Just in case......
Dog found in Gt Yarmouth area. Awaiting gender confirmation. Please check Dogs Lost, Found & Stolen in the UK FB page.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tilly is featured in the 14th February issue of Real People on sale now. Article is on the blog for dogs ( link in quick links on LHS of this page)
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly appeared in Oxford Mail, Halstead Gazette, Basildon Echo and Maldon and Burnham Standard following the Odeon awareness appeal

JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly appeared in today’s The Paw Post
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
That dog has been discounted NOT TILLY
Helen wainwright
Tibetan Terrier picked up by Newcastle under Lyme dog warden 11/1/19 01782 717717
I just saw2 dogs listed in the found and can't find it now will have another look don't worry was all white sorry. edited: 2019-01-11 18:17:49 by Kathryn
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly features in the new edition of Pets Magazine
carabineru please check cant tell if black white or grey due to photo
Found dog??? Obviously the found one is clipped off, hard to tell how tall/small the found one is but needed to post just in case? Dog presumed stolen due to circumstances found and chipped to Blackpool (breeders?) Now with Exeter dog warden. edited: 2019-01-04 13:05:39 by Kalaztra
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK x
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Tilly features in our DogLost e-Advent calendar behind door 16 - please share!
Could this be Molly
Shared info on PAW
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
A very similar TT found and now at Bath Dogs and Cats Rescue.
Advertised on FB. Says to call. 01225 787321. Praying it is Tilly xx
This Shih Tzu is NOT TILLY
Further link to info on fb..
Sharing a link to a possible shih Tzu found in Ashbourne...
From Tilly's owner x "Could the man that called the police this afternoon after sighting a dog in Witney (by the Crofts), please call me so that I can get a description of the dog that you saw please? I only spoke to the Police Officer very briefly and didn't get a full description. It would help us to determine if the dog is or isn't Tilly. Please give me a call (Vicky) 079060 73673 thank you"
Sharing to twitter x
Lin Iddon
Owner made contact with sighter x
Lin Iddon
Owner still trying to contact sighter.....Last edited: 2018-10-26 10:56:01 by Lin Iddon
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
All in hand! Managed to get through to owner and localc this space!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Possible sighting called in to HQ. Owners can you call back please.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I've updated Tilly's post in our national FB group to Stolen and tweeted as #STOLEN @DogLostUK
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
?? status still says lost???
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Despite a month of extensive searching & actions to locate Tilly, there is still no sign of her, it is now presumed that she has been stolen & this has been reported to the Police, status changed to stolen on URN as authorised by CJ x
One Stop - All Dogs on Twitter FOUND 10/10/18:
Shih Tzu X
#PearTree area of #Derby, On a shed roof! DE23
Adult. Black and White
Now at Crowfoot Kennels, Derby 01283 585510 Its thats dirty hard to tell what it is
Lin Iddon
from Jenny Brown
So another disappointing day today tracking Tilly in the Witney area where possible sightings have been.
I feel so much for Vicky and Simon who have there hopes raised and immediately dashed.
If anyone sees a possible sighting of Tilly can they PLEASE take a photo - it will help enormously.
Please continue to look out for Tilly - she could be anywhere.

We are very keen to speak to a very tall gentleman - over 6 foot and possibly wearing a blue jumper and jeans who was a passenger or driver of a black car travelling along the A4095 and then present near the Woodman Pub on Saturday 15th September between the hours of approximately 5.15 pm and 7 15 pm
Also if anyone has a dash cam and can check it during these hours.
Your help would be very much appreciated
Lin Iddon
from Tilly's owner
No sightings of Tilly today but then she may well have hidden from the rain. I have postered down by Crawley and Minster Lovell (old Minster only).
Small posters have been put through letter boxes on Mill Street, Witney (from More Ave onwards)
I have checked the field behind the BP garage on Hailey Road, twice today but nothing, but it was raining!
Tomorrow we will focus on letter boxing and postering the bottom end of Mill Street as a brownish dog with some white was spotted going into one of the drives (just before 3 people saw her heading up towards the Windrush Pub). We will also be walking in the surrounding fields, particularly behind the Windrush Pub area
If you do see her, (if you can) please try to take photo of her and the location (this may not be possible of course) but it would help to identify if this dog that has now been spotted 3 times yesterday is Tilly OR NOT
Please don’t chase her – this will only scare her and I imagine is what happened yesterday. Please follow up gently and call us on:
Vicky 079060 73673 or Simon 07977 049267
Thank you all for your support, I know a lot of you were out in this awful rain today looking for her!
TILLY's FB Group -
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Tilly's post on the FB group and retweeted with info of the possible sightings xLast edited: 2018-10-06 20:48:08 by Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Extra alerts sent to helpers in OX18, OX28 x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
From Tilly's owner


We have had 2 possible sightings today for Tilly both in Witney

Hailey Road – the field behind the BP garage. A rider spotted a dog walking along the hedgerow and thought it was strange there was no owner. He had only just seen my FB post and just contacted me to let me know. The dog was mostly brown (which she may well be now after 3 weeks)

11.30am – Mill Street Witney, she was then followed to The Windrush Pub where 3-4 people tried to catch her without any luck.
We don’t know where she went from there – if you were one of those people following her, please call us (ex Michelle)

We don’t know if she was heading towards Crawley or onwards to Minster Lovell

If you think you see her, IF POSSIBLE try to take a photo so that we avoid wasting time searching in the wrong area. Try to get an idea of her size, if she is/is not wearing a collar and her colouring.

Don’t approach her, follow her quietly and please call us so that we can try to get her

Many thanks

Vicky – 079060 73673
Simon – 07977 049267"
Lin Iddon
Tilly’s poster has been updated to remove the time and location of original sighting and add STILL MISSING
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
Tilly is still missing, we have had no sightings and this is now day 12, SOMEBODY must know something. Please continue to be vigilant and if you see her, please do not approach her, please call us on 079060 73673 or 07977 049267
Lin Iddon
Network Rail have been notified.
Don't like saying this but it is probably worth notifying Network Rail due to close proximity of Wilcote to Combe railtrack. Also presume someone has checked in the abandoned North Leigh Garden Centre site. Last edited: 2018-09-21 11:35:24 by Catwhothinksitsadog
Tilly now has a page - please send us a message if you are able to help getting posters up over a wider area.
Thank you all again for taking so much of your time to look for Tilly. Unfortunately we still have no confirmed sightings but as I mentioned, we have found dog hair (now 3 lots), 1 on North Leigh Lane (which extends from Farm Lane) and 2 other lots just off North Leigh Lane onto the footpath signposted to Wilcote. (Not that far from each other)
The vets have confirmed that the hair is dog hair and they have compared to Tilly’s hair on her brush and think that it may well be hers. (We can’t be 100% certain)
So we know that the last sighting was at the end of the field which is opposite the Woodman Pub, with the hair sightings, we have had to assume the rest of the route (I hope that we are right) but as I have said, we have HAD TO ASSUME as no one has seen her since Saturday. If you do see food, water and clothes at the dog hair sightings, please leave it there and could I ask that your dogs don’t eat the food please.
I haven’t left food in the field where she was last sighted, there is no point. There are horses in that field, they will eat it and I don’t think she will go back to somewhere where she was scared and frightened.
If you do see her, and let’s pray that we do, please ring either myself or my husband Simon so that we can approach her. My number (Vicky) 079060 73673, Simon 07977 049267. I have been advised that if she is in hiding, we need to be very quiet and approach her carefully. She has always been a very nervous dog!
Lastly I really appreciate all the help and support, I’m sorry if I cannot answer all your messages, but I am inundated with messages and at the same time, I am trying to find Tilly!
Thank you everyone, you are all truly AMAZING!
Lin Iddon
Sian Jones has been out with her scope looking for Tilly. Fingers crossed for a sighting soon
Live right next to New Yatt Business Park. Have been out for 2 hours looking and there were other people looking too. No luck. Can go out at dusk and throughout the evening and early morning to check. How about a familiar person camping overnight close to the spot where the hairs were found? Tilly is likely to p/u their scent and find them by herself.
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Tilly's owner has been able to get a lot of posters up already, around New Yatt, the Business Park & North Leigh, if anyone in the area is able to help by getting some posters up along footpaths & bridleways in area that would be a great help as sightings are really needed, if you can help, please let Tilly's family know where you are covering so that they know where has been covered, thank you x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Update from owner x "These are only poss sightings, we cant be sure as one was from a 4yr old and the other from an old couple. But we did find 2 lots of Tillys hair (well I'm convinced it's her hair). It's very peaceful down there which is what she would want. I have left one of my dirty t shirts and water there. If anyone goes down there, please dont shout out her name, I dont want to scare her. I know everyone is trying to help and I am eternally grateful!"
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Update from owner x "a lady has just called me to say that a little dog was spotted on a lane near New Yatt estate yesterday afternoon. It was by a 4year old walking with her dad and her own dog. When she approached her, the small dog ran away, so it may well be Tilly. I have to make some calls and then I am heading over to New Yatt"
Tilly is still missing, local helpers have been incredibly in their support & there was a good number of people out searching all day yesterday x
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have shared to Tibetan Terriers UK fb page.
Observant Citizen
Tweeted and shared for Tilly. x
Alerts sent to helpers in OX7,OX29
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Details already posted on fb Doglost Oxfordshire, will tweet too x
Shared to Home Safe Dog UK x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK x

Drone SAR

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