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Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross Mainly White With Light Tan Markings On Head And Ears (Age: Young Adult)

Missing from Outside of Maskee, Stoney Lane, Medstead, GU34 5EL. Stoney Lane is a bridle path with little if no passing through traffic. , GU34 area, South East on Wednesday, 2nd May 2012

Evie and our other dog had got out of the house and my daughter, who was ill off school at the time, heard them barking at looked out of the window to see a white van drive past. WHen she went outside to get the dogs in Evie was missing and there was no sign of the van. Speaking to a neighbour he noticed the white van, possible an early Vauxhall Astra Van, driving rapidly down Stoney Lane and then five minutes drive back again. This is strange in iteself as there are entry/exits at both ends of the lane wh

There is a REWARD for EVIE's safe return.

Help us find EVIE - print this poster from https://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=39166

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