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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 50 of 203
Page: 1 of 5 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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All Registered
23/03/25 197304 Lost MERLIN Y Male Cat North East LS12 3
21/03/25 197261 Lost SIMBA Y Male German Shepherd Dog North East LS12 5
20/03/25 197252 Lost LOUIE Y Male Cat North East LS12 3
21/10/24 192772 Lost PIXIE UPDATE Y Female Dachshund North East LS12 8
11/08/24 193761 Reunited MABEL Y Female Siberian Husky North East LS12 12
12/03/24 190952 Reunited LOLA Y Female Yorkshire Terrier Cross North East LS12 10
11/10/23 94103 Stolen KEVIN STILL MISSING Y Male Pinscher: Miniature North East LS12 19
08/09/23 186965 Reunited BAGEL Y Female Lurcher North East LS12 13
11/07/23 185548 Reunited SPIRIT Y Female Siberian Husky North East LS12 7
27/05/23 184511 Reunited FANGS THE CAT Y Male North East LS12 9
19/05/23 184378 Reunited CAT Y Female North East LS12 8
06/05/23 184073 Found UNKNOWN Unknown Bulldog North East LS12 1
06/05/23 184071 Found UNKNOWN Unknown Akita cross North East LS12 1
15/12/22 180918 Reunited MAISY Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 11
28/11/22 180581 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Lurcher North East LS12 4
11/11/22 180247 Found UNKNOWN Unknown American Bulldog North East LS12 2
30/09/22 179192 Lost LEXI Y Female Dogue de Bordeaux North East LS12 12
30/09/22 179159 Reunited OSCAR Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 6
13/08/22 177913 Reunited HARRY SIGHTED Y Male Terrier Cross North East LS12 18
11/08/22 178025 Lost BLAZE Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier North East LS12 7
07/07/22 177119 Lost BELLA Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier North East LS12 8
30/06/22 176951 Found UNKNOWN Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 0
21/06/22 176718 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Shar Pei Cross North East LS12 3
23/05/22 175983 Rehomed UNCLAIMED STRAY NOW GONE TO RESCUE Y Mastiff cross 4
06/05/22 175594 Rehomed UNKNOWN Y Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) 4
30/04/22 175443 Rehomed UNKNOWN Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 4
10/03/22 174075 Reunited OZZY STOLEN WITH BETTY Y Male American Bulldog North East LS12 11
10/03/22 174074 Reunited BETTY STOLEN WITH OZZY Y Female French Bulldog North East LS12 14
04/02/22 173219 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier North East LS12 3
02/02/22 173141 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Cross Breed North East LS12 3
08/01/22 172559 Reunited OMAR CAT Y Female North East LS12 1
06/01/22 172427 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown German Shepherd Dog North East LS12 5
08/12/21 171873 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Mastiff North East LS12 2
08/12/21 171872 Found NOW AT RESCUE CENTRE Y Unknown Cane Corso North East LS12 5
13/11/21 171341 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Beagle North East LS28 8
11/11/21 171304 Found UNCLAIMED WENT TO RESCUE Y Unknown English Springer Spaniel North East LS12 4
24/10/21 170741 Reunited KALI Y Female Cross Breed North East LS12 12
02/09/21 169442 Reunited KEISHA Y Female Anatolian Shepherd Dog North East LS12 10
26/07/21 168474 Reunited LADY CAT Y Female North East LS12 1
16/06/21 167150 Reunited SPLIFF Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 26
19/03/21 155971 Reunited FANGS THE CAT Y Male Unknown North East LS12 15
11/01/21 163667 Reunited OLLIE Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 3
28/08/20 145256 Reunited RICO STOLEN Y Male German Shepherd Dog North East LS12 24
26/06/20 155514 Reunited COCO Y Female French Bulldog North East LS12 17
17/05/20 156788 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Border Collie North East LS12 3
28/02/20 154653 Lost 2 CONURE PARAKEETS Y Unknown Bird North East LS12 4
13/11/19 150699 Stolen ISSAC Y Male Chihuahua North East LS12 13
07/10/19 149378 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East LS12 3
01/10/19 149161 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Labrador Cross North East LS12 1
19/09/19 148693 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Dachshund: Miniature North East LS12 1
Page: 1 of 5 Next Last

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