Lost: Black Labrador Retriever Male In South West (SN15)

  • Dog ID 58054
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 04 Oct 2013
  • Name BILLY
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars some white on chest. wearing a red collar
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Oct 2013
  • Where Lost Brinkworth, chippenham
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN15
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Billy is a very caring dog and likes to 'mother/look after' everyone. He will always share his basket with whoever needs looking after. It can be a pig, duck, chicken, kitten or his best friend Bess. He has never been taught to do this it just comes naturally. He also looks after me, he is my little rock.
  • Listed By Dawn
  • Views 23383
  • BILLYPoster Image
  • BILLYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.

Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Video launched on YouTube.
Video will appear automatically nationally on pet-related websites.
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Owner messaged for some info for Billy to be added to a northern newspaper
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Facebook page found and Dog Lost Claire G tagged to find out how Billy went missing. Billy to be included in an East Yorkshire newspaper
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Can anyone email me Billy’s Facebook page please ? Putting him in an East Yorkshire newspaper but need a bit more info. poppyspets67@gmail.com

Thinking of you Billy, time for you to come home.
http://leighdogsandcatshome.co.uk/gpage2.html Bolton 371818
Doglost 93763 ?
Yes, come on now Billy. Your wanted home. Paws xd.
charlie and sooty
shared. Billy now time for you to come home x
Billy, you and your mum are often in my thoughts. I so hope you get home x
Ah bless him. Hopefully one day you will find him. Xxx
Oh that is sad. Hoping that maybe some loving family have taken him in, and he has had a happy life these past couple of years. He is gorgeous xxx
Missing 2 years today.
Lovely Billy I hope one day the owners get the news they want to hear ,until then I hope someone is taking good care of him .
Today is National Black Dog Day - thinking of you Billy, coming up to two years. So wishing you home.
Helperpoppys petsLesley (ID84584)
Hi Dawn
You my think I am barmy but does your town / village have allotments no more than a mile from your small holding where access is up a track? Did the post man leave a gate open but told a young female child but did not get mentioned to you? Sincere apologies if I sound crazy. Sometimes I think anything is worth a try and I had a go at dowsing (im not a professional and could be complelely wrong.) I can write down everything if you want. Text me on 07813 821007.
Jot cotswolds
Texted owner as one with red collar was seen by drivers this morning in Stone nr Berkeley/ Thornbury
lynn cawood
one found on GET ME HOME on fb
Just found in Yorkshire, long way but worth a look.

Doglost.co.uk ID 84373
Black lab male found in feb - on Cornwall council website - http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/animal-welfare/dog-welfare-and-enforcement-service/stray-dogs/stray-dogs-recently-collected?page=2
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
black lab with chester dog wardens cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk stray dog photos
Dog id 81724 just been found black lab wearing a red collar could this be Billy? Sorry if its not x
Billy, so so wish for you home. x
I have text the owner to say there have been found dogs on Billy's page
DogLostMagicalBadgerWish - Area Volunteer - Bath
i know this dog looks loads smaller than billy but if he has been stray for this long its possible - only you would know if its him-hope it is - sorry if not - https://www.facebook.com/LostBox/photos/a.468530269873501.113964.451527301573798/825533450839846/?type=1
Copied from Gillingham, Dorset FB Group (posted an hour ago):
Spotted by the Avery Bakery just outside Gillingham about 25 minutes ago, a black Labrador, is thought to have been wearing a red/pink collar running about in the road, my son/daughter stopped car and tried getting the dog but it ran off into a field whimpering, seemed very frightened.

I believe Avery Bakery is Wiltshire BA12 6AA. An hour away from where Billy was lost.
Billy is featured in todays Countrymans Weekly
Its a long shot, but could this be billy?
Black lab very friendly


Sadly it is NOT Billy, as the found black lab is intact :(
Hope the dog on the 'find Conker' FB page is Billy & he can be reunited very soon xxx
Not sure if this could be Billy, but Missing Conker's page has just received a post saying "Not Conker im afraid but we have found a very scared hungry and cold black lab dog in our fields at stanton fitzwarren this morning. have tucked him up in warm duvets watered and fed him and now start the search for his family! so if anyone out there is missing this poor fella please get in touch!" Posted by Cass Riggs on Missing Conker's FB page - picture posted https://www.facebook.com/pages/Missing-Conker/262730047210942Last edited: 2014-10-11 13:00:25 by Patti
Wishing Billy back home with his family where he belongs x
Circulating on twitter Billy #Black #Labrador #Missing 1 Year Today. Please RT help get #Billyhome Thank you. I hope this gets some long awaited news x
Sending much love out to you Billy. May you be safe & soon home with you lovely family.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shred with Doglost FB page & Twitter. Hope Billy is safely back home soon. x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for Billy xx
Its a year today that Billy was taken, please still look out for him his owner has never given up on him and misses him dreadfully xLast edited: 2014-10-03 11:56:44 by Reynard
Just to,advise found dog below on id 75099 has been reunited so was not billy
May be worth checking just in case they listed the gender wrong black lab retriever female wearing a red collar found id 75099 only 36 miles away
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thanks Jane, all leads are worth considering. Forwarded to owner.Last edited: 2014-09-14 19:34:14 by Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
A black male lab, 2 years old approx. was found after apparently being thrown out of a white transit van. He is very thin & being held in kennels, I believe at Lab Rescue Kent. From the photo I can't see any white on his chest, looks like he's wearing a leather collar not a red one but after all this time it could have been changed by someone. Thought I'd mention just in case, great if it was Billy.
Thank you Ellie, that's great news, have messaged Dawn. I know Dawn will never give hope of one day being reunited with her Billy. I'm sure she checks in on DL & on Billy's page and appreciates all the support. Come home Billy. x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Me n my girl, owner is unresponsive, hoping she is still looking out for him as it must be so hard, but none off us can be certain if a dog is Billy or not.
Bumping Billy's page as he is featured in the DogLost column of the October edition of Dogs Today magazine, out now.
Do hope this brings news
Hiya, I posted up found dog 74186 but I don't think it was Billy. This dog is a long way from Chippenham, being right by Heathrow, plus I couldn't see any white markings on him and he was a lo9t chunkier than Billy looks in these photos. Sorry :(
Please check FOUND 74186. Hope it is your Billy x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Bexleyheath, London
SaveReport ad
Reply to this ad or A on 07939164675
Medium to large breed cross male entire black with white stripe

Ad ref 1074655237Posted 2 days agoPosting ads since August 2008
See other ads from A
Reply to this ad or A on 07939164675
Gumtree xxxx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx

Reply to this ad or Andrea on 07753516515
A black dog has been found up Mourne Mountains today..if this is your dog please get in touch ..proof of ownership needed ...dog is safe :)

Ad ref 1074884023Posted 1 hour agoPosting ads since May 2010
See other ads from Andrea
Reply to this ad or Andrea on 07753516515
GUMTREE XXXXXLast edited: 2014-07-27 21:55:37 by Happiness yorkie lover xxx
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Is Billys owner checking on here or is somebody reporting these posts to her?
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
72406 in found section also xx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
72565 please have a look xxxx
Have just read this posted by Billy's owner.... breaks my heart... 'It has been 42 weeks, 2 days and nine and a half hours since my boy went missing. Every black Labrador I see when I am out I check 'just in case'. I still miss him today, as much as I did when he went/taken. thank you to everyone that still sends me posts of found black labs, please keep doing so as one day we will find him xx'
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
We have a black lab cross found near TA5, http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=68999
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Please check this one out, not much to go on and I am trying to get more information right now. Finder says it might be Billy, she's been back for another look, but could not find the dog. There is a chance the found one lives where it was seen anyway, but we need to consider it a possibility. 67737Last edited: 2014-04-21 08:12:43 by Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Lab and another dog sighted nr Cirencester - no colour details as yet but I have texted although others are probably onto it - with another dog but unsure if whether "together". http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=67701#.U1OOTfldXGg
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
The Swallowcliffe dog seems to have vanished into the Ether, no-one can find a loose dog there. Still looking out for Billy x
This one sighted but not caught as far as posting says - Swallowcliffe SP3 (about an hour from Chippenham) http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=66788. Colour not specified on the found one.Last edited: 2014-03-31 13:32:22 by Sarah
One at Cleadon Kennels, Sunderland. I am not sure how much white on Billy's chest so thought I would just post this across to you anyway just in case, says this one is chipped so not sure what the problem might be? http://cleadonkennels.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=190150350
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Dawn: Still thinking of you and Billy. Keep checking them all - I know it is hard, but many dogs are returned after a long time. Stay positive x
I am sure you are checking out the founds ones on this site but there is one 64317 with a bit of white on its chest - sex not known and presuming chip not there/hasn't shown up
I hope my boy is safe and warm in this terrible weather. please continue to send any found black labs to me as I will follow them up. I still believe he will come home one day. x
Dog Lost Found 63237 is a black lab cross. Very similar. Be wonderful if it is Billy x
Fingers crossed it is Billy.
If he had not managed to get food I guess he would be skinny
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Sorry you haven't found Billy yet but there is a black lab on "nationalpetregister". No picture but male found 1/1/2014 in GL7, black, with the comment "skinny" and it's only 19 miles away. Fingers crossed for you.Last edited: 2014-01-16 20:56:34 by Me N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Hi Dawn ,
So sorry Billy has not been found yet.
I have him in dogs I am following so search every day on here.
In hopes that I will spot him as many others do.
Sometimes they get scared and hide often nearer home than you think.
Fingers crossed he will be home soon.
Happy new year to everyone. It has been a miserable Christmas and new year without my lovely boy Billy. His Christmas present is here waiting for him. I have never had a football in the house so long. Billy pops them straight away and then wants you to continually throw it for him. he greets everyone with his sorry looking ball hoping they will throw it for him. I cannot wait to see him pop it. Thank you all for continuing to search for him. Dawn xxxLast edited: 2014-01-12 22:59:56 by Dawn
Think this one may have too much white for a Lab but have a look anyway https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=246395242189362&set=a.219001928262027.1073741831.100004566633573&type=1&theater
saw one that was similar but just deleted it as no white on it
Last edited: 2014-01-01 19:21:17 by Sarah
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sorry to see that dog on facebook was not Billy :( Also, sorry Patlucky there are so many lost dogs and sad stories - the ones that get bumped are for certain critera only. If & when it is right it will happen. Stay safe Billy & everyone far & wide please keep looking. Patlucky you are right about the Sheltie from Scotland found in Kent. So please everyone keep an eye out for Billy everywhere you go.
I sent the owner a link that is below as she could not load it.
It was not Billy.
Billy has very little white on his chest.
Hope he gets home safe soon.
Please keep looking.
If anyone from dog lost looks in can we have this lovely boy bumped please.
Just text the owner who is looking at the one on face book now.
Fingers crossed but think maybe too much white on him
Oooh he does look very similar Rosemary - fingers crossed.
CAN YOU CHECK THIS ONE PLEASE https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152534465304988&set=gm.600153033367382&type=1
Yes Helen crazy things do happen.
Someone lost a dog in Scotland and it was found a while later.
It was found in Kent.
I think areas are right I know it was many many miles.
If my memory serves me correct it was missing a few months.
I do hope Billy is home soon
DogLostHelen-Area Volunteer West London
I've just seen a found dog on facebook which looks like Billy, it's a male and he was found in Wales. Don't take too much notice of what people have said in the comments as they are just guessing. Your best bet would be to talk to the doglost lady - Barbara Tomkins, and find out where the dog is now. Good luck x
Just read the comments again and they mentioned white on chest and a red collar. I really hope Billy is home with you soon.
Update: The dog found has been listed on doglost, number 61544, and has been taken by the dog warden to NantYcorn Kennels, nantycorn.com I know this is a long way away from you, but crazy things do happen and it's better that you check every possibility yourself to be sure.Last edited: 2013-12-22 04:08:54 by Helen-Area Volunteer West London
sarah deBrion
Seen Dog Found 61447...black lab, found miles away in Ipswich, but good photo...worth a look
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sadly dog found in BA5 not Billy.
Male found tied to lamp post .....finder has been tagged in comments https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151758401832471&set=gm.10152111616388395&type=1&theater
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Just checking in on Billy's page. Come on boy show yourself.
Maybe worth taking a trip to the area of this sighted black lab (found) 61063, could this be Billy, he could have travelled this far by now x
I don't expect this dog is him on the dogs found section but it's a good photo and you should be able to tell quickly. Also a bit far away but you never know. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=60465#.Upo2g8RdV0c
thank you blackbeard2 I will make sure Dawn sees this.

There is a black lab called Bruce, looks like he has a bit of white on his chest too, wearing a red collar also!! Could this be your boy? They are quite specific with age though, says 18 months? Some distance from you (Clymping, West Sussex), but still thought its worth mentioning x
Fingers crossed for you Dawn. Thinking of you and Billy and checking everyday hoping to see him in the blue x
Thank you for arranging for Billy to go in countrymans weekly and highlighting his and mine distress. I have not seen the article yet but will go out tomorrow to get a copy. xx
Thanks very much Sue, Billy's owner pleased, all hoping it brings good news.
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly magazine. I hope it brings some news.
In found dogs 60465 lab cross found, looks similar

Eric - unclaimed stray , he has a white patch on his chest too. Xx
Bo, thank you, Billy's mum did explore Miller but sadly not her boy. Thank you to the lovely lady in Morrisons, Royal Wootton Bassett who kindly took two of Billy's posters placing one in prime place at the till. She was so helpful and interested to hear about Billy.
I'm not sure this dog has been linked to before but......

The search for Billy goes on, will continue to share, so wishing Billy safely home.
good luck
Billy still missing but his mum following up all leads kindly shared via Doglost and Billys facebook page, Billy of Brinkworth.
In found dogs there is sighted lab cross 59856?. Similar match.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Patlucky, get up the website & then click on found dogs, pictures should come up. If not try later, sometimes pictures will not download if internet speed is slow for some reason.
Maybe me just wondered I can not see the found dog.
What am I doing wrong please.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
one listed on SDK site (lostdogs.co.uk)
Found St Albans area 5/11/13 (100-ish miles away)
Says Black Lab cross, but looks like a Lab to me, few white hairs on chest, but wearing black collar.
ref sdk-ics5671918.
Message left on mobile number above.
Dog pulled from sea was reunited with owner.
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
I'm not in your area but shared on FB and twitter, you never know.
I think about Billy every single day, hope he comes home safe asap xxx
Very like him! http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=59341
In found dogs, black lab found by kids in wales, pulled from sea, looks similar
Male Black Lab found in Burnopfield Co Durham Now @ Meadowfield Stray Aid
FB Photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200943756700560&set=a.3771049839194.55381751.1365185974&type=1&theaterLast edited: 2013-11-02 23:45:35 by geordiecrossposter
lost dogs North WalesRachel LDNWA
Hi lmoore, replied to your message on 59214 x
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Everything crossed that this is him
Fingers crossed for you Dawn x
Thank you kimbo. I will ring in the morning.
Springer sharon
Stay positive Dawn, he is there , feel sure
This maybe a long shot but the owner of lost dog 58889 was called out to a suspected sighting of his dog 30 October, but it was a black male lab wearing a red webbing collar very nervous but managed to catch it. The dog was taken to whitewall kennels , Magor, Monmouthshire 01633 880362. I know this is a long way from Chippenham but thought it is worth mentioning it.
Bumping due to media coverage as Lilybear has mentioned
Billy will know youre sending him love and comfort wherever he is. You and he will have a connection that nothing can break. Hoping and praying everyday that he will be moved to blue. Sending positive thoughts to you both x
Thank you all for the love you are sending Billy. I know he will beable to tell we are all looking for him. It would have been lovely if someone had found him today on his birthday but it was just not meant to be. He will get to one of us when he can. love to you all from me and Billy. xxx
Happy Birthday Billy, you are so loved. xx
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Happy Birthday Billy, same day as my little Maisie. I'm not in your area but check your page every day hoping for good news. I'm sure its going to come very soon! :-) Come on and show your lovely face xxx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Happy Birthday Billy - Please show yourself, so a nice human can get you home x Chin up Dawn - you have some great people helping you and you are doing great - thinking of you and Billy x
Billy’s mum is one special lady, working so hard to get her boy home. Dawn popped to a public meeting in Malmesbury where she met with the local police team & the local press to highlight the search for missing Billy & Esme. Both supportive, the lady from the press very moved, contacting Dawn tomorrow for follow up story. Then later in day Dawn had a reported sighting of a black Labrador running in the road the Wootton Bassett end of Brinkworth, the caller thought it to be Billy. As Dawn arrived the kind lady had captured the dog and had it in her car. Sadly not Billy but Dawn took it home where she kept it safe until the dog warden arrived, able to reunite by finding chip ‘in leg’! What a busy day.. Dawn has heard from a helper in Swindon who is going to help with posters.
Billy has his own Facebook page: Billy of Brinkworth
Billy has his own Facebook page: Billy of Brinkworth
Stay positive Dawn. A big plus that hes microchipped. Keep sending him positive vibes, theres alot of people looking out for him. Im sure its just a matter of time before you get him back x
Its Billys 4th birthday on Saturday and I am dreading it.
Could the vet not see the dog sooner given she says it has a broken leg?
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just seen on Facebook, posted it says 12 hrs ago:
Christine Maskill
I have just found a black Labrador with a broken leg on my door step in Inkpen. There is no tag and he looks as though he has been away from home for a while now. He/she is wearing a red harness. I'm taking him to the veterinary hospital in hungerford when they open at 8am. There number is 01488 683999. Please can you post this ASAP in case someone knows whose dog it is. Thank you
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Here's the link x

DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
There is a black lab with a white chest been posted on Hereford and Worcester Animal Rescue Facebook page. Sorry I'm on my phone so can't send the link, but may be worth checking out. Good luck :) x
there has been a black lab type dog found in Inkpen near Hungerford today, said it was wearing a red harness? https://www.facebook.com/newburyberks/posts/710937342267972
Stay positive Dawn. Its great that hes microchipped. Keeping everything crossed that you get your beautiful boy home soon x
Hi. I don't care how long a shoot or random your information is. I am happy to investigate anything that may bring Billy home. thank you all. it is a great comfort knowing you are all keeping an eye out for billy.
Hi. I don't care how long a shoot or random your information is. I am happy to investigate anything that may bring Billy home. thank you all. it is a great comfort knowing you are all keeping an eye out for billy.
A bit random but this dog has a similar beautiful face

DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Hope he is home soon, I keep searching sites for him.
It is a long shot but A black labrador x wearing a red collar has been found in the Nottingham area. (Apparently found somewhere called "the Gallows".He is currently being looked after by some people with stables. Their facebook name is Moo Haven. I have e-mailed the pic they have posted over to admin.Last edited: 2013-10-20 11:23:04 by mamfa
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
The caller must have misunderstood when I asked where he saw the stray he said it was Brinkworth, he might have thought I was asking where Billy was missing from.. It is definitely the same sighting. Sorry about any confusion this has caused.
Edited to add that I have just looked on maps and that is a long way off. I think it would be worth calling back to confirm where the sighting was. I thought he said his father lived in Brinkworth and was going to walk his dog round the area to see if he could see the dog again.
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
I cant stop thinking about this gorgeous boy, really hope he is found safe and returned back to his family xx
There is a black lab known to me in S, Cerney who I will call free range , Don't get me started , Its already got a damaged leg from being hit on the A419 outside the house. Arrh !!
Email from Dawn - unconfirmed sighting - Last evening Dawn received a call from someone at South Cerney GL7 reporting a sighting of a stray dog, his brother had also sighted it but thought the dog to be brown, possibly living rough. The caller, family and friends walking area today. Dawn is heading out with posters to Cerney area
not sure what I did to a nice comment I had.
not sure what I did to a nice comment I had.
hi. sorry but I have not been told of a sighting in Brinkworth. where was it and I will go there.
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Comment awaiting moderation
Hi Dawn have you given a poster to your local Royal Mail sorting office so the postmen can keep an eye out. I see youve had a sighting today so really hoping you get Billy back soon. Hes a beautiful boy x
That is good news, please let it be Billy...
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumping Billy due to a possible sighting tonight in Brinkworth. Owner has been informed and sighting listed on local Facebook.
Dawn, you are working so hard to find your boy. Will continue to share wishing Billy home to you soon.
still circulating on twitter.
It is now two weeks since Billy has gone missing/stolen. Every day the pain of losing him gets worse. The not knowing of what has happened to him eats you up. Every time the phone ring you hope its the call you have been waiting for, even if its bad news. Thank you all for your hard work. He is out there somewhere and I know one of you will find him. thank you.xx
Really sorry that Billy is still missing. I so hope he is found safely very soon. I have been sharing on facebook and twitter and he has a thread on Labrador Forums too. Stay safe Billy, til your Mum finds you x
I would like to thank everyone who is helping me look for Billy. I am very down at the moment. It is very hard to stay possible. Bessy (billy and Bess are inseparable) keeps going out looking for him which breaks my heart. I worry how scared Billy must be without his family. Please continue to keep looking for him. Thank you.x
Thank you for putting Billy on twitter.
circulating Billy on twitter for you have sent to lots of locals. We getting the word out there. Stay strong.
I do not know how to do twitter. I had not thought about taxis I will see them tomorrow. thank you for all the ideals, keep them coming because I would do anything to get him back
Hi, I know their are lots of farms about, just wondered if you'd tried calling a few to keep an eye out, or local taxis firms. Hope he's home soon x
circulating on twitter
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Any luck with the sdk link below?
Dawn, so nice to read about Billy, such a sweet boy and so very handsome. There are many people caring, sharing and wishing Billy home. As I mentioned by email I had an opportunity to speak with M4 Highways Agency (Junct 17-16) and Network Rail during the night who both checked back to 03/10 with no report of any incident involving a dog in your area. They welcome you to keep in touch as the advice sheets shared. Posters remain key, spreading word to local towns, villages. You’re doing a brilliant job. Hoping today brings the news we all wish for you.
Thought I would just tell you about Billy. He is a very caring dog. He lives on a smallholding and he cares for all the other animals. As you can see from his photos he mothers everything. He cuddles them, cleans them, let them curl up with him and go to sleep and will not allow any animals to fight or have a disagreement. He does not care if its two large pigs or two chickens he will get in the middle or nip their bums. Billy is a rescue dog who we have had seen 12 weeks old and you could not find a better affectionate or caring dog. our hearts are breaking and just want him home.
Hello everyone.
It is now a week since Billy went missing. There has not been any sighting of him so far so I am hoping someone may have taken him in. Please could you all download Billy's poster and Facebook, email it to all your friends and put a poster up in your area, just incase he has been taken further a field. I am so grateful for everyones help and support. Lets get Billy from Brinkworth home. Thank you.
Due to the media coverage that includes Billy
" A SECOND family is also searching for their dog which disappeared from Brinkworth on Thursday. Billy the black Labrador went missing from a smallholding at Causeway End.

Described as very affectionate, Billy is known for looking after other animals. He has a white mark on his chest and was wearing a red collar.

Anyone with information about either animal can contact Malmesbury Police on 101 or Dog Lost online at doglost.co.uk or by calling 0844 800 3220. "
I will bump
Lovely article out in local paper today give mention of Billy & missing Wiltshire Dog Esme:
Thank you Poochpal, have emailed photo to owner who is working so hard to get her boy home.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
I know it is unlikely as a long way from home and says no chip but a male black lab has been found in Street or Langport. http://www.lostdogsuk.co.uk/index.php?id=74
Hello all. sadly Billy is still not home. Desperately looking for him. I did have a text from someone Sunday saying that a friend of hers had seen on Facebook that a black Labrador had been found and taken to a kennel, which she thought was Brinkworth kennels but it was not. when she went back on Facebook to check which kennels it was she could not find the post. Did anyone else see the post? would be very gratefully for any news.
Last edited: 2013-10-08 22:56:50 by Dawn
Where is Billy? No news to share. Have emailed owner.
Sadly no update just now, owners out at the moment with more posters.
Billy went missing from home, was in company of another Labrador that did return home somewhat out of breath. Owners have informed all & continue to search. Am sharing, sending Sammie's advice sheets.
Have sent text to offer help.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in SN4,5,11,15,16.
Sorry to see that BILLY is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (58054)
  • Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
  • You will need to be logged in to upload photos, edit your dog's details, or add comments. You can add comments by clicking on Click here to add a comment.
  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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