Reunited: Black And White Greyhound Female

  • Dog ID 102251
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Jul 2016
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound (Neutered)
  • Age
  • Colour black and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 12 Jul 2016
  • Where Lost a White Fiat Doblo Cargo (small van) full of dogs has just been stolen from Glennie Road. The dog walker was collecting from our house when a man in a grey hoody ran down the road and stole the van w
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SE27
  • Date Reunited 28 Nov 2016
  • Other Info One dog, a brown cocker spaniel, has since been recovered by the police from Sydenham. Police ref: 3100 - 12
  • Listed By BB451 Kent co-ordinator
  • Views 33406


Sightings and Information

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Great article, same Mattie is still missing.
Great article in the Guardian today with Nina's story :)
DogLostDebbie - Area Volunteer, South London
Best news ever! So glad Nina is home. Now just Mattie to go and Jules the jug from the SE23 stolen dogs. So happy for Nina and her family :)
Lovely reunited picture,brought tears to my eyes x
Millys Mum
OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is just the best news. I live close to where the dogs were stolen from and have NEVER stopped looking and spreading the word. I do hope that Nina is okay after her horrible ordeal; it's so lovely to see that beautiful reunited photo. I will now update the 4 dog poster that is pinned to our work wash bay gate and put a separate one beside it for Mattie. Welcome home gorgeous, pretty Nina xxxx
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Reunited photo added, you may need to refresh/reload your screen to see it xx
Such Wonderful News!! Well done to everyone involved in the return of Nina!
Owners must be Thrilled!! Welcome Home Nina :D
C'mon Mattie, come home for Christmas !
Twitter as well as Facebook Jayne ha !
Millypod does a Wonderful Job on Twitter
I DO try to RT Her posts, Tweet to Her too
Nina & the others were ALL over Twitter - but i agree, Facebook does seem to reach more Social Groups :)
#nevagiveuphope xxxx
What a lovely early Christmas present for those kiddies
& Nina must be soooo happy to be Home too
EVIL PET THIEVES - Get a JOB & Leave our Beloved Family Pets alone !
Welcome Home Gorgeous Girl
Well Done #TeamNina
Fantastic news! And well done to all involved in Nina's recovery.
I bet that's one happy household tonight :)

Hoping to see similar good news for little Mattie very soon X
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Wonderful news! Really so pleased for all involved, hopefully Mattie will follow soon x
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Welcome home Nina, another good news story to give us all renewed hope.

Thank you doglost xxxx
Wonderful news. Stay safe now Nina:-)xxx
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
What fantastic news welcome home Nina, lots of cuddles waiting I'm sure xx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Fantastic news :)) Welcome home Nina.xx

Your turn now Little Mattie
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Mattie will be bumped now!
DogLostSam99-Area volunteer, South Bucks
Fantastic news, so pleased for all those involved :-)
Just wonderful news - need to really push Mattie now and get her home too.So pleased for Nina's family - bet their wee girl was over the moon when she heard
Christmas has come early for Nina's huuumans. So
Pleased for them. Come on Mattie let's get you home as well xxx
Words can not express my joy and relief. Let's go all out for Mattie now. Welcome home lovely Nina! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Very very lovely news
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
YES YES YES! Well done everyone for sharing...IT WORKS! 747 shares generated by doglost helpers equates to .....wait for it...every person on FB has an average of 150 friends..and then ongoing I make that over 175,000 shares..and then ongoing...well done everyone!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Comment awaiting moderation
Such brilliant news ! So pleased Nina is home ,hope Mattie is soon home too x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Brilliant news! Well done to all who helped find her :)
Fingers crossed that little Mattie is found and home in time for Christmas too
Fantastic news - the best possible and what an achievement from everyone!
Absolutely fantastic news ..I bet the family are over the moon. Such a wonderful Christmas present for them all xxxx
This is just the most amazing news. Welcome home Nina and well done everyone involved in getting her reunited. Party time.
Welcome home Nina , so pleased xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Great news
Welcome home Nina. X
For Nina's family - OMG! What fantastic news, absolutely wonderful, over the moon for you and your family. This really does give hope to people who have lost/stolen family members. I can't express the excitement I have for you all. What a lovely Christmas, the family complete xxx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Been waiting to do this . NINA IS HOME. owner wanted her daughter to be home from school and the first to know.

Yes you did it, you shared her so much she was too hot to handle.
We're sorry but we can't give you any details due to this being an on going case.
Her Mum would like to thank you all for sharing and offering support. You're amazing!
Now we need to get Mattie home for Christmas!!!
Shared Twitter
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Thank you Choowie74 sadly not Nina, she has smooth hair on her ears and her chest markings don't go right up to her chin xx
It seems odd that there haven't even been sightings of the van?
Tilly has been found in New Addington near Croydon we now need to send alerts out in this area for Nina and Mattie

I feel I must make another comment here - the 'hoodie' theme is very common. An attempted dog theft happened a few weeks on Roundway Down in Devizes Wiltshire. A white van, three men with 'hoodies' were parked in the carpark at the bottom end - (people that walk there will know where I mean). One was waiting in the van, another keeping watch in the carpark. The lady felt very intimidated so put her dog on the lead as she entered the woods. She was then approached by a third man, waiting in the woods wearing a hoodie. He asked her directions (Irish accent) and at that time made a forceful attempt to grab a dogs lead from the owners hand, the owner was also pushed I believe. She was walking her dog alone. As sheer luck would have it another dog walker appeared at that time, he ran off and they drove away.
Jane's all gone very quiet on these three dogs - not even the van recovered. The punishment for dog theft is pathetic and puts everyones dogs at risk. The government should hang their heads in shame. Dog theft has increased. More pressure is needed to protect our family members from evil lowlife. Much stronger sentences are needed. The situation is/has got our of control. We need more protection and need it now..Last edited: 2016-08-01 10:47:44 by Jane
Extra alerts sent to BR8
Wonderful News about Lily
Now for Nina Tilly & Mattie soon to Follow x
Fantastic news! Mattie Nina and Tilly hopefully soon to follow :)
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Brilliant news! Hope the other 3 will be home safe soon
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Brilliant news! Hope the other 3 will be home safe soon
GREAT NEWS:: Lilly has be found in swanley Kent, hopefully getting closer to the other three
These missing dogs were mentioned on LBC (radio) early this morning. It was about 3.30 - 4 am. The person rang in to say he was putting it on all social networks. I know this has been done as much as possible but it it a bit more publicity and LBC goes out nationally I think.
This is such a terribly sad story. Why doesn't the thief just let someone know where these beautiful dogs are, so they can be returned to their heartbroken families..
Here's a thought - the driver left her phone in the van - would the police be able to track the GPS signal to help locate it? Does the phone have an anti theft setting where it will take a selfie of the person who may now be using it?
The van will certainly be out of sight but I hope whoever took the dogs does the right thing and leaves them in a safe place if they havent already let them go somewhere!
Thunderclap shared - I was told the van is white with NO signage - the dogwalker isn't anonymous, she was named on a Facebook site as part of a dogwalking company she runs with another lady
Plz Support the Thunderclap for the Stolen Dogs (& Van)
I DO Wish that we had more details of the Van - Signage on it's side etc. ?
Is the Dogwalker still remaining Anonymous ?

A Thunderclap helps Spread the Word on Social Media - it appears as a post on Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr - at same time, same date - Helps raise the Profile - hopefully get Trending on Twitter if hundreds of people will Click The Link & Support
Shelagh and myself went to south london this morning, we checked all the cemeteries without any sightings, talked to lots of dog walkers and others and gave out doglost cards, also gave them to parks staff who were not aware of what has happened? we also looked into a nature reserve which we feel is where she will bed down if she is in that area as its overgrown providing good cover and is fairly quiet
Chi-wow-wee (Sarah)
Shared to all groups Inc Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner FB group which has 11k + members! My hubby has a business in Crystal Palace and drives all over SE, so he has photos of all dogs & van details. We used to live in a flat which overlooked Mayow Park, Bishopsthorpe Rd where spaniel was found also borders Mayow Park & Crystal Palace Park is also within walking distance. I live Streatham/Tooting/Mitcham border now and have shared to all local groups. Everyone at Tooting Common is talking about it... So hope we get some good news today. X
Have re-tweeted again using the #BeckBromFL and #Greenwichhour Twitter tags. Here's hoping...
I spent 2 hours in Beckenham Park this AM. Put posters at all the entrances and handed them out to dog walkers. Spoke to lots of people who walk there everyday all of whom will search as they are walking. On a positive note, quite a few had already heard about the dogs so word is spreading. I think more postering would still help :)
Great efforts from everyone below X
Skywalker99 would have thought so wouldn't you....however they could have changed the plates....
I've tweeted all the beckenham community Twitter handles and asked if they will spread the word, good luck!
I've been in touch with BBC Radio London - Joanne Good - who has a doggy radio show this afternoon from 3 til 4pm (94.9 FM). She has told me that they are doing a whole feature about the missing dogs today.
As there has been a sighting of the van, surely the police can track it via APNR camera's ?
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
Seen on Twitter that the Brentwood rumour is circulating. I've said that that info had changed (as per post on here) but I fear there may be many more on FB/Twitter. Would it be possible to put something in the headline bit above? That's the problem with the new social media, it was much easier to keep track on Doglost years ago!
Safedog Crash Tested Car CratesBaggy Dog
Just went to print poster and realised that I needed to go into 102276 to print the image with the dogs in. Would it be possible to change the poster on here so that it's got the dog pics in please?
BeccyShep has found someone near her to print some posters and is collecting them on her way to beckenham place park at 0730 :-)
thank you jane, whichever is the easiest for you? beccy i can print some posters but as already said not sure what time we will be able to get there
Final request: if there is anyone who is able to print some posters for me- I have no printer access. If I have posters I will put them up all over the park and hand them out. I can come and collect within a reasonable distance of forest hill/ Beckenham/ Sydenham :) X
Sorry just to clarify - the cemetery is easiest for me to get to (I don't drive) - I wil be heading over there early tmrw with my partner and our dog to search or alternatively will be going in the afternoon on my own. Great that ellejay has spoken to dogwalkers at Beckenham Place Park. Also good to know that Beckyshep and one of the owners were at cemetery today although a shame no further sightings. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Last edited: 2016-07-13 22:46:09 by Jane
Ronmaxtye, can you confirm whether the van sighting was tonight or last night please? Good luck with search tomorrow.Last edited: 2016-07-13 22:41:33 by csquaredb
Thats good, thank you ellejay, the only way we will find them is people keeping their eyes open, info is what we need
I have driven round the perimeters of BPPark tonight, as dogs tend to come out and scavenge after dark. No luck but have informed a few dog walkers who were around and one who already knew which is good news as word is spreading..will go again after work tomorrow, also have my husband and his workers looking in Peckham area out in their vans.
Beccy, if you and jane search Beckenham park tomorrow, i have 3 ladies from paws going to the cemetery in the morning then we are covered, shelagh and myself are going to try get there asap but we are coming from essex so it will be slow going
Assuming the dog walker has an iphone - can she not use the find my iphone feature to track the van and hopefully the dogs? The feature is automatically on unless physically switched off.
Hi, apologies, I've been searching the Cemetary today and I understand one of the dogs owners were there most the day without luck. Tomorrow I am going to head to Beckenham Park (5 minutes from my house) but the Cemetary is 20 minutes in the opposite direction and during rush hour a lot (LOT) longer. As such, I won't be at the Cemetary tomorrow but will head to Beckenham. If anyone wants to join me to search Beckenham Park that would be fantastic :)
Or if anyone is local to Beckenham/ Forest Hill and could print me off some posters that would be amazing - I can pick them up on route X
To the owners of these dogs - i have alerted network rail, thameslink and also south eastern trains to the situation, as the spaniel was dumped near a train line and the cemetery too is not far from the train line either. Please can you get in contact with network rail, the contact number is posted here. Get in contact asap and they will keep a look out. Not sure if all 4 owners want to contact or not, but will post on each doglost link anyway
Really sorry to hear this, Shannon. Could you please ask the individual to contact us on 03457 11 41 41. Many thanks. ^DJ
thank you ladies, if you meet at the cemetery at 7.30/8am that would be great, thank you
i will inform any others of the time to be at cemetery and you can decide who searches where
I can be in Beckenham tomorrow morning any time before 11 or later in the afternoon. I don't have a printer but if someone else could print out posters I will put up/ distribute across the whole park :)
I might be able to help tomorrow for a couple of hours - the cemetery is easier for me to get to than the Park. Can either search with group (depending on the time) or alternatively go up early to walk my dog.
Helpers need in the areas mentioned tomorrow to search the parks and cemetery, please reply if you can help and i will arrange a meeting place
Hi, considering the local area and where the van is known to have been/ one dog dumped, I think searching Beckenham Park would be a very good idea. It would've been an easy place to drop the dogs from several sides. I will be heading there in the AM with my dogs to search. If anyone else is available we could organise a search. Beccy
Are the police now on the lookout for it again? Presumably they have been informed?Last edited: 2016-07-13 21:10:42 by Jane
Have talked to the lady who sighted the van, it was not sighted not in Brentwood but still in south london, the lady was driving back to home in Brentwood and the van overtook her driving erratic which made her note the number, she does not remember where it was except it was a major road in south london, the A2 is likely, but the main thing is the van is NOT in Brentwood
Great to hear the van has been spotted. Re: yesterday's messages - has anyone looked in/around Beckenham Place Park yet for the other three dogs (I know Nina was seen in cemetery)? It's very near to where the other cocker spaniel dog was found.Last edited: 2016-07-13 21:09:32 by Jane
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Ron will be sharing...Have informed him on info passed on to us.
Was it spotted stationary or moving? Police attending? Everything crossed x
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Yes, it's true. Jayne from Head Office called me and asked me to spread the word on facebook xx
overhill road
is it true? Has the van been spotted? I am Tilly's owner.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Ron will call you..tx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX everyone!
shelagh and myself will go if its felt we could be of any use there
Have just put it out on streetlife Essex
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Just phoned Luci...she will spread on FB...tx Luci!
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Well done to the DL helper - I hope if the dogs are inside they are all ok. J. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in CM5,13,14,15. RM3,4.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
The stolen vehicle has just been sighted by a doglost helper in Brentwood,Essex...Tower Hill.
Update on Nina from her owner
I've had a possible sighting of her at 8.30am this morning, running out of Nunhead cemetry along Limesford road then doubling back. I've been around the cemetry and put up posters. Can anyone in Nunhead, Peckham and Honor Oak keep their eyes out.

Hope that helps as well.
There is a reservoir and Allotments alongside forest land adjoining cemetarys Across one road is peckham rye,there is a stream there
My friend is at Nunhead Cem now searching. Anyone know whereabouts Nina was seen?
Hi there. I live in SE18 and can lend a hand with the search if this would help? I've a lurcher & a greyhound myself, so if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Kind regards. Michelle
was she really sighted?
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Lousie625 we've checked that one and it's not Nina as was found before she went missing xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SE1,4,5,14,15,16,17,23.
Please check this girl out - long way away but you never know - on facebook page Retford Information Page -
Crossposting Majorjet's comment from the other dogs pages:

*** PLEASE USE 102276 FOR COMMENTS *** this will help keep details on one page.

THANKS a MILLION everyone for your support. xxxLast edited: 2016-07-13 12:41:09 by csquaredb
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared FB Twitter
I can see Nina now. Think you might need to refresh your browser if you cannot see her. I am praying Nina and the other 3 missing dogs are found safe and well as soon as possible. So sad.
Nina's picture seems to have disappeared from this page. Just seen your comment 'Milly's Mum' - yes agree - all good advice.Last edited: 2016-07-13 10:50:10 by Jane
Millys Mum
So very sorry to hear all these dogs are missing and do hope they are all found today. I definately agree with Jane about postering Beckenham Place Park as huge with woods and a popular golf course. I live I Beckenham and work close to one of the entrances to BPP in Foxgrove Roads. Also please call into the golf shop and ask them to display a poster so that the golfers are aware before they set off for their game. It's also a very popular dog walking area with many good and caring dog owners (and other walkers). It's also imperative that you call into Foxgrove Road Vets as they are open 24/7 as they provide emergency cover for many local vets. But, in the interim, their telephone number is 020 8650 2003. You should find that the reception and nursing staff are happy to help. Good Luck!
Crossposted announcement-
So sorry to hear about all these dogs. If one dog was dropped off in Sydenham then it might be worth checking Beckenham Place Park which is not too far away and would be an easy place to let dogs go if the guy only wanted the van and not the dogs. Worth putting posters up there. Really hope you find her soon. Last edited: 2016-07-13 07:27:43 by Jane
posted on fb Paws Helping Dogs in Need, I hope you have good news soon. x
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Posted on Dog Lost Surrey facebook page - I hope all the dogs are soon found safe and well. J. x
Dear Alison, thanks so much for adding Nina's photo and for all the help, it's very much appreciated and I'll keep you posted if any news comes in. Annax
have added the link/photos to every site i can think of including vehicle details, i think this stupid thief does not know what he has started, all the country will be looking for him and the dogs soon, i just hope he does not just let them out to run free
Email alerts sent to all CR,SM,SE & SW postcodes
Photo of Nina now added. Refresh page to view.
Hi, I'm the owner of the black lurcher that was in the van. Nina is still missing. I've put up posters in East Dulwich and Sydenham. I moved from East Dulwich to Sydenham 3 weeks ago so not sure where she'll head. I've got a photo to send you, do you have an email address? Thanks so much for all the sharing and posts, it's amazing to see. Anna xx
Crossposted info-
Van has NO signage.
It is a plain van-no signage.
Pictures of all four dogs-
Julie Dogs
The registration of the WHITE FIAT DOBLO CARGO VAN is WR 15 GNJ (information obtained fro South Norwood Animal Rescue Facebook page. I have been tweeting the registration. Any sightings need to be reported to Police on 999. Hope the remaining dogs are found safely soon.
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done ladies!
skyninchar... Buddy Hurst had made up a post for SM earlier with all dogs which can be shared with all links ....
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared FB Twitter
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with Doglost FB group, Public & Twitter. I hope all four dogs are safely back at home soon. X
Did dog walker leave his keys in the van? x
Adjusted tweet.....WHITE Fiat Doblo Cargo (small van) with 4 dogs STOLEN … … … #SouthEast #SE27 Plz RT
God I feel for the dog walker. Everything xd these dogs are found safe x
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
The dog that was recovered by police in Sydenham was found in Bishops Thrope Road. xx
posted on east london/essex sites and streetlife
Just a thought, could a post be made of all stolen dogs together for sharing
Can't believe I'm reading this, exactly the same thing happend to me in 2012 when I was a dog walker in Eltham. Both dogs i had on the van were later found dumped in Beckenham....sharing on FB
Shared FB and Twitter x
Thanks Abbalish. Do you have a photo of this dog that could be used for now please?
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Lost reports made for the dogs at BDCH, the lurcher/greyhound is an ex BDCH dog, female
Hi, the van is a White Fiat Doblo Cargo (small van) not a transit. Although fairly similar it's more of a crossover between estate & transit.
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Hi Baydogs, I'm already speaking with Andy and Belinda on facebook via Buddy Hirst xx
BB451. The person who sent out the alert, and is also one of the owners, is Andy Cottrill. He has an FB page here-
Maybe he knows the other dog owners and can contact them for a photo? (Greyhound and Yorkie)
Posted on ' COMMON DOG' Facebook group.
Has been posted that Brown Cocker Spaniel has been found dumped in Sydenham
"Leigham Court Road is Streatham, one end of it is Streatham Hill station"
Claire. Once stolen, the van was "driven off towards Leigham Court Road.."
no details where dog dumped as yet.
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Thanks Claire & BaydogsLast edited: 2016-07-12 14:45:54 by BB451 Kent co-ordinator
If the van was stolen in Streatham then probably he went on the South circular road and dumped them at the top of Sydenham so will check there but if I have a good idea of the area would be helpful x
No Im not the owner but in Sydenham now so will drive around the area and look for them x
BB451. Those are the two that I do NOT have at the mo but will keep looking.
circulating on twitter...WHITE Fiat VAN with 4 dogs STOLEN … #SouthEast #SE27 Plz RT
BB451 Kent co-ordinator
Baydogs, we still need photos for the greyhound and the teacup yorkie if you have them? xx
Trying to find that info for you Claire...
Are you the owner?
Please if you know post the location in Sydenham where the spaniel was found
Have found a photo of two of the missing dogs Jayne. Would you like me to send?
Do we know which area the brown cocker spaniel was found ? Was it in Sydenham ?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
oVER 1,000 local helpers alerted.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.

The dogs:
Brown cocker spaniel
Teacup Yorkie
Black and white cavapoo
Black and white Greyhound
Brown Cockerpoo

Drone SAR

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