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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 31 of 31
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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All Registered
09/02/24 190371 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Lurcher Central ST8 2
23/09/23 187309 Reunited CHOLE Y Female Cockerpoo Central ST8 8
11/06/21 167362 Reunited UNKNOWN Unknown Staffordshire Bull Terrier Central ST8 3
09/11/20 161986 Reunited LIBBY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Central ST8 3
25/05/20 156955 Reunited MABEL Y Female Bulldog Cross Central ST8 11
17/04/20 156093 Found HONEY Y Unknown Labrador Cross Central ST8 8
17/12/19 151964 Reunited OZZY Y Male Cross Breed Central ST8 10
24/09/19 148899 Lost LANA Y Female Cat Central ST8 6
28/07/19 146528 Reunited ASPEN Y Male Cross Breed Central ST8 10
06/12/18 137829 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Cockerpoo Central ST8 6
07/07/18 131508 Reunited BELLA Y Female Cocker Spaniel Central ST8 16
10/04/18 127707 Reunited HEIDI Female German Shepherd Dog Central ST8 7
03/01/18 123965 Reunited SPUD Y Male Cross Breed Central ST8 9
08/11/17 121777 Reunited POPPY Y Female Hungarian Vizsla Central ST8 13
01/11/17 118991 Stolen BRUNO Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Central ST8 24
07/04/17 113502 Reunited SALLY Y Female Border Collie Central ST8 5
08/01/17 109857 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Siberian Husky Central ST8 1
26/01/16 97781 Reunited BEEFY Unknown Yorkshire Terrier Cross Central ST8 4
13/10/15 92994 Reunited MITSY Y Female German Shepherd Dog Central ST8 9
10/01/15 81154 Reunited PATCH Female Greyhound North West ST8 7
10/12/14 79571 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Cocker Spaniel Central ST8 5
13/07/14 71797 Found UNKNOWN Y Female American Bulldog Central ST8 9
13/07/14 71795 Found UNKNOWN Y Female American Bulldog Central ST8 9
04/07/14 71375 Lost HARLEY Y Male Pinscher: Miniature Central ST8 5
01/05/13 50582 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male German Shepherd Dog Central ST8 14
16/01/13 46368 Lost DAISY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross Central ST8 16
03/12/12 45864 Reunited ELIZE PHILLIPS Male German Shepherd Dog Central ST8 5
17/08/12 42190 Reunited ROSIE Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross Central ST8 8
21/07/12 41430 Reunited UNKNOWN Female Cocker Spaniel Central ST8 8
06/03/12 37694 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross Central ST8 2
04/01/11 27196 Reunited UNKNOWN Male Yorkshire Terrier Central ST8 5
Page: 1 of 1

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