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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 22 of 22
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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All Registered
07/09/23 186971 Lost CHARLIE Y Male Labrador Cross Scotland PA3 12
12/02/23 182224 Reunited STEVIE Y Male Dachshund Scotland PA3 14
11/01/23 181391 Reunited ROCKY Y Male Beagle Scotland PA3 13
07/12/22 180693 Reunited POPPY Y Female Greyhound Scotland PA3 12
11/10/22 179433 Reunited LEO Y Male German Shepherd Dog Scotland PA3 6
01/08/22 177770 Reunited ALFIE Y Male Poodle: Miniature Scotland PA3 8
10/06/22 176409 Reunited POPPY Y Female Poodle: Toy Scotland PA3 5
07/03/22 173961 Reunited MAX Y Male Border Collie Scotland PA3 9
28/07/20 158708 Reunited COCO Y Female Cross Breed Scotland PA3 9
21/01/20 153278 Reunited DOT Y Female Dachshund: Miniature Scotland PA3 13
06/08/19 146982 Reunited BONNIE Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Scotland PA3 8
29/07/17 118071 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Cocker Spaniel Scotland PA3 3
19/01/17 110329 Reunited FLUFFY Y Female Cat Scotland PA3 5
01/08/16 103054 Reunited OCTOBER Y Male Cross Breed Scotland PA3 10
15/01/16 97317 Reunited ROXY Y Female Cross Breed Scotland PA3 9
07/07/14 71556 Lost TOBY Y Male Cross Breed Scotland PA3 6
14/05/12 39473 Found UNKNOWN Female Lurcher Scotland PA3 0
15/04/11 29193 Reunited ROCCO Y Male Ibizan Hound Scotland PA3 19
19/11/10 24940 Lost BOONE Y Male Norwegian Elkhound Scotland PA3 20
26/10/10 25337 Rainbow Bridge TOBY Y Male Cross Breed Rainbow Bridge PA3 24
02/10/08 15184 Reunited POPPY Y Female Labrador Cross Scotland PA3 7
01/01/04 5544 Lost LADY English Springer Spaniel Scotland PA3 19
Page: 1 of 1

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