Click on a dog to see more details. N.B. 5,411 dogs reunited before 2008 not shown
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DateLatest Alert Date | ID | Status | Name | Pic | Gender | Breed | Region All Registered |
Postcode All Registered |
Posts |
02/03/12 | 37327 | Reunited | CINDY KENNEL NAME | Y | Female | Collie Cross | North East | S18 | 1 |
06/10/11 | 32976 | Rainbow Bridge | JOEY | Y | Male | Labrador Cross | Rainbow Bridge | S18 | 29 |
15/08/11 | 31753 | Reunited | UNKNOWN | Y | Male | Staffordshire Bull Terrier | Central | S18 | 5 |
09/07/11 | 30927 | Found | UNKNOWN | Unknown | Pointer | North East | S18 | 0 | |
08/05/11 | 29655 | Reunited | MAX | Y | Male | Labrador Retriever | North East | S18 | 12 |
02/11/09 | 20533 | Lost | SLWI | Y | Female | German Shepherd Dog | Wales | S18 | 6 |
26/10/09 | 20410 | Lost | SAMMY | Male | Cross Breed | North East | S18 | 4 | |
03/09/09 | 19626 | Rainbow Bridge | BEAGLE LARGE REWARD | Y | Female | Beagle | Rainbow Bridge | S18 | 11 |
07/04/09 | 17849 | Lost | MOLL - REWARD | Y | Female | Collie Cross | North East | S18 | 3 |
24/11/08 | 15980 | Reunited | SISSY | Y | Female | Welsh Springer Spaniel | North East | S18 | 3 |
01/01/04 | 4918 | Lost | SMARTY | Y | Patterdale Cross | South West | S18 | 19 | |
01/01/04 | 873 | Lost | ROVER | Y | Labrador Cross | South West | S18 | 2 | |