Reunited: Blue Merle Sheltie Male

  • Dog ID 25835
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 28 Oct 2010
  • Name ROCKY
  • Gender & Breed Male Sheltie
  • Age Adult
  • Colour blue merle
  • Marks & Scars He has one brown eye and one blue eye.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 28 Oct 2010
  • Where Lost Glemsford, Sudbury, Suffolk
  • Lost In Region East Anglia
  • Lost In Post Area CO10
  • Date Found 29 Oct 2010
  • Where Found Found very close to where he went missing from.
  • Date Reunited 29 Oct 2010
  • Other Info Rocky slipped his collar when staying with the owner's friend. He is microchipped but has no collar and tag. He is fearful of strangers and should not be approached. Please ring owner's mobile if he is seen.
  • Listed By BaileyP
  • Views 3092
  • ROCKYPoster Image
  • ROCKYExtra Image


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Great stuff - saves me a drive over tomorrow ;^)
So relieved this lovely little boy is safely back home.
Auntie Katie
Welcome Home Gorgeous! Well done everybody - I'm so pleased he's home! xx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Wonderful news. Welcome back Rocky.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Brilliant, brilliant news! So very pleased that he is safe. Welcome home Rocky xxx
Gem Smith
hes just been picked up by the owners friend :)
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Just had a phone call from the owner, Rocky has been seen in the field where he went missing from. Owner's are now on their way up there and will keep me posted. Stay safe Rocky xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have spoken to the owner's and Rocky went missing from SHEPHERD'S LANE in Glemsford. He will not know the area as the owner lives about an hours drive from here.
I'm about 10/12 miles from Glemsford as well, so could help with a search (not Sat afternoon please!) if peeps could let us know where this dog was last sighted. Can owners also please add details to one of the DL FB pages, eg Jottie's? Thanks. Sounds like Rocky is a visitor so owners will need help
Gem Smith
Glemsford isnt far away from me at all. does he actualy live in glemsford or was he just staying there and where abouts did he go missing/was he staying please?
i'll make sure hubby shows the poster to the 2 posties that cover glemsford and their d/o cover before putting the poster on the sorting office notice board x
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
there's a 90 % chance this boy will return to where he was lost so very important to remain vigilant at that spot and blitz the place with posters. However if his owner lives in the area could well make his way home. Sounds like a typical Sheltie being spooky of strangers.
Hope he's found soon.

love Sylvxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Many thanks Kate, Jayne and BaileyP. I have now E-mailed general information, posters and flyers for Rocky and contact numbers for vets and rescue centres in Suffolk, hopefully we will hear some news very soon xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed out to local helpers CO6,8,9,10.
Auntie Katie
Have spoken to Rocky's mum, there's been no sightings of him since he went missing but the area is very rural with lots of places for him to be hiding. Will email all local contacts etc and pray that this gorgeous little man is soon home with his family! x x
Auntie Katie
Have just tried to ring but think possibly on the phone, have left message for them to call.
Have posted details on 2 sheltie forums and asked folks to cross post. Also Marc Abraham (tv vet) and Jodie Prenger have tweeted all the details to their thousands of followers on Twitter and asked them to pass it on.Last edited: 2010-10-28 20:18:12 by BaileyP
Auntie Katie
One of the EA co-ordinators will contact.

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