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Reunited Dogs - Results 47851 to 47900 of 103718
First Page: 958 of 2075 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
28/04/17 113535 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Shih Tzu cross North West CH49 5
28/04/17 114189 Reunited SIMPSON Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Scotland KA18 8
28/04/17 114228 Reunited GIZMO Y Male Cat South East PO1 12
28/04/17 114244 Reunited NERON Y Male Siberian Husky Central LE3 10
28/04/17 114285 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Collie Cross South East SL6 3
28/04/17 114321 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East BR5 3
28/04/17 114328 Reunited SCRUFFLES Y Female Jack Russell Terrier South East CR0 9
28/04/17 114333 Reunited UNKNOWN Unknown Dachshund: Miniature South West SP6 2
28/04/17 114336 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female West Highland White Terrier North East TS25 4
28/04/17 114337 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Jack Russell Terrier Cross North West 4
28/04/17 114338 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Unknown South East E17 8
28/04/17 114340 Reunited SIZZLE Y Female Lurcher East Anglia NR34 5
27/04/17 114298 Reunited KITA Y Female Akita cross North West OL7 3
27/04/17 114344 Reunited ALFIE Y Male Chihuahua Cross South East TN35 1
27/04/17 114345 Reunited WAGGLES Y Unknown Collie Cross South East TN35 1
27/04/17 114341 Reunited OZZY Y Male Beagle South East RG9 4
27/04/17 114239 Reunited MURPHY Y Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Central B23 10
27/04/17 114339 Reunited BOBBI Y Female Chihuahua Cross Central RM18 4
27/04/17 114296 Reunited POLLY Y Female Cross Breed South West BH2 8
27/04/17 114331 Reunited BENJAMIN Y Male Shih Tzu South East SW16 12
27/04/17 108310 Reunited SCARLET REUNITED PHOTO Y Female Beagle cross Central NG24 77
27/04/17 114284 Reunited TEDDY BEAR Y Female German Shepherd Cross North East WF10 8
27/04/17 114319 Reunited DAISY Female Bulldog Cross East Anglia MK3 0
27/04/17 114314 Reunited BAILEY Y Male Cross Breed South East SW11 5
27/04/17 114275 Reunited BISCUIT Y Male Chihuahua Central CV5 18
27/04/17 114309 Reunited OLDER BLACK LABRADOR Y Male Labrador Retriever South East 1
27/04/17 114308 Reunited SYLVIE Y Female Greyhound South East E5 7
27/04/17 114307 Reunited THROWN FROM A CAR DOG FOUR Y Unknown Cross Breed Southern Ireland Ireland 4
27/04/17 114306 Reunited THROWN FROM A CAR DOG THREE Y Unknown Border Terrier Cross Southern Ireland Ireland 5
27/04/17 114305 Reunited THROWN FROM A CAR DOG TWO Y Unknown Greyhound Southern Ireland Ireland 4
27/04/17 114304 Reunited THROWN FROM A CAR DOG ONE Y Unknown English Springer Spaniel Southern Ireland Ireland 14
27/04/17 114303 Reunited SCAMP Y Male Bichon Frise South East TN20 5
27/04/17 114302 Reunited ZAFFRON Y Female Greyhound South East SO22 4
27/04/17 113765 Reunited MALE AND FEMALE HUSKY Y Unknown Siberian Husky South East SG19 2
27/04/17 114071 Reunited NORRIS Y Male Cross Breed South East MK44 6
27/04/17 114145 Reunited LUNAR Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North East S75 16
27/04/17 114279 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Border Collie East Anglia PE37 4
27/04/17 114283 Reunited ZOSIA Y Female Cross Breed South East W12 7
27/04/17 114291 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Terrier Cross North West WN7 4
26/04/17 114295 Rainbow Bridge RYP Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South West SP4 13
26/04/17 114162 Reunited FIZZ Y Female Bedlington Terrier East Anglia DN21 9
26/04/17 114276 Reunited SION Y Male Sheltie North West SK2 3
26/04/17 108786 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female American Bulldog North West CH41 2
26/04/17 113561 Reunited AMERICAN BULLDOG CROSS Y Male American Bulldog North West CH44 4
26/04/17 114079 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Yorkshire Terrier Cross North West BL3 4
26/04/17 114080 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Unknown Terrier Cross North West WN7 4
26/04/17 114111 Reunited SEQUOIA Y Male Cat North West SK7 6
26/04/17 114118 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North West CH41 3
26/04/17 114156 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross North West WN1 8
26/04/17 114222 Reunited BETTY Y Female Cross Breed North East DH1 10
First Back Page: 958 of 2075 Next Last

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