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All Registered Dogs - Results 38601 to 38650 of 165861
First Page: 773 of 3318 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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02/02/20 153735 Reunited DAHLIA Y Female Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Central ST3 11
02/02/20 153734 Rainbow Bridge TYSON Y Male Chihuahua Cross Central CV31 7
02/02/20 153732 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Mastiff cross South East BR2 1
02/02/20 153731 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Cocker Spaniel South East BR1 4
02/02/20 153727 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Unknown South East SE28 2
02/02/20 153723 Found OSCAR Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross Central NG8 2
02/02/20 153722 Lost DAISY Y Female Cocker Spaniel South East TN17 9
02/02/20 153721 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Lurcher South East LU7 3
02/02/20 153720 Reunited MOLLIE Y Female Shih Tzu North West M22 4
02/02/20 153719 Reunited BAILEY Female Beagle East Anglia CM15 0
02/02/20 153718 Found UNKNOWN Y Female Spaniel Cross South East OX3 1
02/02/20 153717 Found SIGHTED ONLY Unknown Whippet South West GL54 0
02/02/20 153716 Reunited BERT Y Male Terrier Cross North West OL2 1
02/02/20 153715 Reunited HENRY Y Male Cocker Spaniel North West BB7 1
02/02/20 153714 Reunited ALFIE Y Male Sprocker North West BB7 2
02/02/20 153713 Reunited DIGGER Y Male Golden Retriever Scotland KY13 7
02/02/20 153711 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Cockerpoo South East KT5 3
02/02/20 153032 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Lurcher East Anglia IP33 3
02/02/20 153503 Reunited SISSY Y Female Cross Breed South East RH14 8
02/02/20 153667 Reunited TY Y Male Cat South East BN22 5
02/02/20 153693 Reunited LARA Y Female Pomeranian South East CT19 6
02/02/20 153697 Reunited DAISY Y Female German Shepherd Dog East Anglia PE15 10
02/02/20 153704 Reunited POPPY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross North West BL4 5
02/02/20 153705 Reunited RUBY Y Female Cocker Spaniel South West PL25 7
02/02/20 153706 Reunited FERN Y Female Hungarian Vizsla Central NG21 10
02/02/20 153708 Reunited BAILEY Female Beagle South East CM15 4
01/02/20 153709 Reunited SCRUFF Y Male Unknown South East CM23 4
01/02/20 153707 Reunited DAISY Y Female Beagle Wales SA44 3
01/02/20 153703 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Doberman Cross Central CV35 1
01/02/20 153700 Reunited GUCCI Y Male Cross Breed Wales SY23 6
01/02/20 153702 Reunited LILY Y Female Cat North West BL8 9
01/02/20 153699 Lost CHARLIE Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross Wales CF37 4
01/02/20 153698 Found UNKNOWN DECEASED Y Male Labrador Retriever South East TN24 5
01/02/20 153128 Rainbow Bridge ALFIE WAS WOLFIE Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East KT11 16
01/02/20 153696 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Presa Canario Southern Ireland S.Ireland 2
01/02/20 153695 Reunited BROOK Y Female Hungarian Vizsla South East GU9 20
01/02/20 153694 Lost CLEO Y Female Husky Cross North East HU7 7
01/02/20 153660 Reunited HARLEY Y Male Hungarian Vizsla East Anglia CB2 12
01/02/20 153692 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Labrador Retriever North East DH8 4
01/02/20 153691 Stolen PUFY STOLEN WITH BELLA Y Male Bichon Frise Central CV11 13
01/02/20 153690 Reunited HERA Y Female Cross Breed South East LU7 7
01/02/20 153689 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown English Springer Spaniel East Anglia IP33 3
01/02/20 153688 Stolen BELLA STOLEN WITH PUFY Y Female Bichon Frise Central CV11 19
01/02/20 153685 Reunited KEG Y Female Siberian Husky Central NG6 1
01/02/20 153684 Found PUG X SHIH TZU Y Male Pug South East W2 2
01/02/20 153683 Reunited COFFEE Y Female Labrador Cross South East N1 6
01/02/20 153682 Reunited MABEL Y Female German Shepherd Cross South East SO40 2
01/02/20 153681 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Southern Ireland S.Ireland 3
01/02/20 153680 Rehomed UNKNOWN Y Male Bichon Frise Central 2
01/02/20 153493 Rainbow Bridge MINNIE Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier North West WA16 17
First Back Page: 773 of 3318 Next Last

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