Stolen: Red Poodle: Toy Female
- Dog ID 174697
- Status Stolen
- Registered 30 Mar 2022
- Gender & Breed Female Poodle: Toy
- Age Young Adult
- Colour Red
- Marks & Scars She had to white spots one on necklace and one on chin
- Tagged No
- Microchipped Yes
- Tattooed Yes
- Investigating Force Metropolitan Police Service
- Date Lost 30 Mar 2022
- Where Lost Eley Road, Edmonton, Holland Bazaar, London N18 3BB
- Lost In Region South East
- Lost In Post Area N18
- Date Reunited
- Other Info Smaila was stolen from owner's van in N18. Thieves were in an A class silver Mercedes. MICROCHIPPED. Police involved
- Listed By Smaila
- Views 27063
- Alerts Sent 180
- View Poster
Poster Image
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Sightings and Information
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Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.
- 2025-03-30 09:44 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- Bumping beautiful Smaila, 3 years missing today - any information would be appreciated and could be anonymous
- 2024-09-03 10:39 mariab
- Shared
- 2024-03-31 19:52 RosieDoc666
- Sharing again for Smaila 😓
- 2024-03-31 14:21 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Thank you Sharon!
- 2024-03-31 14:18 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Retweeted for Smaila ~ - 2024-03-31 14:09 Jayne - Founder Doglost.
- Thank you Sharon!
- 2024-03-31 14:07 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Bumped Smaila's post on National FB group x
- 2024-03-31 10:28 TrudielovesMax!
- Hope, and pray that this little girl will be reunited with her RIGHTFUL owners very soon. Keep making her "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" All xd.
- 2024-03-30 19:47 Missingpetsgb
- Smaila missing 2 years today:(
- 2023-09-14 10:02 MsTK
- Have deleted comment as not Smaila.Last edited: 2023-09-14 10:05:02 by MsTK
- 2023-04-07 17:25 Me N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
- Do we know which area of UK chip was checked?
- 2023-03-30 21:39 Vizslamum
- 🤞🙏🏻xxx
- 2023-03-30 18:43 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Bumped post on National FB group x
- 2023-03-30 18:39 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Stolen Smaila Poodle Edmonton N18 @StolenSmaila
Please share URGENTLY
Smaila’s chip was scanned or checked on Monday 27th March at 21.08
Owners received an email ping from saying that Smaila’s microchip had been looked up or scanned & checked
- 2023-01-19 21:12 CatDiva
- A dog found in Leighton Buzzard, currently with SDK. Nose may be too black, no obvious white on chin or chest, but maybe Smaila.
- 2022-11-28 22:31 Lors1182
- Saw this dog advertised on pets4 homes
- 2022-09-27 23:30 Bur48
- Female found straying now with Sedgemoor Council Dog Warden tel 01934 750352 - 2022-08-29 18:54 Missingpetsgb
- Another police appeal today
- 2022-08-26 16:09 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Great coverage of this missing pup in the Daily Mail - 2022-08-15 13:12 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Bumped on our National DogLost FB group x
- 2022-08-15 08:44 Missingpetsgb
- Fresh appeal for Smaila from Enfield MPS on Facebook and Twitter
- 2022-08-14 19:59 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Twitterstorm for Stolen SMAILA tonight Sunday 14 August at 8-9pm
#StolenSmaila @StolenSmaila - 2022-08-13 15:35 Animal Adoption UK- Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Hi, tried calling both numbers to contact the owner, no reply. Someone on Twitter has just contacted me to say the number plate in the posts is a clone of his car and he wants it removed. He says he has told the police?
- 2022-05-06 21:13 Patlucky
Please take a look was on morning TV. - 2022-05-04 07:41 Patlucky
- Sharing in hope to make Smaila TOO HOT TO handle.
Fingers crossed - 2022-05-02 19:12 Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
- Sharing Twitter.
- 2022-05-02 05:16 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- MEDIA COVERAGE FOR SMAILA x edited: 2022-05-02 05:17:34 by Sharon - Social Media Volunteer - 2022-04-08 20:55 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Shared on Twitter~ - 2022-03-31 22:46 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- Please join Smaila's dedicated group - let's bring this beautiful girl home - 2022-03-31 09:49 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- Thanks Amanda - postcode was fine as it was the postcode of the shop that she was stolen from
- 2022-03-31 08:32 Amanda - Area Volunteer - Central
- Postcode shortened
- 2022-03-31 02:44 Marbie
- You have a full postcode visible on here, might not be where the dog lives but needs shortening. Hope Smaila is home safe soon xxx
- 2022-03-30 23:16 Louise
- Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and Sky's Angels on FB
- 2022-03-30 23:13 Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
- Details shared to Facebook Group X
- 2022-03-30 22:50 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- Additional photo added and updated to Stolen upon receipt of CRN from Metropolitan Police Service
- 2022-03-30 22:45 Vizslamum
- Fingers crossed this little one is found safe and soon. xxx
- 2022-03-30 22:23 Karen - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- In touch with owner and advising - owners do not live in the area that Smaila went missing from, so any help postering and spreading the word would be much appreciated
- 2022-03-30 21:07 Nicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
- N London team helping
- 2022-03-30 20:36 Majorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
- Region changed from North West to South East. Photo added and details updated from post on fb. Rooting for SMAILA to be found soon.
- 2022-03-30 20:20 Amanda - Area Volunteer - Central
- Scam alert and general advice sent via email