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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 50 of 62
Page: 1 of 2
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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29/11/23 188828 Reunited LOLA Y Female Labrador Retriever Central S18 3
16/06/23 185016 Reunited SIMBA Y Male Cocker Spaniel Central S18 3
11/06/23 184886 Reunited COCO Y Female Italian Hound Central S18 7
21/07/22 177186 Reunited MAIZE Y Female Labrador Retriever Central S18 10
15/01/22 172718 Reunited BELLE Y Female Boxer cross South East SE18 8
22/10/21 170709 Lost UNKNOWN Y Female German Shepherd Cross Central S18 8
01/06/21 167112 Reunited POPPY Y Female Beagle North East S18 6
15/06/20 157455 Reunited MIKA Y Male Cross Breed Central ST18 8
26/11/19 151231 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Cocker Spaniel Central S18 2
21/08/19 147570 Reunited ROSIE Female Poodle cross Central S18 1
30/07/19 146609 Reunited PICA Y Male Chihuahua Central S18 8
10/07/19 145788 Reunited HENRY Y Male Parson Russell Terrier Central S18 11
01/07/19 145458 Reunited BERTIE Y Male Labradoodle North East S18 4
22/04/19 142839 Reunited HARLEY QUINN Y Female Spaniel Cross Central ST18 11
28/01/19 139875 Found SIGHTED ONLY IN RTA Y Unknown Cocker Spaniel Central S18 6
14/08/18 133107 Reunited RUBY Y Female Cat Central S18 4
01/04/18 127215 Reunited ALFIE Y Male Cross Breed Central S18 15
28/03/18 127162 Reunited EMMIE Y Female Shih Tzu Central S18 9
25/02/18 125990 Reunited SKYE Y Female Siberian Husky Central S18 5
01/12/17 122718 Reunited TOM Y Male Pug Central S18 4
23/11/17 122406 Reunited MARLEY Y Male Terrier Cross Central S18 6
04/11/17 121671 Reunited BELLA Y Female Border Collie North East S18 1
15/08/17 118727 Reunited MINNIE Y Female Cockerpoo Central S18 6
19/04/17 114021 Found SIGHTED ONLY Y Male Labrador Cross Central S18 1
21/02/16 98863 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Cross Breed Central S18 0
14/04/15 85567 Found UNKNOWN Female Siberian Husky Central S18 1
14/04/15 85565 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Central S18 0
20/02/15 83088 Reunited BRUNO Y Male German Shepherd Dog North East S18 10
10/11/14 78042 Reunited HARVEY Y Male Border Terrier Cross North East S18 7
11/10/14 76307 Reunited AMBER Y Female West Highland White Terrier North East S18 4
04/08/14 72975 Reunited TOD Male English Springer Spaniel North West S18 2
07/02/14 64223 Reunited BELLA Y Female Hungarian Vizsla Central S18 12
01/12/13 60817 Found XWENDYX Y Male Labrador Retriever Central S18 4
30/11/13 60706 Reunited PICKLE Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross North East S18 15
21/10/13 58684 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Lurcher North East S18 0
09/07/13 54205 Reunited POPPY Y Female Yorkshire Terrier North East S18 10
09/07/13 54084 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Cross Breed North East S18 6
21/06/13 53843 Reunited STORM Y Male Siberian Husky Central S18 2
13/04/13 51143 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Patterdale Terrier Central S18 11
28/03/13 50098 Reunited RUBY KENNEL NAME Y Female German Shepherd Dog North East S18 6
27/02/13 49336 Reunited UNKNOWN Unknown Cross Breed Central S18 4
22/02/13 49100 Reunited LUCY KENNEL NAME Female Border Collie North East S18 4
02/02/13 48171 Reunited ROSIE Female Yorkshire Terrier Wales SA18 4
29/01/13 47277 Reunited UNKNOWN Unknown Rottweiler North East S18 4
10/01/13 33989 Lost NELLIE Y Female English Springer Spaniel Central S18 27
11/11/12 44715 Reunited OLLIE Male Border Collie Central S18 7
11/11/12 44673 Reunited CHLOE Female Dachshund: Miniature North East S18 73
19/09/12 43118 Found BLAZE KENNEL NAME Male Patterdale Terrier North East S18 1
13/07/12 40797 Reunited FLAME KENNEL NAME Y Male Cross Breed North East S18 10
03/05/12 39139 Reunited COOKIE KENNEL NAME Y Female Labrador Retriever North East S18 4
Page: 1 of 2 Next

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