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reunited Dogs - Results 40901 to 40950 of 96518
First Page: 819 of 1931 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
14/08/17 118661 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Yorkshire Terrier North West CH45 3
14/08/17 118664 Reunited FRANK Y Male Cairn Terrier South East WD19 5
14/08/17 118665 Reunited RALPH Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South West GL8 10
14/08/17 118666 Reunited MOLLY Y Female West Highland White Terrier South East WD19 4
14/08/17 118673 Reunited STELLA Y Female Spaniel Cross South East HP13 16
14/08/17 118674 Reunited POPPY Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South West HR2 8
14/08/17 118675 Reunited DOUGAL Male Bichon Frise South East E11 4
14/08/17 118679 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Cairn Terrier Wales NP13 0
13/08/17 118678 Reunited SID Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Central SW17 2
13/08/17 118677 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Central B67 5
13/08/17 118669 Reunited UNKNOWN Female Yorkshire Terrier Cross South East SO24 2
13/08/17 118667 Reunited ELMO Y Female Border Collie East Anglia LN4 7
13/08/17 118663 Reunited OGGY Y Male Poodle cross South East GU12 5
13/08/17 118662 Reunited GHOST Y Male Siberian Husky Central WS10 3
13/08/17 118227 Reunited UNKNOWN GONE FOR REHOMING Y Female Neapolitan Mastiff South East UB4 4
13/08/17 118659 Reunited MAISIE Y Female Cross Breed South East RH12 11
13/08/17 118657 Reunited BEX Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South West BH23 4
13/08/17 118654 Reunited SOPHIE Y Female Cocker Spaniel Central B97 17
13/08/17 118652 Reunited ROSSI Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Scotland KY4 4
13/08/17 118335 Reunited SUZIE Y Female Schnauzer: Standard North East TS8 10
13/08/17 118650 Reunited WITH HELD Y Male Border Collie North East DH8 4
13/08/17 118642 Reunited ROSA Y Female Labradoodle North East HX1 4
13/08/17 118640 Reunited BEAUTY Y Female Cross Breed North West SK11 3
13/08/17 118639 Reunited LUULLA Y Female Chihuahua North East BD13 5
13/08/17 118638 Reunited INDI Y Female Beagle Wales SA11 5
13/08/17 118140 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Spaniel Cross North West CH46 3
13/08/17 118174 Reunited UNKNOWN GONE FOR REHOMING Y Male Cross Breed South East LU5 2
13/08/17 118226 Reunited UNKNOWN GONE FOR REHOMING Y Unknown Collie Cross Central CV23 5
13/08/17 118380 Reunited UNKNOWN GONE FOR REHOMING Y Male Lurcher South East MK44 3
13/08/17 118456 Reunited LULU Y Female Shih Tzu cross South East RM10 10
13/08/17 118493 Reunited ZIGGY Y Male Labrador Cross North East LS11 15
13/08/17 118569 Reunited MAXIMUS Y Male Bulldog Southern Ireland EIRE 10
13/08/17 118597 Reunited LADY Y Female Whippet South East E17 11
13/08/17 118607 Reunited BOBBY Y Male Border Collie East Anglia CB25 12
13/08/17 118623 Reunited LADY Y Female Greyhound North East DH7 12
13/08/17 118627 Reunited JASPER Y Male Chihuahua East Anglia PE31 9
13/08/17 118630 Reunited BELA Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North West BB9 15
13/08/17 118632 Reunited FIZZ Y Female Cross Breed East Anglia PE10 3
12/08/17 118550 Reunited MORGAN Y Female Yorkshire Terrier Cross South West GL2 10
12/08/17 118629 Reunited UNKNOWN Male Labrador Retriever South West TR20 3
12/08/17 118628 Reunited WILBUR Y Male Pointer South East SO43 10
12/08/17 118626 Reunited TWIZZLE Male Chihuahua Central WV11 1
12/08/17 118620 Reunited BUSTER Male Chihuahua Cross Central LE3 0
12/08/17 118575 Reunited LEXIE Y Female English Setter South West SO20 19
12/08/17 118605 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel North East NE34 3
12/08/17 118608 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female English Springer Spaniel North East DL12 0
12/08/17 118606 Reunited MEESHA SIGHTED Female Jack Russell Terrier North West L4 2
12/08/17 118596 Reunited MILO Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East HA2 4
12/08/17 118593 Reunited CODY Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier South West BH18 6
12/08/17 118591 Reunited JAZZ AND FIZZ Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South West TQ13 5
First Back Page: 819 of 1931 Next Last

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